private void Waiter(Object parentThread)
                //Thread thrdTimer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Timer));
                int count = 0;
                int checkInterval = 50; //check if the parentThread is done every half a second.
                bool isTimeout = true;
                while (count < m_timeout)
                    if (((Thread)parentThread).IsAlive)
                        count += checkInterval;
                        isTimeout = false;
                if (isTimeout)
                    if (((Thread)parentThread).IsAlive)
                        Exception timeoutEx = new Exception("Timeout!");
                        throw timeoutEx;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message.Equals("Timeout!"))
                    /*When a thread calls Abort on itself, the effect is similar to throwing
                     * an exception; the ThreadAbortException happens immediately, and the result
                     * is predictable. However, if one thread calls Abort on another thread, the abort
                     * interrupts whatever code is running. There is a chance that a static constructor
                     * could be aborted. In rare cases, this might prevent instances of that class from
                     * being created in that application domain. In the .NET Framework versions 1.0 and
                     * 1.1, there is a chance the thread could abort while a finally block is running,
                     * in which case the finally block is aborted.*/
                    //lock (thisLock)

                    AbortThreadDelegate abd = new AbortThreadDelegate(AbortThread);
        private void AbortThread(Object toBeAborted)
            // do we need to switch threads?
            if (m_qbClient.InvokeRequired)
                AbortThreadDelegate abd = new AbortThreadDelegate(AbortThread);
                object[] argu = { toBeAborted };
                m_qbClient.BeginInvoke(abd, argu);

            //somehow aborting a thread could be dangerous