public static int OnGUI(AXHandle han, Rect pRect, AXNodeGraphEditorWindow editor) { int cur_y = (int)pRect.y; int lineHgt = 16; int margin = 24; int wid = (int)pRect.width - margin; int gap = 5; int indent = (int)pRect.x + 16; int indent2 = indent + 12; int indentWid = wid - indent; if (han.Name == null || han.Name == "") { han.Name = "Handle"; } if (han.isEditing) { if (han.expressions == null) { han.expressions = new List <string>(); } GUI.Box(new Rect(pRect.x, cur_y - 4, (pRect.width - 20), ((12 + han.expressions.Count) * lineHgt)), ""); // TITLE GUI.SetNextControlName("HanTitle_Text_" + han.parametricObject.Guid + "_" + han.param); han.Name = GUI.TextField(new Rect(pRect.x + 4, cur_y, pRect.width - 3 * lineHgt - 14, lineHgt), han.Name); cur_y += lineHgt; //if (expressions != null) //GUI.Box (new Rect(pRect.x, cur_y, wid, lineHgt*(8+expressions.Count)), GUIContent.none); // HANDLE_TYPE //EditorGUI.PropertyField( new Rect(indent, cur_y, pRect.width-3*lineHgt-14, lineHgt), hProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_type"), GUIContent.none); AXModel model = han.parametricObject.model; //string[] options = Archimatix.getMenuOptions(p.Name); cur_y += gap * 2; // HANDLE TYPE string[] options = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(AXHandle.HandleType)); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = wid - 50; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); han.Type = (AXHandle.HandleType)EditorGUI.Popup( new Rect(indent, cur_y, pRect.width - 3 * lineHgt - 14, lineHgt), "", (int)han.Type, options); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(model, "value change for handle type"); model.autobuild(); } cur_y += lineHgt + gap; GUIStyle labelstyle ="Label"); labelstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; // RUNTIME HANDLE: expose in Model interface ------------ Rect cntlRect = new Rect(indent, cur_y, pRect.width - 3 * lineHgt - 14, lineHgt); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); han.exposeForRuntime = EditorGUI.Toggle(cntlRect, "Runtime", han.exposeForRuntime); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(model, "Runtime Handle"); if (han.exposeForRuntime) { //Debug.Log(ArchimatixEngine.RuntimeHandlePrefab_PlanarKnob); //AXHandleRuntimeAlias rtHandleAlias = model.addHandleRuntimeAlias(han); if (ArchimatixEngine.RuntimeHandlePrefab_PlanarKnob != null) { // CREATE A GAME_OBJECT GameObject tmp = GameObject.Instantiate(ArchimatixEngine.RuntimeHandlePrefab_PlanarKnob); //GameObject tmp = GameObject.Instantiate(model.RuntimeHandlePrefab_PlanarKnob); = han.Name; Debug.Log("han.Name=" + han.Name); if (tmp != null) { tmp.transform.parent = model.runtimeHandlesGameObjects.transform; AXRuntimeHandleBehavior rtHandleBehavior = tmp.GetComponent <AXRuntimeHandleBehavior>(); rtHandleBehavior.handleGuid = han.Guid; rtHandleBehavior.handle = han; } } } else { model.removeHandleRuntimeAlias(han); AXRuntimeHandleBehavior[] rhbs = model.runtimeHandlesGameObjects.GetComponentsInChildren <AXRuntimeHandleBehavior> (); for (int j = 0; j < rhbs.Length; j++) { if (rhbs[j] != null && rhbs[j].gameObject != null && rhbs[j].handleGuid == han.Guid) { // This GameObject and all its children... if (Application.isPlaying) { GameObject.Destroy(rhbs[j].gameObject); } else { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(rhbs[j].gameObject); } break; } } Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } } cur_y += lineHgt + gap; // POSITION HEADER ------- GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, pRect.width - 3 * lineHgt - 14, lineHgt), new GUIContent("Position", "Use a number, parameter name, or a mathematical expressions to define the handle position")); cur_y += lineHgt; // X_POS GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, 12, lineHgt), "X"); GUI.SetNextControlName("x_Text_" + han.parametricObject.Guid + "_" + han.param); han.pos_x = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(indent2, cur_y, indentWid, lineHgt), han.pos_x); cur_y += lineHgt; // Y_POS GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, 12, lineHgt), "Y"); GUI.SetNextControlName("y_Text_" + han.parametricObject.Guid + "_" + han.param); han.pos_y = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(indent2, cur_y, indentWid, lineHgt), han.pos_y); cur_y += lineHgt; // Z_POS GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, 12, lineHgt), "Z"); GUI.SetNextControlName("z_Text_" + han.parametricObject.Guid + "_" + han.param); han.pos_z = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(indent2, cur_y, indentWid, lineHgt), han.pos_z); cur_y += lineHgt + gap; if (han.Type == AXHandle.HandleType.Circle) { // RADIUS GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, pRect.width - 3 * lineHgt - 14, lineHgt), new GUIContent("Radius", "Use a number, parameter name, or a mathematical expressions to define the handle radius")); cur_y += lineHgt; GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, 12, lineHgt), "R"); han.radius = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(indent2, cur_y, indentWid, lineHgt), han.radius); cur_y += lineHgt + gap; // TANGENT Color prevColor = Handles.color; Handles.color = Color.cyan; GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, pRect.width - 3 * lineHgt - 14, lineHgt), new GUIContent("Tangent", "Use a number, parameter name, or a mathematical expressions to define the handle tangent")); cur_y += lineHgt; GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, 12, lineHgt), "T"); han.tangent = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(indent2, cur_y, indentWid, lineHgt), han.tangent); cur_y += lineHgt + gap; /* * // OFFSET ANGLE * GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, pRect.width-3*lineHgt-14, lineHgt), new GUIContent("Angle", "Use a number, parameter name, or a mathematical expressions to define the handle angle")); * cur_y += lineHgt; * * GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, 12, lineHgt), "Z"); * angle = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(indent2, cur_y, indentWid, lineHgt), angle); * cur_y += lineHgt+gap; */ Handles.color = prevColor; } // EXPRESSIONS HEADER ------- GUI.Label(new Rect(indent, cur_y, pRect.width - 3 * lineHgt - 14, lineHgt), new GUIContent("Expressions", "These mathematical expressions interpret the handle's values.")); cur_y += lineHgt; if (han.expressions == null) { han.expressions = new List <string>(); } if (han.expressions.Count == 0) { han.expressions.Add(""); } for (int i = 0; i < han.expressions.Count; i++) { GUI.SetNextControlName("HandleExp_Text_" + han.parametricObject.Guid + "_" + han.param); han.expressions[i] = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(indent, cur_y, indentWid, 16), han.expressions[i]); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(pRect.width - lineHgt * 1.5f, cur_y - 1, lineHgt * 1.25f, lineHgt), "-")) { han.expressions.Remove(han.expressions[i]); //p.expressions.RemoveAt(i); } cur_y += lineHgt; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(pRect.width - lineHgt * 1.5f, cur_y, lineHgt * 1.25f, lineHgt), new GUIContent("+", "Add an expression to this Handle"))) { han.expressions.Add(""); } cur_y += gap * 5; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(pRect.width - 3 * lineHgt - 5, cur_y, 3 * lineHgt, lineHgt), "Done")) { if (han.parametricObject != null) { han.parametricObject.stopEditingAllHandles(); } han.isEditing = false; } cur_y += lineHgt; } else { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(pRect.x, pRect.y, wid - 16, 16), new GUIContent(han.Name, "Click to edit this handle."))) { han.parametricObject.stopEditingAllHandlesExcept(han); han.isEditing = true; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(wid + 6, pRect.y, lineHgt, lineHgt), "-")) { //Debug.Log ("REMOVE HANDLE..."); if (han.parametricObject != null) { han.parametricObject.removeHandleFromReplicantsControlsWithName(han.Name); han.parametricObject.handles.Remove(han); } } cur_y += lineHgt; return(cur_y - (int)pRect.y); }
// Maintain a AXHandle.GUID // and any other runtime preferences public static void OnGUI(AXHandleRuntimeAlias rth) { AXHandle handle = rth.handle; if (handle == null) { return; } //Event e = Event.current; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // FOLDOUT GUIStyle toggleStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout); toggleStyle.fixedWidth = 50; rth.isEditing = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(rth.isEditing, GUIContent.none); //Debug.Log(pa.isEditing); // SLIDER AND NUMBER FIELD GUIStyle textfieldStyle = new GUIStyle(; textfieldStyle.fixedWidth = 150; GUIStyle labelWrap = new GUIStyle(; labelWrap.stretchWidth = true; labelWrap.wordWrap = true; labelWrap.fontSize = 9; labelWrap.fixedWidth = 150; if (rth.isEditing) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); rth.alias = GUILayout.TextField(rth.alias, textfieldStyle); GUILayout.Label("You can edit the alias without altering the source handle.", labelWrap); GUILayout.Label("Actual: ", labelWrap); if (GUILayout.Button(handle.parametricObject.Name + "." + handle.Name)) { handle.parametricObject.model.selectPO(handle.parametricObject); //handle.ParentNode.isOpen = true; float framePadding = 200; Rect allRect = AXUtilities.getBoundaryRectFromPOs(handle.parametricObject.model.selectedPOs); allRect.x -= framePadding; allRect.y -= framePadding; allRect.width += framePadding * 2; allRect.height += framePadding * 2; AXNodeGraphEditorWindow.zoomToRectIfOpen(allRect); } GUILayout.Space(15); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } else { GUILayout.Label(rth.alias); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } // OnGUI()