Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this when changed an array element etc directly without assigning the array etc to a property. Else changes may be not saved.
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveLater()
            //if(_save == 0)
            AWarning.Write("JSettings.SaveLater", 1, "<>Trace: ");
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _save, 1);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a window trigger and its action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Cannot add triggers after <c>Triggers.Run</c> was called, until it returns.</exception>
        public Action <WindowTriggerArgs> this[TWEvent winEvent, AWnd.Finder f, TWFlags flags = 0, TWLater later = 0] {
            set {
                if (f.Props.contains.Value is AWinImage.Finder)
                    AWarning.Write("Window triggers with 'contains image' are unreliable.");

                var     t    = new WindowTrigger(_triggers, value, winEvent, f, flags, later);
                ref var last = ref _tActive; if (t.IsVisible)
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls <see cref="LoadImageFromString"/> and handles exceptions. On exception returns null and optionally writes warning to the output.
 /// </summary>
 public static Bitmap TryLoadImageFromString(string s, bool warning)
     try { return(LoadImageFromString(s)); }
     catch (Exception ex) { if (warning)
Beispiel #4
        internal bool CallFunc(TriggerArgs args)
#if true
            if (_funcAfter != null)
                try {
                    foreach (var v in _funcAfter)
                        var  t1 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds;
                        bool ok = v.f(args);
                        var  td = ATime.PerfMilliseconds - t1;
                        if (td > 200)
                            AWarning.Write($"Too slow Triggers.FuncOf function of a window trigger. Should be < 10 ms, now {td} ms. Task name: {ATask.Name}.", -1);
                        if (!ok)
                catch (Exception ex) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                var af = i == 0 ? _funcBefore : _funcAfter;
                if (af != null)
                    foreach (var v in af)
                        bool ok = v.f(args);
                        if (!ok)
            //SHOULDDO: measure time more intelligently, like in MatchScope, but maybe give more time.
Beispiel #5
            /// <summary>
            /// Writes s + "\r\n" and optionally timestamp.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// If fails to write to file: Sets LogFile=null, which closes file handle. Writes a warning and s to the output window or console.
            /// </remarks>
            public bool WriteLine(string s)
                bool ok;
                int  n = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(s ??= "") + 1;

                fixed(byte *b = Util.AMemoryArray.Byte_(n + 35))
                    if (LogFileTimestamp)
                        Api.GetLocalTime(out var t);
                        Api.wsprintfA(b, "%i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i.%03i   ", __arglist(t.wYear, t.wMonth, t.wDay, t.wHour, t.wMinute, t.wSecond, t.wMilliseconds));
                        int nn = Util.BytePtr_.Length(b);
                        Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s, new Span <byte>(b + nn, n));
                        n += nn;
                        if (s.Starts("<>"))
                            Api.memmove(b + 2, b, nn);
                            b[0] = (byte)'<'; b[1] = (byte)'>';
                        Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s, new Span <byte>(b, n));
                    b[n - 1] = 13; b[n++] = 10;

                    ok = Api.WriteFile(_h, b, n, out _);

                if (!ok)
                    string emsg = ALastError.Message;
                    LogFile = null;
                    AWarning.Write($"Failed to write to log file '{_name}'. {emsg}");
Beispiel #6
    public static void Init()
        //using var p = APerf.Create();

        //map command handler names/delegates etc
        _cmd = new CmdHandlers();

        _strips = new AuStripManager(Program.MainForm, _cmd);
        _strips.BuildAll(AFolders.ThisAppBS + @"Default\Strips.xml", ProgramSettings.DirBS + "Strips.xml", new AuDockPanel.ZDockedToolStripRenderer());

        //get top-level toolstrips (menu bar and toolbars)
        Menubar   = _strips.MenuBar;
        tbFile    = _strips.Toolbars["File"];
        tbEdit    = _strips.Toolbars["Edit"];
        tbRun     = _strips.Toolbars["Run"];
        tbTools   = _strips.Toolbars["Tools"];
        tbHelp    = _strips.Toolbars["Help"];
        tbCustom1 = _strips.Toolbars["Custom1"];
        tbCustom2 = _strips.Toolbars["Custom2"];

        //get submenus that will be filled later or used separately etc
        (ddFileNew = _strips.Submenus["File_New"]).Opening += (o, e) => Panels.Files.ZFillMenuNew(o as ToolStripDropDownMenu);
        _strips.Submenus["File_RecentWorkspaces"].Opening  += (o, e) => Panels.Files.ZFillMenuRecentWorkspaces(o as ToolStripDropDownMenu);
        _strips.Submenus["Tools_Panels"].Opening           += (se, da) => Panels.PanelManager.ZAddShowPanelsToMenu(se as ToolStripDropDown, false, true);
        _strips.Submenus["Tools_Toolbars"].Opening         += (se, da) => Panels.PanelManager.ZAddShowPanelsToMenu(se as ToolStripDropDown, true, true);
        ddFile   = _strips.Submenus["Menu_File"];
        ddEdit   = _strips.Submenus["Menu_Edit"];
        ddOutput = _strips.Submenus["Tools_Output"];
        //ddStatusBar = _strips.Submenus["Tools_StatusBar"];

        //get controls
        cHelpFind = tbHelp.Items["Help_Find"] as ToolStripSpringTextBox;
        //var cw1 = new ComboWrapper(cHelpFind.Control);
        //cw1.ArrowButtonPressed += (unu, sed) => AOutput.Write("not implemented");
        cHelpFind.Visible = false;         //FUTURE


        //make some buttons wider
        int wider = Au.Util.ADpi.ScaleInt(5);

        tbRun.Items["Run_Run"].Padding = new Padding(wider, 0, wider, 0);

        //tbHelp.Padding = new Padding(); //removes 1-pixel right margin that causes a visual artifact because of gradient, but then not good when no margin when the edit is at the very right edge of the form

        //all commands have menu items?
        //var p = APerf.Create();
        foreach (var k in _cmd.Dict.Keys)
            if (_strips.Xml.Desc(k) == null)
                AWarning.Write("no menu item for command " + k);
        //p.NW(); //450
        //for vice versa, AuStripManager takes care

        //tbCustom2.Items.Add("Test", null, TestCompiler.Test);
        tbCustom2.Items.Add("Test", null, (unu, sed) => {
Beispiel #7
 static void _OutOfMemory()
     AWarning.Write("There is not enough memory available to start the trigger action thread.", -1);             //info: -1 because would need much memory for stack trace
Beispiel #8
        //Loads and parses XML. Creates the _aX lists, _firstSplit and the tree structure.
        void _LoadXmlAndCreateLayout(string xmlFileDefault, string xmlFileCustomized)
            //We have 1 or 2 XML files containing panel/toolbar layout.
            //xmlFileDefault contains default XML. It eg can be in AFolders.ThisApp.
            //xmlFileCustomized contains previously saved XML (user-modified layout).
            //At first try to load xmlFileCustomized. If it does not exist or is invalid, load xmlFileDefault; or get missing data from xmlFileDefault, if possible.
            //Also loads xmlFileDefault when xmlFileCustomized XML does not match panels of new app version and cannot resolve it (eg some panels removed).
            bool   usesDefaultXML = false;
            string xmlFile = xmlFileCustomized, xmlVersion = null, outInfo = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    if (!AFile.ExistsAsFile(xmlFile))
                    usesDefaultXML = true;
                    xmlFile        = xmlFileDefault;

                bool fileLoaded = false;
                try {
                    var x = AExtXml.LoadElem(xmlFile);
                    fileLoaded = true;
                    if (!usesDefaultXML)
                        xmlVersion = x.Attr("version");
                    x = x.Element("split");

                    //THIS DOES THE MAIN JOB
                    _firstSplit = new _Split(this, null, x);

                    if (_aPanel.Count < _initControls.Count)                      //more panels added in this app version
                        if (usesDefaultXML)
                            throw new Exception("debug1");


                    //speed: xml.Load takes 170 microseconds.
                    //tested: XML can be added to Application Settings, but var xml=Properties.Settings.Default.PanelsXML takes 61 MILLIseconds.
                catch (Exception e) {
                    var sErr = $"Failed to load file '{xmlFile}'.\r\n\t{e.ToStringWithoutStack()}";
                    if (usesDefaultXML)
                        _xmlFile = null;
                        ADialog.ShowError("Cannot load panel/toolbar layout.", $"{sErr}\r\n\r\nReinstall the application.");
                        //probably in this version there are less panels, most likely when downgraded. Or the file is corrupt.
                        if (fileLoaded && xmlVersion != _asmVersion)
                            outInfo = "Info: this application version resets the panel/toolbar layout, sorry.";
                            AWarning.Write(sErr, -1);
                    _aSplit.Clear(); _aTab.Clear(); _aPanel.Clear();

            //if(usesDefaultXML || xmlVersion == _asmVersion) return;
            if (outInfo != null)