Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// STEP 4 - connect all remaing borders internally, completing
    /// the border mesh
    /// </summary>
    public async Task AssembleInternalBorderMesh()
        var pathTasks = new List <Task>();

        foreach (var b1 in borders)
            foreach (var b2 in borders.Where(b => !b.Equals(b1)))
                    Task.Run(() => {
                    // get border's central location and search from it
                    var loc1  = b1.Center;
                    var loc2  = b2.Center;
                    var aStar = new AStarSearch();

                    // perform the search, and record the cost with the neighbors
                    aStar.ComputePath(loc1, loc2, this, (successful, path, cost) => {
                        if (successful)
                            b1.AddNeighbor(b2, cost, path);
                            b2.AddNeighbor(b1, cost, path);
        // wait for the pathfinding to complete
        await Task.WhenAll(pathTasks);
Beispiel #2
    public async Task FindConnectedPortals(
        Location location,
        MapTile tile,
        Dictionary <Portal, float> seeds
        var portals = mesh.Values.Where(portal => portal.tile1 == tile || portal.tile2 == tile);

        // track path tasks for awaiting
        var pathTasks = new List <Task>();
        // determine which portals are connected
        int tot = portals.Count();

        foreach (var portal in portals)
            // compute the path cost to each neighbor border
            var newTask = Task.Run(() => {
                var aStar = new AStarSearch();
                // perform the search, and record the cost with the neighbors
                aStar.ComputePath(location, portal.Center, tile, (success, path, cost) => {
                    // path finding was a success, store this portal
                    if (success)
                        seeds[portal] = cost;
            // track the pathfinding tasks

        await Task.WhenAll(pathTasks);
Beispiel #3
 public async void FindPath()
     if (!Location.Equals(startLocation, endLocation))
         //simplified pathfinding, point to point
         if (startTile == endTile)
             await Task.Run(() => {
                 var search = new AStarSearch();
                 search.ComputePath(startLocation, endLocation, startTile, storeLocationPath);
         // complex pathfinding, navigate the tile mesh through nav system
             await NavSystem.GetPathThroughMesh(startLocation, endLocation, storePathablePath);
Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Provided start and end locations, this will plot an A* path
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="start"></param>
    /// <param name="end"></param>
    public async Task GetPathThroughMesh(
        Location start,
        Location end,
        Action <bool, List <IPathable>, float> onComplete)
        var startTile = GetTileForLocation(start);
        var endTile   = GetTileForLocation(end);

        // create dictionaries for task returns
        var startPortals = new Dictionary <Portal, float>();
        var endPortals   = new Dictionary <Portal, float>();

        // populate the portal dictionaries
        var startTask = mesh.FindConnectedPortals(start, startTile, startPortals);
        var endTask   = mesh.FindConnectedPortals(end, endTile, endPortals);
        // await the tasks
        await Task.WhenAll(startTask, endTask);

        // create "dummy" portals to represent start and end locations
        var startPortal = new Portal(start, startTile);
        var endPortal   = new Portal(end, endTile);

        // add connections for IPathable
        foreach (var portal in startPortals)
            startPortal.AddConnection(portal.Key, portal.Value);
        foreach (var portal in endPortals)
            portal.Key.AddConnection(endPortal, portal.Value);

        // start pathfinding
        var aStar = new AStarSearch();

        // don't await this final astar search, we don't need to hold computation
        aStar.ComputePath(startPortal, endPortal, onComplete);