Beispiel #1
     * // used for testing and other debugging
     * // Use this for initialization
     * void Start () {
     *  m.GetMapDimensions();
     *  m.BuildCellGrid(.1f);
     *  m.DefineZones();
     *  m.FindThresholds();
     *  m.AddThresholdToZone();
     *  ThresholdPath(agent.position, goal.position);
     *  //Tester();
     *  //m.CreateImage();
     * }
     * void Tester()
     * {
     *  foreach (Threshold t in m.thresholdGraph)
     *  {
     *      Debug.Log("Threshold zoneid:" + t.zoneId);
     *  }
     * }
     * //rewrote a clearer version below
     * void ThresholdPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos)
     * {
     *  Cell start = m.CellFromWorldPos(startPos);
     *  Cell target = m.CellFromWorldPos(targetPos);
     * // Debug.Log("Starting cell's zone id:" + start.zoneId);
     * // Debug.Log("Target cell's zone id:" + target.zoneId);
     *  //define start and goal zones
     *  //Zone startZ = new Zone(start.zoneId, GetComponent<Renderer>());
     *  //Zone targetZ = new Zone(target.zoneId, GetComponent<Renderer>());
     *  Zone startZ = zm.GetZone(start.zoneId);
     *  Zone targetZ = zm.GetZone(target.zoneId);
     *  Debug.Log("starting zone: " + startZ.zoneId);
     *  Debug.Log("ending zone: " + targetZ.zoneId);
     *  //distance tracker
     *  int shortestDistStart = 2147483647; //holding value
     *  int shortestDistEnd = 2147483647; //holding value
     *  //Find threshold cloest to target
     *  Cell startThreshold = start;
     *  Cell targetThreshold = target;
     *  foreach (Threshold t in m.thresholdGraph)
     *  {
     *      Debug.Log("Threshold zoneid:" + t.zoneId);
     *  }
     *  //traverse threshold graph
     *  Vector3 agentThreshold = FindThresholdCell(startPos);
     *  Vector3 goalThreshold = FindThresholdCell(startPos);
     *  for (int i = 0; i < startZ.thresholds.Count; i++)
     *  {
     *      Threshold t = startZ.thresholds[i];
     *      //find target cell for threshold A*
     *      foreach (Edge e in t.edgesToNeighbors)
     *      {
     *          Cell neighbor = e.incident; //new code
     *                                      // To determine starting cell
     *          if (neighbor.zoneId == start.zoneId)
     *          {
     *              //temp is the distance fo the neighbor cell compared to the shortestDist
     *              int tempDist = GetDistance(neighbor, start);
     *              if (tempDist <= shortestDistStart)
     *              {
     *                  shortestDistStart = tempDist;
     *                  startThreshold = neighbor;
     *                  Debug.Log("Starting threshold found. Zone id is: " + startThreshold.zoneId);
     *                  break;
     *              }
     *          }
     *          else
     *          {
     *              continue;
     *          }
     *      }
     *  }
     *  //find goal threshold cell
     *  for (int i = 0; i < targetZ.thresholds.Count; i++)
     *  {
     *      Threshold t = targetZ.thresholds[i];
     *      //find target cell for threshold A*
     *      foreach (Edge e in t.edgesToNeighbors)
     *      {
     *          Cell neighbor = e.incident; //new code
     *                                      // To determine starting cell
     *          if (neighbor.zoneId == target.zoneId)
     *          {
     *              //temp is the distance fo the neighbor cell compared to the shortestDist
     *              int tempDist = GetDistance(neighbor, target);
     *              if (tempDist <= shortestDistEnd)
     *              {
     *                  shortestDistEnd = tempDist;
     *                  targetThreshold = neighbor;
     *              }
     *          }
     *          else
     *          {
     *              continue;
     *          }
     *      }
     *  }
     *  aStar.FindPath(startThreshold.worldPosition, targetThreshold.worldPosition);
     *  //Search the zones between thresholds in the found threshold path
     *  List<Cell> thresholdPath = aStar.retrievesPath(startThreshold, targetThreshold);
     *  for (int i = 0; i < thresholdPath.Count - 1; i++)
     *  {
     *      //find the path of the zones
     *      aStar.FindPath(thresholdPath[i].worldPosition, thresholdPath[i + 1].worldPosition);
     *  }
     * }
    //cleaner version of hte cod above
    void ThresholdPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos)
        //Finding starting and ending thresholds
        Vector3 startThreshold  = FindThresholdCell(startPos);
        Vector3 targetThreshold = FindThresholdCell(targetPos);

        //Finding Path
        aStar.FindPath(startThreshold, targetThreshold);

        //Search the zones between thresholds in the found threshold path
        List <Cell> thresholdPath = aStar.retrievesPath(startThreshold, targetThreshold);

        for (int i = 0; i < thresholdPath.Count - 1; i++)
            //find the path of the zones
            aStar.FindPath(thresholdPath[i].worldPosition, thresholdPath[i + 1].worldPosition);
Beispiel #2
    //rewrote a clearer version below

     * void ThresholdPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos)
     * {
     *  Cell start = m.CellFromWorldPos(startPos);
     *  Cell target = m.CellFromWorldPos(targetPos);
     * // Debug.Log("Starting cell's zone id:" + start.zoneId);
     * // Debug.Log("Target cell's zone id:" + target.zoneId);
     *  //define start and goal zones
     *  //Zone startZ = new Zone(start.zoneId, GetComponent<Renderer>());
     *  //Zone targetZ = new Zone(target.zoneId, GetComponent<Renderer>());
     *  Zone startZ = zm.GetZone(start.zoneId);
     *  Zone targetZ = zm.GetZone(target.zoneId);
     *  Debug.Log("starting zone: " + startZ.zoneId);
     *  Debug.Log("ending zone: " + targetZ.zoneId);
     *  //distance tracker
     *  int shortestDistStart = 2147483647; //holding value
     *  int shortestDistEnd = 2147483647; //holding value
     *  //Find threshold cloest to target
     *  Cell startThreshold = start;
     *  Cell targetThreshold = target;
     *  foreach (Threshold t in m.thresholdGraph)
     *  {
     *      Debug.Log("Threshold zoneid:" + t.zoneId);
     *  }
     *  //traverse threshold graph
     *  Vector3 agentThreshold = FindThresholdCell(startPos);
     *  Vector3 goalThreshold = FindThresholdCell(startPos);
     *  for (int i = 0; i < startZ.thresholds.Count; i++)
     *  {
     *      Threshold t = startZ.thresholds[i];
     *      //find target cell for threshold A*
     *      foreach (Edge e in t.edgesToNeighbors)
     *      {
     *          Cell neighbor = e.incident; //new code
     *                                      // To determine starting cell
     *          if (neighbor.zoneId == start.zoneId)
     *          {
     *              //temp is the distance fo the neighbor cell compared to the shortestDist
     *              int tempDist = GetDistance(neighbor, start);
     *              if (tempDist <= shortestDistStart)
     *              {
     *                  shortestDistStart = tempDist;
     *                  startThreshold = neighbor;
     *                  Debug.Log("Starting threshold found. Zone id is: " + startThreshold.zoneId);
     *                  break;
     *              }
     *          }
     *          else
     *          {
     *              continue;
     *          }
     *      }
     *  }
     *  //find goal threshold cell
     *  for (int i = 0; i < targetZ.thresholds.Count; i++)
     *  {
     *      Threshold t = targetZ.thresholds[i];
     *      //find target cell for threshold A*
     *      foreach (Edge e in t.edgesToNeighbors)
     *      {
     *          Cell neighbor = e.incident; //new code
     *                                      // To determine starting cell
     *          if (neighbor.zoneId == target.zoneId)
     *          {
     *              //temp is the distance fo the neighbor cell compared to the shortestDist
     *              int tempDist = GetDistance(neighbor, target);
     *              if (tempDist <= shortestDistEnd)
     *              {
     *                  shortestDistEnd = tempDist;
     *                  targetThreshold = neighbor;
     *              }
     *          }
     *          else
     *          {
     *              continue;
     *          }
     *      }
     *  }
     *  aStar.FindPath(startThreshold.worldPosition, targetThreshold.worldPosition);
     *  //Search the zones between thresholds in the found threshold path
     *  List<Cell> thresholdPath = aStar.retrievesPath(startThreshold, targetThreshold);
     *  for (int i = 0; i < thresholdPath.Count - 1; i++)
     *  {
     *      //find the path of the zones
     *      aStar.FindPath(thresholdPath[i].worldPosition, thresholdPath[i + 1].worldPosition);
     *  }
     * }

    //cleaner version of hte cod above

    /* Given an agent's position and its goal position, find the path the
     * agent must take in terms of the threshold graph
     * Input: starting position, goal position
     * Output: !!SHOULD BE THE PATH !!
     * void ThresholdPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos)
     * {
     *  //Finding starting and ending thresholds
     *  //Vector3 startThreshold = FindThresholdCell(startPos);
     *  //Vector3 targetThreshold = FindThresholdCell(targetPos);
     *  //find the threshold we have to start at and the threshold we have to reach to get to the goal
     *  Threshold startThreshold = FindThresholdCell(startPos);
     *  //Debug.Log("ThresholdPath: start threshold found");
     *  //Threshold goalThreshold = FindThresholdCell(targetPos);
     *  //Debug.Log("ThresholdPath: goal threshold found");
     *  //Finding Path
     *  //Vector3 startingPosition = startThreshold.worldPosition;
     *  //Vector3 goalPosition = goalThreshold.worldPosition;
     *  //aStar.FindPathT(startThreshold, goalThreshold);
     *  //Search the zones between thresholds in the found threshold path
     *  /*
     *  List<Cell> thresholdPath = aStar.RetracePathT(startThreshold, targetThreshold);
     *  for (int i = 0; i < thresholdPath.Count - 1; i++)
     *  {
     *      //find the path of the zones
     *      aStar.FindPath(thresholdPath[i].worldPosition, thresholdPath[i + 1].worldPosition);
     *  }
     * }

    /* Given a position, find the closest threshold to that position
     * Input: starting position and goal position
     * Output: the closest threshold
     * private Threshold FindThresholdCell(Vector3 start)
     * {
     *  //find the zone that belongs to this cell to get its thresholds
     *  Cell startingCell = m.CellFromWorldPos(start);
     *  //Cell goalCell = m.CellFromWorldPos(goal);
     *  Zone Z = zm.GetZone(startingCell.zoneId);
     *  //distance tracker
     *  int shortestDist = 2147483647; //holding value
     *  //traverse the threshold graph to find the appropriate threshold
     *  Threshold cThreshold = null;
     *  for (int i = 0; i < Z.thresholds.Count; i++)
     *  {
     *      //find the closest threshold to the agent and to the goal. this is the most approriate threshold
     *      Threshold t = Z.thresholds[i];
     *      //Debug.Log("This threshold is at:" + t.worldPosition);
     *      int tempDist = (int)Vector3.Distance(t.worldPosition, startingCell.worldPosition);
     *      if (tempDist <= shortestDist)
     *      {
     *          cThreshold = t;
     *          shortestDist = tempDist;
     *      }
     *      else
     *      {
     *          continue;
     *      }
     *      /*
     *      foreach (ThresholdEdge e in t.tedgesToNeighbors)
     *      {
     *          Threshold neighbor = e.incident; //new code
     *                                      // To determine starting cell
     *          if (neighbor.zoneId == startingCell.zoneId)
     *          {
     *              //temp is the distance fo the neighbor cell compared to the shortestDist
     *              //int tempDist = GetDistance(neighbor, c);
     *              int tempDist = (int)Vector3.Distance(neighbor.worldPosition, startingCell.worldPosition);
     *              if (tempDist <= shortestDist)
     *              {
     *                  shortestDist = tempDist;
     *                  cThreshold = neighbor;
     *              }
     *          }
     *          else
     *          {
     *              continue;
     *          }
     *      }
     *  }
     *  return cThreshold;
     * }
    // //calculate distance between two cells
    // int GetDistance(Cell cellA, Cell cellB)
    // {

    //     int dstX = Mathf.Abs(cellA.gridPositionX - cellB.gridPositionX);
    //     int dstZ = Mathf.Abs(cellA.gridPositionZ - cellB.gridPositionZ);

    //     if (dstX > dstZ)
    //         return 14 * dstZ + 10 * (dstX - dstZ);
    //     return 14 * dstX + 10 * (dstZ - dstX);
    // }

    /* Given the position of the agent and its goal, use the hpa algo
     * to find a path from the agent to the goal
     * Input: starting position, ending position
     * Output: !!SHOULD BE THE PATH FOUND!!
     * public void HPAFindPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos)
     * {
     *  Cell start = m.CellFromWorldPos(startPos);
     *  Cell target = m.CellFromWorldPos(targetPos);
     *  //check if target and start are in the same zone
     *  //If yes run A*
     *  if (start.zoneId == target.zoneId)
     *  {
     *      Debug.Log("Agent and target are in the same zone.");
     *      aStar.FindPath(startPos, targetPos);
     *      return;
     *  }
     *  //if not
     *  //travel from the starting position to the appropriate threshold first
     *  Threshold startT = FindThresholdCell(startPos);
     *  Vector3 startTPos = startT.worldPosition;
     *  aStar.FindPath(startPos, startTPos);
     *  //then, search the graph of thresholds to find which zones to go through
     *  //connect start zone threshold to target zone threshold
     *  ThresholdPath(startPos, targetPos);
     *  //travel from target threshold to target
     *  /*
     *  Vector3 targetTPos = FindThresholdCell(targetPos);
     *  aStar.FindPath(targetTPos, targetPos);
     * }

    /* An alternate implementation for hpa
    public List <Cell> HPAAlt(Vector3 start, Vector3 goal)
        List <Cell> finalPath = new List <Cell>();

        //add the start position and the goal position to the threshold graph
        //by finding which threshold is close to the two positions
        Threshold thresholdStart = FindNeartestThreshold(start, goal);
        Threshold thresholdGoal  = FindNeartestThreshold(goal, start);

        //find a path of thresholds that exist starting from thresholdStart and to thresholdGoal
        List <Threshold> thresholdPath = aStar.FindPathT(thresholdStart, thresholdGoal);

        //using all these thresholds, find a path to the goal from the start with the help of astar
        //first node
        //start to first threshold
        List <Cell> temp = aStar.FindPath(start, thresholdStart.worldPosition);

        //between thresholds
        for (int i = 1; i < thresholdPath.Count; i++)
            //get the last position from the final path, this will be the new "start"
            Vector3 newStart = thresholdPath[i - 1].worldPosition;
            //the threshold will be the new goal
            Vector3 newGoal = thresholdPath[i].worldPosition;
            temp = aStar.FindPath(newStart, newGoal);

            //add this path to the finalpath
        //final threshold to the end
        temp = aStar.FindPath(thresholdPath[thresholdPath.Count - 1].worldPosition, goal);

        path = finalPath; //temp