static void RenameMember(ClassModel inClass, string name, string newName, bool outputResults)
     MemberModel m = inClass.Members.Items.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Name == name);
     if (m == null) return;
     ASResult result = new ASResult();
     ASComplete.FindMember(name, inClass, result, FlagType.Dynamic | FlagType.Function, 0);
     if (result.Member == null) return;
     queue.Add(new Rename(result, outputResults, newName));
 internal static ASResult FindGetterSetter(ASResult target, string name)
     var inClass = target.InClass;
     var members = inClass.Members.Items;
     for (int i = 0, length = members.Count; i < length; i++)
         var member = members[i];
         if (member.Name == name)
             var result = new ASResult();
             ASComplete.FindMember(name, inClass, result, FlagType.Dynamic | FlagType.Function, 0);
             if (result.Member != null)
                 return result;
     return null;
 public static void AddToQueue(ASResult target, bool outputResults)
     string originalName = RefactoringHelper.GetRefactorTargetName(target);
     string label = TextHelper.GetString("Label.NewName");
     string title = string.Format(TextHelper.GetString("Title.RenameDialog"), originalName);
     LineEntryDialog askName = new LineEntryDialog(title, label, originalName);
     if (askName.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
         string newName = askName.Line.Trim();
         if (newName.Length == 0 || newName == originalName) return;
         queue.Add(new Rename(target, outputResults, newName));
         if (ASContext.Context.CurrentModel.haXe && target.Member != null &&
             (target.Member.Flags & (FlagType.Getter | FlagType.Setter)) > 0)
             List<MemberModel> list = target.Member.Parameters;
             if (list[0].Name == "get") RenameMember(target.InClass, "get_" + originalName, "get_" + newName, outputResults);
             if (list[1].Name == "set") RenameMember(target.InClass, "set_" + originalName, "set_" + newName, outputResults);
         if (currentCommand == null) ExecuteFirst();
Beispiel #4
        private static StatementReturnType GetStatementReturnType(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, ClassModel inClass, string line, int startPos)
            Regex target = new Regex(@"[;\s\n\r]*", RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
            Match m = target.Match(line);
            if (!m.Success)
                return null;
            line = line.Substring(0, m.Index);

            if (line.Length == 0)
                return null;

            line = ReplaceAllStringContents(line);

            ASResult resolve = null;
            int pos = -1; 
            string word = null;
            int stylemask = (1 << Sci.StyleBits) - 1;
            ClassModel type = null;

            if (line[line.Length - 1] == ')')
                pos = -1;
                int lastIndex = 0;
                int bracesBalance = 0;
                while (true)
                    int pos1 = line.IndexOf("(", lastIndex);
                    int pos2 = line.IndexOf(")", lastIndex);
                    if (pos1 != -1 && pos2 != -1)
                        lastIndex = Math.Min(pos1, pos2);
                    else if (pos1 != -1 || pos2 != -1)
                        lastIndex = Math.Max(pos1, pos2);
                    if (lastIndex == pos1)
                        if (bracesBalance == 1)
                            pos = lastIndex;
                    else if (lastIndex == pos2)
                pos = line.Length;
            if (pos != -1)
                line = line.Substring(0, pos);
                pos += startPos;
                pos -= line.Length - line.TrimEnd().Length + 1;
                pos = Sci.WordEndPosition(pos, true);
                resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, pos);
                word = Sci.GetWordFromPosition(pos);
            char c = (char)Sci.CharAt(pos);
            if (word != null && Char.IsDigit(word[0]))
                type = inClass.InFile.Context.ResolveType("Number", inClass.InFile);
            else if (word != null && (word == "true" || word == "false"))
                type = inClass.InFile.Context.ResolveType("Boolean", inClass.InFile);
            else if (!(ASComplete.IsTextStyle(Sci.StyleAt(pos - 1) & stylemask)))
                type = inClass.InFile.Context.ResolveType("String", inClass.InFile);
            else if (c == '}')
                type = inClass.InFile.Context.ResolveType("Object", inClass.InFile);
            else if (c == '>')
                type = inClass.InFile.Context.ResolveType("XML", inClass.InFile);
            else if (c == ']')
                type = inClass.InFile.Context.ResolveType("Array", inClass.InFile);

            if (resolve == null)
                resolve = new ASResult();
            if (resolve.Type == null)
                resolve.Type = type;

            return new StatementReturnType(resolve, pos, word);
 public static MemberModel GetRefactoringTarget(ASResult target)
     var type = target.Type;
     var member = target.Member;
     if (type.IsEnum() || !type.IsVoid() && target.IsStatic && (member == null || (member.Flags & FlagType.Constructor) > 0))
         return type;
     return member;
Beispiel #6
 public virtual Command CreateRenameCommandAndExecute(ASResult target, bool outputResults, string newName, bool ignoreDeclarationSource, bool inline = false)
     return(new Rename(target, outputResults, newName, ignoreDeclarationSource, inline));
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the given target in all project files.
 /// If the target is a local variable or function parameter, it will only search the associated file.
 /// Note: if running asynchronously, you must supply a listener to "findFinishedHandler" to retrieve the results.
 /// If running synchronously, do not set listeners and instead use the return value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">the source member to find references to</param>
 /// <param name="progressReportHandler">event to fire as search results are compiled</param>
 /// <param name="findFinishedHandler">event to fire once searching is finished</param>
 /// <param name="asynchronous">executes in asynchronous mode</param>
 /// <returns>If "asynchronous" is false, will return the search results, otherwise returns null on bad input or if running in asynchronous mode.</returns>
 public static FRResults FindTargetInFiles(ASResult target, FRProgressReportHandler progressReportHandler, FRFinishedHandler findFinishedHandler, Boolean asynchronous)
     Boolean currentFileOnly = false;
     // checks target is a member
     if (target == null || ((target.Member == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(target.Member.Name))
         && (target.Type == null || !CheckFlag(target.Type.Flags, FlagType.Class) && !target.Type.IsEnum())))
         return null;
         // if the target we are trying to rename exists as a local variable or a function parameter we only need to search the current file
         if (target.Member != null && (
                 target.Member.Access == Visibility.Private
                 || RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.LocalVar)
                 || RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.ParameterVar))
             currentFileOnly = true;
     FRConfiguration config;
     IProject project = PluginBase.CurrentProject;
     String file = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName;
     // This is out of the project, just look for this file...
     if (currentFileOnly || !IsProjectRelatedFile(project, file))
         String mask = Path.GetFileName(file);
         String path = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
         if (mask.Contains("[model]"))
             if (findFinishedHandler != null)
                 findFinishedHandler(new FRResults());
             return null;
         config = new FRConfiguration(path, mask, false, GetFRSearch(target.Member != null ? target.Member.Name : target.Type.Name));
     else if (target.Member != null && !CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.Constructor))
         config = new FRConfiguration(GetAllProjectRelatedFiles(project), GetFRSearch(target.Member.Name));
         target.Member = null;
         config = new FRConfiguration(GetAllProjectRelatedFiles(project), GetFRSearch(target.Type.Name));
     config.CacheDocuments = true;
     FRRunner runner = new FRRunner();
     if (progressReportHandler != null)
         runner.ProgressReport += progressReportHandler;
     if (findFinishedHandler != null)
         runner.Finished += findFinishedHandler;
     if (asynchronous) runner.SearchAsync(config);
     else return runner.SearchSync(config);
     return null;
Beispiel #8
 public StatementReturnType(ASResult resolve, Int32 position, String word)
     this.resolve = resolve;
     this.position = position;
     this.word = word;
Beispiel #9
        private static List<FunctionParameter> ParseFunctionParameters(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, int p)
            List<FunctionParameter> prms = new List<FunctionParameter>();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            List<ASResult> types = new List<ASResult>();
            bool isFuncStarted = false;
            bool isDoubleQuote = false;
            bool isSingleQuote = false;
            bool wasEscapeChar = false;
            bool doBreak = false;
            bool writeParam = false;
            int subClosuresCount = 0;
            ASResult result = null;
            IASContext ctx = ASContext.Context;
            char[] charsToTrim = new char[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' };
            int counter = Sci.TextLength; // max number of chars in parameters line (to avoid infinitive loop)
            string characterClass = ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl.Configuration.GetLanguage(Sci.ConfigurationLanguage).characterclass.Characters;
            int lastMemberPos = p;

            // add [] and <>
            while (p < counter && !doBreak)
                char c = (char)Sci.CharAt(p++);
                if (c == '(' && !isFuncStarted)
                    if (sb.ToString().Trim(charsToTrim).Length == 0)
                        isFuncStarted = true;
                else if (c == ';' && !isFuncStarted)
                else if (c == ')' && isFuncStarted && !wasEscapeChar && !isDoubleQuote && !isSingleQuote && subClosuresCount == 0)
                    isFuncStarted = false;
                    writeParam = true;
                    doBreak = true;
                else if ((c == '(' || c == '[' || c == '<' || c == '{') && !wasEscapeChar && !isDoubleQuote && !isSingleQuote)
                    if (subClosuresCount == 0)
                        if (c == '{')
                            if (sb.ToString().TrimStart().Length > 0)
                                result = new ASResult();
                                result.Type = ctx.ResolveType("Function", null);
                                types.Insert(0, result);
                                result = new ASResult();
                                result.Type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.objectKey, null);
                                types.Insert(0, result);
                        else if (c == '(')
                            result = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, lastMemberPos + 1);
                            if (!result.IsNull())
                                types.Insert(0, result);
                        else if (c == '<')
                            if (sb.ToString().TrimStart().Length == 0)
                                result = new ASResult();
                                result.Type = ctx.ResolveType("XML", null);
                                types.Insert(0, result);
                    wasEscapeChar = false;
                else if ((c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '>' || c == '}') && !wasEscapeChar && !isDoubleQuote && !isSingleQuote)
                    if (c == ']')
                        result = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, p);
                        if (result.Type != null) result.Member = null;
                        else result.Type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.arrayKey, null);
                        types.Insert(0, result);
                        writeParam = true;
                    wasEscapeChar = false;
                else if (c == '\\')
                    wasEscapeChar = !wasEscapeChar;
                else if (c == '"' && !wasEscapeChar && !isSingleQuote)
                    isDoubleQuote = !isDoubleQuote;
                    if (subClosuresCount == 0)
                        if (isDoubleQuote)
                            result = new ASResult();
                            result.Type = ctx.ResolveType("String", null);
                    wasEscapeChar = false;
                else if (c == '\'' && !wasEscapeChar && !isDoubleQuote)
                    isSingleQuote = !isSingleQuote;
                    if (subClosuresCount == 0)
                        if (isSingleQuote)
                            result = new ASResult();
                            result.Type = ctx.ResolveType("String", null);
                    wasEscapeChar = false;
                else if (c == ',' && subClosuresCount == 0)
                    if (!isSingleQuote && !isDoubleQuote && subClosuresCount == 0)
                        writeParam = true;
                    wasEscapeChar = false;
                else if (isFuncStarted)
                    if (!isSingleQuote && !isDoubleQuote && subClosuresCount == 0 && characterClass.IndexOf(c) > -1)
                        lastMemberPos = p - 1;
                    wasEscapeChar = false;
                else if (characterClass.IndexOf(c) > -1)
                    doBreak = true;

                if (writeParam)
                    writeParam = false;
                    string trimmed = sb.ToString().Trim(charsToTrim);
                    if (trimmed.Length > 0)
                        result = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, lastMemberPos + 1);
                        if (result != null && !result.IsNull())
                            if (characterClass.IndexOf(trimmed[trimmed.Length - 1]) > -1)
                                types.Insert(0, result);
                            double d = double.MaxValue;
                                d = double.Parse(trimmed, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            catch (Exception)
                            if (d != double.MaxValue && d.ToString().Length == trimmed.Length)
                                result = new ASResult();
                                result.Type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.numberKey, null);
                                types.Insert(0, result);
                            else if (trimmed.Equals("true") || trimmed.Equals("false"))
                                result = new ASResult();
                                result.Type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.booleanKey, null);
                                types.Insert(0, result);
                        if (types.Count == 0)
                            result = new ASResult();
                            result.Type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.objectKey, null);

                        result = types[0];
                        string paramName = null;
                        string paramType = null;
                        string paramQualType = null;

                        if (result.Member == null)
                            paramType = result.Type.Name;
                            paramQualType = result.Type.QualifiedName;
                            if (result.Member.Name != null)
                                paramName = result.Member.Name.Trim('@');
                            if (result.Member.Type == null || result.Member.Type.Equals("void", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                paramType = result.Type.Name;
                                paramQualType = result.Type.QualifiedName;
                                paramType = FormatType(GetShortType(result.Member.Type));
                                if (result.InClass == null)
                                    paramQualType = result.Type.QualifiedName;
                                    paramQualType = getQualifiedType(result.Member.Type, result.InClass);
                        prms.Add(new FunctionParameter(paramName, paramType, paramQualType, result));
                    types = new List<ASResult>();
                    sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < prms.Count; i++)
                if (prms[i].paramType == "void")
                    prms[i].paramName = "object";
                    prms[i].paramType = null;
                else prms[i].paramName = GuessVarName(prms[i].paramName, FormatType(GetShortType(prms[i].paramType)));

            for (int i = 0; i < prms.Count; i++)
                int iterator = -1;
                bool nameUnique = false;
                string name = prms[i].paramName;
                string suggestedName = name;
                while (!nameUnique) 
                    suggestedName = name + (iterator == 0 ? "" : iterator + "");
                    bool gotMatch = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        if (prms[j] != prms[i]
                            && prms[j].paramName == suggestedName)
                            gotMatch = true;
                    nameUnique = !gotMatch;
                prms[i].paramName = suggestedName;
            return prms;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Top-level elements lookup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Element to search</param>
        /// <param name="result">Response structure</param>
        public override void ResolveTopLevelElement(string token, ASResult result)
            if (topLevel != null && topLevel.Members.Count > 0)
                // current class
                ClassModel inClass = ASContext.Context.CurrentClass;
                if (token == "this")
                    result.Member = topLevel.Members.Search("this", 0, 0);
                    if (inClass.IsVoid())
                        inClass = ASContext.Context.ResolveType(result.Member.Type, null);
                    result.Type = inClass;
                    result.InFile = ASContext.Context.CurrentModel;
                else if (token == "super")
                    if (inClass.IsVoid())
                        MemberModel thisMember = topLevel.Members.Search("this", 0, 0);
                        inClass = ASContext.Context.ResolveType(thisMember.Type, null);
                    ClassModel extends = inClass.Extends;
                    if (!extends.IsVoid())
                        result.Member = topLevel.Members.Search("super", 0, 0);
                        result.Type = extends;
                        result.InFile = extends.InFile;

                // other top-level elements
                ASComplete.FindMember(token, topLevel, result, 0, 0);
                if (!result.IsNull()) return;

                // special _levelN
                if (hasLevels && token.StartsWith("_") && re_level.IsMatch(token))
                    result.Member = new MemberModel();
                    result.Member.Name = token;
                    result.Member.Flags = FlagType.Variable;
                    result.Member.Type = "MovieClip";
                    result.Type = ResolveType("MovieClip", null);
                    result.InFile = topLevel;
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the given target in all project files.
 /// If the target is a local variable or function parameter, it will only search the associated file.
 /// Note: if running asynchronously, you must supply a listener to "findFinishedHandler" to retrieve the results.
 /// If running synchronously, do not set listeners and instead use the return value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">the source member to find references to</param>
 /// <param name="progressReportHandler">event to fire as search results are compiled</param>
 /// <param name="findFinishedHandler">event to fire once searching is finished</param>
 /// <param name="asynchronous">executes in asynchronous mode</param>
 /// <param name="onlySourceFiles">searches only on defined classpaths</param>
 /// <returns>If "asynchronous" is false, will return the search results, otherwise returns null on bad input or if running in asynchronous mode.</returns>
 public static FRResults FindTargetInFiles(ASResult target, FRProgressReportHandler progressReportHandler, FRFinishedHandler findFinishedHandler, Boolean asynchronous, Boolean onlySourceFiles, Boolean ignoreSdkFiles)
     return(FindTargetInFiles(target, progressReportHandler, findFinishedHandler, asynchronous, onlySourceFiles, ignoreSdkFiles, false, false));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a given search match actually points to the given target source
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the SearchMatch does point to the target source.</returns>
        public static bool DoesMatchPointToTarget(ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target, DocumentHelper associatedDocumentHelper)
            if (Sci == null || target == null)
            FileModel targetInFile = null;

            if (target.InFile != null)
                targetInFile = target.InFile;
            else if (target.Member != null && target.InClass == null)
                targetInFile = target.Member.InFile;

            Boolean matchMember = targetInFile != null && target.Member != null;
            Boolean matchType   = target.Member == null && target.IsStatic && target.Type != null;

            if (!matchMember && !matchType)

            ASResult result = null;

            // get type at match position
            if (match.Index < Sci.Text.Length) // TODO: find out rare cases of incorrect index reported
                result = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));
                if (associatedDocumentHelper != null)
                    // because the declaration lookup opens a document, we should register it with the document helper to be closed later
            // check if the result matches the target
            if (result == null || (result.InFile == null && result.Type == null))
            if (matchMember)
                if (result.Member == null)

                var resultInFile = result.InClass != null ? result.InFile : result.Member.InFile;

                return(resultInFile.BasePath == targetInFile.BasePath &&
                       resultInFile.FileName == targetInFile.FileName &&
                       result.Member.LineFrom == target.Member.LineFrom &&
                       result.Member.Name == target.Member.Name);
            else // type
                if (result.Type == null)
                if (result.Type.QualifiedName == target.Type.QualifiedName)
 public static string GetRefactorTargetName(ASResult target)
Beispiel #14
         * Handles the incoming events
        public void HandleEvent(Object sender, NotifyEvent e, HandlingPriority priority)
                // ignore all events when leaving
                if (PluginBase.MainForm.ClosingEntirely)
                // current active document
                ITabbedDocument doc = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument;

                // application start
                if (!started && e.Type == EventType.UIStarted)
                    started = true;
                    // associate context to initial document
                    e = new NotifyEvent(EventType.SyntaxChange);

                // editor ready?
                if (doc == null)
                ScintillaControl sci = doc.IsEditable ? doc.SciControl : null;

                //  Events always handled
                bool      isValid;
                DataEvent de;
                switch (e.Type)
                // caret position in editor
                case EventType.UIRefresh:
                    if (!doc.IsEditable)
                    timerPosition.Enabled = false;
                    timerPosition.Enabled = true;

                // key combinations
                case EventType.Keys:
                    Keys key = (e as KeyEvent).Value;
                    if (ModelsExplorer.HasFocus)
                        e.Handled = ModelsExplorer.Instance.OnShortcut(key);
                    if (!doc.IsEditable)
                    e.Handled = ASComplete.OnShortcut(key, sci);

                // user-customized shortcuts
                case EventType.Shortcut:
                    de = e as DataEvent;
                    if (de.Action == "Completion.ShowHelp")
                        ASComplete.HelpKeys = (Keys)de.Data;
                        de.Handled          = true;

                // File management
                case EventType.FileSave:
                    if (!doc.IsEditable)
                    // toolbar
                    isValid = ASContext.Context.IsFileValid;
                    if (isValid && !PluginBase.MainForm.SavingMultiple)
                        if (ASContext.Context.Settings.CheckSyntaxOnSave)
                            CheckSyntax(null, null);

                case EventType.SyntaxDetect:
                    // detect Actionscript language version
                    if (!doc.IsEditable)
                    if (doc.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".as"))
                        settingObject.LastASVersion = DetectActionscriptVersion(doc);
                        (e as TextEvent).Value      = settingObject.LastASVersion;
                        e.Handled = true;

                case EventType.ApplySettings:
                case EventType.SyntaxChange:
                case EventType.FileSwitch:
                    if (!doc.IsEditable)
                        ASContext.SetCurrentFile(null, true);
                    currentDoc = doc.FileName;
                    currentPos = sci.CurrentPos;
                    // check file
                    bool ignoreFile = !doc.IsEditable;
                    ASContext.SetCurrentFile(doc, ignoreFile);
                    // UI

                case EventType.Completion:
                    if (ASContext.Context.IsFileValid)
                        e.Handled = true;

                // some commands work all the time
                case EventType.Command:
                    de = e as DataEvent;
                    string command = de.Action ?? "";

                    if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion."))
                        string cmdData = de.Data as string;

                        // add a custom classpath
                        if (command == "ASCompletion.ClassPath")
                            Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable;
                            if (info != null)
                                ContextSetupInfos setup = new ContextSetupInfos();
                                setup.Platform    = (string)info["platform"];
                                setup.Lang        = (string)info["lang"];
                                setup.Version     = (string)info["version"];
                                setup.TargetBuild = (string)info["targetBuild"];
                                setup.Classpath   = (string[])info["classpath"];
                                setup.HiddenPaths = (string[])info["hidden"];
                                if (setup.AdditionalPaths != null)     // report custom classpath
                                    info["additional"] = setup.AdditionalPaths.ToArray();
                            e.Handled = true;

                        // send a UserClasspath
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetUserClasspath")
                            Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable;
                            if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language"))
                                IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string);
                                if (context != null && context.Settings != null &&
                                    context.Settings.UserClasspath != null)
                                    info["cp"] = new List <string>(context.Settings.UserClasspath);
                            e.Handled = true;
                        // update a UserClasspath
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.SetUserClasspath")
                            Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable;
                            if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language") && info.ContainsKey("cp"))
                                IASContext    context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string);
                                List <string> cp      = info["cp"] as List <string>;
                                if (cp != null && context != null && context.Settings != null)
                                    string[] pathes = new string[cp.Count];
                                    context.Settings.UserClasspath = pathes;
                            e.Handled = true;
                        // send the language's default compiler path
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetCompilerPath")
                            Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable;
                            if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language"))
                                IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string);
                                if (context != null)
                                    info["compiler"] = context.GetCompilerPath();
                            e.Handled = true;

                        // show a language's compiler settings
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.ShowSettings")
                            e.Handled = true;
                            IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(cmdData);
                            if (context == null)
                            string filter = "SDK";
                            string name   = "";
                            switch (cmdData.ToUpper())
                            case "AS2": name = "AS2Context"; break;

                            case "AS3": name = "AS3Context"; break;

                                name = cmdData.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + cmdData.Substring(1) + "Context";
                            PluginBase.MainForm.ShowSettingsDialog(name, filter);

                        // Open types explorer dialog
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.TypesExplorer")
                            TypesExplorer(null, null);

                        // call the Flash IDE
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.CallFlashIDE")
                            if (flashErrorsWatcher == null)
                                flashErrorsWatcher = new FlashErrorsWatcher();
                            e.Handled = CallFlashIDE.Run(settingObject.PathToFlashIDE, cmdData);

                        // create Flash 8+ trust file
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.CreateTrustFile")
                            if (cmdData != null)
                                string[] args = cmdData.Split(';');
                                if (args.Length == 2)
                                    e.Handled = CreateTrustFile.Run(args[0], args[1]);
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetClassPath")
                            if (cmdData != null)
                                string[] args = cmdData.Split(';');
                                if (args.Length == 1)
                                    FileModel  model  = ASContext.Context.GetFileModel(args[0]);
                                    ClassModel aClass = model.GetPublicClass();
                                    if (!aClass.IsVoid())
                                        e.Handled = true;
                        else if (command == "ProjectManager.FileActions.DisableWatchers")
                            foreach (PathModel cp in ASContext.Context.Classpath)
                        else if (command == "ProjectManager.FileActions.EnableWatchers")
                            // classpaths could be invalid now - remove those, BuildClassPath() is too expensive
                            ASContext.Context.Classpath.RemoveAll(cp => !Directory.Exists(cp.Path));

                            foreach (PathModel cp in ASContext.Context.Classpath)

                        // Return requested language SDK list
                        else if (command == "ASCompletion.InstalledSDKs")
                            Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable;
                            if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language"))
                                IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string);
                                if (context != null)
                                    info["sdks"] = context.Settings.InstalledSDKs;
                            e.Handled = true;

                    // Create a fake document from a FileModel
                    else if (command == "ProjectManager.OpenVirtualFile")
                        string cmdData = de.Data as string;
                        if (reVirtualFile.IsMatch(cmdData))
                            string[] path     = Regex.Split(cmdData, "::");
                            string   fileName = path[0] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
                                                + path[1].Replace('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace("::", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString());
                            FileModel found = ModelsExplorer.Instance.OpenFile(fileName);
                            if (found != null)
                                e.Handled = true;
                    else if (command == "ProjectManager.UserRefreshTree")

                // Actionscript context specific
                if (ASContext.Context.IsFileValid)
                    switch (e.Type)
                    case EventType.ProcessArgs:
                        TextEvent te = (TextEvent)e;
                        if (reArgs.IsMatch(te.Value))
                            // resolve current element
                            Hashtable details = ASComplete.ResolveElement(sci, null);
                            te.Value = ArgumentsProcessor.Process(te.Value, details);

                            if (te.Value.IndexOf("$") >= 0 && reCostlyArgs.IsMatch(te.Value))
                                ASResult result = ASComplete.CurrentResolvedContext.Result ?? new ASResult();
                                details = new Hashtable();
                                // Get closest list (Array or Vector)
                                string closestListName = "", closestListItemType = "";
                                ASComplete.FindClosestList(ASContext.Context, result.Context, sci.CurrentLine, ref closestListName, ref closestListItemType);
                                details.Add("TypClosestListName", closestListName);
                                details.Add("TypClosestListItemType", closestListItemType);
                                // get free iterator index
                                string iterator = ASComplete.FindFreeIterator(ASContext.Context, ASContext.Context.CurrentClass, result.Context);
                                details.Add("ItmUniqueVar", iterator);
                                te.Value = ArgumentsProcessor.Process(te.Value, details);

                    // menu commands
                    case EventType.Command:
                        string command = (e as DataEvent).Action ?? "";
                        if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion."))
                            string cmdData = (e as DataEvent).Data as string;
                            // run MTASC
                            if (command == "ASCompletion.CustomBuild")
                                if (cmdData != null)
                                e.Handled = true;

                            // build the SWF using MTASC
                            else if (command == "ASCompletion.QuickBuild")
                                e.Handled = true;

                            // resolve element under cusor and open declaration
                            else if (command == "ASCompletion.GotoDeclaration")
                                e.Handled = true;

                            // resolve element under cursor and send a CustomData event
                            else if (command == "ASCompletion.ResolveElement")
                                ASComplete.ResolveElement(sci, cmdData);
                                e.Handled = true;
                            else if (command == "ASCompletion.MakeIntrinsic")
                                e.Handled = true;

                            // alternative to default shortcuts
                            else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlSpace")
                                ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl);
                                e.Handled = true;
                            else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlShiftSpace")
                                ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl);
                                e.Handled = true;
                            else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlAltSpace")
                                ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Alt | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl);
                                e.Handled = true;
                            else if (command == "ASCompletion.ContextualGenerator")
                                if (ASContext.HasContext && ASContext.Context.IsFileValid)

                    case EventType.ProcessEnd:
                        string procResult = (e as TextEvent).Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #15
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public virtual Command CreateFindAllReferencesCommand(ASResult target, bool output, bool ignoreDeclarations)
     return(CreateFindAllReferencesCommand(target, output, ignoreDeclarations, true));
Beispiel #16
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public virtual Command CreateFindAllReferencesCommand(ASResult target, bool output)
     return(CreateFindAllReferencesCommand(target, output, false));
Beispiel #17
 public virtual DelegateMethodsCommand CreateDelegateMethodsCommand(ASResult result, Dictionary <MemberModel, ClassModel> selectedMembers)
     return(new DelegateMethodsCommand(result, selectedMembers));
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Top-level elements lookup
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="token">Element to search</param>
 /// <param name="result">Response structure</param>
 public override void ResolveTopLevelElement(string token, ASResult result)
     if (topLevel != null && topLevel.Members.Count > 0)
         // current class
         ClassModel inClass = ASContext.Context.CurrentClass;
         if (token == "this")
             result.Member = topLevel.Members.Search("this", 0, 0);
             if (inClass.IsVoid())
                 inClass = ASContext.Context.ResolveType(result.Member.Type, null);
             result.Type = inClass;
             result.InFile = ASContext.Context.CurrentModel;
         else if (token == "super")
             if (inClass.IsVoid())
                 MemberModel thisMember = topLevel.Members.Search("this", 0, 0);
                 inClass = ASContext.Context.ResolveType(thisMember.Type, null);
             ClassModel extends = inClass.Extends;
             if (!extends.IsVoid())
                 result.Member = topLevel.Members.Search("super", 0, 0);
                 result.Type = extends;
                 result.InFile = extends.InFile;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve the class and member at the provided line index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual ASResult GetDeclarationAtLine(int line)
            ASResult result = new ASResult();
            result.InClass = ClassModel.VoidClass;
            if (cFile == null) return result;
            // current class
            foreach (ClassModel aClass in cFile.Classes)
                if (aClass.LineFrom <= line && aClass.LineTo >= line)
                    result.InClass = aClass;

                    // current member
                    foreach (MemberModel member in result.InClass.Members)
                        if (member.LineFrom <= line && member.LineTo >= line)
                            result.Member = member;
                            return result;
                        else if (member.LineFrom > line) return result;
                    return result;

            // current member
            foreach (MemberModel member in cFile.Members)
                if (member.LineFrom <= line && member.LineTo >= line)
                    result.Member = member;
                    return result;
                else if (member.LineFrom > line) return result;
            return result;
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the state of the menu items
 /// </summary>
 private void UpdateMenuItems()
         this.refactorMainMenu.DelegateMenuItem.Enabled    = false;
         this.refactorContextMenu.DelegateMenuItem.Enabled = false;
         bool            langIsValid = GetLanguageIsValid();
         ResolvedContext resolved    = ASComplete.CurrentResolvedContext;
         bool            isValid     = langIsValid && resolved != null && resolved.Position >= 0;
         ASResult        result      = isValid ? resolved.Result : null;
         if (result != null && !result.IsNull())
             bool isNotPackage = !result.IsPackage;
             this.refactorContextMenu.RenameMenuItem.Enabled = true;
             this.refactorMainMenu.RenameMenuItem.Enabled    = true;
             this.editorReferencesItem.Enabled = isNotPackage;
             this.viewReferencesItem.Enabled   = isNotPackage;
             if (result.Member != null && result.Type != null && result.InClass != null && result.InFile != null)
                 FlagType flags = result.Member.Flags;
                 if ((flags & FlagType.Variable) > 0 && (flags & FlagType.LocalVar) == 0 && (flags & FlagType.ParameterVar) == 0)
                     this.refactorContextMenu.DelegateMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                     this.refactorMainMenu.DelegateMenuItem.Enabled    = true;
             this.refactorMainMenu.RenameMenuItem.Enabled    = false;
             this.refactorContextMenu.RenameMenuItem.Enabled = false;
             this.editorReferencesItem.Enabled = false;
             this.viewReferencesItem.Enabled   = false;
         IASContext context = ASContext.Context;
         if (context != null && context.CurrentModel != null)
             bool truncate = (langIsValid && context.CurrentModel.Imports.Count > 0) && !this.LanguageIsHaxe();
             bool organize = (langIsValid && context.CurrentModel.Imports.Count > 1);
             this.refactorContextMenu.OrganizeMenuItem.Enabled = organize;
             this.refactorContextMenu.TruncateMenuItem.Enabled = truncate;
             this.refactorMainMenu.OrganizeMenuItem.Enabled    = organize;
             this.refactorMainMenu.TruncateMenuItem.Enabled    = truncate;
         this.surroundContextMenu.Enabled                              = false;
         this.refactorMainMenu.SurroundMenu.Enabled                    = false;
         this.refactorContextMenu.ExtractMethodMenuItem.Enabled        = false;
         this.refactorContextMenu.ExtractLocalVariableMenuItem.Enabled = false;
         this.refactorMainMenu.ExtractMethodMenuItem.Enabled           = false;
         this.refactorMainMenu.ExtractLocalVariableMenuItem.Enabled    = false;
         ITabbedDocument document = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument;
         if (document != null && document.IsEditable && langIsValid && document.SciControl.SelTextSize > 1)
             Int32 selEnd   = document.SciControl.SelectionEnd;
             Int32 selStart = document.SciControl.SelectionStart;
             if (!document.SciControl.PositionIsOnComment(selEnd) || !document.SciControl.PositionIsOnComment(selStart))
                 this.surroundContextMenu.Enabled                              = true;
                 this.refactorMainMenu.SurroundMenu.Enabled                    = true;
                 this.refactorContextMenu.ExtractMethodMenuItem.Enabled        = true;
                 this.refactorMainMenu.ExtractMethodMenuItem.Enabled           = true;
                 this.refactorContextMenu.ExtractLocalVariableMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                 this.refactorMainMenu.ExtractLocalVariableMenuItem.Enabled    = true;
         this.refactorContextMenu.CodeGeneratorMenuItem.Enabled = isValid;
         this.refactorMainMenu.CodeGeneratorMenuItem.Enabled    = isValid;
     catch {}
 public DelegateMethodsCommand(ASResult result, Dictionary<MemberModel, ClassModel> selectedMembers)
     this.result = result;
     this.selectedMembers = selectedMembers;
        public static bool GotoDeclaration()
            ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl sci = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.SciControl;
            if (sci == null)
            if (sci.ConfigurationLanguage != "xml")

            int pos = sci.CurrentPos;
            int len = sci.TextLength;

            while (pos < len)
                char c = (char)sci.CharAt(pos);
                if (c <= 32 || c == '/' || c == '>')
            XMLContextTag ctag = XMLComplete.GetXMLContextTag(sci, pos);

            if (ctag.Name == null)
            string word = sci.GetWordFromPosition(sci.CurrentPos);

            string     type  = ResolveType(mxmlContext, ctag.Name);
            ClassModel model = context.ResolveType(type, mxmlContext.model);

            if (model.IsVoid()) // try resolving tag as member of parent tag
                parentTag = XMLComplete.GetParentTag(sci, ctag);
                if (parentTag.Name != null)
                    ctag  = parentTag;
                    type  = ResolveType(mxmlContext, ctag.Name);
                    model = context.ResolveType(type, mxmlContext.model);
                    if (model.IsVoid())

            if (!ctag.Name.EndsWith(word))
                ASResult found = ResolveAttribute(model, word);
                ASComplete.OpenDocumentToDeclaration(sci, found);
                ASResult found = new ASResult();
                found.InFile = model.InFile;
                found.Type   = model;
                ASComplete.OpenDocumentToDeclaration(sci, found);
Beispiel #23
        private static void GenerateImplementation(ClassModel aType, int position)
            List<string> typesUsed = new List<string>();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("ImplementHeader"), "Class", aType.Type));
            bool entry = true;
            ASResult result = new ASResult();
            IASContext context = ASContext.Context;
            ClassModel cClass = context.CurrentClass;
            ContextFeatures features = context.Features;
            bool canGenerate = false;

            aType.ResolveExtends(); // resolve inheritance chain
            while (!aType.IsVoid() && aType.QualifiedName != "Object")
                foreach (MemberModel method in aType.Members)
                    if ((method.Flags & (FlagType.Function | FlagType.Getter | FlagType.Setter)) == 0
                        || method.Name == aType.Name)

                    // check if method exists
                    ASComplete.FindMember(method.Name, cClass, result, method.Flags, 0);
                    if (!result.IsNull()) continue;

                    string decl = entry ? NewLine : "";
                    if ((method.Flags & FlagType.Getter) > 0)
                        decl = TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationWithModifiersString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Getter"));
                    else if ((method.Flags & FlagType.Setter) > 0)
                        decl = TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationWithModifiersString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Setter"));
                        decl = TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationWithModifiersString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Function"));
                    decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "Member", "_" + method.Name);
                    decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "Void", features.voidKey);
                    decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "Body", null);
                    decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "BlankLine", NewLine);

                    if (!entry)
                        decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "EntryPoint", null);

                    decl += NewLine;

                    entry = false;

                    canGenerate = true;

                    addTypeOnce(typesUsed, getQualifiedType(method.Type, aType));

                    if (method.Parameters != null && method.Parameters.Count > 0)
                        foreach (MemberModel param in method.Parameters)
                            addTypeOnce(typesUsed, getQualifiedType(param.Type, aType));
                // interface inheritance
                aType = aType.Extends;
            if (!canGenerate)

            ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci = ASContext.CurSciControl;
                position = Sci.CurrentPos;
                if (ASContext.Context.Settings.GenerateImports && typesUsed.Count > 0)
                    int offset = AddImportsByName(typesUsed, Sci.LineFromPosition(position));
                    position += offset;
                    Sci.SetSel(position, position);
                InsertCode(position, sb.ToString());
            finally { Sci.EndUndoAction(); }
        static bool IsObject(ASResult collection)
            var type = collection.Member?.Type;

            return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) && type == ASContext.Context.Features.objectKey);
Beispiel #25
 private static void ShowGetSetList(FoundDeclaration found)
     string name = GetPropertyNameFor(found.member);
     ASResult result = new ASResult();
     ClassModel curClass = ASContext.Context.CurrentClass;
     ASComplete.FindMember(name, curClass, result, FlagType.Getter, 0);
     bool hasGetter = !result.IsNull();
     ASComplete.FindMember(name, curClass, result, FlagType.Setter, 0);
     bool hasSetter = !result.IsNull();
     if (hasGetter && hasSetter) return;
     List<ICompletionListItem> known = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
     if (!hasGetter && !hasSetter)
         string label = TextHelper.GetString("ASCompletion.Label.GenerateGetSet");
         known.Add(new GeneratorItem(label, GeneratorJobType.GetterSetter, found.member, found.inClass));
     if (!hasGetter)
         string label = TextHelper.GetString("ASCompletion.Label.GenerateGet");
         known.Add(new GeneratorItem(label, GeneratorJobType.Getter, found.member, found.inClass));
     if (!hasSetter)
         string label = TextHelper.GetString("ASCompletion.Label.GenerateSet");
         known.Add(new GeneratorItem(label, GeneratorJobType.Setter, found.member, found.inClass));
     CompletionList.Show(known, false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a given search match actually points to the given target source
 /// </summary
 /// <returns>True if the SearchMatch does point to the target source.</returns>
 static public bool DoesMatchPointToTarget(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target, DocumentHelper associatedDocumentHelper)
     if (Sci == null || target == null || target.inFile == null || target.Member == null)
         return false;
     // get type at match position
     ASResult result = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));
     if (associatedDocumentHelper != null)
         // because the declaration lookup opens a document, we should register it with the document helper to be closed later
     // check if the result matches the target
     // TODO: this method of checking their equality seems pretty crude -- is there a better way?
     if (result == null || result.inFile == null || result.Member == null)
         return false;
     Boolean doesMatch = result.inFile.BasePath == target.inFile.BasePath && result.inFile.FileName == target.inFile.FileName && result.Member.LineFrom == target.Member.LineFrom && result.Member.Name == target.Member.Name;
     return (doesMatch);
Beispiel #27
        private void RenameFile(IDictionary <string, List <SearchMatch> > results)
            ASResult target        = findAllReferencesCommand.CurrentTarget;
            Boolean  isEnum        = target.Type.IsEnum();
            Boolean  isClass       = false;
            Boolean  isConstructor = false;

            if (!isEnum)
                Boolean isVoid = target.Type.IsVoid();
                isClass       = !isVoid && target.IsStatic && target.Member == null;
                isConstructor = !isVoid && !isClass && RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.Constructor);

            Boolean isGlobalFunction  = false;
            Boolean isGlobalNamespace = false;

            if (!isEnum && !isClass && !isConstructor && (target.InClass == null || target.InClass.IsVoid()))
                isGlobalFunction  = RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.Function);
                isGlobalNamespace = RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.Namespace);

            if (!isEnum && !isClass && !isConstructor && !isGlobalFunction && !isGlobalNamespace)

            FileModel inFile     = null;
            String    originName = null;

            if (isEnum || isClass)
                inFile     = target.Type.InFile;
                originName = target.Type.Name;
                inFile     = target.Member.InFile;
                originName = target.Member.Name;

            if (inFile == null)

            String oldFileName = inFile.FileName;
            String oldName     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oldFileName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldName) && !oldName.Equals(originName))

            String fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(inFile.FileName);

            fullPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath);

            String newFileName = Path.Combine(fullPath, NewName + Path.GetExtension(oldFileName));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldFileName) || oldFileName.Equals(newFileName))

            foreach (ITabbedDocument doc in PluginBase.MainForm.Documents)
                if (doc.FileName.Equals(oldFileName))

            RefactoringHelper.Move(oldFileName, newFileName);
            if (results.ContainsKey(oldFileName))
                results[newFileName] = results[oldFileName];
Beispiel #28
 public virtual Command CreateRenameCommandAndExecute(ASResult target, bool outputResults, string newName, bool inline = false)
     return(CreateRenameCommandAndExecute(target, outputResults, newName, false, inline));
 public static void AddToQueue(ASResult target)
     AddToQueue(target, true);
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// A new Rename refactoring command.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The target declaration to find references to.</param>
 /// <param name="outputResults">If true, will send the found results to the trace log and results panel</param>
 public Rename(ASResult target, Boolean outputResults) : this(target, outputResults, null)
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>
 /// A new Rename refactoring command.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The target declaration to find references to.</param>
 /// <param name="outputResults">If true, will send the found results to the trace log and results panel</param>
 /// <param name="newName">If provided, will not query the user for a new name.</param>
 public Rename(ASResult target, Boolean outputResults, String newName) : this(target, outputResults, newName, false)
Beispiel #32
 public DelegateMethodsCommand(ASResult result, Dictionary <MemberModel, ClassModel> selectedMembers)
     this.result          = result;
     this.selectedMembers = selectedMembers;
 public static string GetRefactorTargetName(ASResult target)
     return GetRefactoringTarget(target).Name;
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the highlights from the correct sci control
 /// </summary>
 private void RemoveHighlights(ScintillaControl sci)
     if (sci != null)
         int es = sci.EndStyled;
         int mask = 1 << sci.StyleBits;
         sci.StartStyling(0, mask);
         sci.SetStyling(sci.TextLength, 0);
         sci.StartStyling(es, mask - 1);
         if (settings.AddLineMarker) sci.MarkerDeleteAll(MARKER_NUMBER);
     prevPos = -1;
     prevToken = string.Empty;
     prevResult = null;
Beispiel #35
        private static void GenerateImplementation(ClassModel aType, int position)
            List<string> typesUsed = new List<string>();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.Format(GetTemplate("ImplementHeader"), aType.Type));
            string entry = "$(EntryPoint)";
            ASResult result = new ASResult();
            IASContext context = ASContext.Context;
            ClassModel cClass = context.CurrentClass;
            ContextFeatures features = context.Features;
            bool canGenerate = false;
            string template = GetTemplate("ImplementPart");

            aType.ResolveExtends(); // resolve inheritance chain
            while (!aType.IsVoid() && aType.QualifiedName != "Object")
                foreach (MemberModel method in aType.Members)
                    if ((method.Flags & (FlagType.Function | FlagType.Getter | FlagType.Setter)) == 0
                        || method.Name == aType.Name)

                    // check if method exists
                    ASComplete.FindMember(method.Name, cClass, result, method.Flags, 0);
                    if (!result.IsNull()) continue;

                    string decl = String.Format(template, GetDeclaration(method), entry);
                    entry = "";

                    canGenerate = true;

                    addTypeOnce(typesUsed, getQualifiedType(method.Type, aType));

                    if (method.Parameters != null && method.Parameters.Count > 0)
                        foreach (MemberModel param in method.Parameters)
                            addTypeOnce(typesUsed, getQualifiedType(param.Type, aType));
                // interface inheritance
                aType = aType.Extends;
            if (!canGenerate)

            ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci = ASContext.CurSciControl;
                position = Sci.CurrentPos;
                if (ASContext.Context.Settings.GenerateImports && typesUsed.Count > 0)
                    int offset = AddImportsByName(typesUsed, Sci.LineFromPosition(position));
                    position += offset;
                    Sci.SetSel(position, position);
                InsertCode(position, sb.ToString());
            finally { Sci.EndUndoAction(); }
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void UpdateHighlightUnderCursor(ScintillaControl sci)
     string file = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName;
     if (!IsValidFile(file)) return;
     int currentPos = sci.CurrentPos;
     string newToken = sci.GetWordFromPosition(currentPos);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newToken)) newToken = newToken.Trim();
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newToken))
         if (prevResult == null && prevToken == newToken) return;
         ASResult result = IsValidFile(file) ? ASComplete.GetExpressionType(sci, sci.WordEndPosition(currentPos, true)) : null;
         if (result != null && !result.IsNull())
             if (prevResult != null && (result.Member != prevResult.Member || result.Type != prevResult.Type || result.Path != prevResult.Path)) return;
             prevToken = newToken;
             prevResult = result;
             List<SearchMatch> matches = FilterResults(GetResults(sci, prevToken), result, sci);
             if (matches == null || matches.Count == 0) return;
             AddHighlights(sci, matches);
         else RemoveHighlights(sci);
     else RemoveHighlights(sci);
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the given target in all project files.
 /// If the target is a local variable or function parameter, it will only search the associated file.
 /// Note: if running asynchronously, you must supply a listener to "findFinishedHandler" to retrieve the results.
 /// If running synchronously, do not set listeners and instead use the return value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">the source member to find references to</param>
 /// <param name="progressReportHandler">event to fire as search results are compiled</param>
 /// <param name="findFinishedHandler">event to fire once searching is finished</param>
 /// <param name="asynchronous">executes in asynchronous mode</param>
 /// <returns>If "asynchronous" is false, will return the search results, otherwise returns null on bad input or if running in asynchronous mode.</returns>
 public static FRResults FindTargetInFiles(ASResult target, FRProgressReportHandler progressReportHandler, FRFinishedHandler findFinishedHandler, Boolean asynchronous)
     return FindTargetInFiles(target, progressReportHandler, findFinishedHandler, asynchronous, false, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters the initial result set by determining which entries actually resolve back to our declaration target.
        /// </summary>
        private IDictionary <String, List <SearchMatch> > ResolveActualMatches(FRResults results, ASResult target)
            // this will hold actual references back to the source member (some result hits could point to different members with the same name)
            IDictionary <String, List <SearchMatch> > actualMatches = new Dictionary <String, List <SearchMatch> >();
            IDictionary <String, List <SearchMatch> > initialResultsList = RefactoringHelper.GetInitialResultsList(results);
            int matchesChecked = 0; int totalMatches = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, List <SearchMatch> > entry in initialResultsList)
                totalMatches += entry.Value.Count;
            Boolean foundDeclarationSource = false;
            bool    optionsEnabled = IncludeComments || IncludeStrings;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, List <SearchMatch> > entry in initialResultsList)
                String currentFileName = entry.Key;
                UserInterfaceManager.ProgressDialog.UpdateStatusMessage(TextHelper.GetString("Info.ResolvingReferencesIn") + " \"" + currentFileName + "\"");
                foreach (SearchMatch match in entry.Value)
                    // we have to open/reopen the entry's file
                    // there are issues with evaluating the declaration targets with non-open, non-current files
                    // we have to do it each time as the process of checking the declaration source can change the currently open file!
                    ScintillaControl sci = this.AssociatedDocumentHelper.LoadDocument(currentFileName).SciControl;
                    // if the search result does point to the member source, store it
                    bool add = false;
                    if (RefactoringHelper.DoesMatchPointToTarget(sci, match, target, this.AssociatedDocumentHelper))
                        if (ignoreDeclarationSource && !foundDeclarationSource && RefactoringHelper.IsMatchTheTarget(sci, match, target))
                            //ignore the declaration source
                            foundDeclarationSource = true;
                            add = true;
                    else if (optionsEnabled)
                        add = RefactoringHelper.IsInsideCommentOrString(match, sci, IncludeComments, IncludeStrings);

                    if (add)
                        if (!actualMatches.ContainsKey(currentFileName))
                            actualMatches.Add(currentFileName, new List <SearchMatch>());


                    UserInterfaceManager.ProgressDialog.UpdateProgress((100 * matchesChecked) / totalMatches);
Beispiel #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Top-level elements lookup
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="token">Element to search</param>
 /// <param name="result">Response structure</param>
 public virtual void ResolveTopLevelElement(string token, ASResult result)
     // to be implemented
     // or let empty
 /// <summary>
 /// A new FindAllReferences refactoring command.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The target declaration to find references to.</param>
 /// <param name="output">If true, will send the found results to the trace log and results panel</param>
 public FindAllReferences(ASResult target, Boolean output) : this(target, output, false)
Beispiel #41
        private static void GenerateImplementation(ClassModel iType, ClassModel inClass, ScintillaControl sci, bool detached)
            List<string> typesUsed = new List<string>();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            string header = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("ImplementHeader"), "Class",

            header = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(header, "BlankLine", detached ? BlankLine : null);

            bool entry = true;
            ASResult result = new ASResult();
            IASContext context = ASContext.Context;
            ContextFeatures features = context.Features;
            bool canGenerate = false;
            bool isHaxe = IsHaxe;
            FlagType flags = (FlagType.Function | FlagType.Getter | FlagType.Setter);
            if (isHaxe) flags |= FlagType.Variable;

            iType.ResolveExtends(); // resolve inheritance chain
            while (!iType.IsVoid() && iType.QualifiedName != "Object")
                foreach (MemberModel method in iType.Members)
                    if ((method.Flags & flags) == 0
                        || method.Name == iType.Name)

                    // check if method exists
                    ASComplete.FindMember(method.Name, inClass, result, method.Flags, 0);
                    if (!result.IsNull()) continue;

                    string decl;
                    if ((method.Flags & FlagType.Getter) > 0)
                        if (isHaxe)
                            decl = TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationWithModifiersString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Property"));

                            string templateName = null;
                            string metadata = null;
                            if (method.Parameters[0].Name == "get")
                                if (method.Parameters[1].Name == "set")
                                    templateName = "GetterSetter";
                                    metadata = "@:isVar";
                                    templateName = "Getter";
                            else if (method.Parameters[1].Name == "set")
                                templateName = "Setter";

                            decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "MetaData", metadata);

                            if (templateName != null)
                                var accessor = NewLine + TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate(templateName));
                                accessor = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(accessor, "Modifiers", null);
                                accessor = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(accessor, "Member", method.Name);
                                decl += accessor;
                            decl = TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationWithModifiersString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Getter"));
                    else if ((method.Flags & FlagType.Setter) > 0)
                        decl = TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationWithModifiersString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Setter"));
                    else if ((method.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0)
                        decl = TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationWithModifiersString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Function"));
                        decl = NewLine + TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationWithModifiersString(method, TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Variable"));
                    decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "Member", "_" + method.Name);
                    decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "Void", features.voidKey);
                    decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "Body", null);
                    decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "BlankLine", NewLine);

                    if (!entry)
                        decl = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(decl, "EntryPoint", null);

                    decl += NewLine;

                    entry = false;

                    canGenerate = true;

                    AddTypeOnce(typesUsed, GetQualifiedType(method.Type, iType));

                    if (method.Parameters != null && method.Parameters.Count > 0)
                        foreach (MemberModel param in method.Parameters)
                            AddTypeOnce(typesUsed, GetQualifiedType(param.Type, iType));
                // interface inheritance
                iType = iType.Extends;
            if (!canGenerate)

                int position = sci.CurrentPos;
                if (ASContext.Context.Settings.GenerateImports && typesUsed.Count > 0)
                    int offset = AddImportsByName(typesUsed, sci.LineFromPosition(position));
                    position += offset;
                    sci.SetSel(position, position);
                InsertCode(position, sb.ToString(), sci);
            finally { sci.EndUndoAction(); }
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The target declaration to find references to.</param>
 /// <param name="output">If true, will send the found results to the trace log and results panel</param>
 public FindAllReferences(ASResult target, Boolean output, Boolean ignoreDeclarations)
     this.currentTarget           = target;
     this.outputResults           = output;
     this.ignoreDeclarationSource = ignoreDeclarations;
Beispiel #43
        private static void GenerateVariableJob(GeneratorJobType job, ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, MemberModel member,
            bool detach, ClassModel inClass)
            int position = 0;
            MemberModel latest = null;
            bool isOtherClass = false;

            Visibility varVisi = job.Equals(GeneratorJobType.Variable) ? GetDefaultVisibility() : Visibility.Public;
            FlagType ft = job.Equals(GeneratorJobType.Constant) ? FlagType.Constant : FlagType.Variable;

            // evaluate, if the variable (or constant) should be generated in other class
            ASResult varResult = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, Sci.WordEndPosition(Sci.CurrentPos, true));

            int contextOwnerPos = GetContextOwnerEndPos(Sci, Sci.WordStartPosition(Sci.CurrentPos, true));
            MemberModel isStatic = new MemberModel();
            if (contextOwnerPos != -1)
                ASResult contextOwnerResult = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, contextOwnerPos);
                if (contextOwnerResult != null)
                    if (contextOwnerResult.Member == null && contextOwnerResult.Type != null)
                        isStatic.Flags |= FlagType.Static;
            else if (member != null && (member.Flags & FlagType.Static) > 0)
                isStatic.Flags |= FlagType.Static;

            ASResult returnType = null;
            int lineNum = Sci.CurrentLine;
            string line = Sci.GetLine(lineNum);
            Match m = Regex.Match(line, "\\b" + Regex.Escape(contextToken) + "\\(");
            if (m.Success)
                returnType = new ASResult();
                returnType.Type = ASContext.Context.ResolveType("Function", null);
                m = Regex.Match(line, @"=\s*[^;\n\r}}]+");
                if (m.Success)
                    int posLineStart = Sci.PositionFromLine(lineNum);
                    if (posLineStart + m.Index >= Sci.CurrentPos)
                        line = line.Substring(m.Index);
                        StatementReturnType rType = GetStatementReturnType(Sci, inClass, line, posLineStart + m.Index);
                        if (rType != null)
                            returnType = rType.resolve;

            if (varResult.RelClass != null && !varResult.RelClass.IsVoid() && !varResult.RelClass.Equals(inClass))
                lookupPosition = -1;

                ASContext.MainForm.OpenEditableDocument(varResult.RelClass.InFile.FileName, false);
                Sci = ASContext.CurSciControl;
                isOtherClass = true;

                FileModel fileModel = new FileModel();
                fileModel.Context = ASContext.Context;
                ASFileParser parser = new ASFileParser();
                parser.ParseSrc(fileModel, Sci.Text);

                foreach (ClassModel cm in fileModel.Classes)
                    if (cm.QualifiedName.Equals(varResult.RelClass.QualifiedName))
                        varResult.RelClass = cm;
                inClass = varResult.RelClass;


            latest = GetLatestMemberForVariable(job, inClass, varVisi, isStatic);
            // if we generate variable in current class..
            if (!isOtherClass && member == null)
                detach = false;
                lookupPosition = -1;
                position = Sci.WordStartPosition(Sci.CurrentPos, true);
                Sci.SetSel(position, Sci.WordEndPosition(position, true));
            else // if we generate variable in another class
                if (latest != null)
                    position = FindNewVarPosition(Sci, inClass, latest);
                    position = GetBodyStart(inClass.LineFrom, inClass.LineTo, Sci);
                    detach = false;
                if (position <= 0) return;
                Sci.SetSel(position, position);

            // if this is a constant, we assign a value to constant
            string returnTypeStr = null;
            string eventValue = null;
            if (job == GeneratorJobType.Constant && returnType == null)
                isStatic.Flags |= FlagType.Static;
                eventValue = "String = \"" + Camelize(contextToken) + "\"";
            else if (returnType != null)
                ClassModel inClassForImport = null;
                if (returnType.InClass != null)
                    inClassForImport = returnType.InClass;
                else if (returnType.RelClass != null)
                    inClassForImport = returnType.RelClass;
                    inClassForImport = inClass;
                List<String> imports = new List<string>();
                if (returnType.Member != null)
                    if (returnType.Member.Type != ASContext.Context.Features.voidKey)
                        returnTypeStr = FormatType(GetShortType(returnType.Member.Type));
                        imports.Add(getQualifiedType(returnType.Member.Type, inClassForImport));
                else if (returnType != null && returnType.Type != null)
                    returnTypeStr = FormatType(GetShortType(returnType.Type.QualifiedName));
                    imports.Add(getQualifiedType(returnType.Type.QualifiedName, inClassForImport));
                if (imports.Count > 0)
                    position += AddImportsByName(imports, Sci.LineFromPosition(position));
                    Sci.SetSel(position, position);
            MemberModel newMember = NewMember(contextToken, isStatic, ft, varVisi);
            if (returnTypeStr != null)
                newMember.Type = returnTypeStr;
            else if (eventValue != null)
                newMember.Type = eventValue;
            GenerateVariable(newMember, position, detach);
Beispiel #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the given match actually is the declaration.
        /// </summary>
        static public bool IsMatchTheTarget(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target)
            if (Sci == null || target == null || target.inFile == null || target.Member == null)
            String originalFile = Sci.FileName;
            // get type at match position
            ASResult declaration = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));

            return((declaration.inFile != null && originalFile == declaration.inFile.FileName) && (Sci.CurrentPos == (Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value))));
Beispiel #45
        private static StatementReturnType GetStatementReturnType(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, ClassModel inClass, string line, int startPos)
            Regex target = new Regex(@"[;\s\n\r]*", RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
            Match m = target.Match(line);
            if (!m.Success)
                return null;
            line = line.Substring(0, m.Index);

            if (line.Length == 0)
                return null;

            line = ReplaceAllStringContents(line);

            ASResult resolve = null;
            int pos = -1; 
            string word = null;
            int stylemask = (1 << Sci.StyleBits) - 1;
            ClassModel type = null;

            if (line[line.Length - 1] == ')')
                pos = -1;
                int lastIndex = 0;
                int bracesBalance = 0;
                while (true)
                    int pos1 = line.IndexOf("(", lastIndex);
                    int pos2 = line.IndexOf(")", lastIndex);
                    if (pos1 != -1 && pos2 != -1)
                        lastIndex = Math.Min(pos1, pos2);
                    else if (pos1 != -1 || pos2 != -1)
                        lastIndex = Math.Max(pos1, pos2);
                    if (lastIndex == pos1)
                        if (bracesBalance == 1)
                            pos = lastIndex;
                    else if (lastIndex == pos2)
                pos = line.Length;
            if (pos != -1)
                line = line.Substring(0, pos);
                pos += startPos;
                pos -= line.Length - line.TrimEnd().Length + 1;
                pos = Sci.WordEndPosition(pos, true);
                resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, pos);
                if (resolve.IsNull()) resolve = null;
                word = Sci.GetWordFromPosition(pos);

            IASContext ctx = inClass.InFile.Context;
            m = Regex.Match(line, "new\\s+([\\w\\d.<>,_$-]+)+(<[^]]+>)|(<[^]]+>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (m.Success)
                string m1 = m.Groups[1].Value;
                string m2 = m.Groups[2].Value;

                string cname;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(m2))
                    cname = m.Groups[0].Value;
                    cname = String.Concat(m1, m2);

                if (cname.StartsWith("<"))
                    cname = "Vector." + cname; // literal vector

                type = ctx.ResolveType(cname, inClass.InFile);
                if (!type.IsVoid()) resolve = null;
                char c = (char)Sci.CharAt(pos);
                if (c == '"' || c == '\'')
                    type = ctx.ResolveType("String", inClass.InFile);
                else if (c == '}')
                    type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.objectKey, inClass.InFile);
                else if (c == '>')
                    type = ctx.ResolveType("XML", inClass.InFile);
                else if (c == ']')
                    resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, pos + 1);
                    if (resolve.Type != null) type = resolve.Type;
                    else type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.arrayKey, inClass.InFile);
                    resolve = null;
                else if (word != null && Char.IsDigit(word[0]))
                    type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.numberKey, inClass.InFile);
                else if (word == "true" || word == "false")
                    type = ctx.ResolveType(ctx.Features.booleanKey, inClass.InFile);
                if (type != null && type.IsVoid()) type = null;
            if (resolve == null) resolve = new ASResult();
            if (resolve.Type == null) resolve.Type = type;
            return new StatementReturnType(resolve, pos, word);
Beispiel #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a given search match actually points to the given target source
        /// </summary
        /// <returns>True if the SearchMatch does point to the target source.</returns>
        static public bool DoesMatchPointToTarget(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target, DocumentHelper associatedDocumentHelper)
            if (Sci == null || target == null || target.inFile == null || target.Member == null)
            // get type at match position
            ASResult result = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));

            if (associatedDocumentHelper != null)
                // because the declaration lookup opens a document, we should register it with the document helper to be closed later
            // check if the result matches the target
            // TODO: this method of checking their equality seems pretty crude -- is there a better way?
            if (result == null || result.inFile == null || result.Member == null)
            Boolean doesMatch = result.inFile.BasePath == target.inFile.BasePath && result.inFile.FileName == target.inFile.FileName && result.Member.LineFrom == target.Member.LineFrom && result.Member.Name == target.Member.Name;

Beispiel #47
 public FunctionParameter(string parameter, string paramType, string paramQualType, ASResult result)
     this.paramName = parameter;
     this.paramType = paramType;
     this.paramQualType = paramQualType;
     this.result = result;
Beispiel #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the given target in all project files.
        /// If the target is a local variable or function parameter, it will only search the associated file.
        /// Note: if running asynchronously, you must supply a listener to "findFinishedHandler" to retrieve the results.
        /// If running synchronously, do not set listeners and instead use the return value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">the source member to find references to</param>
        /// <param name="progressReportHandler">event to fire as search results are compiled</param>
        /// <param name="findFinishedHandler">event to fire once searching is finished</param>
        /// <param name="asynchronous">executes in asynchronous mode</param>
        /// <returns>If "asynchronous" is false, will return the search results, otherwise returns null on bad input or if running in asynchronous mode.</returns>
        public static FRResults FindTargetInFiles(ASResult target, FRProgressReportHandler progressReportHandler, FRFinishedHandler findFinishedHandler, Boolean asynchronous)
            Boolean currentFileOnly = false;

            // checks target is a member
            if (target == null || ((target.Member == null || target.Member.Name == null || target.Member.Name == String.Empty) && (target.Type == null || CheckFlag(FlagType.Class, target.Type.Flags))))
                // if the target we are trying to rename exists as a local variable or a function parameter we only need to search the current file
                if (target.Member != null && (
                        target.Member.Access == Visibility.Private ||
                        RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.LocalVar) ||
                        RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.ParameterVar))
                    currentFileOnly = true;
            FRConfiguration config;
            IProject        project = PluginBase.CurrentProject;
            String          file    = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName;

            // This is out of the project, just look for this file...
            if (currentFileOnly || !IsProjectRelatedFile(project, file))
                String mask = Path.GetFileName(file);
                String path = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
                config = new FRConfiguration(path, mask, false, GetFRSearch(target.Member.Name));
                if (mask.Contains("[model]"))
                    if (findFinishedHandler != null)
                        findFinishedHandler(new FRResults());
                config = new FRConfiguration(GetAllProjectRelatedFiles(project), GetFRSearch(target.Member.Name));
            config.CacheDocuments = true;
            FRRunner runner = new FRRunner();

            if (progressReportHandler != null)
                runner.ProgressReport += progressReportHandler;
            if (findFinishedHandler != null)
                runner.Finished += findFinishedHandler;
            if (asynchronous)
Beispiel #49
        static public void ContextualGenerator(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci)
            if (ASContext.Context is ASContext) (ASContext.Context as ASContext).UpdateCurrentFile(false); // update model
            if ((ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.Flags & (FlagType.Enum | FlagType.TypeDef)) > 0) return;

            lookupPosition = -1;
            int position = Sci.CurrentPos;
            if (Sci.BaseStyleAt(position) == 19) // on keyword
            bool isNotInterface = (ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.Flags & FlagType.Interface) == 0;
            int line = Sci.LineFromPosition(position);
            contextToken = Sci.GetWordFromPosition(position);
            contextMatch = null;

            FoundDeclaration found = GetDeclarationAtLine(Sci, line);
            string text = Sci.GetLine(line);
            bool suggestItemDeclaration = false;

            if (isNotInterface && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(contextToken) && Char.IsDigit(contextToken[0]))

            ASResult resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, Sci.WordEndPosition(position, true));
            contextResolved = resolve;
            // ignore automatic vars (MovieClip members)
            if (isNotInterface
                && resolve.Member != null
                && (((resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.AutomaticVar) > 0) || (resolve.InClass != null && resolve.InClass.QualifiedName == "Object")))
                resolve.Member = null;
                resolve.Type = null;

            if (isNotInterface && found.inClass != ClassModel.VoidClass && contextToken != null)
                if (resolve.Member == null && resolve.Type != null
                    && (resolve.Type.Flags & FlagType.Interface) > 0) // implement interface
                    contextParam = resolve.Type.Type;

                if (resolve.Member != null && !ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.IsVoid()
                    && (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.LocalVar) > 0) // promote to class var
                    contextMember = resolve.Member;
            if (contextToken != null && resolve.Member == null) // import declaration
                if ((resolve.Type == null || resolve.Type.IsVoid() || !ASContext.Context.IsImported(resolve.Type, line)) && CheckAutoImport(found)) return;
                if (resolve.Type == null)
                    int stylemask = (1 << Sci.StyleBits) - 1;
                    suggestItemDeclaration = ASComplete.IsTextStyle(Sci.StyleAt(position - 1) & stylemask);

            if (isNotInterface && found.member != null)
                // private var -> property
                if ((found.member.Flags & FlagType.Variable) > 0 && (found.member.Flags & FlagType.LocalVar) == 0)
                    // maybe we just want to import the member's non-imported type
                    Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternVarDecl, found.member.Name, contextToken));
                    if (m.Success)
                        contextMatch = m;
                        ClassModel type = ASContext.Context.ResolveType(contextToken, ASContext.Context.CurrentModel);
                        if (type.IsVoid() && CheckAutoImport(found))
                // inside a function
                else if ((found.member.Flags & (FlagType.Function | FlagType.Getter | FlagType.Setter)) > 0
                    && resolve.Member == null && resolve.Type == null)
                    if (contextToken != null)
                        // "generate event handlers" suggestion
                        string re = String.Format(patternEvent, contextToken);
                        Match m = Regex.Match(text, re, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (m.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                            contextParam = CheckEventType(m.Groups["event"].Value);
                        m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternAS2Delegate, contextToken), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (m.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                        // suggest delegate
                        if (ASContext.Context.Features.hasDelegates)
                            m = Regex.Match(text, @"([a-z0-9_.]+)\s*\+=\s*" + contextToken, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            if (m.Success)
                                int offset = Sci.PositionFromLine(Sci.LineFromPosition(position))
                                    + m.Groups[1].Index + m.Groups[1].Length;
                                resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, offset);
                                if (resolve.Member != null)
                                    contextMember = ResolveDelegate(resolve.Member.Type, resolve.InFile);
                                contextMatch = m;
                        // insert a default handler name, then "generate event handlers" suggestion
                        Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternEvent, ""), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (m.Success)
                            int regexIndex = m.Index + Sci.PositionFromLine(Sci.CurrentLine);
                            GenerateDefaultHandlerName(Sci, position, regexIndex, m.Groups["event"].Value, true);
                            resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, Sci.CurrentPos);
                            if (resolve.Member == null || (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.AutomaticVar) > 0)
                                contextMatch = m;
                                contextParam = CheckEventType(m.Groups["event"].Value);

                        // insert default delegate name, then "generate delegate" suggestion
                        if (ASContext.Context.Features.hasDelegates)
                            m = Regex.Match(text, @"([a-z0-9_.]+)\s*\+=\s*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            if (m.Success)
                                int offset = Sci.PositionFromLine(Sci.LineFromPosition(position))
                                        + m.Groups[1].Index + m.Groups[1].Length;
                                resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, offset);
                                if (resolve.Member != null)
                                    contextMember = ResolveDelegate(resolve.Member.Type, resolve.InFile);
                                    string delegateName = resolve.Member.Name;
                                    if (delegateName.StartsWith("on")) delegateName = delegateName.Substring(2);
                                    GenerateDefaultHandlerName(Sci, position, offset, delegateName, false);
                                    resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, Sci.CurrentPos);
                                    if (resolve.Member == null || (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.AutomaticVar) > 0)
                                        contextMatch = m;

                // "Generate fields from parameters" suggestion
                if (found.member != null
                    && (found.member.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0
                    && found.member.Parameters != null && (found.member.Parameters.Count > 0)
                    && resolve.Member != null && (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.ParameterVar) > 0)
                    contextMember = resolve.Member;

                // "add to interface" suggestion
                if (resolve.Member != null
                    && resolve.Member.Name == found.member.Name
                    && line == found.member.LineFrom
                    && ((found.member.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0 
                            || (found.member.Flags & FlagType.Getter) > 0
                            || (found.member.Flags & FlagType.Setter) > 0)
                    && found.inClass != ClassModel.VoidClass
                    && found.inClass.Implements != null
                    && found.inClass.Implements.Count > 0)
                    string funcName = found.member.Name;
                    FlagType flags = found.member.Flags & ~FlagType.Access;
                    List<string> interfaces = new List<string>();
                    foreach (string interf in found.inClass.Implements)
                        bool skip = false;
                        ClassModel cm = ASContext.Context.ResolveType(interf, ASContext.Context.CurrentModel);
                        foreach (MemberModel m in cm.Members)
                            if (m.Name.Equals(funcName) && m.Flags.Equals(flags))
                                skip = true;
                        if (!skip)
                    if (interfaces.Count > 0)
                        ShowAddInterfaceDefList(found, interfaces);

                // "assign var to statement" suggestion
                int curLine = Sci.CurrentLine;
                string ln = Sci.GetLine(curLine).TrimEnd();
                if (ln.Length > 0 && ln.IndexOf("=") == -1 
                    && ln.Length <= Sci.CurrentPos - Sci.PositionFromLine(curLine)) // cursor at end of line
            // suggest generate constructor / toString
            if (isNotInterface && found.member == null && found.inClass != ClassModel.VoidClass && contextToken == null)
                bool hasConstructor = false;
                bool hasToString = false;
                foreach (MemberModel m in ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.Members)
                    if (!hasConstructor && (m.Flags & FlagType.Constructor) > 0)
                        hasConstructor = true;

                    if (!hasToString && (m.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0 && m.Name.Equals("toString"))
                        hasToString = true;

                if (!hasConstructor || !hasToString)
                    ShowConstructorAndToStringList(found, hasConstructor, hasToString);

            if (isNotInterface 
                && resolve.Member != null
                && resolve.Type != null
                && resolve.Type.QualifiedName == "String"
                && found.inClass != ClassModel.VoidClass)
                int lineStartPos = Sci.PositionFromLine(Sci.CurrentLine);
                string lineStart = text.Substring(0, Sci.CurrentPos - lineStartPos);
                Match m = Regex.Match(lineStart, String.Format(@"new\s+(?<event>\w+)\s*\(\s*\w+", lineStart));
                if (m.Success)
                    Group g = m.Groups["event"];
                    ASResult eventResolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, lineStartPos + g.Index + g.Length);
                    if (eventResolve != null && eventResolve.Type != null)
                        ClassModel aType = eventResolve.Type;
                        while (!aType.IsVoid() && aType.QualifiedName != "Object")
                            if (aType.QualifiedName == "")
                                contextParam = eventResolve.Type.QualifiedName;
                            aType = aType.Extends;
            // suggest declaration
            if (contextToken != null)
                if (suggestItemDeclaration)
                    Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternClass, contextToken));
                    if (m.Success)
                        contextMatch = m;
                    else if (!found.inClass.IsVoid())
                        m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternMethod, contextToken));
                        if (m.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                        else ShowNewVarList(found);
                    if (resolve != null
                        && resolve.InClass != null
                        && resolve.InClass.InFile != null
                        && resolve.Member != null
                        && (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0
                        && File.Exists(resolve.InClass.InFile.FileName)
                        && !resolve.InClass.InFile.FileName.StartsWith(PathHelper.AppDir))
                        Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternMethodDecl, contextToken));
                        Match m2 = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternMethod, contextToken));
                        if (!m.Success && m2.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                    else if (resolve != null
                        && resolve.Type != null
                        && resolve.Type.InFile != null
                        && resolve.RelClass != null
                        && File.Exists(resolve.Type.InFile.FileName)
                        && !resolve.Type.InFile.FileName.StartsWith(PathHelper.AppDir))
                        Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternClass, contextToken));
                        if (m.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
            // TODO: Empty line, show generators list?
Beispiel #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a given search match actually points to the given target source
        /// </summary
        /// <returns>True if the SearchMatch does point to the target source.</returns>
        public static ASResult DeclarationLookupResult(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, int position)
            if (!ASContext.Context.IsFileValid || (Sci == null))
            // get type at cursor position
            ASResult result = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, position);

            // browse to package folder
            if (result.IsPackage && result.inFile != null)
            // open source and show declaration
            if (!result.IsNull())
                if (result.Member != null && (result.Member.Flags & FlagType.AutomaticVar) > 0)
                FileModel model = result.inFile ?? ((result.Member != null && result.Member.InFile != null) ? result.Member.InFile : null) ?? ((result.Type != null) ? result.Type.InFile : null);
                if (model == null || model.FileName == "")
                ClassModel inClass = result.inClass ?? result.Type;
                // for Back command
                int lookupLine = Sci.LineFromPosition(Sci.CurrentPos);
                int lookupCol  = Sci.CurrentPos - Sci.PositionFromLine(lookupLine);
                ASContext.Panel.SetLastLookupPosition(ASContext.Context.CurrentFile, lookupLine, lookupCol);
                // open the file
                if (model != ASContext.Context.CurrentModel)
                    // cached files declarations have no line numbers
                    if (model.CachedModel && model.Context != null)
                        if (inClass != null && !inClass.IsVoid())
                            inClass = model.GetClassByName(inClass.Name);
                            if (result.Member != null)
                                result.Member = inClass.Members.Search(result.Member.Name, 0, 0);
                            result.Member = model.Members.Search(result.Member.Name, 0, 0);
                    if (model.FileName.Length > 0 && File.Exists(model.FileName))
                        ASContext.MainForm.OpenEditableDocument(model.FileName, false);
                        result.inFile = ASContext.Context.CurrentModel;
                        if (result.inFile == null)
                        if (inClass != null)
                            inClass = result.inFile.GetClassByName(inClass.Name);
                            if (result.Member != null)
                                result.Member = inClass.Members.Search(result.Member.Name, 0, 0);
                        else if (result.Member != null)
                            result.Member = result.inFile.Members.Search(result.Member.Name, 0, 0);
                if ((inClass == null || inClass.IsVoid()) && result.Member == null)
                Sci = ASContext.CurSciControl;
                if (Sci == null)
                int    line    = 0;
                string name    = null;
                bool   isClass = false;
                // member
                if (result.Member != null && result.Member.LineFrom > 0)
                    line = result.Member.LineFrom;
                    name = result.Member.Name;
                // class declaration
                else if (inClass.LineFrom > 0)
                    line    = inClass.LineFrom;
                    name    = inClass.Name;
                    isClass = true;
                    // constructor
                    foreach (MemberModel member in inClass.Members)
                        if ((member.Flags & FlagType.Constructor) > 0)
                            line    = member.LineFrom;
                            name    = member.Name;
                            isClass = false;
                if (line > 0) // select
                    if (isClass)
                        ASComplete.LocateMember("(class|interface)", name, line);
                        ASComplete.LocateMember("(function|var|const|get|set|property|[,(])", name, line);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a given search match actually points to the given target source
        /// </summary
        /// <returns>True if the SearchMatch does point to the target source.</returns>
        public static bool DoesMatchPointToTarget(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target, DocumentHelper associatedDocumentHelper)
            if (Sci == null || target == null) return false;
            FileModel targetInFile = null;

            if (target.InFile != null)
                targetInFile = target.InFile;
            else if (target.Member != null && target.InClass == null)
                targetInFile = target.Member.InFile;

            Boolean matchMember = targetInFile != null && target.Member != null;
            Boolean matchType = target.Member == null && target.IsStatic && target.Type != null;
            if (!matchMember && !matchType) return false;

            ASResult result = null;
            // get type at match position
            if (match.Index < Sci.Text.Length) // TODO: find out rare cases of incorrect index reported
                result = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));
                if (associatedDocumentHelper != null)
                    // because the declaration lookup opens a document, we should register it with the document helper to be closed later
            // check if the result matches the target
            if (result == null || (result.InFile == null && result.Type == null)) return false;
            if (matchMember)
                if (result.Member == null) return false;

                var resultInFile = result.InClass != null ? result.InFile : result.Member.InFile;

                return resultInFile.BasePath == targetInFile.BasePath
                    && resultInFile.FileName == targetInFile.FileName
                    && result.Member.LineFrom == target.Member.LineFrom
                    && result.Member.Name == target.Member.Name;
            else // type
                if (result.Type == null) return false;
                if (result.Type.QualifiedName == target.Type.QualifiedName) return true;
                return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the given target in all project files.
 /// If the target is a local variable or function parameter, it will only search the associated file.
 /// Note: if running asynchronously, you must supply a listener to "findFinishedHandler" to retrieve the results.
 /// If running synchronously, do not set listeners and instead use the return value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">the source member to find references to</param>
 /// <param name="progressReportHandler">event to fire as search results are compiled</param>
 /// <param name="findFinishedHandler">event to fire once searching is finished</param>
 /// <param name="asynchronous">executes in asynchronous mode</param>
 /// <returns>If "asynchronous" is false, will return the search results, otherwise returns null on bad input or if running in asynchronous mode.</returns>
 public static FRResults FindTargetInFiles(ASResult target, FRProgressReportHandler progressReportHandler, FRFinishedHandler findFinishedHandler, Boolean asynchronous)
     Boolean currentFileOnly = false;
     // checks target is a member
     if (target == null || ((target.Member == null || target.Member.Name == null || target.Member.Name == String.Empty) && (target.Type == null || CheckFlag(FlagType.Class, target.Type.Flags))))
         return null;
         // if the target we are trying to rename exists as a local variable or a function parameter we only need to search the current file
         if (target.Member != null && (RefactoringHelpera.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.LocalVar) || RefactoringHelpera.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.ParameterVar)))
             currentFileOnly = true;
     // sets the FindInFiles settings to the project root, *.as files, and recursive
     String path = Path.GetDirectoryName(PluginBase.CurrentProject.ProjectPath);
     if (!PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName.StartsWith(path))
         // This is out of the project, just look for this file...
         currentFileOnly = true;
     String mask = "*.as;*.hx";
     Boolean recursive = true;
     // but if it's only the current file, let's just search that!
     if (currentFileOnly)
         path = Path.GetDirectoryName(PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName);
         mask = Path.GetFileName(PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName);
         recursive = false;
     FRConfiguration config = new FRConfiguration(path, mask, recursive, GetFRSearch(target.Member.Name));
     config.CacheDocuments = true;
     FRRunner runner = new FRRunner();
     if (progressReportHandler != null)
         runner.ProgressReport += progressReportHandler;
     if (findFinishedHandler != null)
         runner.Finished += findFinishedHandler;
     if (asynchronous) runner.SearchAsync(config);
     else return runner.SearchSync(config);
     return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the given match actually is the declaration.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsMatchTheTarget(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target)
     if (Sci == null || target == null || target.InFile == null || target.Member == null)
         return false;
     String originalFile = Sci.FileName;
     // get type at match position
     ASResult declaration = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));
     return (declaration.InFile != null && originalFile == declaration.InFile.FileName) && (Sci.CurrentPos == (Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value)));
Beispiel #54
        public static FRResults FindTargetInCurrentFile(ASResult target, /*FRProgressReportHandler progressReportHandler,*/ FRFinishedHandler findFinishedHandler, Boolean asynchronous)
            //Boolean currentFileOnly = false;
            // checks target is a member
            if (target == null || ((target.Member == null || target.Member.Name == null || target.Member.Name == String.Empty) && (target.Type == null || CheckFlag(FlagType.Class, target.Type.Flags))))


             * // if the target we are trying to rename exists as a local variable or a function parameter we only need to search the current file
             * if (target.Member != null && (RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.LocalVar) || RefactoringHelper.CheckFlag(target.Member.Flags, FlagType.ParameterVar)))
             * {
             *  currentFileOnly = true;
             * }
            // sets the FindInFiles settings to the project root, *.as files, and recursive
            //String path = Path.GetDirectoryName(PluginBase.CurrentProject.ProjectPath);

             * if (!PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName.StartsWith(path))
             * {
             *  // This is out of the project, just look for this file...
             *  currentFileOnly = true;
             * }
            //String mask = "*.as;*.hx";
            //Boolean recursive = true;
            // but if it's only the current file, let's just search that!
            //if (currentFileOnly)
            //path = Path.GetDirectoryName(PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName);
            //mask = Path.GetFileName(PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName);
            //recursive = false;
            FRConfiguration config = new FRConfiguration(Path.GetDirectoryName(PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName), Path.GetFileName(PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.FileName), false, GetFRSearch(target.Member.Name));

            config.CacheDocuments = true;
            FRRunner runner = new FRRunner();

             * if (progressReportHandler != null)
             * {
             *  runner.ProgressReport += progressReportHandler;
             * }
            if (findFinishedHandler != null)
                runner.Finished += findFinishedHandler;
            if (asynchronous)