Beispiel #1
        private object LoadActiveRecord(Type type, object pk, ARFetchAttribute attr, Castle.ActiveRecord.Model model)
            object instance = null;

            if (pk != null && !String.Empty.Equals(pk))
                var pkModel = ObtainPrimaryKey(model);

                var pkType = pkModel.Value.ReturnedClass;

                bool conversionSucceeded;
                var  convertedPk = _converter.Convert(pkType, pk.GetType(), pk, out conversionSucceeded);

                if (!conversionSucceeded)
                    throw new ActiveRecordException(string.Format("ARFetcher could not convert PK {0} to type {1}", pk, pkType));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Eager))
                    // simple load
                    instance = attr.Required
                                ? AR.Find(type, convertedPk)
                                : AR.Peek(type, convertedPk);
                    // load using eager fetching of lazy collections
                    var criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(type);
                    criteria.Add(Expression.Eq(pkModel.Key, convertedPk));
                    foreach (var associationToEagerFetch in attr.Eager.Split(','))
                        var clean = associationToEagerFetch.Trim();
                        if (clean.Length == 0)

                        criteria.SetFetchMode(clean, FetchMode.Eager);

                    var result = AR.Execute(type, s => criteria.GetExecutableCriteria(s).List());
                    if (result.Count > 0)
                        instance = result[0];

            if (instance == null && attr.Create)
                instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

        public override bool IsValid(object instance, object fieldvalue)
            if (fieldvalue == null)
            var instanceType = NHibernateUtil.GetClass(instance);
            var model        = AR.Holder.GetModel(instanceType);

            if (model == null)
                throw new ValidationFailure("Couldn't figure out the primary key for " + instanceType.FullName +
                                            " so can't ensure the uniqueness of any field. Validator failed.");

            return(AR.Execute(instanceType, session => {
                var origflushmode = session.FlushMode;
                session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Never;

                try {
                    var criteria = session.CreateCriteria(model.Type)

                    if (Property.Name.Equals(model.PrimaryKey.Key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        // IsUniqueValidator is on the PrimaryKey Property, simplify query
                        criteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq(Property.Name, fieldvalue));
                        var id = instance.GetType().GetProperty(model.PrimaryKey.Key).GetValue(instance, null);
                        ICriterion pKeyCriteria = (id == null)
                                                    ? Restrictions.IsNull(model.PrimaryKey.Key)
                                                    : Restrictions.Eq(model.PrimaryKey.Key, id);

                        criteria.Add(Restrictions.And(Restrictions.Eq(Property.Name, fieldvalue), Restrictions.Not(pKeyCriteria)));

                    return criteria.UniqueResult <int>() == 0;
                } finally {
                    session.FlushMode = origflushmode;