static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.AddComment.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Add a comment to first page of the input PDF
                            Left: 72.0f,
                            Top: 660.0f,
                            Width: 144.0f,
                            Height: 100.0f,
                            Comment: "Adds a note comment with a signifying icon. The icon alerts the reader's attention to the noted area for the signified purpose.",
                            Name: "AddComment",
                            noteType: 0,
                            Flags: 128,
                            Color: "#BEBEBE",
                            isOpened: true,
                            PageNum: 0,
                            UserName: "******",
                            Subject: "Toolkit AddComment");

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Extract the comments as XML Data to a variable.
                        // Use the strXMLData variable to handle the XML data.
                        string xmlCommentData = toolkit.ExportComments(PageNumber: 0);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit Ultimate\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Get the Extractor object from Toolkit
                APToolkitNET.Extractor extractor = toolkit.GetExtractor();

                // Open the input PDF
                int result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Extract an image from the input PDF at the input
                    // location and save it as a randomly named file.
                    // Extractor supports BMP, JPEG, PNG, RGB, and TIFF
                    var image = extractor.ExtractImageByArea(
                        eImageType: APToolkitNET.APImageType.JPEG,
                        Page: 1,
                        Rect: new System.Drawing.RectangleF(300.0f, 0.0f, 300.0f, 100.0f));
                    string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName()}.jpg";
                        if (image.Length != 0)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Extracting Image to: {fileName}");
                            Console.WriteLine("No image found at location.");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Exception caught creating image file ({fileName}): {e.Message}");

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.SetPDFView.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Open the template PDF
                result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Get the reference to the InitialViewInfo object
                APToolkitNET.InitialViewInfo viewInfo = toolkit.GetInitialViewInfo();

                // Options for viewer window
                viewInfo.CenterWindow = true;
                viewInfo.FullScreen   = false;
                viewInfo.ResizeWindow = true;
                viewInfo.Show         = APToolkitNET.IVShow.IVShow_DocumentTitle;

                // Show or hide UI elements of the viewer
                viewInfo.HideMenuBar        = true;
                viewInfo.HideToolBars       = true;
                viewInfo.HideWindowControls = true;
                viewInfo.NavigationTab      = APToolkitNET.IVNavigationTab.IVNavigationTab_PageOnly;

                // Page settings
                viewInfo.Magnification = APToolkitNET.IVMagnification.IVMagnification_150;
                viewInfo.OpenToPage    = 2;
                viewInfo.PageLayout    = APToolkitNET.IVPageLayout.IVPageLayout_SinglePageContinuous;

                // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                if (result != 1)
                    WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // Such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Watermark.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Add a watermark
                        string stampText = "WATERMARK";
                        toolkit.SetFont(FontName: "Helvetica",
                                        FontSize: 72,
                                        PageNumber: -1);
                        toolkit.SetTextColor(AmountRed: 168,
                                             AmountGreen: 0,
                                             AmountBlue: 0,
                                             AmountGrey: 0,
                                             PageNumber: -1);
                            X: (612 - toolkit.GetTextWidth(stampText)) / 2,
                            Y: (792 - toolkit.GetTextHeight(stampText)) / 2,
                            Text: stampText,
                            PageNumber: -1);
                        toolkit.ResetTextColor(PageNumber: -1);

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Instantiate the Compressor object
                APToolkitNET.Compressor compressor = toolkit.GetCompressor();

                // Change the resolution of images to 72 dpi.
                compressor.DownsampleImages = true;

                // Images of DPI greater or equal to the TriggerDPI will be
                // downsampled to the TargetDPI
                compressor.TargetDPI  = 72.0f;
                compressor.TriggerDPI = 150.0f;

                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.DownsampleImages.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Here you can call any Toolkit functions that will manipulate
                        // the input file such as text and image stamping, form filling, etc.
                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(0, 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Simulate the intput byte array by opening a file into memory.
            byte[] inputPDF = File.ReadAllBytes($"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Create the new PDF file in memory
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile("MEMORY");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Set the input byte array
                    toolkit.InputByteArray = inputPDF;

                    // Open the input byte array
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile("MEMORY");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

                        // Here is the output byte array.
                        Byte[] outputPDF = toolkit.OutputByteArray;

                        // Or save the output to disk
                        result = toolkit.SaveMemoryToDisk(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.AllInMemory.pdf");
                        if (result != 0)
                            WriteResult($"Error saving output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #7
    public static void Example()
        string strPath;
        string asdf;
        int    intOpenOutputFile;
        int    intOpenInputFile;
        bool   isDebug;
        string strTitle;
        float  textWidth;
        int    testVar;
        int    intCopyForm;
        long   longStartPrinting;
        int    some_var;
        int    intLinearizeFile;
        string grade;
        int    count;
        int    currentPage;

        strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

        // Instantiate Object
        APToolkitNET.Toolkit oTK = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit();

        asdf = "asdf" + "1234" + strPath + "asdf.pdf";
        // Create the new PDF file
        intOpenOutputFile = oTK.OpenOutputFile(strPath + "new.pdf");
        if (intOpenOutputFile != 0)
            ErrorHandler("OpenOutputFile", intOpenOutputFile);

        // Open the template PDF
        intOpenInputFile = oTK.OpenInputFile(strPath + "PDF.pdf");
        if (intOpenInputFile != 0)
            ErrorHandler("OpenInputFile", intOpenInputFile);

        // Add a 'Confidential' watermark by setting text transparency
        // Rotation and color of the text along with the fill mode are set
        oTK.SetHeaderFont("Helvetica", 90);
        oTK.SetHeaderTextTransparency(0.6f, 0.6f);
        oTK.SetHeaderTextStrokeColor(255, 0, 0, 0);
        oTK.SetHeaderText(154, 184, "Confidential");
        oTK.MyProperty = 1;
        oTK.Debug      = "jkl;";
        isDebug        = oTK.Debug;

        // Add a 'Top Secret' watermark by placing text in the background
        oTK.SetHeaderFont("Helvetica", 72);
        oTK.SetHeaderTextColor(200, 200, 200, 0);
        oTK.SetHeaderText(154, 300, "Top Secret");

        // Add the document title to the bottom center of the page
        oTK.SetHeaderFont("Helvetica", 12);
        strTitle  = "Lorem Ipsum";
        textWidth = oTK.GetHeaderTextWidth(strTitle);
        oTK.SetHeaderText((612 - textWidth) / 2, 32, strTitle);

        // Add page numbers to the bottom left of the page
        oTK.SetHeaderFont("Helvetica", 12);
        oTK.SetHeaderWPgNbr(72, 32, "Page %p", 1);

        // Add a mulitline print box for an 'approved' message in header
        oTK.SetHeaderTextColorCMYK(0, 0, 0, 20);
        oTK.SetHeaderTextStrokeColorCMYK(0, 0, 0, 80);
        oTK.SetHeaderMultilineText("Helvetica", 22, 344, 766, 190, 86, "Approved on January 17th, 2021", 2);

        // Add some lines to the footer and top right corner of the page
        oTK.SetHeaderGreyBar(72, 52, 468, 1, 0.8f);
        oTK.SetHeaderHLine(340, 544, 724, 1);
        oTK.SetHeaderVLine(724, 648, 544, 1);
        testVar = oTK.GetUniqueID + ".pdf";

        // Use the Header Image properties to add some images to the footer
        // Net comment
        oTK.SetHeaderImage(strPath + "BMP.bmp", 375.0f, 13.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, true);
        oTK.SetHeaderJPEG(strPath + "JPEG.jpg", 436.0f, 9.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, true);
        oTK.SetHeaderTIFF(strPath + "TIFF.tif", 500.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, true);

        // Copy the template (with the stamping changes) to the new file
        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
        intCopyForm = oTK.CopyForm(0, 0);
        if (intCopyForm != 1)
            ErrorHandler("CopyForm", intCopyForm);
        longStartPrinting = oTK.StartPrinting(strPath + "PDF.pdf");
        if (longStartPrinting != 0)
            ErrorHandler("StartPrinting", longStartPrinting);
        longStartPrinting = oTK.StartPrinting("", "file.pdf");
        if (longStartPrinting > 1)
            ErrorHandler("StartPrinting", longStartPrinting);
        longStartPrinting = oTK.StartPrinting("", "file.pdf");
        if (longStartPrinting < 1)
            ErrorHandler("StartPrinting", longStartPrinting);
        if (some_var == 0)
            intLinearizeFile = oTK.LinearizeFile(strPath + "PDF.pdf", strPath + "new.pdf", "");
            if (intLinearizeFile > 0)
                ErrorHandler("LinearizeFile", intLinearizeFile);
        if (some_var > 0)
            intLinearizeFile = oTK.LinearizeFile(strPath + "PDF.pdf", strPath + "new.pdf", "");
            if (intLinearizeFile > 0)
                ErrorHandler("LinearizeFile", intLinearizeFile);
        if (some_var < 0)
            oTK.conmment("This is true statement");
            // This is an else
            ErrorHandler("asdf", 234);

        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
        // Snippet with variables
        // Snippet comment from variable!
        oTK.SetSnippetPropertyToInt = 1;
        oTK.ArrayProperty           = "Array of numbers and strings";
        oTK.ArrayProperty           = 1;
        oTK.ArrayProperty           = 18.38f;
        // nil
        // Instantiate Object
        APServer.Server oSVR = new APServer.Server();


        // Release Object
        oSVR = null;

        // Server
            line 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.FillDBFields.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Specify the template form to populate
                    toolkit.SetDBInputTemplate(InputPDFPath: $"{strPath}Toolkit.DBTemplate.pdf");

                    // Set query command to a variable
                    string strSQL = "Select * From Supplier";

                    // Set connection String to a variable
                    string strConn = $"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={strPath}Toolkit.Input.mdb" + ";Persist Security Info=False";

                    // Set master query
                    result = toolkit.SetMasterQuery(
                        ConnectionString: strConn,
                        UserID: "Admin",
                        Password: "",
                        Options: -1,
                        QueryString: strSQL);
                    if (result != 0)
                        WriteResult($"Failed to access the database file: {result}", toolkit);

                    // Set the row Separator
                    toolkit.SetDBMultiRowSeparator(MultiRowSeparator: "");

                    // Related query separator is only needed if different from
                    // default of '|'
                    toolkit.RelatedQuerySeparator = "|";

                    // Add related query
                    result = toolkit.AddRelatedQuery(
                        ConnectionString: strConn,
                        UserID: "Admin",
                        Password: "",
                        Options: -1,
                        QueryString: strSQL,
                        MultiRows: true);
                    if (result != 0)
                        WriteResult($"Failed to implmenet the query: {result}", toolkit);

                    // If db column names are different then field names a map file
                    // is needed. In this example only the zip/postal code is
                    // different.
                    result = toolkit.LoadDBMapFile(PathToMapFile: $"{strPath}Toolkit.DBFormmap.txt");
                    if (result != 0)
                        WriteResult($"Failed to load the map file: {result}", toolkit);

                    // Flatten fields that are populated with data
                    toolkit.SetDefaultDBMergeFlag(DefaultMergeFlag: -997);

                    // Flatten all other fields on the form
                    toolkit.FlattenRemainingFormFields = 1;

                    // Fill the template form
                    result = toolkit.DBToForm(MultiPage: false);
                    if (result != 0)
                        WriteResult($"DBToForm failed: {result}", toolkit);

                    // Clear and close used queries

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit())
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.FillForms.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}");

                // Open the template PDF
                result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Set how you want form field data formatting to be handled
                // By default the field will remain the same (1)
                // You can have the field formatting be ignored (0)
                toolkit.DoFormFormatting = 1;

                // As we will be using the same PDF form for multiple pages we
                // do not want the field names to conflict as different data
                // will be in same named fields Using FormNumbering will rename
                // the fields so they do not conflict field 'name' would become
                // 'name__1', 'name__2', etc. 0 = False, 1 = True
                toolkit.FormNumbering = 1;

                // Populate form fields for the first page with data
                // Refer to the documentation for possible flag options
                toolkit.SetFormFieldData("Text1", "This text field's content was updated using ActivePDF Toolkit.", 1);

                // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                if (result != 1)
                    WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Use ResetFormFields to clear the form data we previously
                // used

                // Populate form fields for the second page with data
                toolkit.SetFormFieldData("Text1", "This second text field's content was updated using ActivePDF Toolkit.", 1);

                // Set whether to flatten all other fields not touched by
                // SetFormFieldData
                toolkit.FlattenRemainingFormFields = 1;

                // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                if (result != 1)
                    WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.HeaderLines.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Here you can call any Toolkit functions that will manipulate
                        // the input file such as text and image stamping, form filling, etc.

                        // Add some lines to the footer and top right corner of the page
                            X: 72,
                            Y: 52,
                            Width: 468,
                            Height: 1,
                            GreyLevel: 0.8f);
                            X1: 340,
                            X2: 544,
                            Y: 724,
                            Width: 1);
                            Y1: 724,
                            Y2: 648,
                            X: 544,
                            Width: 1);

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath   = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            string inputFile = $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf";

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Retrieves the number of pages for the specified PDF file.
                int numPages = toolkit.NumPages(inputFile);
                if (numPages == 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error getting input file page count: {numPages.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // The number of pages from the input PDF to place per row.
                float pagesPerRow = Convert.ToSingle(Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt((double)numPages)));

                // Close the input file before creating a new document.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile($"{strPath}Toolkit.StitchPDF.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Using the default PDF width and height of 612/792
                float pageWidth = 612.0f, pageHeight = 792.0f;

                // The width and height of each page from the original PDF
                // added to the output file.
                float width = pageWidth / pagesPerRow, height = pageHeight / pagesPerRow;

                // The rows of images from the original PDF added to the new
                // document.
                int numRows = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(pageHeight / height));

                for (int i = 1; i < numRows; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < pagesPerRow; ++j)
                        // Add the page from the original PDF to the output.
                            FileName: inputFile,
                            PageNumber: i + j,
                            X: width * j,
                            Y: pageHeight - (height * i),
                            Width: width,
                            Height: height,
                            Rotation: 0);

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #12
    public static void Example()
        int    intDoPrint;
        string strPath;
        int    intOpenInputFile;
        string strFieldInfo;

        strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

        // Instantiate Object
        NameSpace.Class objVAR = new NameSpace.Class();

        // Release Object
        objVAR = null;

        // Instantiate Object
        APDocConv.APDocConverter oDC = new APDocConv.APDocConverter();

        // Release Object
        oDC = null;

        // Instantiate Object
        activePDF.API.DocConverterWBE.DocConverter oDCw = new activePDF.API.DocConverterWBE.DocConverter();

        // Release Object
        oDCw = null;

        // Instantiate Object
        APMeridian.Meridian oMER = new APMeridian.Meridian();

        // Release Object
        oMER = null;

        // Instantiate Object
        APServer.Server oSVR = new APServer.Server();

        // Release Object
        oSVR = null;

        // Instantiate Object
        APToolkitNET.Toolkit oTK = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit();

        // Release Object
        oTK = null;

        // Instantiate Object
        APWebGrbNET.APWebGrabber oWG = new APWebGrbNET.APWebGrabber();

        // Release Object
        oWG = null;

        // Instantiate Object
        APXtractor.Xtractor oXT = new APXtractor.Xtractor();

        // Release Object
        oXT = null;
Beispiel #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit Ultimate\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Get the Redactor object from Toolkit
                APToolkitNET.Redactor redactor = toolkit.GetRedactor();

                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkt.RedactReplace.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the input PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Redact an existing word and replace it with your
                        // own.
                        redactor.RedactReplace(word2redact: "Toolkit", text4replace: "**********", "Arial", 8);

                        // Call the Redactor Apply method to execute the
                        // redaction process. All Toolkit methods normally
                        // called between OpenInputFile and CopyForm
                        // (PrintText, PrintImage etc.) must be after
                        // Redactor.Apply

                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult("CopyForm Failed", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Instantiate the Compressor object
                APToolkitNET.Compressor compressor = toolkit.GetCompressor();

                // Compresses images in the output PDF.
                compressor.CompressImages = true;

                // Compress images to a particular quality, used only with
                // lossy image compression. Ranges from 1 to 100 indicate
                // the result image quality. A lower value creates an image of
                // lower PPI and smaller file size, while a greater value
                // creates images of better quality but larger file size. The
                // default is 20.
                compressor.CompressionQuality = 75;

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile($"{strPath}Toolkit.CompressionQuality.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Open the template PDF
                result = toolkit.OpenInputFile($"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                result = toolkit.CopyForm(0, 0);
                if (result != 1)
                    WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #15
        public async Task <IActionResult> Upload(IFormFile file)
                if (file != null && file.Length > 0)
                    var name      = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                    var extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                    if (!_validExtensions.Contains(extension.ToLowerInvariant()))
                        TempData["Message"] = "Not a valid file extension";

                    string filePath = Path.Combine("Output", String.Format("{0}_{1}.{2}", Guid.NewGuid(), name, extension));

                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
                        await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

                    APToolkitNET.Toolkit oTK = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit();
                    // Set the PDF page Height and Width to Letter (72 = 1")
                    oTK.OutputPageHeight = 792.0f;
                    oTK.OutputPageWidth  = 612.0f;

                    // Create the new PDF file
                    string pdfFileName       = "output.pdf";
                    var    intOpenOutputFile = oTK.OpenOutputFile(String.Format("{0}/{1}", "output", pdfFileName));
                    if (intOpenOutputFile != 0)
                        //log and redirect to custom error page
                        //for demo just throw
                        throw new Exception("error in pdf creation");


                    oTK.SetFont("Helvetica", 12);
                    oTK.PrintText(50.0f, 20.0f, "Signature: Mher Sarkissian");

                    oTK.PrintImage(filePath, 0.0f, 200.0f, 612.0f, 792.0f, true, 0);

                    TempData["Message"] = "Invalid file upload";
            catch (Exception e)
                //log and redirect to custom error page
                //for demo just throw
                throw e;

Beispiel #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string appPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            string newPDF = "GeneratedPDF.pdf";
            int result = -1;

            // Use Toolkit to create a new PDF
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit())
                toolkit.OutputPageHeight = 792.0f;
                toolkit.OutputPageWidth = 612.0f;

                Console.WriteLine($"Toolkit: Generating new PDF using NewPage");

                // Open the output file in memory
                result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile("MEMORY");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Toolkit: Failed to open output file in-memory, error code {result}");

                // Each time a new page is required call NewPage

                // Text can be added onto the new page with
                // SetFont, PrintText and PrintMultilineText functions
                toolkit.SetFont("Helvetica", 24);
                toolkit.PrintText(36.0f, 720.0f, $"Toolkit Version: {toolkit.ToolkitVersion}");

                // Images can be added onto the new page with
                // PrintImage, PrintJPEG and PrintTIFF
                toolkit.PrintJPEG($"{appPath}IMG.jpg", 36.0f, 36.0f, 540.0f, 684.0f, true);

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

                // Save the new PDF to the application path
                result = toolkit.SaveMemoryToDisk($"{appPath}{newPDF}");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Toolkit: SaveMemoryToDisk failed, error code {result}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Toolkit: New pdf created {appPath}{newPDF}");

                // Use Toolkit Compressor to compress images
                Console.WriteLine("Toolkit.Compressor: Compressing generated PDF");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Toolkit Compressor: Failed to open output file in-memory, error code {result}");

                // Retrieves the entire PDF as a string variable after you call
                // CloseOutputFile and set the output file name to MEMORY.
                toolkit.InputByteStream = toolkit.OutputByteStream;

                // Open the input file
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Toolkit Compressor: Failed to open input file in-memory, error code {result}");

                // Instantiate the compressor object
                APToolkitNET.Compressor compressor = toolkit.GetCompressor();

                // Compresses images in the output PDF with the default settings.
                compressor.CompressImages = true;

                result = toolkit.CopyForm(0, 0);
                if (result != 1)
                    WriteResult($"Toolkit Compressor: CopyForm failed, error code {result}");

                // Save the compressed PDF to disk
                result = toolkit.SaveMemoryToDisk($"{appPath}Toolkit.Compressed.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Toolkit Compressor: SaveMemoryToDisk failed, error code {result}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Toolkit Compressor: Compressed pdf created {appPath}Toolkit.Compressed.pdf");

            // Use Rasterizer to convert generated PDF to an image
            Console.WriteLine("\nRasterizer: Converting generated PDF to image format");
            using (APRasterizerNET.Rasterizer rasterizer =
                new APRasterizerNET.Rasterizer())
                // Open PDF

                // Get page count of open file
                int pageCount = rasterizer.NumPages();

                for (int currentPage = 1; currentPage <= pageCount; currentPage++)
                    // Image Format
                    rasterizer.ImageFormat = APRasterizerNET.ImageType.ImgJPEG;

                    // Output Type
                    rasterizer.OutputFormat =

                    // Other settings
                    rasterizer.OutputFileName =

                    // Render the current page

                    // Check for errors
                    if (rasterizer.LastError != 0)
                        WriteResult($"Error rendering page {currentPage}: {rasterizer.LastErrorMessage}");

                    Console.WriteLine($"Rasterizer: JPG image created at {appPath}Rasterizer.ConvertPDFToJPEG.Page.{currentPage}.jpg");

            // Use Xtractor to extract text and images
            Console.WriteLine("\nXtractor: Extracting images and text from the generated PDF");
            using (Xtractor.Xtractor xtractor = new Xtractor.Xtractor(filename: $"{appPath}{newPDF}"))
                // Saves all images in the entire document to JPG files.
                string[] jpgFileNames = xtractor.ExtractImagesToFile(filenameOrMask: $"{appPath}Xtractor.#PAGE#_#NUM#.jpg");
                Console.WriteLine($"Xtractor: Files extracted from \"{newPDF}\"");
                foreach (string file in jpgFileNames)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\tExtracted File: {file}");

                // This method extracts the text from the whole document at once.
                // The string[] is sorted by page number, where index 'n' is page 'n + 1'.
                string[] allTextArray = xtractor.ExtractText();
                Console.WriteLine($"Xtractor: Text extracted from {newPDF}");
                foreach (string text in allTextArray)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\tExtracted Text: {text}");

            // Use Redactor to redact images and text from generated PDF
            Console.WriteLine("\nRedactor: Redacting images and text from the generated PDF");
            using (APRedactor.Redactor redactor = new APRedactor.Redactor(
                filename: $"{appPath}{newPDF}"))
                redactor.PageLiteralText = new string[]
                redactor.TextMode =
                redactor.ImageMode =
                int redactionsPerformed = redactor.Redact();
                Console.WriteLine($"Redactor: Redacted PDF created {appPath}RedactedImagesAndText.pdf");

Beispiel #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Instantiate the Compressor object
                APToolkitNET.Compressor compressor = toolkit.GetCompressor();

                // Compresses images in the output PDF.
                compressor.CompressImages = true;

                // Compresses eligible objects in the output PDF, which include
                // page objects and fonts. Streams (including content, text,
                // images, and data) are not affected.
                compressor.CompressObjects = true;

                // Compress images to a particular quality, used only with
                // lossy image compression. Ranges from 1 to 100 indicate
                // the result image quality. A lower value creates an image of
                // lower PPI and smaller file size, while a greater value
                // creates images of better quality but larger file size. The
                // default is 20.
                compressor.CompressionQuality = 20;

                // Remove all embedded files.
                compressor.DiscardAttachments = true;

                // Remove comments from the output PDF.
                compressor.DiscardComments = true;

                // Remove form fields from the output PDF.
                compressor.DiscardFormFields = true;

                // Remove metadata from the output PDF.
                compressor.DiscardMetadata = true;

                // Remove markup and reflow data from the resulting PDF.
                compressor.DiscardDocumentTags = true;

                // Change the resolution of images to 72 dpi.
                compressor.DownsampleImages = true;

                // Compress uncompressed PDF streams.
                compressor.EncodeStreams = true;

                // Subset fonts.
                compressor.SubsetFonts = true;

                // Images of DPI greater or equal to the TriggerDPI will be
                // downsampled to the TargetDPI
                compressor.TargetDPI  = 150.0f;
                compressor.TriggerDPI = 300.0f;

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile($"{strPath}Toolkit.HighCompression.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Open the template PDF
                result = toolkit.OpenInputFile($"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                result = toolkit.CopyForm(0, 0);
                if (result != 1)
                    WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete
        public ActionResult <Response> CreateSampleBookmarks([FromBody] Request request)
                using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit())
                    //Set page dimensions
                    toolkit.OutputPageHeight = 792.0f;
                    toolkit.OutputPageWidth  = 612.0f;

                    //Create new file
                    int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{serverDirectory}SampleBookmarks.pdf");
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new Exception($"Could not create destination file: SampleBookmarks.pdf");

                    // Open Source File
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile($"{ serverDirectory}{request.filename}.pdf");
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new Exception($"Could not Open file: {request.filename}");

                    // Add new page to output
                    toolkit.SetFont(FontName: "Arial", FontSize: 20);
                    toolkit.PrintText(X: 72.0f, Y: 720.0f, Text: "Table of Contents");
                    toolkit.AddInternalLink(1, 72, 720, 72, 720, 5, 72, 720, 4);

                    //toolkit.AddInternalLinkBookmark("Section 1", 2, 0, 0);

                    APToolkitNET.BookmarkManager bookmarkManager = toolkit.GetBookmarkManager();
                    bookmarkManager.CopyBookmarks = true;
                    APToolkitNET.Bookmark root = bookmarkManager.MakeRoot("Table of Contents", "red", APToolkitNET.FontStyle.Bold);

                    var section1 = bookmarkManager.AddChild(root, "Section 1");
                    section1.SetInternalLink(1, 0, 0);
                    var section11 = bookmarkManager.AddChild(section1, "Section 1.1");
                    section11.SetInternalLink(2, 0, 0);
                    var section111 = bookmarkManager.AddChild(section1, "Section 1.1.1");
                    section11.SetInternalLink(3, 0, 0);

                    var section2 = bookmarkManager.AddChild(root, "Section 2");
                    section2.SetInternalLink(4, 0, 0);
                    var section21 = bookmarkManager.AddChild(section2, "Section 2.1");
                    section21.SetInternalLink(5, 0, 0);
                    var section211 = bookmarkManager.AddChild(section2, "Section 2.1.1");
                    section211.SetInternalLink(6, 0, 0);

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                    toolkit.CopyForm(0, 0);

                    return(new Response()
                        FileContent = string.Empty,
                        FileName = "SampleBookmarks.pdf",
                        Message = "File SampleBookmarks.pdf created successfully",
                        Success = true
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new Response()
                    FileContent = string.Empty,
                    FileName = "",
                    Message = "Could not Create Sample Bookmarks " + ex.Message,
                    Success = false
Beispiel #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit())
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.SignPDF.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Open the template PDF
                result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Find certificate, if it doesn't exist it will be created
                // If you have an existing signature you can find it with
                // FindCertificate and remove the portion of code that creates
                // the certificate
                int certificateID = toolkit.FindCertificate(
                    CertName: "John Doe",
                    Store: "My",
                    LMStore: 0);
                if (certificateID < 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Certificate not found, creating.");
                    // Certificate not found, create a certificate with Toolkit
                    int createCertResult = toolkit.CreateCertificate(
                        CommonName: "John Doe",
                        OrgUnit: "Management",
                        Org: "Doe Enterprises",
                        Local: "Mission Viejo",
                        State: "CA",
                        Country: "US",
                        EMail: "*****@*****.**",
                        UseLocalMachine: 0,
                        CertStoreName: "My",
                        DaysCertIsValid: 365,
                        0, IssuerName: "",
                        IssuerStoreName: "");
                    if (createCertResult == 1)
                        // New certificate created, find it for use
                        certificateID = toolkit.FindCertificate(
                            CertName: "John Doe",
                            Store: "My",
                            LMStore: 0);
                        if (certificateID < 1)
                            WriteResult($"Failed to find new certificate after creation: {certificateID}");
                        WriteResult($"Failed to create new certificate: {createCertResult}");

                // Invisibly sign the output file after any creation, merge or append operation.
                    SigNumber: certificateID,
                    Location: "Mission Viejo",
                    Reason: "Testing Toolkit PDF Signing.",
                    ContactInfo: "",
                    Encoding: 0);

                // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                if (result != 1)
                    WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete
        public ActionResult <Response> CreateFile([FromBody] Request request)
                using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit())
                    //Set page dimensions
                    toolkit.OutputPageHeight = 792.0f;
                    toolkit.OutputPageWidth  = 612.0f;

                    //Create new file
                    int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{ serverDirectory}{request.filename}.pdf");
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new Exception($"Could not create file: {request.filename}");

                    // Each time a new page is required call NewPage


                    // Get the current version of Toolkit and save it to print on
                    // the PDF
                    string toolkitVersion = toolkit.ToolkitVersion;

                    toolkit.SetFont(FontName: "Arial", FontSize: 24);
                    toolkit.PrintText(X: 72.0f, Y: 720.0f, Text: toolkitVersion);

                    toolkit.PrintText(X: 72.0f, Y: 500.0f, Text: request.filetext);

                    // Images can be added onto the new page with PrintImage,
                    // PrintJPEG and PrintTIFF
                        FileName: serverDirectory + "logoSpartanDevTeam.jpg",
                        X: 72.0f,
                        Y: 400.0f,
                        Width: 150.0f,
                        Height: 150.0f,
                        PersistRatio: true,
                        PageNumber: 0);

                    // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                    // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                    result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new Exception($"Could not Copy Template to new file: {request.filename}");

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

                    return(new Response()
                        FileContent = string.Empty,
                        FileName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.filename) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".pdf" : request.filename + ".pdf",
                        Message = "File created successfully",
                        Success = true
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new Response()
                    FileContent = string.Empty,
                    FileName = "",
                    Message = "Could not create file. " + ex.Message,
                    Success = false
Beispiel #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Get the Toolkit Bookmark Manager
                APToolkitNET.BookmarkManager bookmarkManager = toolkit.GetBookmarkManager();

                // Set CopyBookmarks to true to create bookmarks in the output PDF.
                bookmarkManager.CopyBookmarks = true;

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile($"{strPath}Toolkit.LaunchBookmark.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile($"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Create a new bookmark for the page.
                        APToolkitNET.Bookmark newBookmark =
                                Title: "Open your application.");

                        // Set the page number and location to link
                        newBookmark.SetLaunch(CommandName: "your.exe");

                        // Set the bookmark color - orange
                        newBookmark.Color = "#FFA500";

                        // Set the bookmark font style
                        newBookmark.FontStyle =

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(0, 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit Ultimate\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Get the Extractor object from Toolkit
                APToolkitNET.Extractor extractor = toolkit.GetExtractor();

                // Open the input PDF
                int result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Extract the text from the whole document at once.
                    string extractedText = extractor.ExtractText();

                    string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName()}.txt";
                        if (extractedText.Length != 0)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Writing full document text to: {fileName}");

                            // Get the number of pages in the input PDF
                            int numPages = toolkit.NumPages("");

                            // Extract Text by Page
                            for (int i = 1; i <= numPages; i++)
                                fileName      = $"{System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName()}_Page{i}.txt";
                                extractedText = extractor.ExtractText(i);
                            Console.WriteLine("No text found in document.");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Exception caught creating image file ({fileName}): {e.Message}");

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // Such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Add AES 256 bit encryption to the output PDF. Toolkit also
                // supports RC4 40 bit, RC4 128 bit and AES 128 bit.
                // 'DEMO' is appended to the start of the password with the evaluation version
                // Setting CanPrint to false will disable printing.
                toolkit.SetPDFSecurity(nEncrLevel: 5,
                                       UserPassword: "******",
                                       OwnerPassword: "******",
                                       CanPrint: false,
                                       CanEdit: true,
                                       CanCopy: true,
                                       CanModify: true,
                                       CanFillInFormFields: true,
                                       CanMakeAccessible: true,
                                       CanAssemble: true,
                                       CanReproduce: true);

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.DisablePrint.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Here you can call any Toolkit functions that will manipulate
                        // the input file such as text and image stamping, form filling, etc.

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.
                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.HeaderText.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Here you can call any Toolkit functions that will manipulate
                        // the input file such as text and image stamping, form filling, etc.

                        string fontName = "Helvetica";

                        // Add a 'Confidential' watermark by setting text transparency
                        // Rotation and color of the text along with the fill mode are set
                            FontName: fontName,
                            FontSize: 90);
                            PercentStroke: 0.6f,
                            PercentFill: 0.6f);
                        toolkit.SetHeaderRotation(RotationAngle: 45);
                            AmountRed: 255,
                            AmountGreen: 0,
                            AmountBlue: 0,
                            AmountGrey: 0);
                        toolkit.SetHeaderTextFillMode(FillMode: 1);
                            X: 154,
                            Y: 184,
                            Text: "Confidential");
                        toolkit.SetHeaderTextFillMode(FillMode: 0);

                        // Add a 'Top Secret' watermark by placing text in the foreground
                            FontName: fontName,
                            FontSize: 72);
                        toolkit.SetHeaderTextBackground(UseBackground: 1);
                            AmountRed: 200,
                            AmountGreen: 200,
                            AmountBlue: 200,
                            AmountGrey: 0);
                            X: 154,
                            Y: 300,
                            Text: "Top Secret");
                        toolkit.SetHeaderRotation(RotationAngle: 0);

                        // Add the document title to the bottom center of the page
                            FontName: fontName,
                            FontSize: 12);
                        toolkit.SetHeaderTextBackground(UseBackground: 0);
                        string title     = "ActivePDF Toolkit";
                        float  textWidth = toolkit.GetHeaderTextWidth(TextString: title);
                            X: (612 - textWidth) / 2,
                            Y: 52,
                            Text: title);

                        // Add page numbers to the bottom left of the page
                            FontName: fontName,
                            FontSize: 12);
                            X: 540,
                            Y: 52,
                            Text: "Page %p",
                            FirstPageNbr: 1);

                        // Add a mulitline print box for an 'approved' message in header
                        toolkit.SetHeaderTextFillMode(FillMode: 2);
                            AmountCyan: 0,
                            AmountMagenta: 0,
                            AmountYellow: 0,
                            AmountBlack: 20);
                            AmountCyan: 0,
                            AmountMagenta: 0,
                            AmountYellow: 0,
                            AmountBlack: 80);
                            FontName: fontName,
                            FontSize: 22,
                            X: 144,
                            Y: 766,
                            Width: 190,
                            Height: 86,
                            Text: $"Approved on {DateTime.Now}",
                            Alignment: 2);

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit Ultimate\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Get the Redactor object from Toolkit
                APToolkitNET.Redactor redactor = toolkit.GetRedactor();

                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.RedactRegExs.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the input PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        string[] patterns = new string[]
                            // Pattern for all words starting with an 's' or
                            // 'S'
                            // Pattern for all words starting with an 'a' or
                            // 'A'

                        // Redact the expression pattern from the input PDF.
                        // You may also redact individual pages setting the
                        // page function argument, the default is all pages.
                        redactor.RedactRegexs(regexs: patterns);

                        // Call the Redactor Apply method to execute the
                        // redaction process. All Toolkit methods normally
                        // called between OpenInputFile and CopyForm
                        // (PrintText, PrintImage etc.) must be after
                        // Redactor.Apply

                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult("CopyForm Failed", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Get the Toolkit Bookmark Manager
                APToolkitNET.BookmarkManager bookmarkManager = toolkit.GetBookmarkManager();

                // Set CopyBookmarks to true to create bookmarks in the output PDF.
                bookmarkManager.CopyBookmarks = true;

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.MakeRootAll.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Get the number of pages from the input PDF
                        int numPages = toolkit.NumPages(FileName: "");

                        // Create a new root bookmark for all bookmarks to be
                        // placed under.
                        APToolkitNET.Bookmark root = bookmarkManager.MakeRoot(
                            Title: "New Root",
                            Color: "#FFA500",
                            FontStyle: APToolkitNET.FontStyle.ItalicBold);

                        // Add a book mark for each page
                        for (int i = 0; i < numPages; ++i)
                            // Create a new bookmark for the page.
                            APToolkitNET.Bookmark newBookmark =
                                    Parent: root,
                                    Title: $"Page {i + 1}",
                                    Color: "#FFA500",
                                    FontStyle: APToolkitNET.FontStyle.Bold);

                            // Set the page number and location to link
                                DestPage: i + 1,
                                LLX: 0,
                                LLY: 0);

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // Such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.SetInfo.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Here you can call any Toolkit functions that will manipulate
                        // the input file such as text and image stamping, form filling, etc.

                        // Set the PDF metadata for the output PDF
                            Title: "Test PDF",
                            Subject: "Testing",
                            Author: "John Doe",
                            Keywords: "test, pdf, sample");

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
Beispiel #28
    public static void Example()
        int    intOpenOutputFile;
        string strPath;
        int    intOpenInputFile;
        int    intCopyForm;
        string memPDF;
        int    intMergeFile;

        strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

        // Instantiate Object
        APToolkitNET.Toolkit oTK = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit();

        // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
        // Such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

        APToolkitNET.FieldInfo oFI = oTK.FieldInfo("name", 1);

        string TKversion = oTK.ToolkitVersion;

        // Create the new PDF file in memory
        intOpenOutputFile = oTK.OpenOutputFile("MEMORY");
        if (intOpenOutputFile != 0)
            ErrorHandler("OpenOutputFile", intOpenOutputFile);

        //convert pdf to byte array
        byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(strPath + "form.pdf");

        oTK.InputByteArray = bytes;

        // Open the template PDF
        intOpenInputFile = oTK.OpenInputFile("MEMORY");
        if (intOpenInputFile != 0)
            ErrorHandler("OpenInputFile", intOpenInputFile);

        // Here you can call any Toolkit functions that will manipulate
        // the input file such as text and image stamping, form filling, etc.

        short formCount = oTK.CountFormFields();

        Console.WriteLine(TKversion + "Count form fields = " + formCount);


        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
        intCopyForm = oTK.CopyForm(0, 0);
        if (intCopyForm != 1)
            ErrorHandler("CopyForm", intCopyForm);

        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

        // Set the in memory PDF to a variable
        // To retrieve the PDF as a byte array use oTK.BinaryImage
        memPDF = oTK.OutputByteStream;

        // Toolkit can take a PDF in memory and use it as an input file
        // Here we will use the PDF we just created in memory

        // Create the final PDF on disk
        intOpenOutputFile = oTK.OpenOutputFile(strPath + "final.pdf");
        if (intOpenOutputFile != 0)
            ErrorHandler("OpenOutputFile", intOpenOutputFile);

        // Prepare the in memory PDF to be used with Toolkit
        // For .NET Toolkit also has InputByteArray to accept Byte Arrays
        oTK.InputByteStream = memPDF;

        // Now we can use 'MEMORY' as the filename with OpenInputFile or MergeFile
        intMergeFile = oTK.MergeFile("MEMORY", 0, 0);
        if (intMergeFile != 1)
            ErrorHandler("MergeFile", intMergeFile);

        // Close the final file to complete PDF creation

        // To save a PDF in memory to a file directly call SaveMemoryToDisk
        oTK.SaveMemoryToDisk(strPath + "SavedMemory.pdf");

        // Release Object

        // Process Complete
Beispiel #29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.SignPDF.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Open the template PDF
                    result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                    if (result == 0)
                        // Here you can call any Toolkit functions that will manipulate
                        // the input file such as text and image stamping, form filling, etc.

                        // Find certificate, if it doesn't exist it will be created
                        // If you have an existing signature you can find it with
                        // FindCertificate and remove the portion of code that creates
                        // the certificate
                        int certificateID = toolkit.FindCertificate(
                            CertName: "John Doe",
                            Store: "My",
                            LMStore: 0);
                        if (certificateID < 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("Certificate not found, creating.");

                            // Certificate not found, create a certificate with Toolkit
                            int createCertResult = toolkit.CreateCertificate(
                                CommonName: "John Doe",
                                OrgUnit: "Management",
                                Org: "Doe Enterprises",
                                Local: "Mission Viejo",
                                State: "CA",
                                Country: "US",
                                EMail: "*****@*****.**",
                                UseLocalMachine: 0,
                                CertStoreName: "My",
                                DaysCertIsValid: 365,
                                0, IssuerName: "",
                                IssuerStoreName: "");
                            if (createCertResult == 1)
                                // New certificate created, find it for use
                                certificateID = toolkit.FindCertificate(
                                    CertName: "John Doe",
                                    Store: "My",
                                    LMStore: 0);
                                if (certificateID < 1)
                                    WriteResult($"Failed to find new certificate after creation: {certificateID}");
                                WriteResult($"Failed to create new certificate: {createCertResult}");

                        // Invisibly sign the output file after any creation, merge or append operation.
                            SigNumber: certificateID,
                            Location: "Mission Viejo",
                            Reason: "Testing Toolkit PDF Signing.",
                            ContactInfo: "",
                            Encoding: 0);

                        // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                        result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                        if (result != 1)
                            WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                        WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit())
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.FillDBFields.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Specify the template form to populate

                // Set query command to a variable
                string strSQL = "Select * From Supplier";

                // Set connection String to a variable
                string strConn = $"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={strPath}Toolkit.Input.mdb" + ";Persist Security Info=False";

                // Set master query
                    ConnectionString: strConn,
                    UserID: "Admin",
                    Password: "",
                    Options: -1,
                    QueryString: strSQL);

                // Set the row Separator
                toolkit.SetDBMultiRowSeparator(MultiRowSeparator: "");

                // Related query separator is only needed if different from
                // default of '|'
                toolkit.RelatedQuerySeparator = "|";

                // Add related query
                    ConnectionString: strConn,
                    UserID: "Admin",
                    Password: "",
                    Options: -1,
                    QueryString: strSQL,
                    MultiRows: true);

                // If db column names are different then field names a map file
                // is needed. In this example only the zip/postal code is
                // different.
                result = toolkit.LoadDBMapFile(PathToMapFile: $"{strPath}Toolkit.DBFormmap.txt");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Failed to load the map file: {result}", toolkit);

                // Flatten fields that are populated with data
                toolkit.SetDefaultDBMergeFlag(DefaultMergeFlag: -997);

                // Flatten all other fields on the form
                toolkit.FlattenRemainingFormFields = 1;

                // Fill the template form
                result = toolkit.DBToForm(MultiPage: false);
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"DBToForm failed: {result}", toolkit);

                // Clear and close used queries

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete