static void Main(string[] args) { // APMTool.exe "root" file flag [query] if (args.Length < 2) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Usage: APMTool.exe \"root directory\" op args"); Console.Out.WriteLine("OP f: Find files in APM. args: query... query: a[APM NAME] i[INDEX HEX] t[TYPE HEX] s[SIZE LESS THAN] S[SIZE GREATER THAN] N[INDEX WITHOUT IDENTIFIER]"); Console.Out.WriteLine("OP l: List files in package. args: query query: p[PACKAGE KEY HEX] i[CONTENT KEY HEX]"); Console.Out.WriteLine("OP a: Output all APM names"); Console.Out.WriteLine("OP t: Output all types"); Console.Out.WriteLine(""); Console.Out.WriteLine("Examples:"); Console.Out.WriteLine("APMTool.exe overwatch l iDFEF49BEE7E66774E46DA9EEA750A552"); Console.Out.WriteLine("APMTool.exe overwatch fa i11CE t00C"); Console.Out.WriteLine("APMTool.exe overwatch fa i4F2"); return; } string root = args[0]; string flag = args[1]; Console.Out.WriteLine("{0} v{1}", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, OWLib.Util.GetVersion()); OwRootHandler.LOAD_PACKAGES = true; CASCConfig config = null; // ngdp:us:pro // if (root.ToLowerInvariant().Substring(0, 5) == "ngdp:") { string cdn = root.Substring(5, 4); string[] parts = root.Substring(5).Split(':'); string region = "us"; string product = "pro"; if (parts.Length > 1) { region = parts[1]; } if (parts.Length > 2) { product = parts[2]; } if (cdn == "bnet") { config = CASCConfig.LoadOnlineStorageConfig(product, region); } else { if (cdn == "http") { string host = string.Join(":", parts.Skip(3)); config = CASCConfig.LoadOnlineStorageConfig(host, product, region, true, true, true); } } } else { config = CASCConfig.LoadLocalStorageConfig(root, true, true); } object[] query = null; if (flag[0] == 'f' || flag[0] == 'C') { object[] t = new object[6] { null, null, null, null, null, null }; List <ulong> id = new List <ulong>(); List <ulong> type = new List <ulong>(); List <string> apms = new List <string>(); List <ulong> idi = new List <ulong>(); for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; ++i) { string arg = args[i]; try { switch (arg[0]) { case 'I': case 'i': id.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; case 'T': case 't': type.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; case 'n': case 'N': idi.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; case 'a': apms.Add(arg.Substring(1).ToLowerInvariant()); break; case 's': { int v = int.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Number); if (t[2] == null) { t[2] = v; } else if (v > (int)t[2]) { t[2] = v; } } break; case 'S': { int v = int.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Number); if (t[3] == null) { t[3] = v; } else if (v < (int)t[3]) { t[3] = v; } } break; } } finally { t[0] = id; t[1] = type; t[4] = apms; t[5] = idi; query = t; } } } else if (flag[0] == 'l') { object[] t = new object[2] { null, null }; List <ulong> pkg = new List <ulong>(); List <string> content = new List <string>(); for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; ++i) { string arg = args[i]; try { switch (arg[0]) { case 'p': pkg.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; case 'P': pkg.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Number)); break; case 'i': content.Add(arg.Substring(1).ToUpperInvariant()); break; } } finally { t[0] = pkg; t[1] = content; query = t; } } } else if (flag[0] == 'a') { config.Languages = null; } else if (flag[0] == 't') { query = new object[1] { new HashSet <ulong>() }; } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unsupported operand {0}", flag[0]); return; } CASCHandler handler = CASCHandler.OpenStorage(config); OwRootHandler ow = handler.Root as OwRootHandler; if (ow == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Not a valid Overwatch installation"); return; } if (flag[0] == 'a') { foreach (string name in ow.APMList) { Console.Out.WriteLine(name); } return; } foreach (APMFile apm in ow.APMFiles) { string apmName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(apm.Name); if (flag[0] == 'f' && query[4] != null && ((List <string>)query[4]).Count > 0 && !((List <string>)query[4]).Contains(apmName.ToLowerInvariant())) { continue; } if (flag[0] == 'C') { foreach (ulong key in apm.CMFMap.Keys) { ulong rtype = GUID.Type(key); ulong rindex = GUID.LongKey(key); ulong rindex2 = GUID.Index(key); bool check1 = ((List <ulong>)query[0]).Count == 0; bool check2 = ((List <ulong>)query[1]).Count == 0; bool check5 = ((List <ulong>)query[5]).Count == 0; if (((List <ulong>)query[0]).Count > 0 && ((List <ulong>)query[0]).Contains(rindex)) // if index is not in i { check1 = true; } if (((List <ulong>)query[1]).Count > 0 && ((List <ulong>)query[1]).Contains(rtype)) // if type is not in t { check2 = true; } if (((List <ulong>)query[5]).Count > 0 && ((List <ulong>)query[5]).Contains(rindex2)) // if type is not in t { check5 = true; } bool check = check1 && check2 && check5; if (check) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Found {0:X12}.{1:X3} in APM {2}", rindex, rtype, apm.Name); } } } else if (flag[0] == 't') { foreach (ulong key in apm.CMFMap.Keys) { ((HashSet <ulong>)query[0]).Add(key >> 48); } } if (flag[0] == 'C' || flag[0] == 't') { continue; } for (long i = 0; i < apm.Packages.LongLength; ++i) { APMPackage package = apm.Packages[i]; PackageIndexRecord[] records = apm.Records[i]; if (flag[0] == 'l') { if (((List <ulong>)query[0]).Count + ((List <string>)query[1]).Count == 0) { return; } bool ret = true; if (((List <ulong>)query[0]).Count > 0 && ((List <ulong>)query[0]).Contains(package.packageKey)) { ret = false; } if (ret && ((List <string>)query[1]).Count > 0 && ((List <string>)query[1]).Contains(package.indexContentKey.ToHexString().ToUpperInvariant())) { ret = false; } if (ret) { continue; } ((List <ulong>)query[0]).Remove(package.packageKey); ((List <string>)query[1]).Remove(package.indexContentKey.ToHexString().ToUpperInvariant()); Console.Out.WriteLine("Dump for package i{0} / p{1:X} in APM {2}", package.indexContentKey.ToHexString().ToUpperInvariant(), package.packageKey, apm.Name); } for (long j = 0; j < records.LongLength; ++j) { PackageIndexRecord record = records[j]; ulong rtype = GUID.Type(record.Key); ulong rindex = GUID.LongKey(record.Key); ulong rindex2 = GUID.Index(record.Key); if (flag[0] == 'f') { bool check1 = ((List <ulong>)query[0]).Count == 0; bool check2 = ((List <ulong>)query[1]).Count == 0; bool check3 = query[2] == null; bool check4 = query[3] == null; bool check5 = ((List <ulong>)query[5]).Count == 0; if (((List <ulong>)query[0]).Count > 0 && ((List <ulong>)query[0]).Contains(rindex)) // if index is not in i { check1 = true; } if (((List <ulong>)query[1]).Count > 0 && ((List <ulong>)query[1]).Contains(rtype)) // if type is not in t { check2 = true; } if (query[2] != null && (int)query[2] > record.Size) // if size is less than s[lt] { check3 = true; } if (query[3] != null && (int)query[3] < record.Size) // if size is greater than s[gt] { check4 = true; } if (((List <ulong>)query[5]).Count > 0 && ((List <ulong>)query[5]).Contains(rindex2)) // if type is not in t { check5 = true; } bool check = check1 && check2 && check3 && check4 && check5; if (check) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Found {0:X12}.{1:X3} in package p{2:X} in APM {3}", rindex, rtype, package.packageKey, apm.Name); } } else if (flag[0] == 'l') { Console.Out.WriteLine("\t{0:X12}.{1:X3} ({2} bytes) - {3:X}", rindex, rtype, record.Size, record.Key); } } } } if (flag[0] == 't') { foreach (ulong type in (HashSet <ulong>)query[0]) { byte[] be = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)type); Array.Reverse(be); Console.Out.WriteLine("{2:X4} : {0:X4} : {1:X3}", (ushort)type, GUID.Type(type << 48), BitConverter.ToUInt16(be, 0)); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 3) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Usage: PackageTool.exe [-LLang] \"overwatch_folder\" \"output_folder\" <keys...>"); Console.Out.WriteLine("Keys must start with 'i' for content keys, 'p' for package keys, 'n' for package indexes, 't' for package indexes + indices"); Console.Out.WriteLine("Keys must start with 'a' for specific APMs"); Console.Out.WriteLine("If any key starts with Q it will dump all files."); Console.Out.WriteLine("If any key starts with D it will only output filenames to console, but not write files"); return; } string root = args[0]; OwRootHandler.LOAD_PACKAGES = true; CASCConfig config = null; // ngdp:us:pro // if (root.ToLowerInvariant().Substring(0, 5) == "ngdp:") { string cdn = root.Substring(5, 4); string[] parts = root.Substring(5).Split(':'); string region = "us"; string product = "pro"; if (parts.Length > 1) { region = parts[1]; } if (parts.Length > 2) { product = parts[2]; } if (cdn == "bnet") { config = CASCConfig.LoadOnlineStorageConfig(product, region); } else { if (cdn == "http") { string host = string.Join(":", parts.Skip(3)); config = CASCConfig.LoadOnlineStorageConfig(host, product, region, true, true, true); } } } else { config = CASCConfig.LoadLocalStorageConfig(root, true, true); } if (args[0][0] == '-' && args[0][1] == 'L') { string lang = args[0].Substring(2); config.Languages = new HashSet <string>(new string[1] { lang }); args = args.Skip(1).ToArray(); } string output = args[1] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Console.Out.WriteLine("{0} v{1}", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, OWLib.Util.GetVersion()); HashSet <ulong> packageKeys = new HashSet <ulong>(); HashSet <ulong> packageIndices = new HashSet <ulong>(); HashSet <ulong> packageIndent = new HashSet <ulong>(); HashSet <string> contentKeys = new HashSet <string>(); HashSet <ulong> dumped = new HashSet <ulong>(); HashSet <ulong> fileKeys = new HashSet <ulong>(); HashSet <ulong> types = new HashSet <ulong>(); string apmName = null; bool dumpAll = false; bool dry = false; for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; ++i) { string arg = args[i]; switch (arg[0]) { case 'q': case 'Q': dumpAll = true; break; case 'd': case 'D': dry = true; break; case 'p': packageKeys.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; case 'P': packageKeys.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Number)); break; case 'n': packageIndices.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; case 'N': packageIndices.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Number)); break; case 't': packageIndent.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; case 'T': packageIndent.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Number)); break; case 'a': case 'A': apmName = arg.Substring(1).ToLowerInvariant(); break; case 'i': case 'I': contentKeys.Add(arg.Substring(1).ToUpperInvariant()); break; case 'f': fileKeys.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; case 'F': fileKeys.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Number)); break; case 'M': types.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Substring(1), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); break; } } if (contentKeys.Count + packageKeys.Count + packageIndices.Count + packageIndent.Count + fileKeys.Count + types.Count == 0 && !dumpAll) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Must have at least 1 query"); return; } CASCHandler handler = CASCHandler.OpenStorage(config); OwRootHandler ow = handler.Root as OwRootHandler; if (ow == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Not a valid Overwatch installation"); return; } Console.Out.WriteLine("Extracting..."); HashSet <ulong> indicesExtracted = new HashSet <ulong>(); HashSet <ulong> CMFExtracted = new HashSet <ulong>(); foreach (APMFile apm in ow.APMFiles) { if (apmName != null && !Path.GetFileName(apm.Name).ToLowerInvariant().Contains(apmName)) { continue; } Console.Out.WriteLine("Iterating {0}", Path.GetFileName(apm.Name)); HashSet <ulong> removed = new HashSet <ulong>(); foreach (ulong key in fileKeys) { if (apm.CMFMap.ContainsKey(key)) { ulong rtype = GUID.Type(key); ulong rindex = GUID.LongKey(key); string ofn = $"{output}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}cmf{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{rtype:X3}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"; if (!dry && !Directory.Exists(ofn)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Created directory {0}", ofn); Directory.CreateDirectory(ofn); } ofn = $"{ofn}{rindex:X12}.{rtype:X3}"; if (!dry) { using (Stream outputStream = File.Open(ofn, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { EncodingEntry recordEncoding; if (!handler.Encoding.GetEntry(apm.CMFMap[key].HashKey, out recordEncoding)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot open file {0} -- malformed CMF?", ofn); continue; } try { using (Stream recordStream = handler.OpenFile(recordEncoding.Key)) { CopyBytes(recordStream, outputStream, recordEncoding.Size); } Console.Out.WriteLine("Saved file {0}", ofn); removed.Add(key); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot open file {0} -- encryption", ofn); } } } } } foreach (ulong key in removed) { fileKeys.Remove(key); } if (types.Count > 0 || dumpAll) { foreach (ulong key in apm.CMFMap.Keys) { if (types.Contains(GUID.Type(key)) || dumpAll) { ulong rtype = GUID.Type(key); ulong rindex = GUID.LongKey(key); string ofn = $"{output}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}cmf{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{rtype:X3}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"; if (!dry && !Directory.Exists(ofn)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Created directory {0}", ofn); Directory.CreateDirectory(ofn); } ofn = $"{ofn}{rindex:X12}.{rtype:X3}"; if (!dry) { using (Stream outputStream = File.Open(ofn, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { EncodingEntry recordEncoding; if (!handler.Encoding.GetEntry(apm.CMFMap[key].HashKey, out recordEncoding)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot open file {0} -- malformed CMF?", ofn); continue; } try { using (Stream recordStream = handler.OpenFile(recordEncoding.Key)) { CopyBytes(recordStream, outputStream, recordEncoding.Size); } Console.Out.WriteLine("Saved file {0}", ofn); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot open file {0} -- encryption", ofn); } } } } } } if (dumpAll) { continue; } if (contentKeys.Count + packageKeys.Count + packageIndices.Count + packageIndent.Count + fileKeys.Count > 0) { for (long i = 0; i < apm.Packages.LongLength; ++i) { if (contentKeys.Count + packageKeys.Count + packageIndices.Count + packageIndent.Count + fileKeys.Count == 0) { break; } APMPackage package = apm.Packages[i]; if (!dumpAll) { bool ret = true; if (packageKeys.Count > 0 && packageKeys.Contains(package.packageKey)) { ret = false; } if (ret && contentKeys.Count > 0 && contentKeys.Contains(package.indexContentKey.ToHexString().ToUpperInvariant())) { ret = false; } if (ret && packageIndices.Count > 0 && packageIndices.Contains(GUID.Index(package.packageKey)) && !indicesExtracted.Contains(package.packageKey)) { ret = false; } if (ret && packageIndent.Count > 0 && packageIndent.Contains(GUID.LongKey(package.packageKey))) { ret = false; } if (ret) { continue; } } packageKeys.Remove(package.packageKey); indicesExtracted.Add(package.packageKey); packageIndent.Remove(GUID.LongKey(package.packageKey)); contentKeys.Remove(package.indexContentKey.ToHexString().ToUpperInvariant()); PackageIndex index = apm.Indexes[i]; PackageIndexRecord[] records = apm.Records[i]; string o = null; if (dumpAll) { o = output; } else { o = $"{output}{GUID.LongKey(package.packageKey):X12}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"; } EncodingEntry bundleEncoding; bool allowBundle = handler.Encoding.GetEntry(index.bundleContentKey, out bundleEncoding); Stream bundleStream = null; if (allowBundle) { try { bundleStream = handler.OpenFile(bundleEncoding.Key); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot open bundle {0:X16} -- encryption", index.bundleKey); continue; } } foreach (PackageIndexRecord record in records) { if (dumpAll && !dumped.Add(record.Key)) { continue; } ulong rtype = GUID.Type(record.Key); ulong rindex = GUID.LongKey(record.Key); string ofn = $"{o}{rtype:X3}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"; if (!dry && !Directory.Exists(ofn)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Created directory {0}", ofn); Directory.CreateDirectory(ofn); } ofn = $"{ofn}{rindex:X12}.{rtype:X3}"; if (!dry) { using (Stream outputStream = File.Open(ofn, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { if (((ContentFlags)record.Flags & ContentFlags.Bundle) == ContentFlags.Bundle) { if (allowBundle) { bundleStream.Position = record.Offset; CopyBytes(bundleStream, outputStream, record.Size); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot open file {0} -- can't open bundle", ofn); continue; } } else { EncodingEntry recordEncoding; if (!handler.Encoding.GetEntry(record.ContentKey, out recordEncoding)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot open file {0} -- doesn't have bundle flags", ofn); continue; } try { using (Stream recordStream = handler.OpenFile(recordEncoding.Key)) { CopyBytes(recordStream, outputStream, record.Size); } } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot open file {0} -- encryption", ofn); } } } } Console.Out.WriteLine("Saved file {0}", ofn); } if (allowBundle) { bundleStream.Dispose(); } } } } }