public void SubBreeds_Test()
            var currentTest = Core.ExtentReport.CreateTest(
                MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString().Replace("Void", "").Replace("()", ""),
                "This is a demo test for injecting a parameter into the URL of a API request."

            APIUtils apiInstance = new APIUtils("");

            //Value of breed to search for
            string breedToSearchFor = "retriever";

            //Sets the headers
            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headers.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=df3050b40e97ce8431938fa8864b5a07b1593608688");

            //Retrieves the sub breeds of the above <breedToSearchFor> value
            var response = apiInstance.GetRequest(
                "/api/breed/" + breedToSearchFor + "/list"
                , headers
                , currentTest

            //Verifys that 200 response
            response.ValidateResponseIs(HttpStatusCode.OK, currentTest);
            response.ValidateResponseIsJson(response.responseData, currentTest);
        public void RandomImage_Test()
            var currentTest = Core.ExtentReport.CreateTest(
                MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString().Replace("Void", "").Replace("()", ""),
                "This is a demo test for injecting a parameter into the URL of a API request."

            APIUtils apiInstance = new APIUtils("");

            //Sets the headers
            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headers.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=df3050b40e97ce8431938fa8864b5a07b1593608688");

            //Retrieves the whole list of Dog breeds
            var response = apiInstance.GetRequest(
                , headers
                , currentTest

            //Verifys that 200 response
            response.ValidateResponseIs(HttpStatusCode.OK, currentTest);
            response.ValidateResponseIsJson(response.responseData, currentTest);

            //Locating the image url
            JObject json          = JObject.Parse(response.responseData.ToString());
            var     imageLocation = json["message"];

            //Rendering the image in the report
            Core.ExtentReport.InjectPictureFrom(currentTest, imageLocation.ToString());
        public void AllDogBreeds_Test()
            var currentTest = Core.ExtentReport.CreateTest(
                MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString().Replace("Void", "").Replace("()", ""),
                "This is a demo test for Locating a value in the Json response."

            APIUtils apiInstance = new APIUtils("");

            //Sets the headers
            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headers.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=df3050b40e97ce8431938fa8864b5a07b1593608688");

            //Retrieves the whole list of Dog breeds
            var response = apiInstance.GetRequest(
                , headers
                , currentTest

            //Verifys that 200 response
            response.ValidateResponseIs(HttpStatusCode.OK, currentTest);
            response.ValidateResponseIsJson(response.responseData, currentTest);

            //Verify a breed is present
            string breedToSearchFor = "retriever";

            response.ValidateResponseContains(breedToSearchFor, currentTest);

            //logs that the value was found
            Core.ExtentReport.StepPassed(currentTest, "Successfully located the value '" + breedToSearchFor + "' in the Json response.");