APIToken CreateAPIToken(APIToken APIToken, NpgsqlConnection connection)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIToken.Token))

            string insertOrUpdate =
                "INSERT INTO APIToken (account, channel, token, description, canread, canwrite, validfrom) " +
                "VALUES(@account, @channel, @token, @description, @canread, @canwrite, @validfrom) " +
                "RETURNING *;";

            return(connection.Query <APIToken>(insertOrUpdate,
                account = APIToken.Account,
                channel = APIToken.Channel,
                token = APIToken.Token,
                description = APIToken.Description,
                canread = APIToken.CanRead,
                canwrite = APIToken.CanWrite,
                validfrom = DateTime.UtcNow
        private IEnumerator GetRefreshCodeCoroutine(UnityWebRequest www, Action <int, string> errorEvent, Action <Purchase, int> successEvent)
            yield return(www.SendWebRequest());

            if (www.isDone && !www.isNetworkError && !www.isHttpError)
                string   resultJSON = www.downloadHandler.text;
                APIToken token      = JsonUtility.FromJson <APIToken>(resultJSON);

                string checkURL = "https://pardakht.cafebazaar.ir/devapi/v2/api/validate/" + Application.identifier + "/inapp/"
                                  + currentPurchase.productId
                                  + "/purchases/" + currentPurchase.orderId
                                  + "/?access_token=" + token.access_token;
                UnityWebRequest www1 = UnityWebRequest.Get(checkURL);
                StartCoroutine(ValidatePurchaseCoroutine(www1, errorEvent, successEvent));
                if (errorEvent != null)
                    errorEvent.Invoke(ERROR_CONNECTING_VALIDATE_API, "error requesting access code.");
                    errorEvent = null;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 令牌验证
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btntoken_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string ServiceKey  = this.txtServiceKey.Text;  //推送key
            string SecurityKey = this.txtSecurityKey.Text; //推送安全key

            if ((System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(ServiceKey) == false) && (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(SecurityKey) == false))
                Smobiler.Utility.API.PushClient client = new Smobiler.Utility.API.PushClient(ServiceKey, SecurityKey);
                APIToken token = client.GetToken();//令牌验证
                if (token.status == 0)
                    this.lbltoken.Text = token.token;
                    tokenstr           = token.token;
                    this.lbltoken.Text = token.error;
                this.lblresult.Text = token.ToString();
                if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(ServiceKey) == true)
                    this.lblresult.Text = "请输入ServiceKey!";
                if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(SecurityKey) == true)
                    this.lblresult.Text = "请输入SecurityKey!";
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <List <PayrollEmployees> > Post([FromBody] JObject jObject)
            List <PayrollEmployees> list = new List <PayrollEmployees>();
            //APIToken apiToken = new APIToken();

            //apiToken.CompanyId = "ABRAAJ";
            //apiToken.DivisionId = "DEFAULT";
            //apiToken.DepartmentId = "DEFAULT";
            PayrollEmployees payrollEmployees = jObject["payrollEmp"].ToObject <PayrollEmployees>();
            APIToken         apiToken         = jObject["apiToken"].ToObject <APIToken>();

                var empDetails = await _DBContext.PayrollEmployees.Where(x => x.CompanyId == apiToken.CompanyId &&
                                                                         x.DivisionId == apiToken.DivisionId &&
                                                                         x.DepartmentId == apiToken.DepartmentId &&
                                                                         x.EmployeeId == payrollEmployees.EmployeeId &&
                                                                         x.EmployeePassword == payrollEmployees.EmployeePassword).ToListAsync();

                if (empDetails != null)
                    list = empDetails;
            catch (Exception dd)

Beispiel #5
        public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <MessageViewModelGet> > > MarkMessage(string channelid,
                                                                                           long sequence,
                                                                                           [FromQuery] bool?older,
                                                                                           [FromBody] MessageViewModelMark data)
            logger.LogInformation($"Flag message {sequence} from {channelid} as {(data.Read ? "read" : "unread")}.");

            // Retrieve token information from identity
            APIToken apiToken = await authRepository.GetAPITokenAsync(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);

            // Validate that sequence exists
            if (!messageRepository.SequenceExists(apiToken.Id, sequence))
                logger.LogInformation($"Sequence {sequence} not found for API Token {apiToken.Id}.");
                                                                           $"Sequence not found.")));

            // Mark messages
            messageRepository.MarkMessages(channelid, apiToken.Id, sequence, older ?? false, data.Read);

            logger.LogInformation($"Message {sequence} was flagged as {(data.Read ? "read" : "unread")}.");

Beispiel #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                APIToken token = await _tokenservice.GetIdentityToken(user);

                if (!token.Success)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Неправильное имя пользователя либо пароль");
                token = await _tokenservice.GetAPIToken(user);

                if (!token.Success)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Неправильное имя пользователя либо пароль");

                if (user.ReturnUrl != null)

        public APIToken CreateAPIToken(APIToken APIToken)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIToken.Token))

            using var connection = GetNpgsqlConnection();

            using NpgsqlTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

            string insertOrUpdate =
                "INSERT INTO APIToken (account, channel, token, description, canread, canwrite, validfrom) " +
                "VALUES(@account, @channel, @token, @description, @canread, @canwrite, @validfrom) " +
                "RETURNING *;";

            var createdAPIToken = connection.Query <APIToken>(insertOrUpdate,
                account     = APIToken.Account,
                channel     = APIToken.Channel,
                token       = APIToken.Token,
                description = APIToken.Description,
                canread     = APIToken.CanRead,
                canwrite    = APIToken.CanWrite,
                validfrom   = DateTime.UtcNow

        public object GetFooterData(string secureToken, string userName)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/GetFooterData", param, secureToken, userName));
Beispiel #9
        public ActionResult Index(String apikey, string wt = "")
            Guid apikeyGuid;

                apikeyGuid = new Guid(apikey);
            catch (ArgumentNullException) { return(InvalidApikeyArg(apikey)); }
            catch (FormatException) { return(InvalidApikeyArg(apikey)); }
            catch (OverflowException) { return(InvalidApikeyArg(apikey)); }

            APIToken token       = null;
            APIToken widgetToken = null;

            Core.DataLayer.Models.Customer customer = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wt))
                widgetToken = APIToken.ParseToken(wt);
            using (var context = ContextFactory.APIContext)
                var k = context.APIKeys.Where(i => i.KeyValue == apikeyGuid && i.IsActive).FirstOrDefault();
                if (k == null)
                    Response.StatusCode = 401;
                    return(Content("The product key (\"apikey\") is invalid. Please see https://www.sizeup.com/developers/documentation for help.", "text/plain"));
                    // It would be nice to do this instead, but first we need to plug in a page somewhere to
                    // render the reason. Else you get an opaque HTTP 500 error.
                    // throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) {
                    //     ReasonPhrase = "Product key not recognized."
                    // });
                token = APIToken.Create(k.Id);

                using (var sizeupContext = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext) {
                        customer = SizeUp.Core.DataLayer.Customer.GetCustomerByKey(context, sizeupContext, apikeyGuid);
                    catch (System.Data.ObjectNotFoundException exc)
                        // This is actually an error, but the error is a real possibility and I don't
                        // want it to abort the function. An entire API refactor is planned, which will
                        // eventually remove the possibility of failure here.
                        // TODO: if we get a logging framework, log the error.

            ViewBag.Customer    = customer;
            ViewBag.Token       = token.GetToken();
            ViewBag.SessionId   = APISession.Current.SessionId;
            ViewBag.InstanceId  = RandomString.Get(25);
            ViewBag.WidgetToken = widgetToken != null?widgetToken.GetToken() : "";

Beispiel #10
 public APITokenViewModelGet(APIToken APIToken)
     Id          = APIToken.Id.ToString();
     Token       = APIToken.Token;
     Description = APIToken.Description;
     Can_read    = APIToken.CanRead;
     Can_write   = APIToken.CanWrite;
        public object OnlineCompoSearchFilters(string secureToken, string userName)
            Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            APIToken token     = new APIToken(_memoryCache);
            object   objResult = token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/GetComponentCatAndTypes", dict, secureToken, userName);

        public object ApplyDesign(string dataToSend)
            string aiAPI = "";
            //string aiAPI = sfConfig.GetSettingValueByIndividualKey(SettingKeys.AIAPI).Result;
            APIToken objToken = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(objToken.APICall(aiAPI + "/gettemplate", dataToSend));
Beispiel #13
        protected override async Task <AuthenticateResult> HandleAuthenticateAsync()
            if (Request.Headers.ContainsKey("Authorization"))
                Request.Headers.TryGetValue("Authorization", out StringValues authorizationData);

                if (authorizationData.Count == 1 && AuthenticationHeaderValue.TryParse(authorizationData[0], out AuthenticationHeaderValue authHeader))
                    if (authHeader.Scheme != AuthenticationSchema)
                        Logger.LogWarning($"The authorization header provided ({authHeader.Scheme}) is not valid.");

                    APIToken apiToken = await authRepository.GetAPITokenAsync(authHeader.Parameter);

                    if (apiToken != null)
                        // Check that token is still valid
                        if (!apiToken.ValidTo.HasValue || apiToken.ValidTo.Value > DateTime.UtcNow)
                            var routeData = Request.HttpContext.GetRouteData();
                            routeData.Values.TryGetValue("action", out object action);
                            if ((HttpMethods.IsPost(Request.Method) &&
                                 (action.ToString() == "MarkMessage" && !apiToken.CanRead || action.ToString() != "MarkMessage" && !apiToken.CanWrite)) ||
                                (HttpMethods.IsDelete(Request.Method) && !apiToken.CanWrite) ||
                                ((HttpMethods.IsGet(Request.Method) || HttpMethods.IsHead(Request.Method)) && !apiToken.CanRead))
                                Logger.LogWarning($"APIToken Id({apiToken.Id}) isn't authorized to access action ({action}).");
                                Logger.LogInformation($"Request was authenticated as API token: {apiToken.Id}.");
                                var claims = new[]
                                    new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, $"{apiToken.Id}"),
                                    new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, $"{apiToken.Token}")
                                var identity  = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, Scheme.Name);
                                var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);
                                var ticket    = new AuthenticationTicket(principal, Scheme.Name);
                                ticket.Properties.SetParameter <APIToken>("APIToken", apiToken);
                Logger.LogWarning("The authorization header provided was not valid (Invalid Authorization Header).");
                Logger.LogWarning("Missing Authorization Header.");

Beispiel #14
 public ActionResult Index()
     using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
         var token = APIToken.Create(APIContext.Current.ApiToken.APIKeyId);
         var data  = token.GetToken();
         return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public object GetCompTemplateTags(string componentName, string secureToken, string userName)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "ComponentName", componentName }
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/GetCompTemplateTags", param, secureToken, userName));
        public object GetOnlineTheme(int themeID, string userName, string secureToken, string version)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            param.Add("themeID", themeID);
            param.Add("cbuilderVersion", version);
            param.Add("userName", userName);
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/InstallThemeFile", param, secureToken, userName));
        public object GetOnlineHelp(int offset, int limit, string searchText, string secureToken, string userName)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Offset", offset },
                { "Limit", limit },
                { "SearchText", searchText }
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/GetOnlineWebHelp", param, secureToken, userName));
        public object PaymentSuccessful(string url, string secureToken, string userName, string tranitToken, string version)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Url", url },
                { "Tranittoken", tranitToken },
                { "UserName", userName }
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/PaymentSuccessful", param, secureToken, userName));
Beispiel #19
        public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                APIToken token = await _tokenservice.GetIdentityToken(new LoginViewModel()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Password = "******"

                if (!token.Success)
                    throw new System.Exception(token.Error);

                var model = new RegisterUserBL()
                    UserName = user.UserName,
                    Email    = user.Email,
                    Password = user.Password
                APIResult res = await _client.CreateUser <RegisterUserBL>("api/createuser", model, token.token);

                if (res.Success)
                    var tokenmodel = new LoginViewModel()
                        UserName = user.UserName,
                        Password = user.Password
                    token = await _tokenservice.GetIdentityToken(tokenmodel);

                    if (!token.Success)
                        throw new System.Exception(token.Error);

                    token = await _tokenservice.GetAPIToken(tokenmodel);

                    if (!token.Success)
                        throw new System.Exception(token.Error);

                    ModelState.AddModelError("", res.Error);
        public object ReviewFromClient(ReviewEntity review, string url, string secureToken, string userName)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "UserName", review.UserName },
                { "Password", review.Password },
                { "Review", review.Review },
                { "Url", url }
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/ReviewFromClient", param, secureToken, userName));
        private static async Task <RestRequest> BuildRestRequest(Method method)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentToken.AccessToken))
                currentToken = await GetToken();
            var request = new RestRequest(method);

            request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
            request.AddHeader("Authorization", String.Format("Bearer {0}", currentToken.AccessToken));
            request.AddHeader("x-api-key", apiKey);
        public object GetComponentTemplate(string componentName, int offset, int limit, string searchText, string tagIDs, string secureToken, string userName)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Offset", offset },
                { "Limit", limit },
                { "ComponentName", componentName },
                { "SearchText", searchText },
                { "TagIDs", tagIDs }
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/GetComponentTemplate", param, secureToken, userName));
        public static async Task <APIToken> GetToken()
            var client  = new RestClient(tokenUrl);
            var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

            request.AddHeader("cache-control", "no-cache");
            request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            request.AddParameter("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "grant_type=tenant_client_credentials&scope=client_data client_financial_data&" + credentials, ParameterType.RequestBody);
            IRestResponse response = await client.ExecuteAsync(request);

            APIToken token = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <APIToken>(response.Content);

        public object InstallComponent(int componentID, string downloadType, decimal version, string userName, string secureToken, string systemversion)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "ComponentID", componentID },
                { "DownloadType", downloadType },
                { "Version", version },
                { "CbuilderVersion", systemversion },
                { "UserName", userName }
            APIToken token  = new APIToken(_memoryCache);
            object   result = token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/InstallComponent", param, secureToken, userName);

        public object GetInstalledComponents(int offset, int limit, string searchText, string type, string category, string applicationName, string secureToken, string userName, string version)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Offset", offset },
                { "Limit", limit },
                { "SearchText", searchText },
                { "Version", version },
                { "Type", type },
                { "Category", category },
                { "ApplicationName", applicationName }
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/GetInstalledComponents", param, secureToken, userName));
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetTokenInfo()
            await RequireSiteAdmin();

            if (await GetIdentity() is TokenIdentity)
                throw new BaseAPIException("Tokens cannot manage this resource.", APIError.TokenCannotManageThisResource);

            APIToken apiToken = await TokenRepository.CreateDefault(_serviceProvider).GetToken();

            apiToken.TokenHash = null;
            apiToken.TokenSalt = null;

        public object GetInstalledSites(int offset, int limit, string themeName, int sectorID, int siteCategoryID, int businessTypeID, string applicationName, string authToken, string userName, string version)
            Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Offset", offset },
                { "Limit", limit },
                { "ThemeName", themeName },
                { "SectorID", sectorID },
                { "SiteCategoryID", siteCategoryID },
                { "BusinessTypeID", businessTypeID },
                { "Version", version },
                { "ApplicationName", applicationName }
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/GetInstalledSites", args, authToken, userName));
        public object FeedBackFromClient(FeedbackDetails feedBack, string secureToken, string userName)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Category", feedBack.Category },
                { "Description", feedBack.Description },
                { "Domain", feedBack.Domain },
                { "EmailID", feedBack.EmailID },
                { "Keyword", feedBack.Keyword },
                { "Name", feedBack.Name },
                { "Rating", feedBack.Rating },
                { "Title", feedBack.Title },
                { "UserName", feedBack.Username }
            APIToken token = new APIToken(_memoryCache);

            return(token.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/FeedBackFromClient", param, secureToken, userName).ToString());
Beispiel #29
        public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <MessageViewModelGet> > > GetMessages(string channelid, [FromQuery] bool?unread)
            var error = SPVChannelsHTTPError.NotFound;

            logger.LogInformation($"Get messages for channel(id):{channelid}.");

            // Retrieve token information from identity
            APIToken apiToken = await authRepository.GetAPITokenAsync(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);

            // Retrieve message list and convert it to view model
            var messageList = messageRepository.GetMessages(apiToken.Id, unread ?? false, out string maxSequence);

            logger.LogInformation($"Returning {messageList.Count()} messages for channel: {channelid}.");

            // Add ETag header
            Response.Headers.Add("ETag", maxSequence);

            return(Ok(messageList.Select(x => new MessageViewModelGet(x))));
        public object GetRowOnlineComponents(int offset, int limit, string searchText, string type, string category, string applicationName, string secureToken, string userName, string version)
            SettingHelper sfConfig                    = new SettingHelper();
            string        onlineStorePath             = sfConfig.GetSettingValueByIndividualKey(SettingKeys.OnlineStore).Result;
            Dictionary <string, object> objCollection = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Offset", offset },
                { "Limit", limit },
                { "SearchText", searchText },
                { "Version", version },
                { "Type", type },
                { "Category", category },
                { "ApplicationName", applicationName }
            APIToken objToken  = new APIToken(_memoryCache);
            object   objResult = objToken.WebClientInvokerPOST("CbuilderApis/GetRowOnlineComponents", objCollection, secureToken, userName);
