public void ThenAnErrorAccured()
            APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();

            //ExtentTest test = ExtentReport.extent.CreateTest("Checking error presence on registration with only username");
            try { Assert.IsFalse(ak.Error() == null);
                  //  test.Log(Status.Pass, "error is present");
            }catch (AssertFailedException e)
                //test.Log(Status.Fail, "error is not present");
                throw e;
        public void ThenTokenIsGenerated()
            APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();

            //ExtentTest test = ExtentReport.extent.CreateTest("Token Availablity on successfull registration Test");
            try { Assert.IsFalse(ak.Tokenvalue() == null);
                  //  test.Log(Status.Pass, "Token is available");
            catch (AssertFailedException e) {
                //test.Log(Status.Fail, "Token is not available");
                throw e;
        public void ThenRegistrationIsUnsucessfull()
            APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();

            //ExtentTest test = ExtentReport.extent.CreateTest("Registration with only username on '' Test");
            try { Assert.AreEqual(400, ak.ResponseCode1());
                  //  test.Log(Status.Pass, "Registration unsuccessful with only username");
            catch (AssertFailedException e) {
                //test.Log(Status.Fail, "Registration successful with only username");
                throw e;
        public void ThenUsersListOpened()
            APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();

            //ExtentTest test = ExtentReport.extent.CreateTest("user list on '' Test");
            try { Assert.AreEqual(200, ak.ResponseCode2());
                  //  test.Log(Status.Pass, "Response code matched");
            catch (AssertFailedException e) {
                //test.Log(Status.Fail, "Response code not matched");
                throw e;
        public void ThenRegistrationIsSucessfull()
            //ExtentTest test = ExtentReport.extent.CreateTest("Registration test on '' with valid username and password");
            APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();

            try { Assert.AreEqual(200, ak.ResponseCode());
                  //test.Log(Status.Pass, "Registration successfull (Response code matched)");
            catch (AssertFailedException e)
                //test.Log(Status.Fail, "Registration unsuccessfull(Response code not matched)");
                throw e;
        public void WhenIClickOnUserList()
            APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();

        public void WhenIRegisterANewUserWithUsername(string p0)
            APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();

        public void WhenIRegisterANewUserWithUsernameAndPassword(string p0, string p1)
            APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();

            ak.SuccessfulRegistrationWithCorrectCredenials(p0, p1);
 public void ThenTheDataOfUsersShouldBePresent()
     APIKeyword ak = new APIKeyword();