Beispiel #1
        public static int 插入待办中心(AM_待办业务 ammodel)
            StringBuilder dbsb = new StringBuilder();

            dbsb.Append("INSERT INTO AM_待办业务 ");
            dbsb.Append("(流程状态,FlowID,事项名称,通知内容,发起人,发起时间,处理职务,处理方式,处理人,FlowName,Sort ");
            dbsb.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
            dbsb.Append(" @流程状态,@FlowID,@事项名称,@通知内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@处理职务,@处理方式,@处理人,@FlowName ,@Sort");
            SqlParameter[] dbpara =
                new SqlParameter("@流程状态",     ammodel.流程状态),
                new SqlParameter("@FlowID",   ammodel.FlowID),
                new SqlParameter("@事项名称",     ammodel.事项名称),
                new SqlParameter("@通知内容",     ammodel.通知内容),
                new SqlParameter("@发起人",      ammodel.发起人),
                new SqlParameter("@发起时间",     ammodel.发起时间),
                new SqlParameter("@处理职务",     ammodel.处理职务),
                new SqlParameter("@处理方式",     ammodel.处理方式),
                new SqlParameter("@处理人",      ammodel.处理人),
                new SqlParameter("@FlowName", ammodel.FlowName),
                new SqlParameter("@Sort",     ammodel.Sort),
            return(Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, dbsb.ToString(), dbpara)));
Beispiel #2
        public static int 修改待办中心(AM_待办业务 ammodel)
            //所需参数   “流程状态,处理职务,处理方式,处理人,通知内容,FlowID,FlowName”
            string sql = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.AM_待办业务 set 流程状态 = '{0}',处理职务='{1}',处理方式='{2}',处理人='{3}',Sort={4} , 通知内容='{5}' where FlowID = {6} and FlowName = '{7}'", ammodel.流程状态, ammodel.处理职务, ammodel.处理方式, ammodel.处理人, ammodel.Sort, ammodel.通知内容, ammodel.FlowID, ammodel.FlowName);

            return(DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString()));
Beispiel #3
        public int 操作资产借还流程(AM_资产借还流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
                StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();
                sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
                sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
                sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
                SqlParameter[] paratz =
                    new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                    new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   ammodel.发起时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                    new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowID", ammodel.FlowID)

                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);

                if (model.Sort == 1)//同意借出
                    string sql = string.Format("UPDATE AM_资产借还流程表 SET 是否同意 ='{0}' ,借出人操作时间 = '{1}' , 操作人 = '{2}',Sort=2 ,流程状态='已出借,待归还' where ID = {3}", model.是否同意, model.借出人操作时间, model.操作人, model.ID);
                    DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                    string strid = model.资产ID;
                    strid = strid.Substring(0, strid.Length - 1);//删除最后一个字符
                    string[]      arr      = strid.Split(',');
                    List <string> worklist = new List <string>();
                    string        workstr  = "";
                    foreach (string item in arr)
                        workstr = string.Format("   UPDATE 办公设备信息表 SET 借用 = {0}  where ID = {1}", 1, item);
                else if (model.Sort == 2)//已归还待确认
                    string sql = string.Format("UPDATE AM_资产借还流程表 SET 申请人是否归还 ='{0}' ,申请人归还时间 = '{1}' ,Sort=3 ,流程状态='已归还,待确认' where ID = {2}", model.申请人是否归还, model.申请人归还时间, model.ID);
                    DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());
                else if (model.Sort == 3) //完成
                    string sql = string.Format("UPDATE AM_资产借还流程表 SET 出借人确认归还 ='{0}' ,出借人确认时间 = '{1}' ,Sort=0 ,流程状态='完成' where ID = {2}", model.出借人确认归还, model.出借人确认时间, model.ID);
                    DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());
                string sqlup = string.Format("UPDATE AM_待办业务 SET 流程状态='{0}',通知内容 ='{1}' ,处理方式='{2}',处理人='{3}',Sort='{4}' where FlowID = {5} and FlowName='{6}'", dbmodel.流程状态, dbmodel.通知内容, dbmodel.处理方式, dbmodel.处理人, dbmodel.Sort, dbmodel.FlowID, dbmodel.FlowName);
                return(DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlup.ToString()));
            catch (Exception)
        protected void Button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (完成时间.Text == "")
                完成时间.Text = 完成时间.EmptyText;
            if (TextBox1.Text != "" && 完成时间.Text != "" && TextBox3.Text != "")
                School资产报修BLL   bll   = new School资产报修BLL();
                SchoolX_资产报修流程表 model = new SchoolX_资产报修流程表();
                model.维修人电话 = TextBox1.Text;
                model.完工时间  = 完成时间.Text;
                model.故障原因  = TextBox3.Text;
                model.维修人员  = TextBox2.Text;
                model.流程状态  = "已完工,待反馈";
                object  a       = Grid1.SelectedRow.DataKeys[0];
                int     id      = Convert.ToInt32(a);
                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();

                ammodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型 = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务 = "发起人";
                ammodel.发起人  = Session["姓名"].ToString();
                ammodel.消息内容 = "您来自" + ammodel.发起人 + "的资产报修完成申请,请及时处理!";
                ammodel.消息事项 = "资产报修";
                ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "个人";
                dbmodel.处理人      =;
                dbmodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产报修";
                dbmodel.发起人      = Session["姓名"].ToString();
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + dbmodel.发起人 + "的资产报修完成申请,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.FlowName = "资产报修";
                dbmodel.Sort     = 3;
                dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                int xx = bll.添加完成信息(id, model, ammodel, dbmodel);
                if (xx > 0)
                    Window5.Hidden = true;
                    流程状态待派单.Hidden = true;
        public int 报修结算(int id, SchoolX_资产报修流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
                string sql = string.Format("UPDATE X_资产报修流程表 SET 完工时间='{0}',结果反馈='{1}',流程状态='{2}',Sort=4 where ID=" + id, model.完工时间, model.结果反馈, model.流程状态);
                DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());
                StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();
                sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
                sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
                sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
                SqlParameter[] paratz =
                    new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                    new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   ammodel.发起时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                    new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowID", id)
                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);

                StringBuilder dbsb = new StringBuilder();
                dbsb.Append("update AM_待办业务 SET ");
                dbsb.Append("流程状态=@流程状态,事项名称=@事项名称,通知内容=@通知内容,发起人=@发起人,发起时间=@发起时间,处理方式=@处理方式,处理人=@处理人,FlowName=@FlowName,Sort=@Sort WHERE FlowID= " + id + " AND FlowName=@FlowName");

                SqlParameter[] dbpara =
                    new SqlParameter("@流程状态",     dbmodel.流程状态),
                    new SqlParameter("@事项名称",     dbmodel.事项名称),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知内容",     dbmodel.通知内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",      dbmodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@处理人",      dbmodel.处理人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",     dbmodel.发起时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@处理方式",     dbmodel.处理方式),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowName", dbmodel.FlowName),
                    new SqlParameter("@Sort",     dbmodel.Sort)

                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, dbsb.ToString(), dbpara);

        protected void Button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string  username = Session["姓名"].ToString();
            AM_提醒通知 ammodel  = new AM_提醒通知();

            ammodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now;
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            ammodel.通知类型 = "结果反馈通知";
            ammodel.通知职务 = "资产管理员";
            ammodel.发起人  = username;
            ammodel.消息内容 = "您来自" + ammodel.发起人 + "的资产转移已完成!";
            ammodel.消息事项 = "资产转移";
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();

            dbmodel.处理方式 = "职务";
            dbmodel.处理职务 = "资产管理员";
            dbmodel.流程状态 = "已完成";
            dbmodel.发起人  = ammodel.发起人;
            dbmodel.通知内容 = "您来自" + dbmodel.发起人 + "的资产转移已完成!";
            dbmodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
            dbmodel.Sort = 0;

            int id = Convert.ToInt16(xx.Text);

            if (id > 0)
                int num = bll.修改数据(id, 查看归属部门变更为.Text, 查看存放地点变更为.Text, 查看负责人变更为.Text, ammodel, dbmodel);
                if (num > 0)
                    Alert.ShowInTop("转移成功!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    新增资产转移查看详情.Hidden = true;
                    DataSet   ds     = bll.首页_X_资产转移流程表("流程状态-全部");
                    DataTable dt     = ds.Tables[0].Copy();//复制一份table
                    DataTable source = dt;
                    // 3.绑定到Grid
                    Grid1.DataSource = dt;//DataTable
                Alert.ShowInTop("未获取选择行!", "警告信息", MessageBoxIcon.Error);

        public int 处置申报待报废处理流程(SchoolX_资产处置流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
                StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();
                sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
                sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
                sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
                SqlParameter[] paratz =
                    new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                    new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   ammodel.发起时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                    new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowID", ammodel.FlowID)

                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);

                if (model.Sort == 1)//分管领导通过
                    //string sql = string.Format("UPDATE X_资产处置流程表 SET 是否同意 ='{0}' ,分管领导通过时间 = '{1}' , 申请人 = '{2}',Sort=2 ,流程状态='分管领导已通过,待主管部门审核' where ID = {3}", model.是否同意, model.分管领导通过时间, model.申请人, model.ID);
                    //DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());
                else if (model.Sort == 2)//主管部门审核
                    //string sql = string.Format("UPDATE X_资产处置流程表 SET 主管部门确认通过 ='{0}' ,主管部门通过时间 = '{1}' ,Sort=3 ,流程状态='主管部门已审核通过,待财政部门审核' where ID = {2}", model.主管部门确认通过, model.主管部门通过时间, model.ID);
                    //DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());
                else if (model.Sort == 3) //财政部门审核
                    //string sql = string.Format("UPDATE X_资产处置流程表 SET 财务部门确认通过 ='是' ,财政部门通过时间 = '2020/2/4' ,Sort=0 ,流程状态='完成' where ID = {2}", model.财政部门确认通过, model.财政部门通过时间, model.ID);
                    //DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());
                string sqlup = string.Format("UPDATE AM_待办业务 SET 流程状态='{0}',通知内容 ='{1}' ,处理职务='{2}' where FlowID = {3} and 事项名称='{4}'", dbmodel.流程状态, dbmodel.通知内容, dbmodel.处理职务, dbmodel.FlowID, dbmodel.事项名称);
                return(DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlup.ToString()));
            catch (Exception)
        protected void Button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            object          a     = Grid1.SelectedRow.DataKeys[0];
            int             id    = Convert.ToInt32(a);
            SchoolX_资产报修流程表 model = new SchoolX_资产报修流程表();

            model.完工时间 = DatePicker2.Text;
            model.结果反馈 = 结果反馈.Text;
            model.流程状态 = "已完成";
            AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();

            ammodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now;
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            ammodel.通知类型 = "结果反馈通知";
            ammodel.通知职务 = "发起人";
            ammodel.发起人  = Session["姓名"].ToString();

            ammodel.消息事项 = "资产报修";
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();

            dbmodel.处理方式     = "个人";
            dbmodel.处理人      =;
            dbmodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
            dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产报修";
            dbmodel.FlowName = dbmodel.事项名称;
            dbmodel.Sort     = 0;
            dbmodel.发起人      = Session["姓名"].ToString();
            dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + dbmodel.处理人 + "的资产报修申请已完成!";
            ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + dbmodel.处理人 + "的资产报修申请已完成!";
            dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
            int xx = bll.报修结算(id, model, ammodel, dbmodel);

            if (xx > 0)
                流程状态待派单.Hidden = true;
                Window6.Hidden = true;
        public int 修改数据(int ID, string 归属部门变更为, string 存放地点变更为, string 负责人变更为, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
            StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();

            sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
            sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
            sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
            sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
            SqlParameter[] paratz =
                new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   ammodel.发起时间),
                new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                new SqlParameter("@FlowID", ID)
            DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);

            StringBuilder dbsb = new StringBuilder();

            dbsb.Append("update AM_待办业务 SET ");
            dbsb.Append("流程状态=@流程状态,通知内容=@通知内容,发起人=@发起人,发起时间=@发起时间,处理方式=@处理方式,处理职务=@处理职务,Sort=@Sort WHERE FlowID= " + ID + " AND FlowName='资产转移'");

            SqlParameter[] dbpara =
                new SqlParameter("@流程状态", dbmodel.流程状态),

                new SqlParameter("@通知内容", dbmodel.通知内容),
                new SqlParameter("@发起人",  dbmodel.发起人),
                new SqlParameter("@发起时间", dbmodel.发起时间),
                new SqlParameter("@处理方式", dbmodel.处理方式),
                new SqlParameter("@处理职务", dbmodel.处理职务),

                new SqlParameter("@Sort", dbmodel.Sort)
            DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, dbsb.ToString(), dbpara);

            string        sql  = string.Format("SELECT * FROM dbo.X_资产转移流程表 WHERE ID = {0}", ID);
            SqlDataReader read = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());
            string        SID  = "";

            if (read.Read())
                SID = read["S_ID"].ToString();
            string[] condition = { "," };
            string[] result    = SID.Split(condition, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            List <int> inlist = new List <int>();

            foreach (string item in result)

            int           upgsbm = 0;
            int           upcfdd = 0;
            int           upfzr  = 0;
            string        sqlx   = string.Format("SELECT ID FROM dbo.一级部门表 where 名称='{0}'", 归属部门变更为);
            SqlDataReader readx  = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlx.ToString());

            while (readx.Read())
                upgsbm = Convert.ToInt32(readx["ID"]);

            string        sqlup2  = string.Format("SELECT   *  from dbo.房间信息表 where 名称 =  '{0}'", 存放地点变更为);
            SqlDataReader readup2 = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlup2.ToString());

            while (readup2.Read())
                upcfdd = Convert.ToInt32(readup2["ID"]);

            string        sqlup3  = string.Format("SELECT * FROM 用户表  where 姓名 =  '{0}'", 负责人变更为);
            SqlDataReader readup3 = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlup3.ToString());

            while (readup3.Read())
                upfzr = Convert.ToInt32(readup3["ID"]);
            List <string> cstrlist = new List <string>();
            string        csqls    = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < inlist.Count; i++)
                csqls = string.Format("   UPDATE 办公设备信息表 SET 归属部门 = {0} ,位置 = {1}, 归属教师ID = {2} where ID = {3}", upgsbm, upcfdd, upfzr, inlist[i]);

            string sqlflowstate = string.Format("UPDATE X_资产转移流程表 SET 流程状态='已完成' where ID = {0}", ID);

            DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlflowstate.ToString());
Beispiel #10
 public int 新增原值变动(SchoolX_原值变动流程表 model, List <School办公设备信息表> workmodel, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
     return(sql.新增原值变动(model, workmodel, ammodel, dbmodel));
        public int upzczy(SchoolX_资产转移流程表 model, List <int> listid, List <SchoolX_资产转移改动信息表> listmodel, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("INSERT INTO X_资产转移流程表 ");
                sb.Append(" (流程状态,单据编号,事项名称,申请人,申请日期,联系方式,存放地点变更为,归属部门变更为,负责人变更为,备注信息,S_ID,总数,总价,Sort ");
                sb.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sb.Append(" @流程状态,@单据编号,@事项名称,@申请人,@申请日期,@联系方式,@存放地点变更为,@归属部门变更为,@负责人变更为,@备注信息,@S_ID,@总数,@总价," + 1);
                sb.Append(" SELECT ");
                sb.Append(" @@identity ");
                SqlParameter[] para =
                    new SqlParameter("@流程状态",    model.流程状态),
                    new SqlParameter("@单据编号",    model.单据编号),
                    new SqlParameter("@事项名称",    model.事项名称),
                    new SqlParameter("@申请人",     model.申请人),
                    new SqlParameter("@申请日期",    model.申请日期),
                    new SqlParameter("@联系方式",    model.联系方式),
                    new SqlParameter("@存放地点变更为", model.存放地点变更为),
                    new SqlParameter("@归属部门变更为", model.归属部门变更为),
                    new SqlParameter("@负责人变更为",  model.负责人变更为),
                    new SqlParameter("@备注信息",    model.备注信息),
                    new SqlParameter("@S_ID",    model.S_ID),
                    new SqlParameter("@总数",      model.总数),
                    new SqlParameter("@总价",      model.总价),

                int num = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), para));

                StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();
                sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
                sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
                sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
                SqlParameter[] paratz =
                    new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                    new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   ammodel.发起时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                    new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowID", num)
                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);

                //DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);
                StringBuilder dbsb = new StringBuilder();
                dbsb.Append("INSERT INTO AM_待办业务 ");
                dbsb.Append("(流程状态,FlowID,处理方式,通知内容,发起人,发起时间,FlowName,处理职务,Sort,事项名称 ");
                dbsb.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                dbsb.Append(" @流程状态,@FlowID,@处理方式,@通知内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@FlowName,@处理职务,@Sort,@事项名称 ");
                SqlParameter[] dbpara =
                    new SqlParameter("@流程状态",     dbmodel.流程状态),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowID",   num),
                    new SqlParameter("@处理方式",     dbmodel.处理方式),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知内容",     dbmodel.通知内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",      dbmodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",     dbmodel.发起时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@处理职务",     dbmodel.处理职务),
                    new SqlParameter("@Sort",     dbmodel.Sort),
                    new SqlParameter("@事项名称",     dbmodel.事项名称),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowName", dbmodel.FlowName)
                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, dbsb.ToString(), dbpara);

                List <string> strlist = new List <string>();
                string        sqlzy   = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < listmodel.Count; i++)
                    sqlzy = string.Format("INSERT INTO  [X_资产转移改动信息表] ([转移流程表ID],[办公设备信息表ID],[原存放地点],[原归属部门],[原负责人],[现存放地点],[现归属部门],[现负责人]) VALUES ({0},{1},'{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}')", num, listid[i], listmodel[i].原存放地点, listmodel[i].原归属部门, listmodel[i].原负责人, model.存放地点变更为, model.归属部门变更为, model.负责人变更为);
                int XX = DBHelper.ExecuteSqlTran(strlist);
                //int AA = XX;


                //if (num > 0)
                //    int upgsbm = 0;
                //    int upcfdd = 0;
                //    int upfzr = 0;
                //    string sql = string.Format("SELECT ID FROM dbo.一级部门表 where 名称='{0}'", model.归属部门变更为);
                //    SqlDataReader read = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());
                //    while (read.Read())
                //    {
                //        upgsbm = Convert.ToInt32(read["ID"]);
                //    }
                //    read.Close();

                //    string sqlup2 = string.Format("SELECT   *  from dbo.房间信息表 where 名称 =  '{0}'", model.存放地点变更为);
                //    SqlDataReader readup2 = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlup2.ToString());
                //    while (readup2.Read())
                //    {
                //        upcfdd = Convert.ToInt32(readup2["ID"]);
                //    }
                //    readup2.Close();

                //    string sqlup3 = string.Format("SELECT * FROM 用户表  where 姓名 =  '{0}'", model.负责人变更为);
                //    SqlDataReader readup3 = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlup3.ToString());
                //    while (readup3.Read())
                //    {
                //        upfzr = Convert.ToInt32(readup3["ID"]);
                //    }
                //    readup3.Close();
                //    List<string> cstrlist = new List<string>();
                //    string csqls = "";
                //    for (int i = 0; i < listid.Count; i++)
                //    {
                //        csqls = string.Format("   UPDATE 办公设备信息表 SET 归属部门 = {0} ,位置 = {1}, 归属教师ID = {2} where ID = {3}", upgsbm, upcfdd, upfzr, listid[i]);
                //        cstrlist.Add(csqls.ToString());
                //    }

                //    return DBHelper.ExecuteSqlTran(cstrlist);

                //    return 0;
            catch (Exception)

            //return sql.upzczy(model, listid);
Beispiel #12
        protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AM_资产借还流程表 model = new AM_资产借还流程表();

            if (Grid2.Rows.Count == 0)
                Alert.ShowInTop("请先添加资产!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            model.Sort = 1;
            model.流程状态 = 流程状态.Text;
            model.发起人  = 借用人.Text;
            model.借出人  = 借出人.Text;
            model.借用人  = 借用人.Text;
            model.提交时间 = 提交时间.Text;
            if (预计归还时间.Text == null || 预计归还时间.Text == "")
                Alert.ShowInTop("请输入归还时间!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            model.预计归还时间 = 预计归还时间.Text;
            model.单据编号   = 单据编号.Text;
            model.借出人    = 借出人.Text;
            model.借用时间   = 借用时间.Text;
            model.备注信息   = 备注信息.Text;
            int[] selections = Grid4.SelectedRowIndexArray;
            int   资产数量       = 0;

            foreach (int rowIndex in selections)
                int    ID  = Convert.ToInt32(Grid4.DataKeys[rowIndex][0]);
                string xxx = Grid4.DataKeys[rowIndex][0].ToString();
                model.资产ID += ID.ToString() + ",";
            model.资产数量 = 资产数量.ToString();
            School资产借还交接BLL bll = new School资产借还交接BLL();

            AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();

            ammodel.发起人  = 借用人.Text;
            ammodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now;
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            ammodel.通知类型 = "待办事项通知";
            ammodel.通知职务 = "财务人员";
            ammodel.消息内容 = "您来自" + 借用人.Text + "的资产借还申请通知!";
            ammodel.消息事项 = "资产借还";

            AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();

            dbmodel.处理方式     = "个人";
            dbmodel.处理人      = model.借出人;
            dbmodel.Sort     = 1;
            dbmodel.发起人      = 借用人.Text;
            dbmodel.流程状态     = 流程状态.Text;
            dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产借还";
            dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + 借用人.Text + "的资产借还申请,请及时处理!";
            dbmodel.FlowName = "资产借还";
            dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
            if (bll.创建资产借还(model, ammodel, dbmodel) > 0)
                Window1.Hidden = true;
Beispiel #13
        protected void btnok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (btnok.Text == "同意借出")
                string     processingtime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //处理时间
                string     username       = Session["姓名"].ToString();         //处理人
                int        flowid         = Convert.ToInt32(FlowID.Text);
                string     zcid           = 资产ID.Text;
                AM_资产借还流程表 model          = new AM_资产借还流程表();
                model.ID      = flowid;
                model.资产ID    = zcid;
                model.借出人操作时间 = processingtime;
                model.是否同意    = "是";
                model.操作人     = username;
                model.Sort    = 1;

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起时间   = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读   = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型   = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务   = "发起人";
                ammodel.消息内容   = "资产借还任务已全部完成!";
                ammodel.消息事项   = "资产借还";
                ammodel.发起人    = username;//处理人
                ammodel.FlowID = flowid;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "个人";
                dbmodel.处理人      = model.借用人;
                dbmodel.发起人      = username;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = flowid;
                dbmodel.流程状态     = "已出借,待归还";
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产借还";
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + username + "的资产借还已同意,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.Sort     = 2;
                dbmodel.FlowName = "资产借还";
                dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();

                School资产借还交接BLL bll = new School资产借还交接BLL();

                string sql = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.AM_待办业务 set 流程状态 = '{0}',处理职务='{1}',处理方式='{2}',处理人='{3}'  where FlowID = {4} AND FlowName = '{5}'", ammodel.流程状态, ammodel.处理职务, ammodel.处理方式, ammodel.处理人, ammodel.FlowID, ammodel.FlowName);

                if (bll.操作资产借还流程(model, ammodel, dbmodel) > 0)
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理成功";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Success;
                    Window3.Hidden = true;
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理失败";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
            else if (btnok.Text == "确认归还")
                School资产借还交接BLL bll            = new School资产借还交接BLL();
                string          processingtime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //处理时间
                string          username       = Session["姓名"].ToString();         //处理人
                int             flowid         = Convert.ToInt32(FlowID.Text);
                string          出借人            = bll.查询出借人(flowid);
                AM_资产借还流程表      model          = new AM_资产借还流程表();
                model.ID      = flowid;
                model.申请人是否归还 = "是";
                model.申请人归还时间 = processingtime;
                model.Sort    = 2;

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起时间   = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读   = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型   = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务   = "出借人";
                ammodel.消息内容   = "资产借还流程" + username + "已归还,等待借出人确认。";
                ammodel.消息事项   = "资产借还";
                ammodel.发起人    = username;//处理人
                ammodel.FlowID = flowid;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "个人";
                dbmodel.处理人      = 出借人;
                dbmodel.发起人      = username;
                dbmodel.流程状态     = "已归还,待确认";
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产借还";
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + username + "的资产借还归还申请,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.FlowID   = flowid;
                dbmodel.FlowName = "资产借还";
                dbmodel.Sort     = 3;

                if (bll.操作资产借还流程(model, ammodel, dbmodel) > 0)
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理成功";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Success;
                    Window3.Hidden = true;
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理失败";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
            else if (btnok.Text == "已归还")
                string     processingtime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //处理时间
                string     username       = Session["姓名"].ToString();         //处理人
                int        flowid         = Convert.ToInt32(FlowID.Text);
                AM_资产借还流程表 model          = new AM_资产借还流程表();
                model.ID      = flowid;
                model.出借人确认归还 = "是";
                model.出借人确认时间 = processingtime;
                model.Sort    = 3;

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起时间   = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读   = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型   = "结果反馈通知";
                ammodel.通知职务   = "发起人";
                ammodel.消息内容   = "您来自" + username + "的资产借还已同意,请及时处理!";
                ammodel.消息事项   = "资产借还";
                ammodel.发起人    = username;//处理人
                ammodel.FlowID = flowid;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "";
                dbmodel.处理人      = "";
                dbmodel.发起人      = username;
                dbmodel.流程状态     = "完成";
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产借还";
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您的资产借还流程已全部完成";
                dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.FlowID   = flowid;
                dbmodel.Sort     = 0;
                dbmodel.FlowName = "资产借还";

                School资产借还交接BLL bll = new School资产借还交接BLL();

                if (bll.操作资产借还流程(model, ammodel, dbmodel) > 0)
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理成功";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Success;
                    Window3.Hidden = true;
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理失败";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
 public int 添加资产报修表(SchoolX_资产报修流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
     return(sql.添加资产报修(model, ammodel, dbmodel));
        public int 新增原值变动(SchoolX_原值变动流程表 model, List <School办公设备信息表> workmodel, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
            string sql    = string.Format("INSERT INTO X_原值变动流程表 (流程状态,单据编号,事项名称,申请人,申请日期,记账人,总数,总价,变动方式,变动原因,记账人意见,备注信息,资产ID,str变动金额,Sort)VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}',{6},{7},'{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}')SELECT  @@identity", model.流程状态, model.单据编号, model.事项名称, model.申请人, model.申请日期, model.记账人, model.总数, model.总价, model.变动方式, model.变动原因, model.记账人意见, model.备注, model.资产ID, model.str变动金额, 1);
            int    result = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql));

            if (result > 0)
                StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();
                sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
                sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
                sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
                SqlParameter[] paratz =
                    new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                    new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   ammodel.发起时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                    new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowID", result)
                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);
                StringBuilder dbsb = new StringBuilder();
                dbsb.Append("INSERT INTO AM_待办业务 ");
                dbsb.Append("(流程状态,FlowID,事项名称,通知内容,发起人,发起时间,处理职务 ");
                dbsb.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                dbsb.Append(" @流程状态,@FlowID,@事项名称,@通知内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@处理职务 ");
                SqlParameter[] dbpara =
                    new SqlParameter("@流程状态",   dbmodel.流程状态),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowID", result),
                    new SqlParameter("@事项名称",   dbmodel.事项名称),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知内容",   dbmodel.通知内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",    dbmodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   dbmodel.发起时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@处理职务",   dbmodel.处理职务)
                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, dbsb.ToString(), dbpara);

                List <string> worklist = new List <string>();
                string        workstr  = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < workmodel.Count; i++)
                    workstr = string.Format("   UPDATE 办公设备信息表 SET 变动金额 = {0}  where ID = {1}", workmodel[i].变动金额, workmodel[i].ID);
        public int 处置申报报废处理流程(SchoolX_资产处置流程表 model)
                if (model.Sort == 1)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append("UPDATE X_资产处置流程表 SET 调入单位分管领导意见 =@调入单位分管领导意见 ,调入单位分管领导处理时间 = @调入单位分管领导处理时间 , 调入单位分管领导 = @调入单位分管领导,");
                    sb.Append(" Sort=2 ,流程状态='分管领导已通过,待主管部门审核' where ID = @ID");
                    SqlParameter[] para =
                        new SqlParameter("@调入单位分管领导意见",   model.调入单位分管领导意见),
                        new SqlParameter("@调入单位分管领导处理时间", model.调入单位分管领导处理时间),
                        new SqlParameter("@调入单位分管领导",     model.调入单位分管领导),
                        //new SqlParameter("@原因说明",model.原因说明),
                        new SqlParameter("@ID",           model.ID),
                    int num = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), para));

                    AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                    ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置";
                    ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.调入单位分管领导 + "的资产处置报废申请分管领导已通过!";
                    ammodel.发起人      = model.调入单位分管领导;
                    ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                    ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                    ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                    ammodel.通知职务     = "主管部门";
                    ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                    ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-报废";
                    ammodel.处理职务     = "主管部门";
                    ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                    ammodel.处理人      = "主管部门";
                    ammodel.流程状态     = "分管领导已通过,待主管部门审核";

                    AM_待办业务 upmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                    upmodel.流程状态     = "分管领导已通过,待主管部门审核";
                    upmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + model.调入单位分管领导 + "的资产处置报废申请分管领导已通过,请及时处理!";
                    upmodel.处理职务     = "主管部门";
                    upmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                    upmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                    upmodel.处理人      = "主管部门";
                    upmodel.Sort     = 2;
                    upmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                    upmodel.事项名称     = "资产处置-报废";
                    upmodel.FlowName = upmodel.事项名称;
                else if (model.Sort == 2)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append("UPDATE X_资产处置流程表 SET 主管部门 =@主管部门 ,主管部门处理时间 = @主管部门处理时间  ,Sort=3 ,");
                    sb.Append("流程状态='主管部门已审核通过,待财政部门审核',主管部门意见=@主管部门意见 where ID = @ID");
                    SqlParameter[] para =
                        new SqlParameter("@主管部门",     model.主管部门),
                        new SqlParameter("@主管部门处理时间", model.主管部门处理时间),
                        new SqlParameter("@主管部门意见",   model.主管部门意见),
                        new SqlParameter("@ID",       model.ID),
                    int num = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), para));

                    AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                    ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置";
                    ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.主管部门 + "的资产处置报废申请主管部门已通过!";
                    ammodel.发起人      = model.主管部门;
                    ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                    ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                    ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                    ammodel.通知职务     = "财务人员";
                    ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                    ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-报废";
                    ammodel.处理职务     = "财务人员";
                    ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                    ammodel.处理人      = "财务人员";
                    ammodel.流程状态     = "主管部门已通过,待财务部门审核";

                    AM_待办业务 upmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                    upmodel.处理职务     = "财务人员";
                    upmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                    upmodel.处理人      = "财务人员";
                    upmodel.流程状态     = "主管部门已通过,待财务部门审核";
                    upmodel.事项名称     = "资产处置-报废";
                    upmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                    upmodel.Sort     = 3;
                    upmodel.FlowName = upmodel.事项名称;
                    upmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + model.主管部门 + "的资产处置报废申请主管部门已通过,请及时处理!";
                    upmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                else if (model.Sort == 3)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append("UPDATE X_资产处置流程表 SET 财政部门意见 =@财政部门意见,财政部门处理时间 =@财政部门处理时间 ,财政部门=@财政部门 ,Sort=0 ,");
                    sb.Append("流程状态='完成' where ID = @ID");
                    SqlParameter[] para =
                        new SqlParameter("@财政部门意见",   model.财政部门意见),
                        new SqlParameter("@财政部门处理时间", model.财政部门处理时间),
                        new SqlParameter("@财政部门",     model.财政部门),
                        new SqlParameter("@ID",       model.ID),
                    int num = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), para));

                    AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                    ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置";
                    ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.财政部门 + "的资产处置报废申请分管领导已通过!";
                    ammodel.发起人      = model.财政部门;
                    ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                    ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                    ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                    ammodel.通知职务     = "财务部门";
                    ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                    ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-报废";
                    ammodel.处理职务     = "财务部门";
                    ammodel.处理方式     = "财务";
                    ammodel.处理人      = "财务人员";
                    ammodel.流程状态     = "您的资产处置流程已全部完成!";

                    AM_待办业务 upmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                    upmodel.处理职务     = "财务人员";
                    upmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                    upmodel.处理人      = "财务人员";
                    upmodel.流程状态     = "完成";
                    upmodel.事项名称     = "资产处置-报废";
                    upmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                    upmodel.Sort     = 0;
                    upmodel.FlowName = upmodel.事项名称;
                    upmodel.通知内容     = "您的资产处置流程已全部完成";
                    upmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                //else if (model.Sort == 6)
                //    string sql = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.X_资产处置流程表 set 财政部门意见 = '{0}' , 财政部门处理时间 = '{1}' ,财政部门='{2}' ,Sort = {3} ,流程状态='{4}' where ID = {5} and FlowName='{6}'", model.财政部门意见, model.财政部门处理时间, model.财政部门, model.Sort, model.流程状态, model.ID, model.FlowName);
                //    int result = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                //    AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                //    ammodel.发起人 = model.主管部门;
                //    ammodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now;
                //    ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
                //    ammodel.通知类型 = "待办事项通知";
                //    ammodel.通知职务 = "资产管理员";
                //    ammodel.消息内容 = "您来自" + model.主管部门 + "的资产处置-调拨处理通知!";
                //    ammodel.消息事项 = "资产处置-调拨";
                //    ammodel.FlowID = model.ID;
                //    ammodel.处理职务 = "主管部门";
                //    ammodel.处理方式 = "职务";
                //    ammodel.处理人 = "主管部门";
                //    ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-调拨";
                //    ammodel.流程状态 = model.流程状态;
                //    ammodel.Sort = model.Sort;
                //    SchoolUtility.插入消息中心(ammodel);

                //    AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                //    dbmodel.流程状态 = model.流程状态;
                //    dbmodel.处理职务 = "主管部门";
                //    dbmodel.处理方式 = "职务";
                //    dbmodel.处理人 = "主管部门";
                //    dbmodel.FlowName = model.FlowName;
                //    dbmodel.FlowID = model.ID;
                //    dbmodel.通知内容 = "您来自" + model.主管部门 + "的资产处置-调拨处理,请及时处理!";
                //    dbmodel.Sort = model.Sort;
                //    SchoolUtility.修改待办中心(dbmodel);
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #17
        protected void btnok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (btnok.Text == "确认接收")
                string     processingtime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //处理时间
                string     username       = Session["姓名"].ToString();         //处理人
                int        flowid         = Convert.ToInt32(FlowID.Text);
                string     zcid           = 资产ID.Text;
                AM_资产交接流程表 model          = new AM_资产交接流程表();
                model.ID      = flowid;
                model.资产ID    = zcid;
                model.Sort    = 1;
                model.是否接收    = "是";
                model.接收人     = username;
                model.流程状态    = "已接收,待确认";
                model.接收人接收时间 = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起时间   = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读   = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型   = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务   = "管理员";
                ammodel.消息内容   = "已接收,待管理员确认!";
                ammodel.消息事项   = "资产交接";
                ammodel.发起人    = username;//处理人
                ammodel.FlowID = flowid;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.处理方式   = "职务";
                dbmodel.处理职务   = "资产管理员";
                dbmodel.发起人    = username;
                dbmodel.FlowID = flowid;
                dbmodel.流程状态   = "已接收,待确认";
                dbmodel.通知内容   = username + "的资产交接已接收,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.发起时间   = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.Sort   = 2;

                School资产借还交接BLL bll = new School资产借还交接BLL();

                if (bll.操作资产交接流程(model, ammodel, dbmodel) > 0)
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理成功";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Success;
                    Window3.Hidden = true;
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理失败";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
            else if (btnok.Text == "确认通过")
                string     processingtime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //处理时间
                string     username       = Session["姓名"].ToString();         //处理人
                int        flowid         = Convert.ToInt32(FlowID.Text);
                AM_资产交接流程表 model          = new AM_资产交接流程表();
                model.ID      = flowid;
                model.管理员是否通过 = "是";
                model.管理员通过时间 = processingtime;
                model.Sort    = 2;
                model.管理员     = username;
                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起时间   = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读   = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型   = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务   = "交付人";
                ammodel.消息内容   = "您的资产交接流程已全部完成";
                ammodel.消息事项   = "资产交接";
                ammodel.发起人    = username;//处理人
                ammodel.FlowID = flowid;

                AM_待办业务         dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                School资产借还交接BLL bll     = new School资产借还交接BLL();
                dbmodel.处理人    = bll.查询接收人(flowid);
                dbmodel.处理职务   = "个人";
                dbmodel.发起人    = username;
                dbmodel.流程状态   = "已完成";
                dbmodel.事项名称   = "资产交接";
                dbmodel.通知内容   = "您的资产交接流程已全部完成";
                dbmodel.发起时间   = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.Sort   = 0;
                dbmodel.FlowID = flowid;

                if (bll.操作资产交接流程(model, ammodel, dbmodel) > 0)
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理成功";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Success;
                    Window3.Hidden = true;
                    Alert alert = new Alert();
                    alert.Message        = "处理失败";
                    alert.Title          = "提示信息";
                    alert.MessageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
        public int 添加资产报修(SchoolX_资产报修流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
            int sort = 1;

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("INSERT INTO X_资产报修流程表 ");
                sb.Append(" (流程状态,报修单号,报修人,报修时间,报修地址,故障描述,设备ID,故障照片,Sort,报修人电话");
                sb.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sb.Append(" @流程状态,@报修单号,@报修人,@报修时间,@报修地址,@故障描述,@设备ID,@故障照片,@sort,@报修人电话");
                sb.Append(" SELECT ");
                sb.Append(" @@identity ");
                SqlParameter[] para =
                    new SqlParameter("@流程状态",  model.流程状态),
                    new SqlParameter("@报修单号",  model.报修单号),
                    new SqlParameter("@报修人",   model.报修人),
                    new SqlParameter("@报修时间",  model.报修时间),
                    new SqlParameter("@报修地址",  model.报修地址),
                    new SqlParameter("@故障描述",  model.故障描述),
                    new SqlParameter("@设备ID",  model.设备ID),
                    new SqlParameter("@故障照片",  model.故障照片),
                    new SqlParameter("@sort",  sort),
                    new SqlParameter("@报修人电话", model.报修人电话),
                int result = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), para));
                if (result > 0)
                    StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();
                    sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
                    sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
                    sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                    sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
                    SqlParameter[] paratz =
                        new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                        new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                        new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                        new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   ammodel.发起时间),
                        new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                        new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                        new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                        new SqlParameter("@FlowID", result)
                    DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);

                    //DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);
                    StringBuilder dbsb = new StringBuilder();
                    dbsb.Append("INSERT INTO AM_待办业务 ");
                    dbsb.Append("(流程状态,FlowID,事项名称,通知内容,发起人,发起时间,处理职务,处理方式,FlowName,Sort ");
                    dbsb.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                    dbsb.Append(" @流程状态,@FlowID,@事项名称,@通知内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@处理职务,@处理方式,@FlowName,@Sort ");
                    SqlParameter[] dbpara =
                        new SqlParameter("@流程状态",     dbmodel.流程状态),
                        new SqlParameter("@FlowID",   result),
                        new SqlParameter("@事项名称",     dbmodel.事项名称),
                        new SqlParameter("@通知内容",     dbmodel.通知内容),
                        new SqlParameter("@发起人",      dbmodel.发起人),
                        new SqlParameter("@发起时间",     dbmodel.发起时间),
                        new SqlParameter("@处理职务",     dbmodel.处理职务),
                        new SqlParameter("@处理方式",     dbmodel.处理方式),
                        new SqlParameter("@FlowName", dbmodel.FlowName),
                        new SqlParameter("@Sort",     dbmodel.Sort)
                    DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, dbsb.ToString(), dbpara);
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #19
 public int 创建资产交接(AM_资产交接流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
     return(sql.创建资产交接(model, ammodel, dbmodel));
        public int 操作购置验收流程(SchoolX_购置验收流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel)
            string sql   = string.Format("UPDATE X_购置验收流程表 SET 是否同意 ='{0}' ,操作时间 = '{1}' , 操作人 = '{2}',Sort=0 ,流程状态='完成',记账人='{3}' where ID = {4}", model.是否同意, model.操作时间, model.操作人, model.记账人, model.ID);
            string sqlzc = string.Format("UPDATE 办公设备信息表 SET 是否通过审批='{0}' where  X_ID={1}", model.是否同意, model.ID);

            AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();

            dbmodel.流程状态 = "完成";
            dbmodel.通知内容 = "您来自" + model.操作人 + "的购置验收结果通知!";
            dbmodel.处理职务 = "财政人员";
            dbmodel.处理方式 = "职务";
            //dbmodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
            dbmodel.处理人      = "财政人员";
            dbmodel.Sort     = 0;
            dbmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
            dbmodel.事项名称     = "购置验收";
            dbmodel.FlowName = dbmodel.事项名称;


            //StringBuilder dbsb = new StringBuilder();
            //dbsb.Append("update AM_待办业务 SET ");
            //dbsb.Append("流程状态=@流程状态,通知内容=@通知内容,处理人=@处理人,发起时间=@发起时间,处理方式=@处理方式,处理职务=@处理职务,Sort=@Sort WHERE FlowID= " + model.ID + " AND FlowName='资产转移'");

            //SqlParameter[] dbpara = {

            //                           new SqlParameter("@流程状态",dbmodel.流程状态),

            //                           new SqlParameter("@通知内容",dbmodel.通知内容),
            //                           new SqlParameter("@处理人",dbmodel.处理人),
            //                           new SqlParameter("@发起时间",dbmodel.发起时间),
            //                           new SqlParameter("@处理方式",dbmodel.处理方式),
            //                           new SqlParameter("@处理职务",dbmodel.处理职务),

            //                           new SqlParameter("@Sort",dbmodel.Sort)

            //                       };
            //DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, dbsb.ToString(), dbpara);

            StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();

            sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
            sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
            sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
            sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
            SqlParameter[] paratz =
                new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   ammodel.发起时间),
                new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                new SqlParameter("@FlowID", ammodel.FlowID)
            DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);
            DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlzc.ToString());
            return(DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString()));
        public int 插入X_购置验收流程表(SchoolX_购置验收流程表 model, List <School办公设备信息表> listmodel, AM_提醒通知 ammodel)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("INSERT INTO X_购置验收流程表 ");
                sb.Append(" (流程状态,单据编号,事项名称,备注信息,数量合计,金额合计,申请人,制单日期,供应商,供应商联系方式,合同编号,发票号 ");
                sb.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sb.Append(" @流程状态,@单据编号,@事项名称,@备注信息,@数量合计,@金额合计,@申请人,@制单日期,@供应商,@供应商联系方式,@合同编号,@发票号 ");
                sb.Append(" SELECT ");
                sb.Append(" @@identity ");
                SqlParameter[] para =
                    new SqlParameter("@流程状态",    model.流程状态),
                    new SqlParameter("@单据编号",    model.单据编号),
                    new SqlParameter("@事项名称",    model.事项名称),
                    new SqlParameter("@备注信息",    model.备注信息),
                    new SqlParameter("@数量合计",    model.数量合计),
                    new SqlParameter("@金额合计",    model.金额合计),
                    new SqlParameter("@申请人",     model.申请人),
                    new SqlParameter("@制单日期",    model.制单日期),
                    new SqlParameter("@供应商",     model.供应商),
                    new SqlParameter("@供应商联系方式", model.供应商联系方式),
                    new SqlParameter("@合同编号",    model.合同编号),
                    new SqlParameter("@发票号",     model.发票号),

                    new SqlParameter("@取得方式",    model.取得方式),
                    new SqlParameter("@购置日期",    model.购置日期),
                    new SqlParameter("@Sort",                1),
                    //new SqlParameter("@Sort",model),

                int num = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), para));

                StringBuilder sbtz = new StringBuilder();
                sbtz.Append("INSERT INTO AM_提醒通知 ");
                sbtz.Append("(消息事项,消息内容,发起人,发起时间,通知类型,是否已读,通知职务,FlowID ");
                sbtz.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
                sbtz.Append(" @消息事项,@消息内容,@发起人,@发起时间,@通知类型,@是否已读,@通知职务,@FlowID ");
                SqlParameter[] paratz =
                    new SqlParameter("@消息事项",   ammodel.消息事项),
                    new SqlParameter("@消息内容",   ammodel.消息内容),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起人",    ammodel.发起人),
                    new SqlParameter("@发起时间",   model.购置日期),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知类型",   ammodel.通知类型),
                    new SqlParameter("@是否已读",   ammodel.是否已读),
                    new SqlParameter("@通知职务",   ammodel.通知职务),
                    new SqlParameter("@FlowID", num)
                DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sbtz.ToString(), paratz);

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.处理职务     = "财务人员";
                dbmodel.发起人      = model.申请人;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = num;
                dbmodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "购置验收";
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + model.申请人 + "的购置验收/入库-申请,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                dbmodel.处理人      = "财务人员";
                dbmodel.FlowName = "购置验收";
                dbmodel.Sort     = 1;

                List <string> cstrlist = new List <string>();
                string        csqls    = "";
                string        csssqls  = "";

                if (num > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < listmodel.Count; i++)
                            string part = listmodel[i].str归属部门;
                            csssqls = string.Format(" SELECT * FROM dbo.一级部门表  WHERE 名称= '" + part + "'");
                            SqlDataReader        read = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, csssqls.ToString());
                            List <School办公设备信息表> list = new List <School办公设备信息表>();
                            int 归属部门_ID = 0;
                            while (read.Read())
                                School办公设备信息表 model_a = new School办公设备信息表();
                                model_a.ID = Convert.ToInt32(read["ID"].ToString());
                                归属部门_ID    = model_a.ID;

                            //int 归属部门_ID = model_a.ID;
                            csqls = string.Format("INSERT INTO 办公设备信息表 (编号,类型,名称,型号,使用方向,数量,价格,归属部门,负责人,存放地点,使用状态,X_ID,是否通过审批,购置日期,二级类别名称,三级类别名称) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}',{5},{6},{7},'{8}','{9}','{10}',{11},'{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}')", listmodel[i].编号, listmodel[i].一级类别名称, listmodel[i].称, listmodel[i].型号, listmodel[i].使用方向, listmodel[i].数量, listmodel[i].价格, 归属部门_ID, listmodel[i].负责人, listmodel[i].存放地点, listmodel[i].资产状态, num, "否", model.购置日期, listmodel[i].二级类别名称, listmodel[i].级类别名称);
                        int copyunitcount = DBHelper.ExecuteSqlTran(cstrlist);
                    catch (Exception)

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #22
 public int 处置申报待报废处理流程(SchoolX_资产处置流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
     return(sql.处置申报待报废处理流程(model, ammodel, dbmodel));
        public int 创建处置申报资产报废(SchoolX_资产处置流程表 model)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("INSERT INTO X_资产处置流程表  ");
            sb.Append(" (Sort,FlowName,单据编号,流程状态,申请人,事项名称,申报日期,申报单位,SID,总数,总价,职务,原因说明,主管部门 ,主管部门处理时间,主管部门意见,电话,调入单位分管领导,调入单位分管领导处理时间,调入单位分管领导意见,财政部门,财政部门处理时间,财政部门意见");
            sb.Append(" ) VALUES( ");
            sb.Append(" @Sort,@FlowName,@单据编号,@流程状态,@申请人,@事项名称,@申报日期,@申报单位,@SID,@总数,@总价,@职务,@原因说明,@主管部门 ,@主管部门处理时间,@主管部门意见,@电话,@调入单位分管领导,@调入单位分管领导处理时间,@调入单位分管领导意见,@财政部门,@财政部门处理时间,@财政部门意见");

            sb.Append(" SELECT ");
            sb.Append(" @@identity ");
            SqlParameter[] para =
                new SqlParameter("@Sort",         model.Sort),
                new SqlParameter("@FlowName",     model.FlowName),
                new SqlParameter("@单据编号",         model.单据编号),
                new SqlParameter("@流程状态",         model.流程状态),
                new SqlParameter("@申请人",          model.申请人),
                new SqlParameter("事项名称",          model.事项名称),
                new SqlParameter("@申报日期",         model.申报日期),
                new SqlParameter("@申报单位",         model.申报单位),
                new SqlParameter("@SID",          model.SID),
                new SqlParameter("@总数",           model.总数),
                new SqlParameter("@总价",           model.总价),
                new SqlParameter("@职务",           model.职务),
                new SqlParameter("@原因说明",         model.原因说明),
                new SqlParameter("@主管部门",         model.主管部门),
                new SqlParameter("@主管部门处理时间",     model.主管部门处理时间),
                new SqlParameter("@主管部门意见",       model.主管部门意见),
                new SqlParameter("@电话",           model.电话),
                new SqlParameter("@调入单位分管领导",     model.调入单位分管领导),
                new SqlParameter("@调入单位分管领导处理时间", model.调入单位分管领导处理时间),
                new SqlParameter("@调入单位分管领导意见",   model.调入单位分管领导意见),
                new SqlParameter("@财政部门",         model.财政部门),
                new SqlParameter("@财政部门处理时间",     model.财政部门处理时间),
                new SqlParameter("@财政部门意见",       model.财政部门意见),
            int num = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), para));

            AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();

            ammodel.发起人      = model.申请人;
            ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
            ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
            ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
            ammodel.通知职务     = "分管领导";
            ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.申请人 + "的资产处置-调拨申请通知!";
            ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置-报废";
            ammodel.FlowID   = num;
            ammodel.处理职务     = "分管领导";
            ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
            ammodel.处理人      = "分管领导";
            ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置";
            ammodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;

            AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();

            dbmodel.处理职务     = "分管领导";
            dbmodel.发起人      = model.申请人;
            dbmodel.FlowID   = num;
            dbmodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
            dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产处置-报废";
            dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + model.申请人 + "的资产处置-报废申请,请及时处理!";
            dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
            dbmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
            dbmodel.处理人      = "分管领导";
            dbmodel.FlowName = "资产处置-报废";
            dbmodel.Sort     = model.Sort;
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string     sid    = "";
            List <int> inlist = new List <int>();
            int        总数     = 0;
            int        总价     = 0;

            int[] selections = Grid3.SelectedRowIndexArray;
            List <SchoolX_资产转移改动信息表> listmodel = new List <SchoolX_资产转移改动信息表>();

            foreach (int rowIndex in selections)
                SchoolX_资产转移改动信息表 modelx = new SchoolX_资产转移改动信息表();
                int ID = Convert.ToInt32(Grid3.DataKeys[rowIndex][0]);

                modelx.原存放地点 = Grid3.DataKeys[rowIndex][1].ToString();
                modelx.原归属部门 = Grid3.DataKeys[rowIndex][2].ToString();
                modelx.原负责人  = Grid3.DataKeys[rowIndex][3].ToString();

                sid += ID.ToString() + ",";
                //sb.AppendFormat("行号:{0} 用户名:{1}<br />", rowIndex + 1, Grid1.DataKeys[rowIndex][1]);

            List <School办公设备信息表> listdata = bll.资产转移确定设备(inlist);

            foreach (School办公设备信息表 itemjj in listdata)
                总数 += itemjj.数量;
                总价 += Convert.ToInt32(itemjj.价格);
            SchoolX_资产转移流程表 model = new SchoolX_资产转移流程表();

            model.流程状态    = 流程状态.Text;
            model.单据编号    = 单据编号.Text;
            model.事项名称    = 事项名称.Text;
            model.申请人     = 申请人.Text;
            model.申请日期    = 申请日期.Text;
            model.联系方式    = 联系方式.Text;
            model.存放地点变更为 = 存放地点变更为.SelectedItem.Text;
            model.归属部门变更为 = 归属部门变更为.SelectedItem.Text;
            model.负责人变更为  = 负责人变更为.SelectedItem.Text;
            model.备注信息    = 备注.Text;
            model.S_ID    = sid;
            model.总数      = 总数;
            model.总价      = 总价;
            AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();

            ammodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now;
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            ammodel.通知类型 = "待办事项通知";
            ammodel.通知职务 = "资产管理员";
            ammodel.发起人  = model.申请人;
            ammodel.消息内容 = "您来自" + ammodel.发起人 + "的资产交接申请,请及时处理!";
            ammodel.消息事项 = "资产转移";
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();

            dbmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
            dbmodel.处理职务     = "资产管理员";
            dbmodel.流程状态     = 流程状态.Text;
            dbmodel.事项名称     = model.事项名称;
            dbmodel.FlowName = "资产转移";
            dbmodel.发起人      = model.申请人;
            dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + dbmodel.发起人 + "的资产交接申请,请及时处理!";
            dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
            dbmodel.Sort     = 1;

            if (model.存放地点变更为 == "" || model.存放地点变更为 == null || model.归属部门变更为 == "" || model.归属部门变更为 == null || model.负责人变更为 == "" || model.负责人变更为 == "请选择")
                Alert.ShowInTop("请将信息填写完整!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                int result = bll.upzczy(model, inlist, listmodel, ammodel, dbmodel);
                if (result > 0)
                    Alert.ShowInTop("提交成功!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    Window1.Hidden = true;
                    DataSet   ds     = bll.首页_X_资产转移流程表("流程状态-全部");
                    DataTable dt     = ds.Tables[0].Copy();//复制一份table
                    DataTable source = dt;

                    // 3.绑定到Grid
                    Grid1.DataSource = dt;//DataTable

 public int upzczy(SchoolX_资产转移流程表 model, List <int> listid, List <SchoolX_资产转移改动信息表> listmodel, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
     return(sql.upzczy(model, listid, listmodel, ammodel, dbmodel));
        public int 调拨流程处理(SchoolX_资产处置流程表 model)
            if (model.Sort == 2)//分管领导处理
                string sql    = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.X_资产处置流程表 set 调出单位分管领导意见 = '{0}' , 调出单位分管领导 = '{1}' ,调出单位分管领导处理时间='{2}' ,Sort = {3} ,流程状态='{4}' where ID = {5} and FlowName='{6}'", model.调出单位分管领导意见, model.调出单位分管领导, model.调出单位分管领导处理时间, model.Sort, model.流程状态, model.ID, model.FlowName);
                int    result = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起人      = model.调出单位分管领导;
                ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务     = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.调出单位分管领导 + "的资产处置-调拨处理通知!";
                ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                ammodel.处理职务     = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                ammodel.处理人      = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                ammodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.流程状态 = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.通知内容 = "您来自" + model.调出单位分管领导 + "的资产处置-调拨处理,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.处理职务 = "资产管理员";
                dbmodel.处理方式 = "职务";
                //dbmodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.处理人      = "资产管理员";
                dbmodel.Sort     = model.Sort;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产处置-调拨";
                dbmodel.FlowName = dbmodel.事项名称;

            else if (model.Sort == 3)
                string sql    = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.X_资产处置流程表 set 调入单位管理员意见 = '{0}' , 调入单位管理员 = '{1}' ,调入单位管理员处理时间='{2}' ,Sort = {3} ,流程状态='{4}' where ID = {5} and FlowName='{6}'", model.调入单位管理员意见, model.调入单位管理员, model.调入单位管理员处理时间, model.Sort, model.流程状态, model.ID, model.FlowName);
                int    result = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起人      = model.调入单位管理员;
                ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务     = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.调入单位管理员 + "的资产处置-调拨处理通知!";
                ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                ammodel.处理职务     = "分管领导";
                ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                ammodel.处理人      = "分管领导";
                ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                ammodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.流程状态 = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.通知内容 = "您来自" + model.调入单位管理员 + "的资产处置-调拨处理,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.处理职务 = "分管领导";
                dbmodel.处理方式 = "职务";
                //dbmodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.处理人      = "分管领导";
                dbmodel.Sort     = model.Sort;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产处置-调拨";
                dbmodel.FlowName = dbmodel.事项名称;

            else if (model.Sort == 4)
                string sql    = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.X_资产处置流程表 set 调入单位分管领导意见 = '{0}' , 调入单位分管领导 = '{1}' ,调入单位分管领导处理时间='{2}' ,Sort = {3} ,流程状态='{4}' where ID = {5} and FlowName='{6}'", model.调入单位分管领导意见, model.调入单位分管领导, model.调入单位分管领导处理时间, model.Sort, model.流程状态, model.ID, model.FlowName);
                int    result = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起人      = model.调入单位分管领导;
                ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务     = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.调入单位分管领导 + "的资产处置-调拨处理通知!";
                ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                ammodel.处理职务     = "主管部门";
                ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                ammodel.处理人      = "主管部门";
                ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                ammodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.流程状态 = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.通知内容 = "您来自" + model.调入单位分管领导 + "的资产处置-调拨处理,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.处理职务 = "主管部门";
                dbmodel.处理方式 = "职务";
                //dbmodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.处理人      = "主管部门";
                dbmodel.Sort     = model.Sort;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产处置-调拨";
                dbmodel.FlowName = model.FlowName;

            else if (model.Sort == 5)
                string sql    = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.X_资产处置流程表 set 主管部门意见 = '{0}' , 主管部门处理时间 = '{1}' ,主管部门='{2}' ,Sort = {3} ,流程状态='{4}' where ID = {5} and FlowName='{6}'", model.主管部门意见, model.主管部门处理时间, model.主管部门, model.Sort, model.流程状态, model.ID, model.FlowName);
                int    result = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起人      = model.主管部门;
                ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务     = "主管部门";
                ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.主管部门 + "的资产处置-调拨处理通知!";
                ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                ammodel.处理职务     = "财务人员";
                ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                ammodel.处理人      = "财务人员";
                ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                ammodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + model.主管部门 + "的资产处置-调拨处理,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.处理职务     = "财务人员";
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                dbmodel.处理人      = "财务人员";
                dbmodel.Sort     = model.Sort;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产处置-调拨";
                dbmodel.FlowName = model.FlowName;

            else if (model.Sort == 6)
                string sql    = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.X_资产处置流程表 set 财政部门意见 = '{0}' , 财政部门处理时间 = '{1}' ,财政部门='{2}' ,Sort = {3} ,流程状态='{4}' where ID = {5} and FlowName='{6}'", model.财政部门意见, model.财政部门处理时间, model.财政部门, model.Sort, model.流程状态, model.ID, model.FlowName);
                int    result = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起人      = model.财政部门;
                ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务     = "财政部门";
                ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.财政部门 + "的资产处置-调拨处理通知!";
                ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                ammodel.处理职务     = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                ammodel.处理人      = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                ammodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

                 * AM_待办业务 upmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                 *  1 upmodel.流程状态 = "分管领导已通过,待主管部门审核";
                 *  1 upmodel.通知内容 = "您来自" + model.调入单位分管领导 + "的资产处置报废申请分管领导已通过,请及时处理!";
                 *  1 upmodel.处理职务 = "主管部门";
                 *  1 upmodel.处理方式 = "职务";
                 *  upmodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                 *  1 upmodel.处理人 = "主管部门";
                 *  1 upmodel.Sort = 2;
                 *  1 upmodel.FlowID = model.ID;
                 *  upmodel.事项名称 = "资产处置-报废";
                 *  1 upmodel.FlowName = upmodel.事项名称;
                 *  SchoolUtility.修改待办中心(upmodel);

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.处理职务     = "资产管理员";
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                dbmodel.处理人      = "资产管理员";
                dbmodel.FlowName = model.FlowName;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + model.财政部门 + "的资产处置-调拨处理,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

            else if (model.Sort == 7)
                string sql    = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.X_资产处置流程表 set  调出单位管理员处理时间 = '{0}' ,调出单位管理员='{1}' ,Sort = {2} ,流程状态='{3}' where ID = {4} and FlowName='{5}'", model.调出单位管理员处理时间, model.调出单位管理员, model.Sort, model.流程状态, model.ID, model.FlowName);
                int    result = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起人      = model.调出单位管理员;
                ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务     = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.调出单位管理员 + "的资产处置-调拨处理通知!";
                ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                ammodel.处理职务     = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                ammodel.处理人      = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                ammodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.处理职务     = "资产管理员";
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                dbmodel.处理人      = "资产管理员";
                dbmodel.FlowName = model.FlowName;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + model.调出单位管理员 + "的资产处置-调拨处理,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

            else if (model.Sort == 0)
                string sql    = string.Format("UPDATE dbo.X_资产处置流程表 set  调入单位管理员确认处理时间 = '{0}' ,调入单位管理员确认='{1}' ,Sort = {2} ,流程状态='{3}' where ID = {4} and FlowName='{5}'", model.调入单位管理员确认处理时间, model.调入单位管理员确认, model.Sort, model.流程状态, model.ID, model.FlowName);
                int    result = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DBHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());

                AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();
                ammodel.发起人      = model.调入单位管理员确认;
                ammodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now;
                ammodel.是否已读     = "否";
                ammodel.通知类型     = "待办事项通知";
                ammodel.通知职务     = "资产管理员";
                ammodel.消息内容     = "您来自" + model.调入单位管理员确认 + "的资产处置-调拨处理通知!";
                ammodel.消息事项     = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                ammodel.处理职务     = "调入单位管理员";
                ammodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                ammodel.处理人      = "调入单位管理员";
                ammodel.FlowName = "资产处置-调拨";
                ammodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                ammodel.Sort     = model.Sort;

                AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();
                dbmodel.流程状态     = model.流程状态;
                dbmodel.处理职务     = "调入单位管理员";
                dbmodel.处理方式     = "职务";
                dbmodel.处理人      = "调入单位管理员";
                dbmodel.FlowName = model.FlowName;
                dbmodel.FlowID   = model.ID;
                dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + model.调入单位管理员确认 + "的资产处置-调拨处理,请及时处理!";
                dbmodel.Sort     = model.Sort;
 public int 报修结算(int id, SchoolX_资产报修流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
     return(sql.报修结算(id, model, ammodel, dbmodel));
Beispiel #28
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Grid2.GetMergedData().Count == 0)
                Alert.ShowInTop("请选择!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            SchoolX_原值变动流程表 model = new SchoolX_原值变动流程表();

            model.流程状态  = 流程状态.Text;
            model.单据编号  = 单据编号.Text;
            model.事项名称  = 事项名称.Text;
            model.申请人   = 申请人.Text;
            model.申请日期  = 申请日期.Text;
            model.记账人   = 记账人.Text;
            model.变动方式  = 变动方式.SelectedText;
            model.变动原因  = 变动原因.Text;
            model.记账人意见 = 记账人意见.Text;
            model.备注    = 备注.Text;
            double dj = 0;

            List <School办公设备信息表> listbg = new List <School办公设备信息表>();
            string sbid = "";
            string bdje = "";

            JArray mergedData = Grid2.GetMergedData();

            foreach (JObject mergedRow in mergedData)
                JObject       values = mergedRow.Value <JObject>("values");
                School办公设备信息表 bgmo   = new School办公设备信息表();
                bgmo.ID = (Convert.ToInt32(values.Value <string>("ID")));
                sbid   += values.Value <string>("ID").ToString() + ",";
                    dj       += Convert.ToDouble(values.Value <string>("价格"));
                    bgmo.变动金额 = (Convert.ToDouble(values.Value <string>("变动金额")));
                    if (bgmo.变动金额 < 1)
                        Alert.ShowInTop("请输入变动金额!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    bdje += values.Value <string>("变动金额").ToString() + ",";
                catch (Exception)
                    Alert.ShowInTop("请填写变动金额!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            model.str变动金额    = bdje;
            model.资产ID       = sbid;
            model.总价         = dj;
            model.总数         = Grid2.GetMergedData().Count;
            this.Label4.Text = "数量合计:" + Grid2.GetMergedData().Count + "---金额合计:" + dj + "元";

            AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();

            ammodel.发起人  = 申请人.Text;
            ammodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now;
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            ammodel.通知类型 = "待办事项通知";
            ammodel.通知职务 = "财务人员";
            ammodel.消息内容 = "您来自" + 申请人.Text + "的原值变动申请通知!";
            ammodel.消息事项 = "购置验收";

            AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();

            dbmodel.处理职务 = "财务人员";
            dbmodel.发起人  = 申请人.Text;
            dbmodel.流程状态 = 流程状态.Text;
            dbmodel.事项名称 = "购置验收";
            dbmodel.通知内容 = "您来自" + 申请人.Text + "的原值变动申请,请及时处理!";
            dbmodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();

            if (bll.新增原值变动(model, listbg, ammodel, dbmodel) > 0)
                Window1.Hidden = true;
Beispiel #29
 public int 操作资产交接流程(AM_资产交接流程表 model, AM_提醒通知 ammodel, AM_待办业务 dbmodel)
     return(sql.操作资产交接流程(model, ammodel, dbmodel));
Beispiel #30
        protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AM_资产交接流程表 model = new AM_资产交接流程表();

            if (Grid2.Rows.Count == 0)
                Alert.ShowInTop("请先添加资产!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            if (接收人List.SelectedText == "" || 接收人List.SelectedText == null)
                Alert.ShowInTop("请先添加接收人!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            model.Sort = 1;
            model.流程状态 = 流程状态.Text;
            model.接收人  = 接收人List.SelectedText;
            model.备注信息 = 备注信息.Text;
            model.交付人  = Session["姓名"].ToString();
            model.发起人  = Session["姓名"].ToString();
            model.单据编号 = 单据编号.Text;
            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(提交时间.SelectedDate);
            string   sd = 提交时间.Text;

            model.提交时间 = 提交时间.Text;
            DateTime dd = Convert.ToDateTime(完成时间.SelectedDate);

            model.完成时间 = 完成时间.Text;
            model.接收人  = 接收人List.SelectedText;

            int[] selections = Grid4.SelectedRowIndexArray;
            int   i          = 0;

            foreach (int rowIndex in selections)
                int    ID  = Convert.ToInt32(Grid4.DataKeys[rowIndex][0]);
                string xxx = Grid4.DataKeys[rowIndex][0].ToString();
                model.资产ID += ID.ToString() + ",";
            model.资产数量 = i.ToString();;
            School资产借还交接BLL bll = new School资产借还交接BLL();

            AM_提醒通知 ammodel = new AM_提醒通知();

            ammodel.发起时间 = DateTime.Now;
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            ammodel.通知类型 = "待办事项通知";
            ammodel.通知职务 = "财务人员";
            ammodel.发起人  = Session["姓名"].ToString();
            ammodel.消息内容 = "您来自" + ammodel.发起人 + "的资产交接申请,请及时处理!";
            ammodel.消息事项 = "资产交接";
            ammodel.是否已读 = "否";
            AM_待办业务 dbmodel = new AM_待办业务();

            dbmodel.处理方式     = "个人";
            dbmodel.处理人      = model.接收人;
            dbmodel.流程状态     = 流程状态.Text;
            dbmodel.事项名称     = "资产交接";
            dbmodel.FlowName = "资产交接";
            dbmodel.发起人      = Session["姓名"].ToString();
            dbmodel.通知内容     = "您来自" + dbmodel.发起人 + "的资产交接申请,请及时处理!";
            dbmodel.发起时间     = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
            dbmodel.Sort     = 1;
            if (bll.创建资产交接(model, ammodel, dbmodel) > 0)
                Window1.Hidden = true;