public void CleanActionNetworkFolder() { if (this.Action_image_copy_enabled && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Action_network_folder) && this.Action_network_folder_purge_older_than_days > 0 && LastJPGCleanDay != DateTime.Now.DayOfYear && Directory.Exists(this.Action_network_folder)) { AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Cleaning out jpg files older than '{this.Action_network_folder_purge_older_than_days}' days in '{this.Action_network_folder}'..."); List <FileInfo> filist = new List <FileInfo>(Global.GetFiles(this.Action_network_folder, "*.jpg")); int deleted = 0; int errs = 0; foreach (FileInfo fi in filist) { if ((DateTime.Now - fi.LastWriteTime).TotalDays > this.Action_network_folder_purge_older_than_days) { try { fi.Delete(); deleted++; } catch { errs++; } } } if (errs == 0) { AITOOL.Log($"Debug: ...Deleted {deleted} out of {filist.Count} files"); } else { AITOOL.Log($"Debug: ...Deleted {deleted} out of {filist.Count} files with {errs} errors."); } LastJPGCleanDay = DateTime.Now.DayOfYear; } }
private void SelectionChanged() { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { if (this.FOLV_RelevantObjects.SelectedObjects != null && this.FOLV_RelevantObjects.SelectedObjects.Count > 0) { ////save the last one just in case this.SaveRO(); //set current selected object = (ClsRelevantObject)this.FOLV_RelevantObjects.SelectedObjects[0]; //enable toolstrip buttons toolStripButtonDelete.Enabled = true; toolStripButtonDown.Enabled = true; toolStripButtonUp.Enabled = true; } else { toolStripButtonDelete.Enabled = false; toolStripButtonDown.Enabled = false; toolStripButtonUp.Enabled = false; = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {ex.Msg()}"); } LoadRO(); }
public List <ClsRelevantObject> GetDefaultObjectList(bool Clear) { List <ClsRelevantObject> ret = this._DefaultObjectsList; //get the default camera list try { if (this.defaultcam.IsNull()) { this.defaultcam = AITOOL.GetCamera("Default", true); } if (!this.defaultcam.IsNull()) //probably here to soon { if (this.defaultcam.DefaultTriggeringObjects.ObjectList.Count > 0 && !this.Camera.EqualsIgnoreCase(this.defaultcam.Name)) { this._DefaultObjectsList = this.defaultcam.DefaultTriggeringObjects.CloneObjectList(); } else { this._DefaultObjectsList = this.FromString(AppSettings.Settings.ObjectPriority, Clear, false); } ret = this._DefaultObjectsList; } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: ({this.TypeName}) {ex.Msg()}"); } return(ret); }
private void SaveRO([CallerMemberName()] string memberName = null) { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { if (!Loading && NeedsSaving && ! && this.tb_Name.Enabled && !this.tb_Name.Text.IsEmpty()) { = this.cb_enabled.Checked; = this.tb_Name.Text; = this.tb_Time.Text; = this.tb_ConfidenceLower.Text.ToDouble(); = this.tb_ConfidenceUpper.Text.ToDouble(); = this.rb_trigger.Checked; this.FOLV_RelevantObjects.Refresh(); } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg()); } finally { NeedsSaving = false; } }
private void FaceSelectionChanged() { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { if (this.FOLV_Faces.SelectedObjects != null && this.FOLV_Faces.SelectedObjects.Count > 0) { //set current selected object ClsFace face = (ClsFace)this.FOLV_Faces.SelectedObjects[0]; string mainface = Path.Combine(face.FaceStoragePath, $"{face.Name}.jpg"); if (File.Exists(mainface)) { pictureBoxCurrentFace.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(mainface); } else { pictureBoxCurrentFace.BackgroundImage = null; } Global_GUI.UpdateFOLV(FOLV_FaceFiles, face.Files.Values.ToList(), FullRefresh: true); } else { } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {ex.Msg()}"); } }
public void Resume() { this.Paused = false; this.ResumeTime = DateTime.MinValue; this._pauseTimer.Elapsed -= ev; this._pauseTimer.Stop(); AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Resuming paused camera '{this.Name}' after '{this.PauseMinutes}' minutes. "); }
private void LoadRO([CallerMemberName()] string memberName = null) { Loading = true; using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { if ( { this.cb_enabled.Checked = false; this.cb_enabled.Enabled = false; this.tb_Name.Text = ""; this.tb_Time.Text = ""; this.tb_ConfidenceLower.Text = ""; this.tb_ConfidenceUpper.Text = ""; } else { this.cb_enabled.Checked =; this.cb_enabled.Enabled = true; this.tb_Name.Text =; this.tb_Time.Text =; this.tb_ConfidenceLower.Text =; this.tb_ConfidenceUpper.Text =; if (this.tb_Name.Text.EqualsIgnoreCase("NEW OBJECT") || this.tb_Name.Text.IsEmpty()) { this.tb_Name.Enabled = true; } else { this.tb_Name.Enabled = false; } if ( { rb_trigger.Checked = true; rb_ignore.Checked = false; } else { rb_trigger.Checked = false; rb_ignore.Checked = true; } } Global_GUI.GroupboxEnableDisable(groupBox1, cb_enabled); } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg()); } finally { NeedsSaving = false; Loading = false; } }
public void Init(Camera cam = null) { if (!cam.IsNull()) { = cam; } if ( && this.CameraName.IsNotEmpty()) { = AITOOL.GetCamera(this.CameraName); } if (! { this.CameraName =; } //dont initialize until we have a list of cameras available if (!this.Initialized || !this.ObjectDict.IsNull() && !AppSettings.Settings.CameraList.IsNull() && AppSettings.Settings.CameraList.Count > 0) { lock (ROLockObject) { //migrate from the dictionary to the list - dictionary no longer used if (!this.ObjectDict.IsNull()) { if (this.ObjectDict.Count > 0) { ObjectList.Clear(); foreach (Object item in ObjectDict.Values) { if (item is DictionaryEntry) { ClsRelevantObject ro = (ClsRelevantObject)((DictionaryEntry)item).Value; ObjectList.Add(ro.CloneJson()); } else if (item is ClsRelevantObject) { ClsRelevantObject ro = (ClsRelevantObject)item; ObjectList.Add(ro.CloneJson()); } else { AITOOL.Log($"Warn: Old object is {item.GetType().FullName}??"); } } } this.ObjectDict = null; } //Add default settings this.Initialized = true; Update(); } } }
public void Pause() { this.Paused = true; this.ResumeTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(this.PauseMinutes); this._pauseTimer.Interval = 1000; //register event handler to run clean history every minute ev = new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(this.PauseEvent); this._pauseTimer.Elapsed += ev; this._pauseTimer.Start(); AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Camera '{this.Name}' paused for '{this.PauseMinutes}' minutes until '{this.ResumeTime}'."); }
private async Task <PushoverUserResponse> PushoverPost(Uri uri, MultipartFormDataContent parameters) { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. PushoverUserResponse ret = new PushoverUserResponse(); if (this.httpClient == null) { this.httpClient = new HttpClient(); this.httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(AppSettings.Settings.HTTPClientRemoteTimeoutSeconds); } // Remove content type that is not in the docs //foreach (HttpContent param in parameters) // param.Headers.ContentType = null; try { HttpResponseMessage response = null; string json = ""; response = await httpClient.PostAsync(uri, parameters); json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); json = json.CleanString(); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json)) { //var json = this.Encoding.GetString(await wc.UploadValuesTaskAsync(uri, parameters).ConfigureAwait(false)); ret = await ParseResponse <PushoverUserResponse>(json, response.Headers); } else { if (response.StatusCode.ToString().Contains("TooLarge")) { ret.Errors = new string[] { $"StatusCode='{response.StatusCode}', Reason='{response.ReasonPhrase}' (Max pushover attachment size is 2.5MB), ResponseText='{json}'" }; } else { ret.Errors = new string[] { $"StatusCode='{response.StatusCode}', Reason='{response.ReasonPhrase}', ResponseText='{json}'" }; } } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {ex.Msg()}"); ret.Errors = new string[] { ex.Msg() }; } return(ret); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { //this.Save(); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg()); } }
public void UpdateTriggeringObjects() { try { //Convert string Triggering objects to RelevantObjectManager instances if (this.DefaultTriggeringObjects == null || !this.triggering_objects_as_string.IsEmpty() || !this.additional_triggering_objects_as_string.IsEmpty()) { this.DefaultTriggeringObjects = new ClsRelevantObjectManager(this.triggering_objects_as_string + "," + this.additional_triggering_objects_as_string, "Default", this); this.triggering_objects_as_string = ""; this.additional_triggering_objects_as_string = ""; } else //force the camera name to stay correct if renamed { this.DefaultTriggeringObjects.Init(this); } if (this.TelegramTriggeringObjects == null || !this.telegram_triggering_objects.IsEmpty()) { this.TelegramTriggeringObjects = new ClsRelevantObjectManager(this.telegram_triggering_objects, "Telegram", this); this.telegram_triggering_objects = ""; } else //force the camera name to stay correct if renamed { this.TelegramTriggeringObjects.Init(this); } if (this.PushoverTriggeringObjects == null || !this.telegram_triggering_objects.IsEmpty()) { this.PushoverTriggeringObjects = new ClsRelevantObjectManager(this.Action_pushover_triggering_objects, "Pushover", this); this.Action_pushover_triggering_objects = ""; } else //force the camera name to stay correct if renamed { this.PushoverTriggeringObjects.Init(this); } if (this.MQTTTriggeringObjects == null) { this.MQTTTriggeringObjects = new ClsRelevantObjectManager(AppSettings.Settings.ObjectPriority, "MQTT", this); } else //force the camera name to stay correct if renamed { this.MQTTTriggeringObjects.Init(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: While updating camera '{this.Name}', got error: {ex.Msg()}"); } }
private void FillCombo() { try { toolStripComboBoxCameras.Items.Clear(); int idx = 0; int fnd = -1; foreach (Camera cam in AppSettings.Settings.CameraList) { foreach (PropertyInfo prop in cam.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(ClsRelevantObjectManager)) { ClsRelevantObjectManager rom = (ClsRelevantObjectManager)prop.GetValue(cam); string item = $"{cam.Name}\\{rom.TypeName}"; toolStripComboBoxCameras.Items.Add(item); if (item.EqualsIgnoreCase(this.ROMName)) { fnd = idx; } idx++; } } string item2 = $"{cam.Name}\\{cam.maskManager.MaskTriggeringObjects.TypeName}"; toolStripComboBoxCameras.Items.Add(item2); if (item2.EqualsIgnoreCase(this.ROMName)) { fnd = idx; } idx++; } if (fnd != -1) { toolStripComboBoxCameras.SelectedIndex = fnd; } else if (idx > 0) { toolStripComboBoxCameras.SelectedIndex = 0; } this.Text = $"Relevant Objects - {this.ROMName}"; } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {ex.Message}"); } }
public bool CopyFileTo(string outputFilePath) { bool ret = false; int bufferSize = 1024 * 1024; try { if (this.IsValid()) //loads into memory if not already loaded { DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFilePath)); if (d.Root != null && !d.Exists) { //dont try to create if working off root drive d.Create(); } Stream inStream = this.ToStream(); if (File.Exists(outputFilePath)) { File.Delete(outputFilePath); } using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(outputFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { fileStream.SetLength(inStream.Length); int bytesRead = -1; byte[] bytes = new byte[bufferSize]; while ((bytesRead = inStream.Read(bytes, 0, bufferSize)) > 0) { fileStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytesRead); } } ret = true; } else { AITOOL.Log($"Error: File not valid: {this.image_path}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: Copying to {outputFilePath}: {Global.ExMsg(ex)}"); } return(ret); }
private void SetROM() { try { if (this.ROMName.IsEmpty()) { return; } this.TempObjectManager = null; foreach (Camera cam in AppSettings.Settings.CameraList) { foreach (PropertyInfo prop in cam.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(ClsRelevantObjectManager)) { ClsRelevantObjectManager rom = (ClsRelevantObjectManager)prop.GetValue(cam); if ($"{cam.Name}\\{rom.TypeName}".EqualsIgnoreCase(this.ROMName)) { this.TempObjectManager = rom; break; } } } string item = $"{cam.Name}\\{cam.maskManager.MaskTriggeringObjects.TypeName}"; if (item.EqualsIgnoreCase(this.ROMName)) { this.TempObjectManager = cam.maskManager.MaskTriggeringObjects; break; } } if (this.TempObjectManager.IsNull()) { MessageBox.Show($"Error: Could not match '{this.ROMName}' to existing RelevantObjectManager?"); } else { this.TempObjectManager.Update(); } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {ex.Message}"); } }
public void FromString(string Objects) { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { //take anything before the first semicolon: if (Objects.Contains(";")) { Objects = Objects.GetWord("", ";"); } this.EnabledCount = 0; int order = 0; List <string> lst = Objects.SplitStr(","); List <string> deflst = AppSettings.Settings.ObjectPriority.ToLower().SplitStr(","); foreach (var obj in lst) { ClsRelevantObject ro = new ClsRelevantObject(obj); if (!ObjectDict.Contains(ro.Name.ToLower())) { if (ro.Enabled) { this.EnabledCount++; } order = deflst.IndexOf(ro.Name.ToLower()); if (order > -1) { ro.Priority = order + 1; } ObjectDict.Add(ro.Name.ToLower(), ro); } } AddDefaults(); } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg()); } }
private void FOLV_AIServers_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (this.FOLV_AIServers.SelectedObjects != null && this.FOLV_AIServers.SelectedObjects.Count > 0) { this.CurURL = (ClsURLItem)this.FOLV_AIServers.SelectedObjects[0]; } else { this.CurURL = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {ex.Msg()}"); } UpdateButtons(); }
private void SaveRO([CallerMemberName()] string memberName = null) { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { if (!Loading && NeedsSaving && ! && !this.tb_Name.Text.IsEmpty()) { = this.cb_enabled.Checked; = this.tb_Name.Text; = this.tb_Time.Text; = this.cb_ObjectTriggers.Checked; = this.cb_ObjectIgnoreImageMask.Checked; = this.cb_ObjectIgnoreDynamicMask.Checked; double lower = this.tb_ConfidenceLower.Text.ToDouble(); double upper = this.tb_ConfidenceUpper.Text.ToDouble(); //if (!this.TempObjectManager.TypeName.EqualsIgnoreCase("default")) //{ // ClsRelevantObject ro = this.TempObjectManager.Get(, false, out int FoundIDX, UseMainCamList: true); // if (!ro.IsNull() && lower < ro.Threshold_lower || upper > ro.Threshold_upper) // { // MessageBox.Show($"The threshold cannot be lower or higher than {this.TempObjectManager.CameraName}\\Default setting: ({ro.Threshold_lower}-{ro.Threshold_upper}%)"); // return; // } //} = lower; = upper; = tb_MinPercent.Text.ToDouble(); = tb_maxpercent.Text.ToDouble(); } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg()); } finally { this.FOLV_RelevantObjects.Refresh(); NeedsSaving = false; } }
public MemoryStream ToStream() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); if (this.IsValid()) { try { ms = new MemoryStream(this.ImageByteArray, false); } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: Cannot convert to MemoryStream: {ex.Message}"); } } else { AITOOL.Log($"Error: Cannot convert to MemoryStream because image is not valid."); } return(ms); }
private void SaveROM() { try { if (this.ROMName.IsEmpty()) { return; } foreach (Camera cam in AppSettings.Settings.CameraList) { foreach (PropertyInfo prop in cam.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(ClsRelevantObjectManager)) { ClsRelevantObjectManager rom = (ClsRelevantObjectManager)prop.GetValue(cam); if ($"{cam.Name}\\{rom.TypeName}".EqualsIgnoreCase(this.ROMName)) { rom.ObjectList = this.TempObjectManager.ObjectList; //rom = this.TempObjectManager; break; } } } string item = $"{cam.Name}\\{cam.maskManager.MaskTriggeringObjects.TypeName}"; if (item.EqualsIgnoreCase(this.ROMName)) { cam.maskManager.MaskTriggeringObjects.ObjectList = this.TempObjectManager.ObjectList; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {ex.Message}"); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { SaveRO(); List <ClsRelevantObject> rolist = new List <ClsRelevantObject>(); foreach (ClsRelevantObject ro in FOLV_RelevantObjects.Objects) { rolist.Add(ro); } this.ObjectManager.FromList(rolist); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg()); } }
private void UpdateMaskFile() { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. try { this._maskfilename = this.Cam.GetMaskFile(false, null, this._imageRes); this.Text = "Custom Masking - " + this._maskfilename; if (!File.Exists(this._maskfilename)) { this.Text += " (Missing)"; } this.BrushSize = this.Cam.mask_brush_size; this.numBrushSize.Value = this.Cam.mask_brush_size; this.ShowImage(); } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {ex.Msg()}"); } }
public MemoryStream ToStream() { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); if (this.IsValid()) { try { ms = new MemoryStream(this.ImageByteArray, false); ms.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: Cannot convert to MemoryStream: {ex.Message}"); } } else { AITOOL.Log($"Error: Cannot convert to MemoryStream because image is not valid."); } return(ms); }
public ResultType IsRelevant(List <ClsPrediction> preds, bool IsNew, out bool IgnoreMask, string DbgDetail = "") { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. ResultType ret = ResultType.UnwantedObject; IgnoreMask = false; this.Init(); if (!this.Initialized) { return(ret); } //if nothing is 'enabled' assume everything should be let through to be on the safe side (As if they passed an empty list) if (this.ObjectList.Count == 0 || this.EnabledCount == 0) //assume if no list is provided to always return relevant { return(ResultType.Relevant); } //if fred is found, the whole prediction will be ignored //triggering_objects = person, car, -FRED //found objects = person, fred if (preds != null && preds.Count > 0) { //find at least one thing in the triggered objects list in order to send string notrelevant = ""; string relevant = ""; string ignored = ""; string notenabled = ""; string nottime = ""; string nothreshold = ""; bool ignore = false; foreach (ClsPrediction pred in preds) { string label = pred.Label; if (pred.Result == ResultType.Relevant || IsNew) { ClsRelevantObject ro = this.Get(label, AllowEverything: true, out int FoundIDX); if (!ro.IsNull()) { if (ro.Enabled) { if (Global.IsTimeBetween(DateTime.Now, ro.ActiveTimeRange)) { //assume if confidence is 0 it has not been set yet (dynamic masking routine, etc) if (pred.Confidence == 0 || pred.Confidence.Round() >= ro.Threshold_lower && pred.Confidence.Round() <= ro.Threshold_upper) { ro.LastHitTime = DateTime.Now; ro.Hits++; if (!ro.Trigger) { ignore = true; if (!ignored.Contains(label)) { ignored += label + ","; } } else { ret = ResultType.Relevant; IgnoreMask = ro.IgnoreMask; if (!relevant.Contains(label)) { relevant += label + ","; } } } else { if (!nothreshold.Contains(label)) { nothreshold += label + $" ({pred.Confidence.Round()}%),"; } } } else { if (!nottime.Contains(label)) { nottime += label + ","; } } } else { if (!notenabled.Contains(label)) { notenabled += label + ","; } } } else { if (!notrelevant.Contains(label)) { notrelevant += label + ","; } } } else { if (!notrelevant.Contains(label)) { notrelevant += label + ","; } } } //Add to the main list if ( == null) { = AITOOL.GetCamera(this.Camera); } if (this.defaultcam == null) { this.defaultcam = AITOOL.GetCamera("Default", true); } //always try to add the current prediction to the list (disabled) to give them the option of enabling later foreach (ClsPrediction pred in preds) { this.TryAdd(pred.Label, false, out int AddedIDX); //add it to the Current camera list (disabled), false, out int AddedIDX2); //add it to the default camera list (disabled) if (!this.defaultcam.IsNull()) { this.defaultcam.DefaultTriggeringObjects.TryAdd(pred.Label, false, out int AddedIDX3); } } if (ignore) { ret = ResultType.IgnoredObject; } if (!DbgDetail.IsEmpty()) { DbgDetail = $" ({DbgDetail})"; } if (relevant.IsEmpty()) { relevant = "(NONE)"; } if (notrelevant.IsEmpty()) { notrelevant = "(NONE)"; } if (ignored.IsEmpty()) { ignored = "(NONE)"; } if (notenabled.IsEmpty()) { notenabled = "(NONE)"; } if (nottime.IsEmpty()) { nottime = "(NONE)"; } if (nothreshold.IsEmpty()) { nothreshold = "(NONE)"; } string maskignore = ""; if (IgnoreMask) { maskignore = " (Mask will be ignored)"; } if (ret != ResultType.Relevant) { AITOOL.Log($"Trace: RelevantObjectManager: Skipping '{this.TypeName}{DbgDetail}' because objects were not defined to trigger, or were set to ignore: Relevant='{relevant.Trim(", ".ToCharArray())}', Irrelevant='{notrelevant.Trim(", ".ToCharArray())}', Caused ignore='{ignored.Trim(", ".ToCharArray())}', Not Enabled={notenabled.Trim(" ,".ToCharArray())}, Not Time={nottime.Trim(" ,".ToCharArray())}, No Threshold Match={nothreshold.Trim(" ,".ToCharArray())} All Triggering Objects='{this.ToString()}', {preds.Count} predictions(s), Enabled={this.EnabledCount} of {this.ObjectList.Count}"); } else { AITOOL.Log($"Trace: RelevantObjectManager: Object is valid for '{this.TypeName}{DbgDetail}' because object(s) '{relevant.Trim(", ".ToCharArray())}' were in trigger objects list '{this.ToString()}',{maskignore} Enabled={this.EnabledCount} of {this.ObjectList.Count}"); } } return(ret); }
public List <ClsRelevantObject> FromString(string Objects, bool Clear, bool ExactMatchonly) { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. List <ClsRelevantObject> ret = new List <ClsRelevantObject>(); this.Init(); if (!this.Initialized) { return(ret); } try { if (Clear) { this.ObjectList.Clear(); this.EnabledCount = 0; } //take anything before the first semicolon: if (Objects.Contains(";")) { Objects = Objects.GetWord("", ";"); } bool AlreadyHasItems = ObjectList.Count > 0; List <string> lst = Objects.SplitStr(","); List <ClsRelevantObject> DefaultObjectList = new List <ClsRelevantObject>(); if (!this.Camera.EqualsIgnoreCase("default")) { DefaultObjectList = this.GetDefaultObjectList(false); } foreach (var obj in lst) { ClsRelevantObject ro = new ClsRelevantObject(obj); ClsRelevantObject rofound = this.Get(ro, false, out int FoundIDX, ExactMatchonly, ret); if (rofound.IsNull()) { //Only add items as enabled if we started out from an empty list if (AlreadyHasItems) { ro.Enabled = false; } if (ro.Enabled) { this.EnabledCount++; } //set the order if found in the default list ClsRelevantObject defRo = this.Get(ro, false, out int DefFoundIDX, false, DefaultObjectList); if (DefFoundIDX > -1) { ro.Priority = DefFoundIDX + 1; } else { ro.Priority = ret.Count + 1; } ret.Add(ro); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg()); } return(ret); }
public void Reset() { AITOOL.Log($"Using Relevant Objects list from the 'Default' camera for {this.TypeName} RelevantObjectManager."); this.ObjectList = this.GetDefaultObjectList(true); }
public bool UpdateIsValid() { bool ret = false; this.UrlFixed = false; Uri uri = null; if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.DOODS) { if (!this.url.Contains("://")) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = "http://" + this.url; } if (!(this.url.IndexOf("/detect", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = this.url + "/detect"; } if (Global.IsValidURL(this.url) && this.url.IndexOf("/detect", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { uri = new Uri(this.url); if (uri.Port > 0) { ret = true; this.IsLocalHost = Global.IsLocalHost(uri.Host); if (this.IsLocalHost) { if (this.IsLocalHost) { //force it to always be for localhost uri = new Uri($"{uri.Scheme}://{uri.Port}{uri.PathAndQuery}"); this.url = uri.ToString(); } } } } } else if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.AWSRekognition) { this.IsLocalHost = false; if (this.url.Equals("amazon", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ret = true; } } else if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.SightHound_Person) { if (!this.url.Contains("://")) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = "https://" + this.url; } bool hasdet = this.url.IndexOf("/v1/detections", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0; bool hasrec = this.url.IndexOf("/v1/recognition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0; if (!hasdet) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = this.url + "/v1/recognition?objectType=vehicle,licenseplate"; } if (Global.IsValidURL(this.url) && hasdet && !hasrec) { ret = true; } } else if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.SightHound_Vehicle) { if (!this.url.Contains("://")) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = "https://" + this.url; } bool hasdet = this.url.IndexOf("/v1/detections", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0; bool hasrec = this.url.IndexOf("/v1/recognition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0; if (!hasrec) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = this.url + "/v1/detections?type=face,person&faceOption=gender,landmark,age,pose,emotion"; } if (Global.IsValidURL(this.url) && hasrec && !hasdet) { ret = true; } } else // assume deepstack { if (!this.url.Contains("://")) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = "http://" + this.url.Trim(); } bool hasdet = this.url.IndexOf("/v1/vision/detection", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0; bool hascus = this.url.IndexOf("/v1/vision/custom", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0; if (!hasdet && !hascus) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = this.url.Trim() + ":80/v1/vision/detection"; } ///v1/vision/custom/catsanddogs if (Global.IsValidURL(this.url) && (hasdet || hascus)) { uri = new Uri(this.url); if (uri.Port > 0) { ret = true; this.IsLocalHost = Global.IsLocalHost(uri.Host); if (this.IsLocalHost) { //force it to always be for localhost uri = new Uri($"{uri.Scheme}://{uri.Port}{uri.PathAndQuery}"); this.url = uri.ToString(); } } } } if (uri != null) { this.CurSrv = uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port; } if (!ret) { AITOOL.Log($"Error: '{this.Type.ToString()}' URL is not valid: '{this.url}'"); } this.IsValid = ret; if (!this.isValid) { this.Enabled.WriteFullFence(false); } return(ret); }
public ClsURLItem(String url, int Order, URLTypeEnum type) { this.UrlFixed = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) { if (type == URLTypeEnum.DOODS) { this.DefaultURL = ""; url = this.DefaultURL; } else if (type == URLTypeEnum.AWSRekognition) // || this.url.Equals("aws", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || this.url.Equals("rekognition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { this.DefaultURL = "Amazon"; url = this.DefaultURL; } else if (type == URLTypeEnum.SightHound_Vehicle) { this.DefaultURL = ",licenseplate"; url = this.DefaultURL; } else if (type == URLTypeEnum.SightHound_Person) { this.DefaultURL = ",person&faceOption=gender,landmark,age,pose,emotion"; url = this.DefaultURL; } else // assume deepstack //if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.DeepStack || this.url.IndexOf("/v1/vision/detection", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { this.DefaultURL = ""; url = this.DefaultURL; } } this.url = url.Trim(); this.Type = type; this.Order = Order; if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.DOODS || this.url.EndsWith("/detect", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { this.DefaultURL = ""; this.HelpURL = ""; if (!this.url.Contains("://")) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = "http://" + this.url; } this.Type = URLTypeEnum.DOODS; if (!(this.url.IndexOf("/detect", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = this.url + "/detect"; } Uri uri = new Uri(this.url); this.CurSrv = uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port; this.Port = uri.Port; this.IsLocalHost = Global.IsLocalHost(uri.Host); this.HttpClient = new HttpClient(); this.HttpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(AppSettings.Settings.HTTPClientTimeoutSeconds); this.IsValid = true; this.Enabled.WriteFullFence(true); } else if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.AWSRekognition || this.url.Equals("amazon", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // || this.url.Equals("aws", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || this.url.Equals("rekognition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { this.DefaultURL = "Amazon"; this.HelpURL = ""; this.Type = URLTypeEnum.AWSRekognition; this.IsLocalHost = false; string error = AITOOL.UpdateAmazonSettings(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { this.CurSrv = "Amazon:" + AppSettings.Settings.AmazonRegionEndpoint; this.IsValid = true; this.Enabled.WriteFullFence(true); this.MaxImagesPerMonth = 5000; } else { AITOOL.Log($"Error: {error}"); this.IsValid = false; this.Enabled.WriteFullFence(false); } } else if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.SightHound_Person || this.url.IndexOf("/v1/detections", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { this.MaxImagesPerMonth = 5000; this.UseAsRefinementServer = true; this.RefinementObjects = "person"; this.DefaultURL = ",person&faceOption=gender,landmark,age,pose,emotion"; this.HelpURL = ""; if (!this.url.Contains("://")) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = "https://" + this.url; } this.Type = URLTypeEnum.SightHound_Person; if (!(this.url.IndexOf("/v1/detections", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = this.url + "/v1/detections?type=face,person&faceOption=gender,landmark,age,pose,emotion"; } Uri uri = new Uri(this.url); this.CurSrv = uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port; this.Port = uri.Port; this.IsLocalHost = false; this.HttpClient = null; this.IsValid = true; this.Enabled.WriteFullFence(true); } else if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.SightHound_Vehicle || this.url.IndexOf("/v1/recognition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { // this.MaxImagesPerMonth = 5000; this.UseAsRefinementServer = true; this.RefinementObjects = "car,truck,bus,suv,van,motorcycle"; this.DefaultURL = ",licenseplate"; this.HelpURL = ""; if (!this.url.Contains("://")) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = "https://" + this.url; } this.Type = URLTypeEnum.SightHound_Vehicle; if (!(this.url.IndexOf("/v1/recognition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = this.url + "/v1/recognition?objectType=vehicle,licenseplate"; } Uri uri = new Uri(this.url); this.CurSrv = uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port; this.Port = uri.Port; this.IsLocalHost = false; this.HttpClient = null; this.IsValid = true; this.Enabled.WriteFullFence(true); } else // assume deepstack //if (this.Type == URLTypeEnum.DeepStack || this.url.IndexOf("/v1/vision/detection", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { this.DefaultURL = ""; this.HelpURL = ""; if (!this.url.Contains("://")) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = "http://" + this.url; } this.Type = URLTypeEnum.DeepStack; bool valid = Global.IsValidURL(this.url); //only add path if none already given, for example /vision/custom/model-name if (!valid) { this.UrlFixed = true; this.url = this.url.Trim() + "/v1/vision/detection"; } Uri uri = new Uri(this.url); this.CurSrv = uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port; this.Port = uri.Port; this.IsLocalHost = Global.IsLocalHost(uri.Host); this.HttpClient = new HttpClient(); this.HttpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(AppSettings.Settings.HTTPClientTimeoutSeconds); this.IsValid = true; this.Enabled.WriteFullFence(true); } this.UpdateIsValid(); }
public void ScanImages(int MaxFiles = 3000, int MaxTimeScanningMS = 60000, int MaxDaysOld = -4) { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. List <FileInfo> files = new List <FileInfo>(); Stopwatch fscansw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.input_path) && Directory.Exists(this.input_path)) { List <FileInfo> newfiles = Global.GetFiles(this.input_path, $"{this.Prefix}*.jpg", this.input_path_includesubfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, DateTime.Now.AddDays(MaxDaysOld), DateTime.Now, MaxFiles); files.AddRange(newfiles); AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Found {newfiles.Count} {this.Prefix}*.jpg files in {this.input_path}"); } if (files.Count < MaxFiles && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppSettings.Settings.input_path) && AppSettings.Settings.input_path != this.input_path && Directory.Exists(AppSettings.Settings.input_path)) { List <FileInfo> newfiles = Global.GetFiles(AppSettings.Settings.input_path, $"{this.Prefix}*.jpg", AppSettings.Settings.input_path_includesubfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, DateTime.Now.AddDays(MaxDaysOld), DateTime.Now, MaxFiles); files.AddRange(newfiles); AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Found {newfiles.Count} {this.Prefix}*.jpg files in {AppSettings.Settings.input_path}"); } if (files.Count < MaxFiles && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Action_network_folder) && Directory.Exists(this.Action_network_folder)) { List <FileInfo> newfiles = Global.GetFiles(this.Action_network_folder, $"{this.Prefix}*.jpg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, DateTime.Now.AddDays(MaxDaysOld), DateTime.Now, MaxFiles); files.AddRange(newfiles); AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Found {newfiles.Count} {this.Prefix}*.jpg files in {this.Action_network_folder}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.last_image_file) && File.Exists(this.last_image_file)) { if (!files.Any(x => string.Equals(x.FullName, this.last_image_file, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { files.Add(new FileInfo(this.last_image_file)); } } files = files.OrderByDescending(t => t.CreationTime).ToList(); fscansw.Stop(); int cnt = 0; int updated = 0; int invalid = 0; AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Found {files.Count} images in {fscansw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms. Scanning images..."); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (FileInfo fi in files) { try { ClsImageQueueItem img = new ClsImageQueueItem(fi.FullName, 0, true); if (img.IsValid()) { if (this.UpdateImageResolutions(img)) { updated++; } cnt++; } else { invalid++; } } catch (Exception ex) { invalid++; AITOOL.Log($"Debug: {fi.Name}: {ex.Message}"); } if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= MaxTimeScanningMS) { AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Max search time exceeded: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms >= {MaxTimeScanningMS} ms"); break; } } sw.Stop(); string reseseses = ""; foreach (ImageResItem res in this.ImageResolutions) { reseseses += $"{res.ToString()};"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.last_image_file) && files.Count > 0) { this.last_image_file = files[0].FullName; } AITOOL.Log($"Debug: {cnt} of {files.Count} image files processed, {updated} new resolutions found ({invalid} invalid) in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms (Max={MaxTimeScanningMS} ms), {this.ImageResolutions.Count} different image resolutions found: {reseseses}"); }
public string GetMaskFile(bool MustExist, ClsImageQueueItem CurImg = null, ImageResItem ir = null) { string ret = ""; lock (CamLock) { try { String resstr = ""; if (CurImg != null) { resstr = $"_{CurImg.Width}x{CurImg.Height}"; } else if (ir == null && this.ImageResolutions.Count > 0) { ir = this.ImageResolutions[0]; //the first one should be the most recent image processed because of the sort. resstr = $"_{ir.Width}x{ir.Height}"; } else if (ir != null) { resstr = $"_{ir.Width}x{ir.Height}"; } string CamMaskFile = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MaskFileName)) { if (this.MaskFileName.Contains("\\") && this.MaskFileName.Contains(".")) { CamMaskFile = this.MaskFileName; } else if (this.MaskFileName.Contains(".")) { CamMaskFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(AppSettings.Settings.SettingsFileName), $"{this.MaskFileName}"); } else { CamMaskFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(AppSettings.Settings.SettingsFileName), $"{this.MaskFileName}.bmp"); } //Add WidthxHeight to filename string ResFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(CamMaskFile), $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CamMaskFile)}{resstr}.bmp"); bool resempty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(resstr); bool cammaskexist = File.Exists(CamMaskFile); bool resexist = File.Exists(ResFile); if (!resempty && cammaskexist && !Path.GetFileName(CamMaskFile).Contains("_") && !resexist) { //lets rename it to appropriate ResFile name string tmpresstr = ""; using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(CamMaskFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using Image img = Image.FromStream(fileStream, false, false); tmpresstr = $"_{img.Width}x{img.Height}"; } if (tmpresstr == resstr) { AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Renaming mask file from '{CamMaskFile}' to '{ResFile}'..."); File.Move(CamMaskFile, ResFile); } else { AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Cannot rename mask file because it does not match the current image resolution of '{resstr}' (!={tmpresstr}): MaskFile='{CamMaskFile}'..."); } } else { //AITOOL.Log($"Debug: ResEmpty={resempty}, CamMaskExist={cammaskexist}, ResMaskFileExist={resexist}, CurRes={resstr}, MaskRes={resstr}, CamMaskFile='{CamMaskFile}', ResMaskFile={ResFile}..."); } if (MustExist) { if (File.Exists(ResFile)) { return(ResFile); } else { return(""); } } else { return(ResFile); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg()); } } return(ret); }