Beispiel #1
        static void SubmitWorkItem(AIO.Activity activity, string inResource, string inResourceKind)
            Console.WriteLine("Submitting workitem...");
            //create a workitem
            var wi = new AIO.WorkItem()
                UserId     = "", //must be set to empty
                Id         = "", //must be set to empty
                Arguments  = new AIO.Arguments(),
                Version    = 1,  //should always be 1
                ActivityId = new AIO.EntityId {
                    Id = activity.Id, UserId = activity.UserId

            wi.Arguments.InputArguments.Add(new AIO.Argument()
                Name            = "HostDwg",// Must match the input parameter in activity
                Resource        = inResource,
                ResourceKind    = inResourceKind,
                StorageProvider = "Generic" //Generic HTTP download (as opposed to A360)

            wi.Arguments.OutputArguments.Add(new AIO.Argument()
                Name            = "PdfResult", // Must match activity's output param
                StorageProvider = "Generic",   // Generic HTTP upload
                HttpVerb        = "POST",      // Use HTTP POST when delivering result
                Resource        = null         // Use storage provided by


            //polling loop
                Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 5 sec...");
                container.LoadProperty(wi, "Status"); //http request is made here
                Console.WriteLine("WorkItem status: {0}", wi.Status);
            }while (wi.Status == "Pending" || wi.Status == "InProgress");

            //re-query the service so that we can look at the details provided by the service
            container.MergeOption = System.Data.Services.Client.MergeOption.OverwriteChanges;
            wi = container.WorkItems.Where(p => p.UserId == wi.UserId && p.Id == wi.Id).First();

            //Resource property of the output argument "Results" will have the output url
            var url = wi.Arguments.OutputArguments.First(a => a.Name == "PdfResult").Resource;

            DownloadToDocs(url, "AIO.pdf");

            //download the status report
            url = wi.StatusDetails.Report;
            DownloadToDocs(url, "AIO-report.txt");
Beispiel #2
        //creates an activity with inputs and variable number of outputs.
        static AIO.Activity CreateActivity(AIO.AppPackage package)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating/Updating Activity...");
            var activity = new AIO.Activity()
                UserId      = "",
                Id          = ActivityName,
                Version     = 1,
                Instruction = new AIO.Instruction()
                    Script =
                        "_tilemode 1 " +
                        "GRID OFF " +
                        "insert formpro 0,0   \n" +
                        "zoom e\n" +
                        "insert bokl 108.38,34.885 0.666  0\n" +
                        "insert korak700 108.38,34.885 0.666  0\n" +
                        "insert BD24pnt 108.38,34.885 0.666  0\n" +
                        "insert korak700 155,34.885 0.666  0\n" +
                        "insert BD24pnvz 155,34.885 0.666  0\n" +
                        "insert bokdl 201.62,34.885 0.666  0\n" +
                        "LTSCALE 13\n" +
                        "_tilemode 0 " +
                        "_save result.dwg\n" +
                        "_-export _pdf _all result.pdf\n"
                Parameters = new AIO.Parameters()
                    InputParameters =
                        new AIO.Parameter()
                            Name = "HostDwg", LocalFileName = "$(HostDwg)"
                    OutputParameters =
                        new AIO.Parameter()
                            Name = "PdfResult", LocalFileName = "result.pdf"
                RequiredEngineVersion = "20.0"

            //establish link to package
            container.AddLink(activity, "AppPackages", package);