Beispiel #1
 public static void ResetStaticFields()
     nextGlobalOpenList = null;
     findGoal           = false;
     finalPlan          = null;
     generateCounter    = 0;
     stop = false;
     massageEffCounter   = 0;
     massagePreCounter   = 0;
     allPublicFacts      = null;
     sendedToAllSign     = null;
     actionMap           = null;
     AgentToInfluActions = null;
     influencedByAgents  = null;
     recoverActionEffect = null;
     MAFSPublisher       = null;
     dependenciesSelectionPreperation = null;
     tracesHandler        = null;
     highLevelPlan        = null;
     name2mapsAgent       = null;
     allProjectionActions = null;
Beispiel #2
         * Use this class in order to limit the publishing of states that reveal a certain dependency that shouldn't be revealed.
         * This class will select no dependencies to reveal at first, but will enable the application of "On the fly" dependencies revealness in MAFS.
        public void PrepareSelection(AAdvancedProjectionActionPublisher publisher, List <MapsAgent> mafsAgents, List <Agent> agents, AHandleTraces tracesHandler, List <Domain> lDomains, List <Problem> lProblems)
            //TODO: handle traces later...

            List <Action> allProjectionAction = new List <Action>();

            GroundedPredicate newPrePredicate = null;

            newPrePredicate = new GroundedPredicate(Domain.ARTIFICIAL_PREDICATE + "StartState");
            List <Predicate> predicates = new List <Predicate>();

            int index = 0;
            Dictionary <Agent, List <Action> > agentsProjections = new Dictionary <Agent, List <Action> >();
            //Measuring the time for the dependencies generation:
            List <DateTime> dependenciesProjectionStartTimes = new List <DateTime>();
            List <DateTime> dependenciesProjectionEndTimes   = new List <DateTime>();

            foreach (Agent agent in agents)

                //this returns all of the projections, we will need to take only some of them and look at how does it affect the solution
                DateTime startDependenciesGeneration = DateTime.Now;

                List <Action> currentlProjAction = agent.getAdvancedProjectionPublicAction(index, predicates);

                DateTime endDependenciesGeneration = DateTime.Now;
                //Save the dependencies for later usage:
                agentsProjections.Add(agent, currentlProjAction);

                foreach (Action act in currentlProjAction)
                    act.agent =;
                index += 1000;

            Program.SaveTimeMeasurmentsForCreatingDependencies(dependenciesProjectionStartTimes, dependenciesProjectionEndTimes);

             * LeakageTrace.setAgents(agents);
             * Dictionary<Agent, LeakageTrace> traces = new Dictionary<Agent, LeakageTrace>();
             * List<Action> publicActionsForTraces = new List<Action>();
             * foreach (Agent agent in agents)
             * {
             *  LeakageTrace trace = new LeakageTrace(agent);
             *  traces.Add(agent, trace);
             *  publicActionsForTraces.AddRange(agentsProjections[agent]);
             * }
             * AdvancedLandmarkProjectionPlaner.firstTimeWritenStates = new Dictionary<Agent, bool>();
             * foreach (Agent agent in agents)
             * {
             *  traces[agent].initializeOperators(publicActionsForTraces, agent.privateActions);
             *  AdvancedLandmarkProjectionPlaner.writeFirstHalfOfJsonToFile(agent, traces[agent]);
             *  AdvancedLandmarkProjectionPlaner.firstTimeWritenStates.Add(agent, true);
             * }
             * tracesHandler.setAgents(agents);
             * tracesHandler.setTraces(traces);
             * //clear the actions affected dictionary:
             * AdvancedLandmarkProjectionPlaner.actionsAffectedForAgent = new Dictionary<Agent, Dictionary<Predicate, List<Action>>>();
             * //publish all of the chosen projections, by the chosen policy:
             * Console.WriteLine("Choosing which dependencies to publish");
             * publisher.setAgents(agents);
            DateTime dependenciesSelectionStartTime = DateTime.Now;
            // Do not publish any dependency at first...
            //publisher.publishActions(allProjectionAction, agentsProjections);
            DateTime dependenciesSelectionEndTime = DateTime.Now;

            Program.SaveTimeMeasurmentForSelectingDependencies(dependenciesSelectionStartTime, dependenciesSelectionEndTime);

            Dictionary <string, MapsAgent> name2mafsAgent = new Dictionary <string, MapsAgent>();

            foreach (MapsAgent mapsAgent in mafsAgents)
                name2mafsAgent.Add(, mapsAgent);

            Dictionary <string, Agent>          name2agent = new Dictionary <string, Agent>();
            Dictionary <string, List <Action> > agentName2agentProjActions = new Dictionary <string, List <Action> >();

            foreach (Agent agent in agents)
                name2agent.Add(, agent);
                //Set start state dependencies:
                MapsAgent        mapsAgent            = name2mafsAgent[];
                List <Predicate> startStatePredicates = agent.GetPrivateStartState().Cast <Predicate>().ToList();
                //List<Predicate> startState = GetTransformedArtificialPredicates(agent, startStatePredicates);

                agentName2agentProjActions[] = new List <Action>();

                foreach (Action action in agentsProjections[agent])
                    List <Predicate> effects = GetTransformedArtificialPredicates(agent, action.HashEffects);
                    mapsAgent.AddToAllDependenciesListOfAction(action.Name, effects);
                    mapsAgent.AddToEffectsActionsAndDependencies(action.Name, new List <Predicate>()); // revealed nothing...
                    List <Predicate> preconditions = GetTransformedArtificialPredicates(agent, action.HashPrecondition);
                    mapsAgent.AddToPreconditionActionsAndDependencies(action.Name, preconditions);

                    //agentName2agentProjActions efwfewf CONTINUE HERE
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            foreach (Action action in allProjectionAction)
                MapsAgent        mafsAgent = name2mafsAgent[action.agent];
                Agent            agent     = name2agent[action.agent];
                List <Predicate> effects   = GetTransformedArtificialPredicates(agent, action.HashEffects);
                mafsAgent.AddToEffectsActionsAndDependencies(action.Name, effects);
                List <Predicate> preconditions = GetTransformedArtificialPredicates(agent, action.HashPrecondition);
                mafsAgent.AddToPreconditionActionsAndDependencies(action.Name, preconditions);

            MapsPlanner.allProjectionActions = allProjectionAction;

            foreach (Agent a in agents)
                MapsAgent mAgent = name2mafsAgent[];
                //Create a new projection hueristics, based on only the selected dependencies:
                mAgent.projectionHeuristic = new AdvancedProjectionHeuristic(a, agents, lDomains, lProblems, agentName2agentProjActions, predicates);