public IBrush LoadLinearBrush(AGS.API.Point point1, AGS.API.Point point2, AGS.API.Color color1, AGS.API.Color color2)
			var paint = AndroidBrush.CreateTextPaint();
			LinearGradient gradient = new LinearGradient (point1.X, point1.Y, point2.X, point2.Y, color1.Convert(), color2.Convert(), Shader.TileMode.Clamp);
			return new AndroidBrush (paint);
Beispiel #2
		public void SetProperties(AGS.API.SizeF baseSize, string text = null, ITextConfig config = null, int? maxWidth = null, 
            int caretPosition = 0, bool renderCaret = false, bool? cropText = null)
			bool changeNeeded = 
				(text != null && text != _text)
				|| (config != null && config != _config)
				|| (maxWidth != null && maxWidth.Value != _maxWidth)
				|| !baseSize.Equals(_baseSize)
                || _caretPosition != caretPosition
                || _renderCaret != renderCaret
                || (cropText != null && cropText.Value != _cropText);
			if (!changeNeeded) return;

			_text = text;
            if (config != null && config != _config)
                _config = config;
                _spaceWidth = measureSpace();
			if (maxWidth != null) _maxWidth = maxWidth.Value;
            if (cropText != null) _cropText = cropText.Value;
			_baseSize = baseSize;
            _caretPosition = caretPosition;
            _renderCaret = renderCaret;

Beispiel #3
		public void Tick (IViewport viewport, AGS.API.Size roomSize, AGS.API.Size virtualResoution, bool resetPosition)
			IObject target = Target == null ? null : Target();
			if (!Enabled || target == null) return;

			setScale(target, viewport, resetPosition);

			//todo: Allow control over which point in the target to follow
			float targetX = target.X;//target.CenterPoint == null ? target.X : target.CenterPoint.X;
			float targetY = target.Y;//target.CenterPoint == null ? target.Y : target.CenterPoint.Y;
			float maxResolutionX = virtualResoution.Width / viewport.ScaleX;
			float maxResolutionY = virtualResoution.Height / viewport.ScaleY;
			targetX = getTargetPos(targetX, roomSize.Width, maxResolutionX);
			targetY = getTargetPos(targetY, roomSize.Height, maxResolutionY);
			if (resetPosition)
				viewport.X = targetX;
				viewport.Y = targetY;
			float newX = getPos (viewport.X, targetX, StartSpeedX, 0.1f, ref _speedX);
			float newY = getPos (viewport.Y, targetY, StartSpeedY, 0.1f, ref _speedY);
			viewport.X = clamp(newX, roomSize.Width, maxResolutionX);
			viewport.Y = clamp(newY, roomSize.Height, maxResolutionY);
Beispiel #4
		public static DesktopBrush Solid(AGS.API.Color color)
			DesktopBrush brush = new DesktopBrush (new SolidBrush (color.Convert()));
			brush.Type = BrushType.Solid;
			brush.Color = color;
			return brush;
Beispiel #5
		private void UpdateFromView(AGS.Types.View view)
            if (view == null)
                udLoop.Enabled = false;
                udFrame.Enabled = false;
                chkAnimate.Enabled = false;
                chkAnimate.Checked = false;
                udLoop.Enabled = true;
                udFrame.Enabled = true;
                chkAnimate.Enabled = true;
                udLoop.Minimum = 0;
                udLoop.Maximum = (view.Loops.Count == 0) ? 0 : view.Loops.Count - 1;
                udFrame.Minimum = 0;
                udFrame.Maximum = 99;
                udDelay.Minimum = 1;
                udDelay.Maximum = 100;
                udLoop_ValueChanged(null, null);
 public static string GetScriptText(AGS.Types.Script script)
     if (script.FileName == "GlobalScript.asc" && !Regex.IsMatch(script.Text, @"function\s+dialog_request\s*\("))
         return script.Text + Environment.NewLine + "function dialog_request(int param) {" + Environment.NewLine + "}";
     return script.Text;
Beispiel #7
		public static AndroidBrush Solid(AGS.API.Color color)
			TextPaint paint = CreateTextPaint();
			paint.Color = color.Convert();
			AndroidBrush brush = new AndroidBrush (paint);
			brush.Type = BrushType.Solid;
			brush.Color = color;
			return brush;
 public void ExportTranslation(AGS.Types.Translation translation)
     using (JsonWriter output = JsonWriter.Create(InExportFolder(TRANSLATION_FILENAME, translation.Name)))
         //output.ObfuscateKeys = true;
         //output.ObfuscateValues = true;
         WriteTranslationJson(output, translation);
 public void WriteCustomPropertiesJson(JsonWriter output, string key, AGS.Types.CustomProperties customProperties)
     using (output.BeginObject(key))
         foreach (AGS.Types.CustomProperty property in customProperties.PropertyValues.Values)
             output.WriteValue(property.Name, property.Value);
Beispiel #10
        public AGSInput(GameWindow game, AGS.API.Size virtualResolution, IGameState state, 
                        IAGSRoomTransitions roomTransitions, IGameWindowSize windowSize)
            _windowSize = windowSize;
            this._roomTransitions = roomTransitions;
            this._virtualWidth = virtualResolution.Width;
            this._virtualHeight = virtualResolution.Height;
            this._state = state;
            this._keysDown = new AGSConcurrentHashSet<Key>();

            this._game = game;
            this._originalOSCursor = _game.Cursor;

            MouseDown = new AGSEvent<AGS.API.MouseButtonEventArgs>();
            MouseUp = new AGSEvent<AGS.API.MouseButtonEventArgs>();
            MouseMove = new AGSEvent<MousePositionEventArgs>();
            KeyDown = new AGSEvent<KeyboardEventArgs>();
            KeyUp = new AGSEvent<KeyboardEventArgs>();

            game.MouseDown += async (sender, e) =>
                if (isInputBlocked()) return;
                var button = convert(e.Button);
                if (button == AGS.API.MouseButton.Left) LeftMouseButtonDown = true;
                else if (button == AGS.API.MouseButton.Right) RightMouseButtonDown = true;
                await MouseDown.InvokeAsync(sender, new AGS.API.MouseButtonEventArgs(button, convertX(e.X), convertY(e.Y)));
            game.MouseUp += async (sender, e) =>
                if (isInputBlocked()) return;
                var button = convert(e.Button);
                if (button == AGS.API.MouseButton.Left) LeftMouseButtonDown = false;
                else if (button == AGS.API.MouseButton.Right) RightMouseButtonDown = false;
                await MouseUp.InvokeAsync(sender, new AGS.API.MouseButtonEventArgs(button, convertX(e.X), convertY(e.Y)));
            game.MouseMove += async (sender, e) =>
                if (isInputBlocked()) return;
                await MouseMove.InvokeAsync(sender, new MousePositionEventArgs(convertX(e.X), convertY(e.Y)));
            game.KeyDown += async (sender, e) =>
                Key key = convert(e.Key);
                if (isInputBlocked()) return;
                await KeyDown.InvokeAsync(sender, new KeyboardEventArgs(key));
            game.KeyUp += async (sender, e) =>
                Key key = convert(e.Key);
                if (isInputBlocked()) return;
                await KeyUp.InvokeAsync(sender, new KeyboardEventArgs(key));
Beispiel #11
		public IMask CreateMask(IGameFactory factory, string path, bool transparentMeansMasked = false, 
			AGS.API.Color? debugDrawColor = null, string saveMaskToFile = null, string id = null)
			Bitmap debugMask = null;
			FastBitmap debugMaskFast = null;
			if (saveMaskToFile != null || debugDrawColor != null)
				debugMask = new Bitmap (Width, Height);
				debugMaskFast = new FastBitmap (debugMask, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, true);

			bool[][] mask = new bool[Width][];
			System.Drawing.Color drawColor = debugDrawColor != null ? debugDrawColor.Value.Convert() : System.Drawing.Color.Black;

			using (FastBitmap bitmapData = new FastBitmap (_bitmap, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
				for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
					for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
						var pixelColor = bitmapData.GetPixel(x, y);

						bool masked = pixelColor.A == 255;
						if (transparentMeansMasked)
							masked = !masked;

						if (mask[x] == null)
							mask[x] = new bool[Height];
						mask[x][Height - y - 1] = masked;

						if (debugMask != null)
							debugMaskFast.SetPixel(x, y, masked ? drawColor : System.Drawing.Color.Transparent);

			if (debugMask != null)

			//Save the duplicate
			if (saveMaskToFile != null)
				debugMask.Save (saveMaskToFile);

			IObject debugDraw = null;
			if (debugDrawColor != null)
				debugDraw = factory.Object.GetObject(id ?? path ?? "Mask Drawable");
                debugDraw.Image = factory.Graphics.LoadImage(new DesktopBitmap(debugMask, _graphics), null, path);
				debugDraw.Anchor = new AGS.API.PointF ();

			return new AGSMask (mask, debugDraw);
 public static bool AreDialogScriptsCached(AGS.Types.IAGSEditor editor)
     foreach (AGS.Types.Dialog dialog in editor.CurrentGame.Dialogs)
         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dialog.CachedConvertedScript))
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #13
		public AGSGameSettings(string title, AGS.API.Size virtualResolution, WindowState windowState = WindowState.Maximized,
               AGS.API.Size? windowSize = null, VsyncMode vsync = VsyncMode.Adaptive, bool preserveAspectRatio = true,
                               WindowBorder windowBorder = WindowBorder.Resizable)
            Title = title;
            VirtualResolution = virtualResolution;
            WindowState = windowState;
            WindowSize = windowSize.HasValue ? windowSize.Value : virtualResolution;
            Vsync = vsync;
            PreserveAspectRatio = preserveAspectRatio;
            WindowBorder = windowBorder;
		public void DrawText(string text, ITextConfig config, AGS.API.SizeF textSize, AGS.API.SizeF baseSize, 
			int maxWidth, int height, float xOffset)
            _height = height;
			_text = text;
			_config = config;
			_maxWidth = maxWidth;
			IFont font = _config.Font;
			IBrush outlineBrush = _config.OutlineBrush;

            float left = xOffset + _config.AlignX(textSize.Width, baseSize);
			float top = _config.AlignY(_bitmap.Height, textSize.Height, baseSize);
			float centerX = left + _config.OutlineWidth / 2f;
			float centerY = top + _config.OutlineWidth / 2f;
			float right = left + _config.OutlineWidth;
			float bottom = top + _config.OutlineWidth;

            var gfx = _gfx;
            if (_config.OutlineWidth > 0f)
				drawString(gfx, outlineBrush, left, top);
				drawString(gfx, outlineBrush, centerX, top);
				drawString(gfx, outlineBrush, right, top);

				drawString(gfx, outlineBrush, left, centerY);
				drawString(gfx, outlineBrush, right, centerY);

				drawString(gfx, outlineBrush, left, bottom);
				drawString(gfx, outlineBrush, centerX, bottom);
				drawString(gfx, outlineBrush, right, bottom);
			if (_config.ShadowBrush != null)
				drawString(gfx, _config.ShadowBrush, centerX + _config.ShadowOffsetX, 
					centerY + _config.ShadowOffsetY);
			drawString(gfx, _config.Brush, centerX, centerY);
            //This should be a better way to render the outline (DrawPath renders the outline, and FillPath renders the text)
            //but for some reason some lines are missing when we render like that, at least on the mac
            /*if (_outlineWidth > 0f)
				GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath ();
				Pen outlinePen = new Pen (_outlineBrush, _outlineWidth) { LineJoin = LineJoin.Round };
				path.AddString(_text, _font.FontFamily, (int)_font.Style, _font.Size, new Point (), new StringFormat ());
				//gfx.ScaleTransform(1.3f, 1.35f);
				gfx.DrawPath(outlinePen, path);
				gfx.FillPath(_brush, path);
				gfx.DrawString (_text, _font, _brush, 0f, 0f);*/            
		public IBrush LoadLinearBrush(AGS.API.Color[] linearColors, IBlend blend, IColorBlend interpolationColors, 
			ITransformMatrix transform, AGS.API.WrapMode wrapMode, bool gammaCorrection)
			LinearGradientBrush g = new LinearGradientBrush (new System.Drawing.Point (), new System.Drawing.Point (), 
				System.Drawing.Color.White, System.Drawing.Color.White);
			g.Blend = blend.Convert();
			g.GammaCorrection = gammaCorrection;
			g.InterpolationColors = interpolationColors.Convert();
			g.LinearColors = linearColors.Convert();
			g.Transform = transform.Convert();
			g.WrapMode = wrapMode.Convert();
			return new DesktopBrush(g);
Beispiel #16
        public ViewEditor(AGS.Types.View viewToEdit)
            _guiController = Factory.GUIController;
            _guiController.OnPropertyObjectChanged += new GUIController.PropertyObjectChangedHandler(GUIController_OnPropertyObjectChanged);
            _viewUpdateHandler = new AGS.Types.View.ViewUpdatedHandler(View_ViewUpdated);
            viewToEdit.ViewUpdated += _viewUpdateHandler;

            _editingView = viewToEdit;
            viewPreview.DynamicUpdates = true;
            chkShowPreview.Checked = Factory.AGSEditor.Preferences.ShowViewPreviewByDefault;
 private void AddSpritesFromFolder(AGS.Types.ISpriteFolder folder, List<AGS.Types.Sprite> list)
     foreach (AGS.Types.Sprite sprite in folder.Sprites)
         while (list.Count <= sprite.Number)
         list[sprite.Number] = sprite;
     foreach (AGS.Types.ISpriteFolder subfolder in folder.SubFolders)
         AddSpritesFromFolder(subfolder, list);
		public IBrush LoadPathsGradientBrush(AGS.API.Color centerColor, AGS.API.PointF centerPoint, 
					IBlend blend, AGS.API.PointF focusScales, AGS.API.Color[] surroundColors, 
					IColorBlend interpolationColors, ITransformMatrix transform, AGS.API.WrapMode wrapMode)
			PathGradientBrush g = new PathGradientBrush (new System.Drawing.Point[]{ });
			g.Blend = blend.Convert();
			g.CenterColor = centerColor.Convert();
			g.CenterPoint = centerPoint.Convert();
			g.FocusScales = focusScales.Convert();
			g.SurroundColors = surroundColors.Convert();
			g.InterpolationColors = interpolationColors.Convert();
			g.Transform = transform.Convert();
			g.WrapMode = wrapMode.Convert();
			return new DesktopBrush(g);
        public ExporterPlugin(AGS.Types.IAGSEditor editor)
            this.editor = editor;

            settingsPane = new SettingsPanel(this);
            settingsPane.contentDocument = new AGS.Types.ContentDocument(settingsPane, "RHF Export Settings", this);


            editor.GUIController.AddMenu(this, MENU_ID, MENU_TITLE, editor.GUIController.FileMenuID);
            AGS.Types.MenuCommands mainMenuCommands = new AGS.Types.MenuCommands(MENU_ID);
            mainMenuCommands.Commands.Add(new AGS.Types.MenuCommand(COMMAND_EXPORT_ID, COMMAND_EXPORT_TITLE));
            mainMenuCommands.Commands.Add(new AGS.Types.MenuCommand(COMMAND_EXPORT_ROOM_ID, COMMAND_EXPORT_ROOM_TITLE));
            mainMenuCommands.Commands.Add(new AGS.Types.MenuCommand(COMMAND_SETTINGS_ID, COMMAND_SETTINGS_TITLE));
            editor.GUIController.AddMenuItems(this, mainMenuCommands);
Beispiel #20
		public void MakeTransparent(AGS.API.Color color)
			global::Android.Graphics.Color c = new global::Android.Graphics.Color(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
			global::Android.Graphics.Color transparent = global::Android.Graphics.Color.Transparent;
			using (FastBitmap fastBitmap = new FastBitmap (_bitmap))
				for (int x = 0; x < _bitmap.Width; x++)
					for (int y = 0; y < _bitmap.Height; y++)
						if (fastBitmap.GetPixel(x, y) == c)
							fastBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, c);
        public void WriteCharacterJson(JsonWriter output, string key, AGS.Types.Character character)
            using (output.BeginObject(key))
                output.WriteValue("scriptName", character.ScriptName);
                output.WriteValue("room", character.StartingRoom);
                output.WriteValue("clickable", character.Clickable);
                output.WriteValue("x", character.StartX);
                output.WriteValue("y", character.StartY);
                output.WriteValue("name", character.RealName);
                output.WriteValue("speechColor", character.SpeechColor);
                output.WriteValue("animationDelay", character.AnimationDelay);
                output.WriteValue("normalView", character.NormalView);

                WriteCustomPropertiesJson(output, "properties", character.Properties);
                WriteInteractionsJson(output, "interactions", character.Interactions);
 public void WriteTranslationJson(JsonWriter output, string key, AGS.Types.Translation translation)
     using (output.BeginObject(key))
         output.WriteValue("game", GetCurrentGameGuid());
         output.WriteValue("normalFont", translation.NormalFont);
         output.WriteValue("speechFont", translation.SpeechFont);
         using (output.BeginObject("translatedLines"))
             foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> line in translation.TranslatedLines)
                 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line.Value))
                     output.WriteValue(line.Key, line.Value);
 public void WriteDialogJson(JsonWriter output, string key, AGS.Types.Dialog dialog)
     if (dialog == null)
     using (output.BeginObject(key))
         output.WriteValue("scriptName", dialog.Name);
         output.WriteValue("showTextParser", dialog.ShowTextParser);
         using (output.BeginArray("options"))
             foreach (AGS.Types.DialogOption option in dialog.Options)
                 WriteDialogOptionJson(output, option);
		public void DrawText(string text, ITextConfig config, AGS.API.SizeF textSize, AGS.API.SizeF baseSize, int maxWidth, int height, float xOffset)
			//_height = height; todo: support height
			_text = text;
			_config = config;
			_maxWidth = maxWidth;

			TextPaint paint = getPaint(_config.Brush);

			float left = xOffset + _config.AlignX(textSize.Width, baseSize);
			float top = _config.AlignY(_bitmap.Height, textSize.Height, baseSize);
			float centerX = left + _config.OutlineWidth / 2f;
			float centerY = top + _config.OutlineWidth / 2f;
			float right = left + _config.OutlineWidth;
			float bottom = top + _config.OutlineWidth;

            var canvas = _canvas;
			if (_config.OutlineWidth > 0f)
				TextPaint outlinePaint = getPaint(_config.OutlineBrush);
				drawString(canvas, outlinePaint, left, top);
				drawString(canvas, outlinePaint, centerX, top);
				drawString(canvas, outlinePaint, right, top);

				drawString(canvas, outlinePaint, left, centerY);
				drawString(canvas, outlinePaint, right, centerY);

				drawString(canvas, outlinePaint, left, bottom);
				drawString(canvas, outlinePaint, centerX, bottom);
				drawString(canvas, outlinePaint, right, bottom);
			if (_config.ShadowBrush != null)
				TextPaint shadowPaint = getPaint(_config.ShadowBrush);
				drawString(canvas, shadowPaint, centerX + _config.ShadowOffsetX, 
					centerY + _config.ShadowOffsetY);
			drawString(canvas, paint, centerX, centerY);
Beispiel #25
 private string GetNodeID(AGS.Types.Font item)
     return "Fnt" + item.ID;
Beispiel #26
		private void ShowOrAddPane(AGS.Types.Font chosenFont)
            ContentDocument document;
			if (!_documents.TryGetValue(chosenFont, out document)
                || document.Control.IsDisposed)
				Dictionary<string, object> list = new Dictionary<string, object>();
				list.Add(chosenFont.Name + " (Font " + chosenFont.ID + ")", chosenFont);

                document = new ContentDocument(new FontEditor(chosenFont),
                    chosenFont.WindowTitle, this, ICON_KEY, list);
                _documents[chosenFont] = document;
                document.SelectedPropertyGridObject = chosenFont;
            document.TreeNodeID = GetNodeID(chosenFont);
			_guiController.ShowCuppit("The Font Editor allows you to import fonts into your game. Windows TTF fonts are supported, as are SCI fonts which can be created with Radiant FontEdit.", "Fonts introduction");
Beispiel #27
        private void ShowOrAddPane(AGS.Types.Font chosenFont)
            if (!_documents.ContainsKey(chosenFont))
                Dictionary<string, object> list = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                list.Add(chosenFont.Name + " (Font " + chosenFont.ID + ")", chosenFont);

                _documents.Add(chosenFont, new ContentDocument(new FontEditor(chosenFont), chosenFont.WindowTitle, this, list));
                _documents[chosenFont].SelectedPropertyGridObject = chosenFont;
            _guiController.ShowCuppit("The Font Editor allows you to import fonts into your game. Windows TTF fonts are supported, as are SCI fonts which can be created with Radiant FontEdit.", "Fonts introduction");
Beispiel #28
        private void EnsureViewHasAtLeast4LoopsAndAFrameInLeftRightLoops(AGS.Types.View view)
            bool viewModified = false;
            while (view.Loops.Count < 4)
                view.Loops.Add(new ViewLoop(view.Loops.Count));
                viewModified = true;

            if (view.Loops[1].Frames.Count < 1)
                view.Loops[1].Frames.Add(new ViewFrame(0));
            if (view.Loops[2].Frames.Count < 1)
                view.Loops[2].Frames.Add(new ViewFrame(0));
            if (viewModified)
        private void ExportSpriteFolder(
            AGS.Types.ISpriteFolder folder,
            ImageSheet toMaskSheet,
            List<ImageSheet> completeImageSheets,
            bool alpha,
            bool topLevel)
            if (toMaskSheet == null)
                toMaskSheet = new ImageSheet(settings.MaxImageSheetWidth, settings.MaxImageSheetHeight, 0, 0);
                if (!alpha)
                    toMaskSheet.ClearColor = HacksAndKludges.GetTransparencyColor();
                    toMaskSheet.MakeTransparent = true;
                foreach (AGS.Types.Sprite sprite in folder.Sprites)
                    if ((alpha && !sprite.AlphaChannel) || (!alpha && sprite.AlphaChannel))
                    if (sprite.Width > settings.MaxImageSheetWidth || sprite.Height > settings.MaxImageSheetHeight)
                        throw new Exception("Sprite #" + sprite.Number + " is bigger than the maximum image sheet size");
                    SpriteImageSheetEntry entry;
                    if (alpha)
                        entry = new SpriteImageSheetEntry(editor, sprite, Color.Transparent);
                        entry = new SpriteImageSheetEntry(editor, sprite, HacksAndKludges.GetTransparencyColor());
                    if (!toMaskSheet.AddEntry(entry))
                        if (!toMaskSheet.IsEmpty)
                        toMaskSheet = new ImageSheet(settings.MaxImageSheetWidth, settings.MaxImageSheetHeight, 0, 0);
                object maskSnapshot = toMaskSheet.Snapshot();

                foreach (AGS.Types.Sprite sprite in folder.Sprites)
                    if ((alpha && !sprite.AlphaChannel) || (!alpha && sprite.AlphaChannel))
                    if (sprite.Width > settings.MaxImageSheetWidth || sprite.Height > settings.MaxImageSheetHeight)
                        throw new Exception("Sprite #" + sprite.Number + " is bigger than the maximum image sheet size");
                    SpriteImageSheetEntry entry;
                    if (alpha)
                        entry = new SpriteImageSheetEntry(editor, sprite, Color.Transparent);
                        entry = new SpriteImageSheetEntry(editor, sprite, HacksAndKludges.GetTransparencyColor());
                    if (!toMaskSheet.AddEntry(entry))
                        ExportSpriteFolder(folder, null, completeImageSheets, alpha, true);
            int insert = completeImageSheets.Count;
            foreach (AGS.Types.SpriteFolder subfolder in folder.SubFolders)
                ExportSpriteFolder(subfolder, toMaskSheet, completeImageSheets, alpha, false);
            if (topLevel && !toMaskSheet.IsEmpty)
                completeImageSheets.Insert(insert, toMaskSheet);
 public SpriteImageSheetEntry(AGS.Types.IAGSEditor editor, AGS.Types.Sprite sprite, Color bgColor)
     TheSprite = sprite;
     bitmap = editor.GetSpriteImage(TheSprite.Number);