public void EncryptAndDecryptString()
            string encrypted = AES256.Encrypt("test", "password");
            string decrypted = AES256.Decrypt(encrypted, "password");

            Assert.AreEqual(decrypted, "test");
Beispiel #2
        static void Main()
            string teste = "{ola:\"mundo\"}";

            byte[] testeB = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(teste);

            AES256 aes = new AES256();

        public void EncryptAndDecryptExactly16chars()
            string encrypted = AES256.Encrypt(
            string decrypted = AES256.Decrypt(encrypted, "password");

        public void EncryptAndDecryptLargeString()
            string encrypted = AES256.Encrypt(
                "test string that is longer than 16 characters",
            string decrypted = AES256.Decrypt(encrypted, "password");

                "test string that is longer than 16 characters"
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if user credentials are valid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AuthenticateUser(ref User user)
            DataTable dtUser = new DataTable();

            dtUser = _db.GetData($"SELECT Usuario, Contrasena FROM Usuario WHERE Usuario = '{user.Username}' AND Estatus = 1", autoConnect: true);

            if (dtUser.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (AES256.Decrypt(dtUser.Rows[0]["Contrasena"].ToString(), _config.Database.EncryptionKey) == user.Password)
                    GetUserDataByUsername(ref user);

            return((user.Id == default) ? false : true);
Beispiel #6
    public void AESEncrypt()
        var sample = "something";

        string key = "z,mv--342krnsdrfJDSf33dq2423nsda";
        string iv  = "12325346457462343654867843523421";

        var aes = new AES256(key, iv);

        var encryptedStr = aes.Encrypt(sample);
        var decryptedStr = aes.Decrypt(encryptedStr);

        var len1 = sample.Length;
        var len2 = decryptedStr.Length;

        True(sample.Length == decryptedStr.Length, "not match, dec:" + decryptedStr + " len1:" + len1 + " len2:" + len2);
        public ValidateTokenOut ValidateToken(ValidateTokenIn input)
            var    output       = new ValidateTokenOut();
            AES256 aes256       = new AES256();
            string tokenDecrypt = aes256.Decrypt(input.token);
            // Se obtiene la información del token
            ClaimsPrincipal simplePrinciple = GetPrincipal(tokenDecrypt);

            if (simplePrinciple != null)
                // Se obtienen las propiedades
                var identity = simplePrinciple.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
                if (identity != null)
                    // Si no esta autenticado se denega el acceso
                    if (identity.IsAuthenticated)
                        // Se obtienen las variables de las propiedades que se le asignaron al Token cuando se genero
                        var sessionId = identity.FindFirst("sessionId");
                        var usrID     = identity.FindFirst("usrID");
                        var ip        = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
                        if (sessionId?.Value != null &&
                            usrID?.Value != null &&
                            ip != null)
                            var autentication      = new SystemManagement.Business.Authentication.Authentication();
                            var validateSessionOut = autentication.ValidateSession(new MethodParameters.Authentication.ValidateSessionIn()
                                sessionId = sessionId.Value,
                                userId    = Convert.ToDecimal(usrID.Value)
                            if (validateSessionOut.result == Entities.Common.Result.Success &&
                                validateSessionOut.session.usrID == Convert.ToDecimal(usrID.Value) &&
                                validateSessionOut.session.sesID == sessionId.Value &&
                                validateSessionOut.session.ses_status == "V")
                                output.tokenInformation           = new Entities.Authentication.TokenInformation();
                                output.tokenInformation.sessionId = sessionId.Value;
                                output.tokenInformation.usrID     = usrID.Value;
Beispiel #8
    public void AESEncryptBytes()
        var sampleBytes = new byte[1024];
        var rnd         = new System.Random();


        string key = "z,mv--342krnsdrfJDSf33dq2423nsda";
        string iv  = "12325346457462343654867843523421";

        var aes = new AES256(key, iv);

        var encryptedBytes = aes.Encrypt(sampleBytes);
        var decryptedBytes = aes.Decrypt(encryptedBytes);

        var bytesLen1 = sampleBytes.Length;
        var bytesLen2 = decryptedBytes.Length;

        True(sampleBytes.Length == decryptedBytes.Length, "not match," + " bytesLen1:" + bytesLen1 + " bytesLen2:" + bytesLen2);
        True(sampleBytes.SequenceEqual(decryptedBytes), "not match");