static void dataReady_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)
            ulong ticksOut = (ulong)time.Ticks;

            acc.getValues(ref x, ref y, ref z);
            Debug.Print(ticksOut.ToString() + " " + x.ToString());
        static void dataReady_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)
            acc.getValues(ref GlobalVariables.x, ref GlobalVariables.y, ref GlobalVariables.z);
            Int16 zShort = (Int16)GlobalVariables.z;

            //  Conver to bytes and write out.
            // Optimal synch word from
            //  Stuff it in the beginning. For now just use two Synch bytes
            //  In an effort to save bytes change the synch word to FF, use only
            //  one and store the tymers into 24 bits.
            //  Also write every second time only.
            //  Make the minimum on setting 0x3C to save the motor

            if (GlobalVariables.writeNow)
                GlobalVariables.writeNow = false;
                UInt32 ticksOut = (UInt32)time.Ticks;
                byte[] junk     = new byte[6] {
                    // Synch word, stick with 2
                    //    (byte)((ticksOut >> 8) & 0xFF),
                    //    (byte)((ticksOut >> 16) & 0xFF),                        // Only three bytes
                    //    (byte)((ticksOut >> 24) & 0xFF),                        // Only three bytes
                    (byte)(GlobalVariables.zKeep & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((GlobalVariables.zKeep >> 8) & 0xFF), // Only 2 bytes
                    (byte)(zShort & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((zShort >> 8) & 0xFF),                // Only 2 bytes
                    (byte)(GlobalVariables.hertz & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((GlobalVariables.hertz >> 8) & 0xFF)
                };                                                              // Only 2 bytes

                //(byte)((GlobalVariables.halTime >> 8) & 0xFF),
                //(byte)((GlobalVariables.halTime >> 16) & 0xFF),        // Only 3 bytes
                //(byte)((GlobalVariables.halTime >> 24) & 0xFF)};        // Only 3 bytes
                sock.SendTo(junk, sendingEndPoint);
//                Debug.Print(zShort.ToString());
                GlobalVariables.writeNow = true;
                GlobalVariables.zKeep    = zShort;
        static void accelInt_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)
            // Debug.Print("Interrupting Sheep");

            acc.getValues(ref GlobalVariables.x, ref GlobalVariables.y, ref GlobalVariables.z);

            UInt16 xDig = (UInt16)(-GlobalVariables.x + 2048);

            UInt16 zDig = (UInt16)(-GlobalVariables.z + 2048);

            //  Convert to bytes and write out.
            //  Optimal sync word from
            //  Stuff it in the beginning. For now just use two Sync bytes
            //  In an effort to save bytes change the sync word to FF, use only
            //  one and store the timers into 24 bits.
            //  Also write every second time only.
            //  Make the minimum on setting 0x3C to save the motor

            byte[] junk = new byte[8] {
                (byte)(zDig & 0xFF),
                (byte)((zDig >> 8) & 0xFF),                // Only 2 bytes
                (byte)(xDig & 0xFF),
                (byte)((xDig >> 8) & 0xFF),
                (byte)(GlobalVariables.halTimeShifted & 0xFF),
                (byte)((GlobalVariables.halTimeShifted >> 8) & 0xFF),               // Only 2 bytes
                (byte)(GlobalVariables.hertz & 0xFF),
                (byte)((GlobalVariables.hertz >> 8) & 0xFF)
            };                                                              // Only 2 bytes

            byte[] byteOut = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("E" +
                                                                zDig.ToString() + "," +
                                                                xDig.ToString() + "," +
                                                                GlobalVariables.hertz.ToString() + "," +
                                                                GlobalVariables.receivedMessage[0].ToString() + "," +
                                                                GlobalVariables.receivedMessage[1].ToString() + "," +
                                                                GlobalVariables.receivedMessage[3].ToString() +

//            Debug.Print(GlobalVariables.throttleByte[0].ToString());
            motorDrive.Duration = (UInt32)((double)GlobalVariables.throttleByte[0] * 980d / 512d + 1000);

            // Do some mixing. Servos 1 & 3 are +, 2 is -. For collective.
            // We take everything relative to 127. So it is 127 + collective. No cyclic for now.
            UInt32 servo1out = (UInt32)((double)(127 + (GlobalVariables.receivedMessage[3] - 127)) * 1000d / 256d + GlobalVariables.servo1offset);
            UInt32 servo2out = (UInt32)((double)(127 - (GlobalVariables.receivedMessage[3] - 127) + (GlobalVariables.receivedMessage[1] - 127)) * 1000d / 256d + GlobalVariables.servo2offset);
            UInt32 servo3out = (UInt32)((double)(127 + (GlobalVariables.receivedMessage[3] - 127) + (GlobalVariables.receivedMessage[1] - 127)) * 1000d / 256d + GlobalVariables.servo3offset);

            // Check limits.
            // 1.
            if (servo1out > GlobalVariables.servo1u)
                servo1out = GlobalVariables.servo1u;
            if (servo1out < GlobalVariables.servo1l)
                servo1out = GlobalVariables.servo1l;
            // 2.
            if (servo2out > GlobalVariables.servo2u)
                servo2out = GlobalVariables.servo2u;
            if (servo2out < GlobalVariables.servo2l)
                servo2out = GlobalVariables.servo2l;
            // 3.
            if (servo3out > GlobalVariables.servo3u)
                servo3out = GlobalVariables.servo3u;
            if (servo3out < GlobalVariables.servo3l)
                servo3out = GlobalVariables.servo3l;

            // Set PWMs.
            servo1.Duration = servo1out;
            servo2.Duration = servo2out;
            servo3.Duration = servo3out;

            GlobalVariables.throttleOld = GlobalVariables.throttleByte[0];