public void DoPlayerAction(ACTIONS action) { if (action == ACTIONS.Hit) { try { Human.AddCardToHand(this.CardDeck.DrawCard()); } catch (DeckEmptyException) { for (int i = 0; i < this.BurnDeck.Count; i++) { this.CardDeck.CardStack.Push(this.BurnDeck.Pop()); } this.CardDeck.ShuffleDeck(); } } else { ActingPlayer = Dealer; } if (IsBusted(Human)) { Human.IsBusted = true; } }
private void radCheckSync_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (radCheckSync.Checked) { action = ACTIONS.ACTION_CHECKSYNC; } }
void Run() { // GET THE DISTANCES FROM THE PLAYER AND FROM THE CENTER float distancePlayer = Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, transform.position); float distanceCenter = Vector3.Distance(, transform.position); // IF THE PLAYER IS CLOSER THAN THE CENTER THEN RUN TO THE CENTER ELSE RUN TO THE PLAYER Vector3 dir; if (distancePlayer < distanceCenter) { dir = - player.transform.position; } else { dir = transform.position - player.transform.position; } Vector3 velocity = dir.normalized * enemy.moveSpeed; rigidB2D.velocity = velocity; // WHEN RUN TIMER IS 0 STOP RUNNING if (runTimer <= 0) { runTimer = 0; rigidB2D.velocity =; currentAction = ACTIONS.SHOOT; } runTimer -= Time.deltaTime; }
void Chase() { // GET THE DISTANCES FROM THE PLAYER float distancePlayer = Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, transform.position); if (distancePlayer <= 0.3) { rigidB2D.velocity =; enemy.Attack(); } else { Vector3 dir = player.transform.position - transform.position; Vector3 velocity = dir.normalized * enemy.moveSpeed; rigidB2D.velocity = velocity; } // WHEN RUN TIMER IS 0 STOP RUNNING if (chaseTimer <= 0) { chaseTimer = 0; rigidB2D.velocity =; attackCounter = attackTime; currentAction = ACTIONS.ATTACK; } chaseTimer -= Time.deltaTime; }
void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { if (Physics.Raycast(camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out hit_MouseCursor, Mathf.Infinity, 512 /*9: Weg collider*/)) { GoToPoint(hit_MouseCursor.point); } } switch (onAction) { case ACTIONS.walk: //Debug.Log("Gehe in Walk"); //höchstens eine Frame-Bewegung vom Ziel if ((targetPoint - new Vector2(currentUnit.transform.position.x, currentUnit.transform.position.z)).magnitude >= walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime) { currentUnit.transform.LookAt(new Vector3(targetPoint.x, currentUnit.transform.position.y, targetPoint.y)); currentUnit.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime); currentUnit.transform.position = new Vector3(currentUnit.transform.position.x, Terrain.activeTerrain.SampleHeight(currentUnit.transform.position), currentUnit.transform.position.z); } else { onAction = ACTIONS.idle; //nach Ankommen auf "idle"-Aktion } break; } }
public void DoDealerAction() { ACTIONS dealerAction = Dealer.GetAction(); if (dealerAction == ACTIONS.Hit) { try { Dealer.AddCardToHand(this.CardDeck.DrawCard()); } catch (DeckEmptyException) { for (int i = 0; i < this.BurnDeck.Count; i++) { this.CardDeck.CardStack.Push(this.BurnDeck.Pop()); } this.CardDeck.ShuffleDeck(); } } else { ActingPlayer = Human; } if (IsBusted(Dealer)) { Dealer.IsBusted = true; ActingPlayer = Human; } }
void DoAction(GameObject objectAtPoint, Vector3 position) { Debug.Log("[ActionManager] DoAction"); bool actionCompleted = false; // Track Actions, any objects at point and the incoming position switch(CurrentAction) { case ACTIONS.NONE: { break; } case ACTIONS.SPAWN: { actionCompleted = TrySpawn(objectAtPoint, position); break; } case ACTIONS.SELECT: { break; } } if(true == actionCompleted) { Debug.Log("[ActionManager] Action Completed"); CurrentAction = ACTIONS.NONE; } }
public void Insert(List <ActiveUp.Net.Common.DeltaExt.Action> entity) { using (var dbcontext = new FAXPECContext()) { using (var transaction = dbcontext.Database.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (ActiveUp.Net.Common.DeltaExt.Action a in entity) { try { ACTIONS action = DaoSQLServerDBHelper.MapToActionDto(a, true); dbcontext.ACTIONS.Add(action); dbcontext.SaveChanges(); a.Id = (decimal)dbcontext.ACTIONS.Select(x => x.ID).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max(); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); if (ex.GetType() == typeof(ManagedException)) { ManagedException mEx = new ManagedException(ex.Message, "ACT_ORA004", string.Empty, string.Empty, ex); ErrorLogInfo er = new ErrorLogInfo(mEx); log.Error(er); throw mEx; } } } transaction.Commit(); } } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { if (Physics.Raycast(camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out hit_MouseCursor, Mathf.Infinity, 512/*9: Weg collider*/)) { GoToPoint(hit_MouseCursor.point); } } switch (onAction) { case ACTIONS.walk: //Debug.Log("Gehe in Walk"); //höchstens eine Frame-Bewegung vom Ziel if ((targetPoint - new Vector2(currentUnit.transform.position.x, currentUnit.transform.position.z)).magnitude >= walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime) { currentUnit.transform.LookAt(new Vector3(targetPoint.x, currentUnit.transform.position.y, targetPoint.y)); currentUnit.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime); currentUnit.transform.position = new Vector3(currentUnit.transform.position.x, Terrain.activeTerrain.SampleHeight(currentUnit.transform.position), currentUnit.transform.position.z); } else { onAction = ACTIONS.idle; //nach Ankommen auf "idle"-Aktion } break; } }
private void BroadcastExcept(ACTIONS action, object data) { foreach (var c in Sessions.Sessions) { if (c.ID != ownerID) { Sessions.SendTo(ConstructMessage(action, data), c.ID); } } }
private string ConstructMessage(ACTIONS action, object data) { var cc = new ClientMessage(); cc.action = (int)action; = data; var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(cc); return(json); }
private static void CheckAction(ACTIONS action, float value, bool emit = false) { if (_pressedActions[action] != value) { _pressedActions[action] = value; if (emit) { changed(action, (int)value); } } }
public void OnAlarm(StepState state) { switch (Action) { case ACTIONS.WALK_LEFT: Action = ACTIONS.STAND_LEFT; Hero.State.SetAnimation(0, "стоять ", true); GridPosition += new Point(-1, 0); break; case ACTIONS.WALK_RIGHT: Action = ACTIONS.STAND_LEFT; Hero.State.SetAnimation(0, "стоять ", true); GridPosition += new Point(1, 0); break; case ACTIONS.TO_SIT: Action = ACTIONS.SIT; VSize = SIT_HEIGHT; break; case ACTIONS.FROM_SIT: Action = ACTIONS.STAND_LEFT; VSize = HEIGHT; break; case ACTIONS.SQUAT_LEFT: Action = ACTIONS.SIT; GridPosition += new Point(-1, 0); break; case ACTIONS.SQUAT_RIGHT: Action = ACTIONS.SIT; GridPosition += new Point(1, 0); break; case ACTIONS.GET_DOWN: Action = ACTIONS.HANG_DOWN; GridPosition += new Point(0, 2); break; case ACTIONS.GET_UP: Action = ACTIONS.STAND_LEFT; GridPosition += new Point(0, -2); break; case ACTIONS.JUMP_ON: Action = ACTIONS.HANG_DOWN; GridPosition += new Point(0, -2); VSpeed = 0f; break; } }
public void ResetDecisionTimer() { if (attackCounter <= 0) { currentAction = ACTIONS.IDLE; rigidB2D.velocity =; decisionTimer = decisionSpeed; } else { attackCounter--; } }
private void SkinButton_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_enable == false) { return; } if (m_forePress == true) { return; } GuiBackground.CreateControlRegion(this, bmp[Common.LEAVE]); m_state = ACTIONS.LEAVE; }
private void SkinButton_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (m_enable == false) { return; } GuiBackground.CreateControlRegion(this, bmp[Common.UP]); m_state = ACTIONS.UP; if (pMouseAction != null) { pMouseAction(ACTIONS.UP); } }
public void SetActions(ACTIONS actionA, ACTIONS actionB) { forwardUI.SetActive(false); turnRightUI.SetActive(false); turnLeftUI.SetActive(false); attackUI.SetActive(false); fleeUI.SetActive(false); SetAction(actionA, 1); action1 = actionA; SetAction(actionB, 2); action2 = actionB; timer.SetActive(true); }
public void ProcessActions (){ Debug.Log("Process Actions"); if (myAction == ACTIONS.ATTACK_TOWN) { AttackTown(); } if (myAction == ACTIONS.LOOK_FOR_RESOURCES) { LookForResources(); } myAction = ACTIONS.NONE; }
public void DoAction() { if (vote < 0) { selectedAction = action1; } else if (vote > 0) { selectedAction = action2; } else { if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0) { selectedAction = action1; } else { selectedAction = action2; } } if (selectedAction == ACTIONS.Forward) { forwardUI.GetComponent <Animation>().Play("SelectedAction"); MoveForward(); } else if (selectedAction == ACTIONS.TurnLeft) { turnLeftUI.GetComponent <Animation>().Play("SelectedAction"); TurnLeft(); } else if (selectedAction == ACTIONS.TurnRight) { turnRightUI.GetComponent <Animation>().Play("SelectedAction"); TurnRight(); } /*else if(selectedAction == ACTIONS.Attack){ * attackUI.animation.Play("SelectedAction"); * Attack(); * }else if(selectedAction == ACTIONS.Flee){ * fleeUI.animation.Play("SelectedAction"); * Flee(); * }*/ AfterAction(); maze.SetTileActions(); }
public void SetSkin(string dir, string name) { if (File.Exists(dir + name + "_normal.png")) { bmp[0] = new Bitmap(dir + name + "_normal.png"); } else { throw (new SystemException("File: " + dir + name + "_normal.png" + " does not exists")); } if (File.Exists(dir + name + "_enter.png")) { bmp[1] = new Bitmap(dir + name + "_enter.png"); } else { throw (new SystemException("File: " + dir + name + "_enter.png" + " does not exists")); } if (File.Exists(dir + name + "_press.png")) { bmp[2] = new Bitmap(dir + name + "_press.png"); } else { throw (new SystemException("File: " + dir + name + "_press.png" + " does not exists")); } if (File.Exists(dir + name + "_disable.png")) { bmp[3] = new Bitmap(dir + name + "_disable.png"); m_enableButtonExists = true; } else { m_enableButtonExists = false; } GuiBackground.CreateControlRegion(this, bmp[0]); m_state = ACTIONS.LEAVE; this.MouseDown += SkinButton_MouseDown; this.MouseEnter += SkinButton_MouseEnter; this.MouseLeave += SkinButton_MouseLeave; this.MouseUp += SkinButton_MouseUp; }
private void SkinButton_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (m_enable == false) { return; } if (m_forePress == true) { return; } GuiBackground.CreateControlRegion(this, bmp[Common.DOWN]); m_state = ACTIONS.DOWN; if (pMouseAction != null) { pMouseAction(ACTIONS.DOWN); } }
internal static ACTIONS MapToActionDto(ActiveUp.Net.Common.DeltaExt.Action entity, bool isInsert) { ACTIONS a = new ACTIONS() { ID_FOLDER_DESTINAZIONE = entity.IdFolderDestinazione, NOME_AZIONE = entity.NomeAzione, NUOVO_STATUS = entity.NuovoStatus, TIPO_AZIONE = entity.TipoAzione, ID_NOME_DESTINAZIONE = (double)entity.IdDestinazione, TIPO_DESTINAZIONE = entity.TipoDestinazione }; if (!isInsert) { a.ID = (double)entity.Id; } return(a); }
public ActiveUp.Net.Common.DeltaExt.Action GetById(long id) { ActiveUp.Net.Common.DeltaExt.Action action = null; using (var dbcontext = new FAXPECContext()) { try { ACTIONS a = dbcontext.ACTIONS.Where(x => x.ID == id).FirstOrDefault(); action = AutoMapperConfiguration.MapToAction(a); } catch (Exception ex) { ManagedException mEx = new ManagedException(ex.Message, "ACT_ORA003", string.Empty, string.Empty, ex); ErrorLogInfo er = new ErrorLogInfo(mEx); log.Error(er); throw mEx; } return(action); } }
public void Insert(ActiveUp.Net.Common.DeltaExt.Action entity) { using (var dbcontext = new FAXPECContext()) { try { ACTIONS action = DaoSQLServerDBHelper.MapToActionDto(entity, true); dbcontext.ACTIONS.Add(action); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.GetType() == typeof(ManagedException)) { ManagedException mEx = new ManagedException(ex.Message, "ACT_ORA001", string.Empty, string.Empty, ex); ErrorLogInfo er = new ErrorLogInfo(mEx); log.Error(er); throw mEx; } } } }
public void SetAction(ACTIONS action, int id) { if (action == ACTIONS.Forward) { if (id == 1) { forwardUI.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = actionColor1; } else { forwardUI.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = actionColor2; } forwardUI.SetActive(true); } else if (action == ACTIONS.TurnRight) { if (id == 1) { turnRightUI.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = actionColor1; } else { turnRightUI.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = actionColor2; } turnRightUI.SetActive(true); } else if (action == ACTIONS.TurnLeft) { if (id == 1) { turnLeftUI.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = actionColor1; } else { turnLeftUI.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = actionColor2; } turnLeftUI.SetActive(true); } }
public void Enable(bool b) { if (m_enableButtonExists == false) { return; } m_enable = b; if (b == false) { GuiBackground.CreateControlRegion(this, bmp[DISABLE]); m_state = ACTIONS.DISABLE; } else { if (m_state == ACTIONS.LEAVE) { GuiBackground.CreateControlRegion(this, bmp[Common.LEAVE]); } if (m_state == ACTIONS.ENTER) { GuiBackground.CreateControlRegion(this, bmp[Common.ENTER]); } } }
void SelectAction() { transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("Gesture", false); // GET DISTANCE FROM PLAYER float distance = Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, transform.position); // IF CLOSE TO PLAYER PICK BETWEEN ATTCKING OR RUNNING AWAY if (distance <= 0.4) { int chance = Random.Range(0, 2); if (chance == 0) { attackCounter = attackTime; currentAction = ACTIONS.ATTACK; } else if (chance == 1) { runTimer = runTime; currentAction = ACTIONS.RUN; } } // IF FAR FROM PLAYER PICK BETWEEN SHOOTING OR CHASING THEM else if (distance > 0.4) { int chance = Random.Range(0, 2); if (chance == 0) { chaseTimer = chaseTime; currentAction = ACTIONS.CHASE; } else if (chance == 1) { currentAction = ACTIONS.SHOOT; } } }
public void SetAction(ACTIONS newAction) { Debug.Log("[ActionManager] SetAction"); CurrentAction = newAction; }
public void GoToPoint(Vector3 newTargetPoint) //in Bewegung setzen, falls keine vorrangige Aktion läuft { //Debug.Log("Erhalte Befehle (" + ownUnit_OnAction + ") --> Fahre zu " + newTargetPoint); onAction = ACTIONS.walk; targetPoint = new Vector2(newTargetPoint.x, newTargetPoint.z); }
public IEnumerator do_action(string _ind, ACTIONS action) { indicator = GameObject.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Prefabs/" + _ind) as GameObject, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject; Vector3 mouse_input = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0); Vector3 target_destination = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0); bool performed_action = false; bool action_success = false; int action_range; switch (action) { case ACTIONS.MOVE: action_range = _class.move_range; indicator.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (action_range / 2, action_range / 2, action_range / 2); break; case ACTIONS.ATTACK: action_range = _class.attack_range; indicator.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (action_range / 3, action_range / 3, action_range / 3); break; case ACTIONS.SPELL: action_range = _class.spell_range; indicator.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (action_range / 3, action_range / 3, action_range / 3); break; default: action_range = 5; indicator.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (action_range / 3, action_range / 3, action_range / 3); break; } do { yield return StartCoroutine(get_input()); mouse_input = Input.mousePosition; Plane playerPlane = new Plane (Vector3.up, transform.position); //Ray ray = (GameObject.Find("3D Camera") as Camera).ScreenPointToRay(mouse_input); Ray ray = Camera.allCameras [0].ScreenPointToRay (mouse_input); RaycastHit hitinfo; float hitdist = 0.0f; if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hitinfo, 1 << 8)) { target_destination = hitinfo.point; // the + .3 is to account for some isometric confusion. if (Vector3.Distance (transform.position, target_destination) <= action_range + .3f) { Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (target_destination - transform.position); transform.rotation = targetRotation; Collider[] hitColliders; switch (action) { case ACTIONS.ATTACK: hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere (target_destination, 1, 1 << 8); if (hitColliders.Length > 0) { foreach (Collider q in hitColliders) { // grabs first unit if (q.GetComponent<Unit> () != null) { target_unit = q.GetComponent<Unit> (); break; } } if (target_unit != null) { if (target_unit.gameObject != gameObject) { performed_action = true; action_success = true; } else { print ("failed can't attack self"); performed_action = true; action_success = false; } } else { print ("failed no units"); performed_action = true; action_success = false; } } break; case ACTIONS.SPELL: hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere (target_destination, _class.spell.spell_area, 1 << 8); switch (_class.spell.type) { case Spell.TYPE.ALLY: if (hitColliders.Length > 0) { target_units.Clear (); foreach (Collider q in hitColliders) { Unit q_unit = q.GetComponent<Unit>(); if (q_unit != null && == team) { target_units.Add (q_unit); action_success |= true; } else { print ("failed, not ally " + q_unit); action_success |= false; } } performed_action = true; } break; case Spell.TYPE.ENEMY: if (hitColliders.Length > 0) { target_units.Clear (); foreach (Collider q in hitColliders) { Unit q_unit = q.GetComponent<Unit>(); if (q_unit != null) { if ( != team) { target_units.Add (q_unit); action_success |= true; } else { print ("failed, not enemy " + q_unit); action_success |= false; } } else { print ("failed, not unit " + q_unit); action_success |= false; } } performed_action = true; } break; case Spell.TYPE.SELF: if (hitColliders.Length > 0) { target_units.Clear (); target_units.Add (this); action_success = true; performed_action = true; } break; } break; case ACTIONS.MOVE: action_success = true; break; case ACTIONS.WAIT: action_success = true; break; } performed_action = true; } } } while (!performed_action); Destroy (indicator); menu_showing = false; if (action_success) { switch (action) { case ACTIONS.MOVE: networkView.RPC ("submit_move", RPCMode.Server, target_destination, 1.0f); break; case ACTIONS.WAIT: networkView.RPC ("OnTurnOver", RPCMode.Server); current_ap = 0; break; case ACTIONS.ATTACK: attack_target (target_unit); if (current_ap > 0) { if (Network.player == owner) { networkView.RPC ("request_set_current_ap", RPCMode.Server, current_ap - 1); show_menu (); } yield return null; } else { if (Network.player == owner) networkView.RPC ("OnTurnOver", RPCMode.Server); yield return null; } break; case ACTIONS.SPELL: cast_spell_on_target (ref target_units); if (current_ap > 0) { if (Network.player == owner) { networkView.RPC ("request_set_current_ap", RPCMode.Server, current_ap - 1); show_menu (); } yield return null; } else { if (Network.player == owner) networkView.RPC ("OnTurnOver", RPCMode.Server); yield return null; } break; default: break; } } else { if (Network.player == owner) show_menu (); } }
public void SetAction(ACTIONS act) { action = act; }
private void Start() { action = ACTIONS.Quit; }
private bool TriggerAction(string key) { var ret = ACTIONS[key] (this); return(ret); }
//in Bewegung setzen, falls keine vorrangige Aktion läuft public void GoToPoint(Vector3 newTargetPoint) { //Debug.Log("Erhalte Befehle (" + ownUnit_OnAction + ") --> Fahre zu " + newTargetPoint); onAction = ACTIONS.walk; targetPoint = new Vector2(newTargetPoint.x, newTargetPoint.z); }
public void Step(StepState state) { if (Alarm > 0) { Alarm--; if (Alarm == 0) { OnAlarm(state); } } if (Action == ACTIONS.WALK_LEFT) { Position += new Vector2(-1f / WALK_TIME, 0); } if (Action == ACTIONS.WALK_RIGHT) { Position += new Vector2(1f / WALK_TIME, 0); } if (Action == ACTIONS.STAND_LEFT) { if (Map[GridPosition + new Point(0, 2)] == Map.EMPTY) { Action = ACTIONS.FALL; } else if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) && !Collision(GridPosition + new Point(-1, 0))) { Action = ACTIONS.WALK_LEFT; Alarm = WALK_TIME; Hero.State.SetAnimation(0, "бег", true); Hero.Skeleton.FlipX = false; } else if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) && !Collision(GridPosition + new Point(1, 0))) { Action = ACTIONS.WALK_RIGHT; Alarm = WALK_TIME; Hero.State.SetAnimation(0, "бег", true); Hero.Skeleton.FlipX = true; } else if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { Point temp = GridPosition + new Point(0, 2); if (Map[temp] == Map.LEFT_SHELF || Map[temp] == Map.RIGHT_SHELF) { Action = ACTIONS.GET_DOWN; Alarm = GET_DOWN_TIME; } else { Action = ACTIONS.TO_SIT; Alarm = TO_SIT_TIME; } } else if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { Point temp = GridPosition + new Point(0, -2); if (Map[temp] == Map.LEFT_SHELF || Map[temp] == Map.RIGHT_SHELF) { Action = ACTIONS.JUMP_ON; uint h = 2u; float t = (float)Math.Sqrt(2f * h / GRAVITY); VSpeed = -GRAVITY * t; Alarm = (uint)Math.Floor(t); } } } if (Action == ACTIONS.JUMP_ON) { Position += new Vector2(0, VSpeed); VSpeed += GRAVITY; } if (Action == ACTIONS.GET_DOWN) { Position += new Vector2(0, 2f / GET_DOWN_TIME); } if (Action == ACTIONS.TO_SIT) { VSize -= (HEIGHT - SIT_HEIGHT) / TO_SIT_TIME; } if (Action == ACTIONS.SIT) { if (Map[GridPosition + new Point(0, 2)] == Map.EMPTY) { Action = ACTIONS.FALL; } else if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W) && !Collision(GridPosition)) { Action = ACTIONS.FROM_SIT; Alarm = FROM_SIT_TIME; } else if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) && !Collision(GridPosition + new Point(-1, 1))) { Action = ACTIONS.SQUAT_LEFT; Alarm = SQUAT_TIME; } else if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) && !Collision(GridPosition + new Point(1, 1))) { Action = ACTIONS.SQUAT_RIGHT; Alarm = SQUAT_TIME; } } if (Action == ACTIONS.HANG_DOWN) { if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { Action = ACTIONS.FALL; } else if (state.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { Action = ACTIONS.GET_UP; Alarm = GET_UP_TIME; } } if (Action == ACTIONS.GET_UP) { Position += new Vector2(0, -2f / GET_UP_TIME); } if (Action == ACTIONS.FALL) { VSpeed = Math.Min(2, VSpeed + GRAVITY); Position += new Vector2(0f, VSpeed); if (Position.Y - GridPosition.Y > 1f) { Vector2 pos = Position; GridPosition += new Point(0, 1); if (Map[GridPosition + new Point(0, 2)] != Map.EMPTY) { VSize = HEIGHT; Action = ACTIONS.STAND_LEFT; VSpeed = 0f; } else { Position = pos; } } } if (Action == ACTIONS.SQUAT_LEFT) { Position += new Vector2(-1f / SQUAT_TIME, 0); } if (Action == ACTIONS.SQUAT_RIGHT) { Position += new Vector2(1f / SQUAT_TIME, 0); } if (Action == ACTIONS.FROM_SIT) { VSize += (HEIGHT - SIT_HEIGHT) / FROM_SIT_TIME; } if (Hero != null) { Hero.pos = Position; } }
private void radSync_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (radSync.Checked) action = ACTIONS.ACTION_SYNC; }
void EnterPressed() { ACTIONS[_currentOption](); }