public async Task CheckIsSafe(Type t, string explicitTag = "pussy") { ABooru b = await General.CreateBooru(t); bool isSafe = b.IsSafe(); bool foundExplicit = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var image = await b.GetRandomPostAsync(explicitTag); if (isSafe && image.fileUrl != null) { Assert.NotEqual(Search.Post.Rating.Explicit, image.rating); } if (image.rating == Search.Post.Rating.Explicit) { foundExplicit = true; } } if (!isSafe) { Assert.True(foundExplicit); } }
public void AddTag(int id, ABooru booru, BooruSharp.Search.Post.SearchResult post) { if (!_tags.ContainsKey(id)) { _tags.Add(id, new Tuple <ABooru, BooruSharp.Search.Post.SearchResult>(booru, post)); } }
public TagsSearch(List <string> artists, List <string> characters, List <string> sources, SearchResult post, ABooru booru) { Artists = artists; Characters = characters; Sources = sources; Post = post; Booru = booru; }
public static async Task <Search.Post.SearchResult> GetRandomPost(ABooru booru) { if (booru.NoEmptyPostSearch()) { return(await booru.GetRandomPostAsync("スク水")); // Pixiv doesn't handle random search with no tag } return(await booru.GetRandomPostAsync()); }
private async Task SearchBooruAsync(ABooru booru, string[] tags, BooruType booruId) { // GetRandomImageAsync crash if we send it something null tags ??= new string[0]; BooruSharp.Search.Post.SearchResult post; List <string> newTags = null; try { post = await booru.GetRandomPostAsync(tags); } catch (InvalidTags) { // On invalid tags we try to get guess which one the user wanted to use newTags = new List <string>(); foreach (string s in tags) { var related = await new Konachan().GetTagsAsync(s); // Konachan have a feature where it can "autocomplete" a tag so we use it to guess what the user meant if (related.Length == 0) { throw new CommandFailed("There is no image with those tags."); } newTags.Add(related.OrderBy(x => GetStringDistance(, s)).First().name); } try { // Once we got our new tags, we try doing a new search with them post = await booru.GetRandomPostAsync(newTags.ToArray()); } catch (InvalidTags) { // Might happens if the Konachan tags don't exist in the current booru throw new CommandFailed("There is no image with those tags."); } } int id = int.Parse("" + (int)booruId +; StaticObjects.Tags.AddTag(id, booru, post); if (post.fileUrl == null) { throw new CommandFailed("A post was found but no image was available."); } await ReplyAsync(embed : new EmbedBuilder { Color = RatingToColor(post.rating), ImageUrl = post.fileUrl.AbsoluteUri, Url = post.postUrl.AbsoluteUri, Title = "From " + Utils.ToWordCase(booru.ToString().Split('.').Last()), Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { Text = (newTags == null ? "" : "Some of your tags were invalid, the current search was done with: " + string.Join(", ", newTags) + "\n") + "Do the 'Tags' command with then id '" + id + "' to have more information about this image." } }.Build()); }
public static async Task CheckTag(ABooru booru, string s1 = "pantyhose") { Search.Tag.SearchResult result = await booru.GetTagAsync(s1); Assert.Equal(s1,; Assert.InRange(result.type, Search.Tag.TagType.Trivia, Search.Tag.TagType.Metadata); Assert.NotEqual((Search.Tag.TagType) 2, result.type); Assert.NotEqual(0, result.count); }
private static async Task PostImage(ABooru booru, IMessageChannel chan, string[] tags, IGuild guild, ulong userId) { var result = await Features.NSFW.Booru.SearchBooru(chan is ITextChannel? !((ITextChannel)chan).IsNsfw : false, tags, booru, Program.p.rand); switch (result.error) { case Features.NSFW.Error.Booru.ChanNotNSFW: await chan.SendMessageAsync(Base.Sentences.ChanIsNotNsfw(guild)); break; case Features.NSFW.Error.Booru.NotFound: await chan.SendMessageAsync(Base.Sentences.TagsNotFound(guild, tags)); break; case Features.NSFW.Error.Booru.None: IUserMessage msg; if (!Utilities.IsImage(result.answer.url)) { msg = await chan.SendMessageAsync(result.answer.url + Environment.NewLine + "*" + Sentences.ImageInfo(guild, result.answer.saveId) + "*"); } else { msg = await chan.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = result.answer.colorRating, ImageUrl = result.answer.url, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = (result.answer.newTags != null ? "Some of your tags were invalid. The current search tags are: " + string.Join(", ", result.answer.newTags) + "\n\n" : "") + (result.answer.saveId == null ? "" : Sentences.ImageInfo(guild, result.answer.saveId)) } }.Build()); } foreach (string t in tags) { await, 1, t.GetHashCode().ToString(), msg, userId); } if (Program.p.sendStats) { await Program.p.UpdateElement(new Tuple <string, string>[] { new Tuple <string, string>("booru", booru.ToString().Split('.').Last().ToLower()) }); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
private static async Task Modify(Form f, ImageView view, WebClient c, ABooru booru, string[] args) { SearchResult result = await booru.GetRandomImageAsync(args); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Image preview URL: {result.previewUrl}"); Console.WriteLine($"Image URL: {result.fileUrl}"); Console.WriteLine($"Image Source: {result.score}"); Console.WriteLine($"Image rating: {result.rating}"); Console.WriteLine($"Tags on the image: {string.Join(", ", result.tags)}"); f.Title = $"{result.fileUrl} - {result.rating}"; await using Stream s = c.OpenRead(result.fileUrl); view.Image = new Bitmap(s); SetFormSize(f, view.Image.Size); }
public static async Task CheckGetRandom(ABooru booru, string s1) { Search.Post.SearchResult result = await booru.GetRandomPostAsync(s1); Search.Post.SearchResult result2; int i = 0; do { result2 = await booru.GetRandomPostAsync(s1); i++; } while ( == && i < 5); Assert.NotEqual(,; await CheckResult(result, s1); }
private static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Allow NSFW? (Y/N):"); ABooru booru = Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y ? (ABooru) new Rule34() : new Safebooru(); Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); using WebClient c = new WebClient(); using Application app = new Application(); using ImageView view = new ImageView(); using Form f = new Form { Content = view }; f.Closed += (sender, e) => Environment.Exit(0); f.MouseDown += async(sender, e) => await Modify(f, view, c, booru, args); view.MouseDown += async(sender, e) => await Modify(f, view, c, booru, args); Modify(f, view, c, booru, args); app.Run(f); }
public static async Task CheckGetRandoms(ABooru booru, string s1) { Search.Post.SearchResult[] result = await booru.GetRandomPostsAsync(5, s1); Assert.NotEmpty(result); Search.Post.SearchResult[] result2; int i = 0; do { result2 = await booru.GetRandomPostsAsync(5, s1); Assert.NotEmpty(result2); i++; } while (result[0].id == result2[0].id && i < 5); Assert.NotEqual(result[0].id, result2[0].id); await CheckResult(result[0], s1); }
public async Task Booru(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Booru to select image from")] ABooru booru, [Description("Tags for image selection")] params string[] tags) { if (ctx.Channel.Get(ConfigManager.Enabled) .And(ctx.Channel.GetMethodEnabled())) { await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync(); SearchResult result; int triesLeft = 10; do { if (triesLeft == 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to find image in a reasonable amount of tries"); } result = await booru.GetRandomImageAsync(tags); triesLeft--; } while (result.rating != ( #if !NO_NSFW ctx.Channel.GetEvaluatedNsfw() ? Rating.Explicit : #endif Rating.Safe)); string val = Program.Rnd.Next(10000, 99999).ToString(); using WebClient wClient = new WebClient(); await ctx.RespondWithFileAsync($"{val}_img.jpg", wClient.OpenRead(result.fileUrl ?? result.previewUrl), embed : new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Description = $"Tags: {string.Join(", ", result.tags)}", Title = result.source ?? "Unknown source", Url = result.fileUrl.ToString() }.Build()); } }
public BooruQuizzPreloadResult(ABooru booru, string[] allowedFormats, string imageUrl, string[] answers) : base(imageUrl, answers) { Booru = booru; AllowedFormats = allowedFormats; }
public static async Task <FeatureRequest <Response.BooruTags, Error.BooruTags> > SearchTags(string[] idArgs) { if (idArgs.Length == 0) { return(new FeatureRequest <Response.BooruTags, Error.BooruTags>(null, Error.BooruTags.Help)); } string id = idArgs[0]; if (!tagInfos.ContainsKey(id)) { return(new FeatureRequest <Response.BooruTags, Error.BooruTags>(null, Error.BooruTags.NotFound)); } var elem = tagInfos[id]; ABooru b = (ABooru)Activator.CreateInstance(elem.Item1, (BooruAuth)null); List <string> artists = new List <string>(); List <string> sources = new List <string>(); List <string> characs = new List <string>(); int i = 0; foreach (string s in elem.Item2.tags) { i++; try { switch ((await b.GetTagAsync(s)).type) { case BooruSharp.Search.Tag.TagType.Artist: if (artists.Count == 10) { artists.Add("..."); } else if (artists.Count < 10) { artists.Add(s); } break; case BooruSharp.Search.Tag.TagType.Character: if (characs.Count == 10) { characs.Add("..."); } else if (characs.Count < 10) { characs.Add(s); } break; case BooruSharp.Search.Tag.TagType.Copyright: if (sources.Count == 10) { sources.Add("..."); } else if (sources.Count < 10) { sources.Add(s); } break; } } catch (BooruSharp.Search.InvalidTags) { } } uint pgcd = PGCD((uint)elem.Item2.height, (uint)elem.Item2.width); return(new FeatureRequest <Response.BooruTags, Error.BooruTags>(new Response.BooruTags() { artistTags = artists.ToArray(), characTags = characs.ToArray(), sourceTags = sources.ToArray(), imageUrl = elem.Item2.previewUrl, rating = GetColorFromRating(elem.Item2.rating), booruName = elem.Item1.ToString().Split('.').Last(), height = elem.Item2.height, width = elem.Item2.width, aspectRatio = new Tuple <long, long>(elem.Item2.width / pgcd, elem.Item2.height / pgcd) }, Error.BooruTags.None)); }
public static async Task <FeatureRequest <Response.Booru, Error.Booru> > SearchBooru(bool isChanSafe, string[] tags, ABooru booru, Random r, int remainingTries = 5) { if (isChanSafe && !booru.IsSafe()) { return(new FeatureRequest <Response.Booru, Error.Booru>(null, Error.Booru.ChanNotNSFW)); } BooruSharp.Search.Post.SearchResult res; List <string> newTags = null; try { res = await booru.GetRandomImageAsync(tags); } catch (BooruSharp.Search.InvalidTags) { newTags = new List <string>(); foreach (string s in tags) { string tag = s; var related = await new Konachan().GetTagsAsync(s); if (related.Length == 0) { return(new FeatureRequest <Response.Booru, Error.Booru>(null, Error.Booru.NotFound)); } newTags.Add(tag = related.OrderBy(x => GetStringDistance(, s)).First().name); } try { res = await booru.GetRandomImageAsync(newTags.ToArray()); } catch (BooruSharp.Search.InvalidTags) { return(new FeatureRequest <Response.Booru, Error.Booru>(null, Error.Booru.NotFound)); } } Error.Booru error = Error.Booru.None; if (res.fileUrl == null) { if (remainingTries == 0) { return(new FeatureRequest <Response.Booru, Error.Booru>(null, Error.Booru.NotFound)); } else { return(await SearchBooru(isChanSafe, tags, booru, r, remainingTries - 1)); } } string url = res.fileUrl.AbsoluteUri; Color color = GetColorFromRating(res.rating); string saveId = null; if (!(booru is E621) && !(booru is E926)) { saveId = (tagInfos.Count + 1) + Utilities.GenerateRandomCode(4, r); tagInfos.Add(saveId, new Tuple <Type, BooruSharp.Search.Post.SearchResult>(booru.GetType(), res)); } return(new FeatureRequest <Response.Booru, Error.Booru>(new Response.Booru() { url = url, colorRating = color, saveId = saveId, tags = res.tags, newTags = newTags?.ToArray() }, error)); }