Beispiel #1
 public (slice <Inst>, error) Disasm(@string file, ulong start, ulong end) => s_DisasmByRef?.Invoke(ref this, file, start, end) ?? s_DisasmByVal?.Invoke(this, file, start, end) ?? ObjTool?.Disasm(file, start, end) ?? throw new PanicException(RuntimeErrorPanic.NilPointerDereference);
Beispiel #2
 public Diagnostic(Range Range = default, DiagnosticSeverity Severity = default, @string Code = default, @string Source = default, @string Message = default, slice <DiagnosticTag> Tags = default, slice <DiagnosticRelatedInformation> RelatedInformation = default)
     this.Range              = Range;
     this.Severity           = Severity;
     this.Code               = Code;
     this.Source             = Source;
     this.Message            = Message;
     this.Tags               = Tags;
     this.RelatedInformation = RelatedInformation;
Beispiel #3
 public stringFinder(@string pattern = default, array <long> badCharSkip = default, slice <long> goodSuffixSkip = default)
     this.pattern        = pattern;
     this.badCharSkip    = badCharSkip;
     this.goodSuffixSkip = goodSuffixSkip;
Beispiel #4
 public static void Printf(@string format, params object[] args) =>
 Console.Write(Sprintf(format, args));
Beispiel #5
Datei: ar.cs Projekt: zjmit/go2cs
 // hostArchive reads an archive file holding host objects and links in
 // required objects. The general format is the same as a Go archive
 // file, but it has an armap listing symbols and the objects that
 // define them. This is used for the compiler support library
 // libgcc.a.
 private static void hostArchive(ptr <Link> _addr_ctxt, @string name) => func((defer, _, __) =>
Beispiel #6
 public component(long size = default, long offset = default, asmKind kind = default, @string typ = default, @string suffix = default, @string outer = default)
     this.size   = size;
     this.offset = offset;
     this.kind   = kind;
     this.typ    = typ;
     this.suffix = suffix;
     this.outer  = outer;
 public DLLError(error Err = default, @string ObjName = default, @string Msg = default)
     this.Err     = Err;
     this.ObjName = ObjName;
     this.Msg     = Msg;
Beispiel #8
 public boolOp(@string name = default, token.Token tok = default, token.Token badEq = default)
 {  = name;
     this.tok   = tok;
     this.badEq = badEq;
Beispiel #9
 public static (bool, error) MatchString(this TestDeps _p0, @string pat, @string str)
     bool  result = default;
     error err    = default !;
 public InterfaceMessage(long Version = default, long Type = default, long Flags = default, long Index = default, @string Name = default, slice <Addr> Addrs = default, long extOff = default, slice <byte> raw = default)
     this.Version = Version;
     this.Type    = Type;
     this.Flags   = Flags;
     this.Index   = Index;
     this.Name    = Name;
     this.Addrs   = Addrs;
     this.extOff  = extOff;
     this.raw     = raw;
Beispiel #11
 public pathInfo(@string path = default, bool isDir = default)
     this.path  = path;
     this.isDir = isDir;
Beispiel #12
            // writeHeapProto writes the current heap profile in protobuf format to w.
            private static error writeHeapProto(io.Writer w, slice <runtime.MemProfileRecord> p, long rate, @string defaultSampleType)
                var b = newProfileBuilder(w);

                b.pbValueType(tagProfile_PeriodType, "space", "bytes");
                b.pb.int64Opt(tagProfile_Period, rate);
                b.pbValueType(tagProfile_SampleType, "alloc_objects", "count");
                b.pbValueType(tagProfile_SampleType, "alloc_space", "bytes");
                b.pbValueType(tagProfile_SampleType, "inuse_objects", "count");
                b.pbValueType(tagProfile_SampleType, "inuse_space", "bytes");
                if (defaultSampleType != "")
                    b.pb.int64Opt(tagProfile_DefaultSampleType, b.stringIndex(defaultSampleType));
                long          values = new slice <long>(new long[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });
                slice <ulong> locs   = default;

                foreach (var(_, r) in p)
                    var hideRuntime = true;
                    for (long tries = 0L; tries < 2L; tries++)
                        var stk = r.Stack();
                        // For heap profiles, all stack
                        // addresses are return PCs, which is
                        // what appendLocsForStack expects.
                        if (hideRuntime)
                            foreach (var(i, addr) in stk)
                                    var f = runtime.FuncForPC(addr);

                                    if (f != null && strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), "runtime."))
                                // Found non-runtime. Show any runtime uses above it.
                                stk = stk[i..];
Beispiel #13
                                        // Parse creates a flag for each of the analyzer's flags,
                                        // including (in multi mode) a flag named after the analyzer,
                                        // parses the flags, then filters and returns the list of
                                        // analyzers enabled by flags.
                                        // The result is intended to be passed to unitchecker.Run or checker.Run.
                                        // Use in unitchecker.Run will gob.Register all fact types for the returned
                                        // graph of analyzers but of course not the ones only reachable from
                                        // dropped analyzers. To avoid inconsistency about which gob types are
                                        // registered from run to run, Parse itself gob.Registers all the facts
                                        // only reachable from dropped analyzers.
                                        // This is not a particularly elegant API, but this is an internal package.
                                        public static slice <ptr <analysis.Analyzer> > Parse(slice <ptr <analysis.Analyzer> > analyzers, bool multi)
                                            // Connect each analysis flag to the command line as -analysis.flag.
                                            var enabled = make_map <ptr <analysis.Analyzer>, ptr <triState> >();
                                                var a__prev1 = a;

                                                foreach (var(_, __a) in analyzers)
                                                    a = __a;
                                                    @string prefix = default;

                                                    // Add -NAME flag to enable it.
                                                    if (multi)
                                                        prefix = a.Name + ".";

                                                        ptr <triState> enable      = @new <triState>();
                                                        @string        enableUsage = "enable " + a.Name + " analysis";
                                                        flag.Var(enable, a.Name, enableUsage);
                                                        enabled[a] = enable;

                                                    a.Flags.VisitAll(f =>
                                                        if (!multi && flag.Lookup(f.Name) != null)
                                                            log.Printf("%s flag -%s would conflict with driver; skipping", a.Name, f.Name);

                                                        var name = prefix + f.Name;
                                                        flag.Var(f.Value, name, f.Usage);

                                                // standard flags: -flags, -V.

                                                a = a__prev1;

                                            var printflags = flag.Bool("flags", false, "print analyzer flags in JSON");


                                            // flags common to all checkers
                                            flag.BoolVar(_addr_JSON, "json", JSON, "emit JSON output");
                                            flag.IntVar(_addr_Context, "c", Context, "display offending line with this many lines of context");

                                            // Add shims for legacy vet flags to enable existing
                                            // scripts that run vet to continue to work.
                                            _ = flag.Bool("source", false, "no effect (deprecated)");
                                            _ = flag.Bool("v", false, "no effect (deprecated)");
                                            _ = flag.Bool("all", false, "no effect (deprecated)");
                                            _ = flag.String("tags", "", "no effect (deprecated)");
                                            foreach (var(old, new) in vetLegacyFlags)
                                                var newFlag = flag.Lookup(new);
                                                if (newFlag != null && flag.Lookup(old) == null)
                                                    flag.Var(newFlag.Value, old, "deprecated alias for -" + new);
                                            flag.Parse(); // (ExitOnError)

                                            // -flags: print flags so that go vet knows which ones are legitimate.
                                            if (printflags.val)

                                            var everything = expand(analyzers);

                                            // If any -NAME flag is true,  run only those analyzers. Otherwise,
                                            // if any -NAME flag is false, run all but those analyzers.
                                            if (multi)
                                                bool hasTrue = default;                bool hasFalse = default;

                                                foreach (var(_, ts) in enabled)
                                                    if (ts.val == setTrue)
                                                        hasTrue = true;
                                                    else if (ts.val == setFalse)
                                                        hasFalse = true;
                                                slice <ptr <analysis.Analyzer> > keep = default;
                                                if (hasTrue)
                                                        var a__prev1 = a;

                                                        foreach (var(_, __a) in analyzers)
                                                            a = __a;
                                                            if (enabled[a] == setTrue.val)
                                                                keep = append(keep, a);

                                                        a = a__prev1;

                                                    analyzers = keep;
                                                else if (hasFalse)
                                                        var a__prev1 = a;

                                                        foreach (var(_, __a) in analyzers)
                                                            a = __a;
                                                            if (enabled[a] != setFalse.val)
                                                                keep = append(keep, a);

                                                        a = a__prev1;

                                                    analyzers = keep;

                                            // Register fact types of skipped analyzers
                                            // in case we encounter them in imported files.
                                            var kept = expand(analyzers);

                                                var a__prev1 = a;

                                                foreach (var(__a) in everything)
                                                    a = __a;
                                                    if (!kept[a])
                                                        foreach (var(_, f) in a.FactTypes)

                                                a = a__prev1;

Beispiel #14
 public Signature(@string Name = default, uint Hash = default, @string Base64 = default)
     this.Name   = Name;
     this.Hash   = Hash;
     this.Base64 = Base64;
 public mibentry(@string ctlname = default, slice <_C_int> ctloid = default)
     this.ctlname = ctlname;
     this.ctloid  = ctloid;
Beispiel #16
 public pathMode(@string path = default, os.FileMode mode = default)
     this.path = path;
     this.mode = mode;
Beispiel #17
 // Initialize examines the processor and sets the relevant variables above.
 // This is called by the runtime package early in program initialization,
 // before normal init functions are run. env is set by runtime if the OS supports
 // cpu feature options in GODEBUG.
 public static void Initialize(@string env)
Beispiel #18
        private static void Main()
            flag.Usage = () =>
                fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage);

            // Go 1.7 traces embed symbol info and does not require the binary.
            // But we optionally accept binary as first arg for Go 1.5 traces.
            switch (flag.NArg())
            case 1L:
                traceFile = flag.Arg(0L);

            case 2L:
                programBinary = flag.Arg(0L);
                traceFile     = flag.Arg(1L);


            Func <io.Writer, ptr <http.Request>, error> pprofFunc = default;

            switch (pprofFlag.val)
            case "net":
                pprofFunc = pprofByGoroutine(computePprofIO);

            case "sync":
                pprofFunc = pprofByGoroutine(computePprofBlock);

            case "syscall":
                pprofFunc = pprofByGoroutine(computePprofSyscall);

            case "sched":
                pprofFunc = pprofByGoroutine(computePprofSched);
            if (pprofFunc != null)
                    var err = pprofFunc(os.Stdout, addr(new http.Request()));

                    if (err != null)
                        dief("failed to generate pprof: %v\n", err);


            if (pprofFlag != "".val)
                dief("unknown pprof type %s\n", pprofFlag.val);

            var(ln, err) = net.Listen("tcp", httpFlag.val);
            if (err != null)
                dief("failed to create server socket: %v\n", err);

            log.Print("Parsing trace...");
            var(res, err) = parseTrace();
            if (err != null)
                dief("%v\n", err);

            if (debugFlag.val)

            reportMemoryUsage("after parsing trace");

            log.Print("Splitting trace...");
            ranges = splitTrace(res);
            reportMemoryUsage("after spliting trace");

            @string addr = "http://" + ln.Addr().String();

            log.Printf("Opening browser. Trace viewer is listening on %s", addr);

            // Start http server.
            http.HandleFunc("/", httpMain);
            err = http.Serve(ln, null);
            dief("failed to start http server: %v\n", err);
Beispiel #19
 public command(long format = default, PostProcessor postProcess = default, PostProcessor visualizer = default, bool hasParam = default, @string description = default, @string usage = default)
     this.format      = format;
     this.postProcess = postProcess;
     this.visualizer  = visualizer;
     this.hasParam    = hasParam;
     this.description = description;
     this.usage       = usage;
 public static @event TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(trigger whichTrigger, @string varName, limitop opcode, real limitval)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #21
 private static void fillFileStatFromSys(ptr <fileStat> _addr_fs, @string name)
     ref fileStat fs = ref _addr_fs.val;
        public static @event TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, @string chatMessageToDetect, boolean exactMatchOnly)
            @event triEvent = new @event()
                sourcePlayer = whichPlayer, chatMatchMessage = chatMessageToDetect, playerEvent = EVENT_PLAYER_CHAT

Beispiel #23
 public static string Sprintf(@string format, params object[] args) =>
 string.Format(format, args.Select(arg => (object)ToString(arg)).ToArray());
Beispiel #24
 public ambiguousVerifierError(@string name = default, uint hash = default)
 { = name;
     this.hash = hash;
Beispiel #25
 public NumError(@string Func = default, @string Num = default, error Err = default)
     this.Func = Func;
     this.Num  = Num;
     this.Err  = Err;
Beispiel #26
 public Note(token.Pos Pos = default, token.Pos End = default, @string UID = default, @string Body = default)
     this.Pos  = Pos;
     this.End  = End;
     this.UID  = UID;
     this.Body = Body;
Beispiel #27
 public zone(@string name = default, long offset = default, bool isDST = default)
 {   = name;
     this.offset = offset;
     this.isDST  = isDST;
Beispiel #28
 public asmVar(@string name = default, asmKind kind = default, @string typ = default, long off = default, long size = default, slice <ptr <asmVar> > inner = default)
 {  = name;
     this.kind  = kind;
     this.typ   = typ;   = off;
     this.size  = size;
     this.inner = inner;
Beispiel #29
 // Do executes and returns the results of the given function, making
 // sure that only one execution is in-flight for a given key at a
 // time. If a duplicate comes in, the duplicate caller waits for the
 // original to complete and receives the same results.
 // The return value shared indicates whether v was given to multiple callers.
 private static (object, error, bool) Do(this ptr <Group> _addr_g, @string key, Func <(object, error)> fn)
Beispiel #30
 private delegate(slice <Inst>, error) DisasmByRef(ref T value, @string file, ulong start, ulong end);