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Form Builder👷

📄 ✏️
Built with ❤︎ by Stockport Council

Table of Contents

Requirements & Prereqs

  • dotnet core 3.1
  • GPG key added to collaborators


Comming Soon...


Address Providers

IAddressProvider is provided to enable integration with different address data sources.

The interface requires a ProviderName and a SearchAsync method which must return an AddressSearchResult object.

string ProviderName { get; }

Task<IEnumerable<AddressSearchResult>> SearchAsync(string streetOrPostcode);

You can register new/multiple address providers in startup

services.AddSingleton<IAddressProvider, FakeAddressProvider>();
services.AddSingleton<IAddressProvider, CRMAddressProvider>();
services.AddSingleton<IAddressProvider, MyCustomAddressProvider>();

You can specify in the JSON form defenition for Address elements, which address provider you want use. To do this set AddressProvider to the value of the required IAddressProvider.ProviderName, for example to use a Provider with a ProviderName of "Fake";

  "Type": "Address",
  "Properties": {
    "QuestionId": "address",
    "AddressProvider": "Fake",

Street Providers

IStreetProvider is provided to enable integration with different street level data sources.

Implementation is almost identical to that described in the AddressProvider

Register for use

services.AddSingleton<IStreetProvider, FakeStreetProvider>();
services.AddSingleton<IStreetProvider, CRMStreetProvider>();
return services;

Specify which street provider to use.

"Elements": [
    "Type": "Street",
    "Properties": {
      "QuestionId": "customersstreet",
      "StreetProvider": "Fake",

Organisation Providers

IOrganisationProvider is provided to enable integration with different organisation data sources.

Implementation is almost identical to that described in the AddressProvider/StreetProvider, however Organisation Providers return an OrganisationSearchResult

Register for user

services.AddSingleton<IOrganisationProvider, FakeOrganisationProvider>();
services.AddSingleton<IOrganisationProvider, CRMOrganisationProvider>();
return services;

Specify which organisation provider to use.

  "Type": "Organisation",
  "Properties": {
    "QuestionId": "organisation",
    "Label": "Enter the organisation",
    "OrganisationProvider": "Fake",

Payment Providers

Comming Soon...

Storage Providers

As users submit data and move through forms the data they are submitting is temporarily stored before submission.

This function uses IDistributedCache.

Storage providers can be added from config and registered on app startup using.



By default setup using config currently supports "Application", Distributed In Memory Cache (which ironically isn't actually distributed!), but allows us to develop locally and deploy to single instances.

This can be set up using the following config

    "StorageProvider": {
      "Type": "Application"


For a truly distributed we support Redis, this can be setup using the StorageProvider config below.

  "StorageProvider": {
      "Type": "Redis",
      "Address": "YourRedisUrlHere",
      "Instance": "YourPreferredInstanceNameHere"

Running High Availability/Load Balancing

If running in a load balanced environment you will need to be running a truly distributed cache (i.e. Redis).

In this case it's worth noting that for sessions to work correctly there needs to be a shared keystore.

Distributed cache and DataProtecton key storage specification is wrapped up in the services.AddStorageProvider(Configuration); service registration (we should seperate this out!) so when you set storage provider to 'Redis' it also shares the data protection keys in redis as well (as per the code below).

  var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(storageProviderConfiguration["Address"]);
  services.AddDataProtection().PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(redis, $"{storageProviderConfiguration["InstanceName"]}DataProtection-Keys");

UI Tests

The form builder app has UI tests to ensure that the UI is expected. Our UI Tests are written using SpecFlow


  • chromdrivers.exe
  • make (not required)

How to run UI tests locally

$ make ui-test

It is also possible to run just a specific test case rather then running the whole ui-test suite, this is made possible by running the ui-test-feature make command. with a FEATURE paramater as the test suite to run. The example below runs only the organisation ui-tests.

$ make FEATURE=organisation ui-test-feature

without make you can also run the UI Test locally by running the two commands listed below

$ cd ./src && dotnet run
$ dotnet test ./form-builder-tests-ui/form-builder-tests-ui.csproj

It is possible to change the default browser the UI Tests are run from, to do this you need to modify the BrowserConfiguration to run with firefox or another browser of your choice.

AWS Architecture Decisions

This section will be used to document the decisions made throughout the development process.

Form Builder Storage Stack

The formbuilder storage components will be provisioned by a Cloudformation stack. Jon H & Jake decided that the stack would include an S3 Bucket, IAM User and a User Policy to handle the storage of json files.

IAM User Policy Example

The example below shows the policy we manually created and applied to a test user:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [

FormBuilder Bucket Config

The S3 bucket used during testing was cofigured to 'Block all public access' to 'On'.

The bucket will be created using a Cloudformation template with the folder structure created by the template.


An application to take in a JSON schema and produce an SMBC styled form using GOV.UK design system standards.






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  • C# 94.7%
  • HTML 4.1%
  • Other 1.2%