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Standalone test automation framework, built on top of Selenium Web Driver Engine


UnifiedFramework is standalone automation framework, Built on top of industry leading automation tool ©Selenium WebDriver, enhancing features as well as stability.


Unified Code Engine-

Taking into the consideration of how much time we invest in local automation framework Setup for each project, with little deviation from the project structure, through UF we can automate the process of creation of setup files and structure in given language of your choice.

**-Currentnly UF supports C#

### Unified Reporting- UnifiedFramework has inbuilt Reporting framework, which can be used to produce elegant yet intuitive reports, better if you are following Unified Code Engine, reporting intialisation and setup shall be taken care automatically. Reporting and Logging is not just another good to have feature, its integral to the whole process and with Unified Reporting is glued together at code level. ### Unified Extractor- Unified Extractor, automates the process of scrapping HTML DOM elements into a lossely coupled JSON File, which then can be refered back to identify the web page's controls. The JSON fiels hence generated are lite weight,CLR independent(Compile) and better adapted to external modifications. ### Unified Components In real world automation suites, there’s hardly a scenario where automation framework alone can complete everything E2E. Some requires Excel Read/Write functionality, Db connection mechanism, Sending email capability, Read/Write CSVs etc.In UF provides all these featues as pre baked APIs which will help you streamline these functionalities without breaking a sweat!

Getting Started-

To get started with UnifiedFramework, Add reference from Nuget Package Manager into you project. UnifiedFramework-Nuget

Code snippet with explanation to assist in getting started with unified Framework.

Use these namespaces in your intial startup unit Test file as well

  • using System;
  • using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
  • using System.IO;
  • using UnifiedFrameWork.Controller;
  • using System.Collections.Generic;
  • using UnifiedFrameWork.UCodeGenerator;
  • using UnifiedFrameWork.UComponents;
  • using System.Linq;

Sample Test Method Construct

namespace SampleUFProject
public class SampleUnifiedClass
    public void SampleMethod()
        //Initiates the Unified Code Engine, Should be first line.

        //Namespace under which c# files will be generated
        string nameSpace = "MyProjectNamespace";

        //Primary config file of the project( probably will be inherited by other implmentators, 
        //hence is good candidate to act as base class) 
        string baseType = "Config";

        //Determine the current projects root file, dynamically. Can be replaced with absolute path but not recommended.
        string filePath = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.FullName;

        //In this Section we will create Config File(which handles test intialisation, cleanup, assembly cleanups, Logging,
        //report generation etc.)
        //Invoke Unified Code Engine:Dynamic code creation fragment, using Namespace and Config file Name defined above.
        UCodeGenController codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, baseType);
        //Invoke Unified Code Config Generator:writing generated code to IOStream(here its c# file), using file path and classnme
        //Eg. here we intend to create file named as Config, so baseType is passed as second parameter.
        codeEngine.UCodeConfigGen(filePath, baseType);

        //In this section we will create a single file inside a folder.
        //Invoke Unified Code Engine, using Namespace, folder name, and baseclass 
        codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, "SampleFileOne", baseType);
        //Invoke Unified Code Generator, apart from creation of config file. this way should be followed to create c# files
        //Here we need to passs file path, folder name, class name.
        codeEngine.UCodeBuilder(filePath, "FolderOne", "SampleFileOne");

        ////In this Section we will be creating two file under single folder
        codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, "SampleFileTwo", baseType);
        codeEngine.UCodeBuilder(filePath, "FolderTwo", "SampleFileTwo");
        codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, "SampleFileThree", baseType);
        codeEngine.UCodeBuilder(filePath, "FolderTwo", "SampleFileThree");

        //In this section we will create Primary test method class with, by reading exisitng test case list(in excel format)
        //You must supply either ur Actual/Dummy Test Case excel sheet, or may skip this section completely.
        //To read from excel sheet, we will be using Unified's internal ExcelReading Component 
        //To read excel sheet seamlessly it depends on user inputs so that it can adapt to the excel sheet and extract suitable informations.
        //Input Required from user--
        //1. filePath- Test case Excel sheet's file path
        //2. TestCaseFileName- Excel Workbook's file name.
        //3. SheetName- Excel Sheet's name.
        //4. breakString[index], where index= (actual column number -1) - Supply index pointing to columns which has relaevant information matching to left side string
        //eg. "TestCategory",breakString[3]- implies that 4th colum has information relevant to Test Category.
        UComponentContoller component = new UComponentContoller();
        List<string> uCodeExcelRead;
        uCodeExcelRead = component.ExcelReader(filePath, "TestCaseFileName", "SheetName");
        List<Dictionary<string, string>> uCodeMethodAttribute = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();
        codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, "BVT_TestMethod", baseType,"TestClass");
        for (int i = 0; i < uCodeExcelRead.Count; i++)
            if (i != 0)
                List<string> breakString = uCodeExcelRead[i].Split(new string[] { "-!-" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList();
                Dictionary<string, string> uCodeTempDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                    { "TestMethod", "" }, { "TestCategory", breakString[3] }, { "Description", breakString[2] } };
                codeEngine.UCodeAddTestMethod("Verify_Test_Case_" + breakString[0], uCodeTempDictionary);
        codeEngine.UCodeBuilder(filePath, "TestMethod", "BVT_TestMethod");

        //Finalises the Unified Code Generator, should be the last step.

Unified HTML DOM Element Extractor

Currently Unified Extractor extracts:

* ID. * Class. * Anchor Text. * Anchor Xpath. * Button Xpath.
        //Supply fully formed URL(Web Page address) from which scrapping of html elements are intended.
        //example- instead of 
        var url = "";

        //pass on the Url defined in previous step to Extract the elements.
        //By default it will create UFHtmlExtractor Folder in the project file path and relevant json file inside that(based on the URL passed)
        //** UnifiedFramework will automatically add the newly created file to the solution, so that you could refer within IDE itself.

        //Pass full formed file path of the json file created as part of Extractor Method
        //Make sure this file is called, only if Extractor method finished succesfully, and you can determine the file path and name
        HtmlDomObject sampleElements=UnifiedHtmlExtractor.GetHtmlElements(@"C:\sampleProject\UFHtmlExtractor\mikesdotnetting_article_273_20160818173235.json");

Access Dom Element extracted by Unified HTML Extractor

public static HtmlDomObject SampleHTMLFileTORead
	//Give Relative or Absolute File Path of the JSON file, created after extraction of the DOM Element.
            HtmlDomObject sampleElements = UnifiedHtmlExtractor.GetHtmlElements(@"D:\SampleUnifiedDemonstration\UFHtmlExtractor\Sample-website-elements_20160826164644.json");
            return sampleElements;

Intialising Winium Driver

public static RemoteWebDriver winiumDriver { 
get {
            var dc = new DesiredCapabilities();
            dc.SetCapability("app", Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.FullName, "UnifiedResources", "DoNothing.exe"));
            var winiumDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:9999"), dc);

            return winiumDriver;


Standalone test automation framework, built on top of Selenium Web Driver Engine







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