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1. Open the Solution in Visual Studio
2. Build the project 
3. Navigate to tools ans select Nuget Package manager -> Package Manager Console (PMC)
4. On the console execute the following command
Update-Database -Context Nature_Gallery_IdentityContext

5. On the console execute the following command

Update-Database -Context Nature_Gallery_DataContext

6. After migration is successful Run the project 

7 if you login as admin  from the following credentials will be able to see the Publishers and Photo Upload records 

User :
Password: 1qaz2wsX@

8. Also you can login with the following credentials to visit the site as a publisher
 will be only able to see own published images and will be able to edit them

 User :
Password: 1qaz2wsX@

9 You can sign up as a new publisher using the publisher registration link

10 if you need to create another admin login with the admin credentials on step 7 above and
Click in "Register an  Admin User" register a new admin 

The Authentication and authorization related inofrmtion was obtained from the following links

Role based access control.

ASP.NET MVC 5 Security And Creating User Role