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A .NET Core IRC library, designed for clients.

Build Status

What is this?

This is a .NET Library that can be used as the basis of an irc client or other application utilising the irc protocol

It supports .NET Standard 1.4 and 2.0, so it runs on all versions of Windows 10 and modern versions of .NET Core.

All pushes to master are built by Azure Pipelines and uploaded to NuGet, currently in the form 1.0.xx-yyyymmdd.x-dev-branch. Stable releases will eventually be in the form or something, or possibly SemVer

What's included in this repo?

This repo includes two projects, the library itself and a very basic Console client that can be used for testing.


Either open in your favourite C# IDE (VS / VS Code, Jetbrains Rider) or use the standard .NET build tools:

$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet run --project ConsoleIrcClient


Contributions are welcome, as long as it adds useful functionality to the project, including:

  • adding commands
  • further support for the irc protocol (ideally targeting IRCv3)

Like WinIRC there's no real code guidelines, although I did run this project through the Rider code formatting at one point this isn't strictly followed