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AUTHORS: Denny Hood, Michael Adidegba, Courtney Purtell, Trevor Walker, and Kyle Reinholt
Date: 01/19/16

This is for a undergraduate college course group assignment. CS 410 Software Engineering

Contents of Repository


This folder contains work logs for our group members and also proof of concept modules for CSV file manipulation and other prototype implementations.


These are the backend files for the Room Reservation System.
Sqlite was utilized for local host reasons. This is a list of the relevant files (The other files are for testing):

  • RRSDB.db
  • room_status.csv
  • users.csv

masterParser( CSVFile ) is the main function and takes a .csv as a parameter.
Utilize this function to read in a CSV file named room_status.csv, users.csv, rooms.csv, buildings.csv, to
get error check the column formats of each and load the data into a database named RRSDB.db. For the CSV format for each file,
please refer to section 1.2 File Format in the user's manual. (user's manual will be in a folder on the main page soon)


Contains 5 tables right now (this may change with time):


For table data definitions, refer to this:
Table Formats

room_status.csv and users.csv are used as example files for the

GUI was created in Python3 using tkinter. The gui saves the locations of the filepaths and calls the module when the user clicks "Submit"


Here is where all of the frontend files for the Room Reservation System are stored.
The Frontend was programmed in C# using Visual Studio as the IDE and ASP.NET for the web-framework.
Web Forms was used as the ASP.NET development Model for the Website.

Initial Setup

In order to compile this project you must first make sure to download
the correct version of the reference library for your operating system and version of visual studio. You must aslo
specify the path in the webconfig.cs file for the sqlite connection string. Replace the current path with your local path to
your copy of RRSDB.db. After that, locate a line similiar to this your IIS configuration file: directoryBrowse enabled = false
Edit that line to look like this: directoryBrowse enabled = true

These are the most relevant files from the front end:

  • Home.aspx
  • Home.aspx.cs
  • Account/Login.aspx
  • Account/Login.aspx.cs
  • Account/ViewRooms.aspx
  • Account/ViewRooms.aspx.cs


This file contains the layout for the homepage. Keep in mind that this site is intended for integration with an existing system.
There is not any navigation, or explanations about the website on this page. It is a user interface intended for the user to select a building, date, and time so that the a list of availble rooms from that institution may be populated and presented to the user.
The technial documentation can be found here

This file consists of the following Web Objects:

  1. Sqlite Data Connection
  2. Rooms Available GridView
  3. Date Calendar
  4. button1
  5. button2
  6. Label errorLabel
  7. Label2
  8. Label3
  9. roomSelected Button


The documentation can be found here
The file can be found here

#Account/Login.aspx The technial documentation can be found here


The documentation for this file can be found: HERE
The code can be found: HERE

#Account/ViewRooms.aspx The technial doumentation can be found here

#Account/ViewRooms.aspx.cs The documentation for this file can be found: HERE
The code can be found: HERE


This is for an undergraduate college course group assignment. CS 410 Software Engineering






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