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NDceRpc (.NET Distributed Computing Environment Remote Procedure Call)

Currently there is no good managed RPC for local IPC(Inter Process Communication) on Windows. Dce/Rpc works out of box only for native code. WCF works for managed only out of box, and has features which makes it slower then IPC could be. COM was not designed to current multithreaded, isolated, XCOPY environments not integrated with Windows Message Pump.

This project is trying to close this gap on Windows.

Unix also has Dce/Rpc implementation compatible in main use cases with MS Windows. Hence can try to use the same approach on Unix with Mono.


  • Like WCF with flexible interface and hooks with no public process wide methods.
  • Like Dce/Rpc compatible with native code, custom(IL based, compatible with WCF at contract, not on the wire) and existing IDL(compatible with RPC in contract and on the wire)
  • Several times faster communication then WCF
  • Several times faster to start then WCF, code generation during compilation is build in.
  • In the end should work on Mono/Unix using open source Dce/Rpc implementations.
  • Is gentle request to MS to create such tech which suits
  • Binary serialization is main target to support.
  • Is small lib, or set of small libs for separate deployment against System.ServiceModel.dll
  • Uses URI or namespaces instead of GUIDs where possible

Low level

Mono and protobuf-net is used for replacing WCF in C# over RPC. Moving WCF toward C++ interop because RPC and protobuf are ready for C++. Mono like layer proxies service calls coding/decoding of WCF interfaces into RPC calls, data is serialized via protobuf. MS-PRC interop PIvokes calls are used to route data across processes. MS-RPC can be replaced by other transport.

How Tos


Run build.cmd which runs Nuget.exe to download dependencies and FAKE to create package

Can build NDceRpc.sln with SharpDevelop 4.x when Visual C++ redistributable and Windows SKD installed

How to migrate WCF interfaces and ServiceOperation with DataContracts

  • Mark service interface with new generated [Guid("YOUR_GUID_HERE")] additionally to [ServiceContract]

  • Mark all OperationContract methods with [DispId(Y)]. Othervice operations will have some generated identifiers. DispId provides direct user defined encoding eases debugging and that native part can interpret RPC calls.

  • Catch exceptions like CommunicationException from NDceRpc.ServiceModel instead of System.ServiceModel

  • Optionally use [NDceRpc.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute](and others) and throw NDceRpc.ServiceModel.FaultException from the to get rid of WCF.

  • Mark all data objects with DataContract/DataMember(Order=X), MUST have Order defined.

  • No parameterless constructor support as with DataContractSerializer

  • Protobuf spec does not distinguish empty collection and null you was used from XML DataContract serialization. Your code can fail receiving null instead of empty collection.

Next test goes via RPC + Protobuf:

            var address = @"net.pipe://" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
            var binding = new NetNamedPipeBinding();

            var data = new CallbackData { Data = "1" };
            var srv = new CallbackService(data);
            var callback = new CallbackServiceCallback();

            using (var host = new ServiceHost(srv, address))
                host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ICallbackService), binding, address);

                using (var factory = new DuplexChannelFactory<ICallbackService>(new InstanceContext(callback), binding))
                    var client = factory.CreateChannel(new EndpointAddress(address));

                Assert.AreEqual(data.Data, callback.Called.Data);

How to call C++ from C# and vice versa

For now need to wrap C# or C++ IPC services clients into Reg Free COM.

C# uses next interfaces compatible with C++:

internal delegate uint ExplicitBytesExecute(
        IntPtr clientHandle, uint szInput, IntPtr input, out uint szOutput, out IntPtr output); 
interface ExplicitBytes
   void ExplicitBytesExecute(
	   [in] handle_t clientHandle,
	   [in] long szInput, [in,size_is(szInput)] const byte input[],
       [out] long * szOutput,[out, size_is( , *szOutput)] byte ** output
message RpcErrorData {
  required string Type = 1;
  optional string Message = 2;

message MessageResponse
   required bytes Data = 1;
   optional RpcErrorData Error = 2;

message  RpcParamData
   required int32 Identifier = 1;
   required bytes Data = 2;

message MessageRequest
  required int32 Operation = 1;
  repeated RpcParamData Data = 2;
  optional string Session = 3;

C++ can interpret call done by C# according outlined interfaces.

How to work with IDL generated C RPC

C# code can host pure C++ RPC services:

  • Use explicit binding handles (read MSDN docs).
  • Define memory allocation and dealocation RPC routines in C as done for pure native host (read MSDN docs).
  • Return interfaces specification structures to managed code(NativeServer and NativeClient) which do the hosting.

Implementation considerations


RPC provides 32 bit error values to identify communication and server errors leaving us to choose what means to use to propagate meaningful service errors. COM uses composite error codes for own and user specified errors represented as 32 bit value. Also COM provides means to propagate detailed error information using specific COM interfaces implemented 1. In this solution error propagation approach similar to SOAP faults was chosen, tuned to work well with C# and C++.

Operations encoding

WCF uses string method names to identify operations all over stack. WCF can encode this strings to numbers when creating message. WCF approach takes time in runtime. Approach chosen here to use numbers to identify operations everywhere.

Message size

Small messages are possible (e.g. less then 256 bytes size), e.g. next operation Subscribe("GOOG, MSFT","EARNINGS,PRICE",new byte[]{100,200,300}) on the wire is as small as possible. ASCII chars in messages are possible.


C like language are main target of development (C++,C#). But underlying technologies are not limited to these only.


Possibly to precompile serializers/proxy/stub is must for start up and performance reasons for local communications, hence things that WCF provides should not be copied if make precompilation hard.


  • Use NRefactory to generate code from WCF interfaces code during compilations to speed up start up
  • Generate C++ from CS based IDL - WCF contacts.
  • Make conventional interface generation (no WCF attributes used).
  • Do not use System.ServiceModel.dll, copy and paste Mono WCF attributes into code (Dismiss not related parts - e.g. SOAP
  • Try IKVM.Emit to generate in runtime (better API and potentially faster)
  • Use Mono WCF tests
  • Use Mono WCF code more
  • Add WCF tests, pull back to mono
  • Add callback and async IDL generated structs in C#
  • Add IDL parser (use one of open source DceRpc implementations yacc lexx definitions, F# lexx and yacc, or use midlc from cifs parser)
  • Investigate [user_marshal] to integrate protobuf into IDL.
  • Make behave like WCF with different encodings, serializers(Thrift) and marshalers (NRD, BinaryDataContract), BSON, Fast XML, ASN, what exists at least for C# and C++ on Mono/.NET Unix/Windows.
  • Support SyncrhonizationContext of callback, "ref" params, Task/event based async
  • Add some another Binary serializer compatible with C++ (e.g. Thrift).
  • Improve start performance
  • Improve runtime performance
  • Ensure that throwing exception in one way operation (in worker thread) does not crashes processes and behaves like WCF.
  • Ensure that error description can be handled by native code.
  • Do not copy message twice, use header and concat
  • Add Alpc transport to WCF.
  • Add Domain Socket to WCF in UNIX
  • Try to convert somehow Jarapack into C# (via IKVM or Sharpen)
  • Try to use midlc(open source IDL parser/generator used by Jarapack) to generate something C# compatible
  • Implement fully managed IPC COM above RPC with custom event queue (message pump)
  • Implemented fully managed C# RPC runtime
  • Implement custom C++ RPC runtime
  • added next sample but using RPC
  • adde event bus sample



Integration of WCF and .NET with MS-RPC and binary serialization.







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