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Message Bus Framework based on RabbitMQ with intuitive interface and built in Json serialization.


Copyright 2015 Michael Parshin

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


  • Publish\Subscribe
  • Worker Queues
  • POCO messages support
  • Subscription based on message types
  • Message headers support
  • Header based message subscription filter
  • Connection strings support
  • Most RabbitMQ features are supported and provided via convenient and user friendly API
    • Transactional delivery
    • Message persistence
    • TTL
  • Fast binary data transfer (pass through without serialization)


Messages are just POCOs
public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }

Optionally, message classes may be annotated with DataContract and DataMemebr attributes to be able to generate contract classes on publisher and subscriber parties by using svcutil.exe.

Publish your first message
using (IBus bus = new RabbitMQBus())
	using (IPublisher publisher = bus.CreatePublisher())
        publisher.Send(new Person { Id = 5 });

Bus instance holds connection to RabbitMQ broker, thus once disposed connection is closed. Publisher creates dedicated AMQP model and can be used to publish messages from single thread. If publication is required from multiple threads, each required to create its own publisher instance. All messages are sent by default to amq.headers exchange with two headers: Name and Namespace. By default it is type name and name space, however id class is decorated with DataContractAttribute Name and Namespace will be taken from it (if specified).

Subscribe for messages
using (IBus bus = new RabbitMQBus())
	using (ISubscriber subscriber = bus.CreateSubscriber())
		subscriber.Subscribe((Action<Person>) (p =>
            // Do your work here

		// Start consuming messages

Subscriber creates by default temporary queue, and each subscription binds this queue to amq.headers exchange with Name and Namespace headers. Thus only this particular message type will arrive to the subscriber.


There are a lot of features inside, most covered by integration tests and you are welcome to take a look.

Connection string



Message Bus Framework based on RabbitMQ with intuitive interface and built in Json serialization







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Contributors 4
