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Database engine

Database concepts described in the book DATABASE SYSTEMS (The Complete Book) were used for this project.

This database engine uses the Jeroen compiler to parse queries into a syntax tree. The syntax tree is then converted into a logical query plan. Based on table statistics costs are determined for every element in the logical query plan in order to come up with the cheapest physical query plan.

The B+ Tree structure is used for indexes (clustered and nonclustered). Only indexes with a single column are supported. Data and indexes are stored in one file ( The storage file contains 4k blocks, and a block typically contains data or part of an index structure. The win32 api is used to write and read from the storage file.


Supported grammar

Initial -> Command Command -> Select Action | Insert Action StringExpression -> String Action Where -> Where BooleanExpression Action | EmptyString Action Join -> Join Identifier On Identifier RelOp Identifier Action | EmptyString Action Top -> Top Integer Action | EmptyString Action SelectColumns -> Factors Action | Multiplication Action Select -> Select Top SelectColumns From Identifier Join Where Action Select -> Insert Into Identifier Values ParenthesisOpen Factors ParenthesisClose Action BooleanExpression -> BooleanExpression And BooleanExpression Action | BooleanExpression Or BooleanExpression Action | BooleanTerm Action BooleanTerm -> ParenthesisOpen BooleanExpression Action ParenthesisClose | Factor RelOp Factor Action Boolean -> Boolean Action NumericExpression -> NumericTerm Action NumericTerm -> NumericFactor Action NumericFactor -> Identifier Action | ParenthesisOpen NumericExpression Action ParenthesisClose | Integer Action | FactorTerm Action FactorTerm -> Identifier Action | NumericExpression Action | StringExpression Action | Select Action Factors -> Factors Comma Factor Action | Factor Action | EmptyString Action Identifier -> Identifier Action

Table statistics


Query execution


Select by primary key

SELECT * FROM products WHERE Id = 1

Show all tables in the database


Inner loop joins

SELECT * FROM products JOIN producers on products.producer = WHERE ( = "AMD" && products.BuildYear = 1900)

Filters (AND, OR, combined)

SELECT * FROM products JOIN producers on products.producer = WHERE ( = "AMD" && products.BuildYear = 1900)


SELECT products.BuildYear, * FROM products

Insert queries


Example query:

SELECT * FROM products JOIN producers on products.producer = WHERE ( = "AMD" && products.BuildYear = 1900)

1. Syntax tree

Syntax tree

2. Logical query plan

Logical query plan

3. Physical query plan determination

Physical query plan

The table statistics are used to determined the estimated cost (IO and CPU) of different options for every logical element. A graph is generated containing all these physical operations (options). The path with least cost is chosen as "ultimate" physical query plan.

During execution, a memory buffer is used to temporarily buffer blocks that are read from storage. A maximum of 100 blocks are kept in memory.


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