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OpenID Connect client for Blazor client-side or hosted projects.

Server side projects, and probably hosted projects too, having a server side environment should relay on cookies which are currently considered more secure: Using OAuth and OIDC with Blazor.

This is just a learning exercise built with three constraints:

  • Minimal amount of javascript possible
  • Use the Blazor shipped Json framework
  • Integrate with Blazor authentication and authorization framework

These constraints basically mean that everything must be written from scratch (JWT validation included).

A demo project has been published here.


Add a reference to the library from NuGet Pre Release

Dependency injection configuration

The library with its configuration settings must be added to the Startup.cs class.

The minimal configuration for connecting through a popup window to an Authorization server using the default callback URIs requires:

  • The issuer (Authorization server) URI
  • The applcation base URI used to construct the default html callback URIs
  • The client ID
  • The response Type for implicit flow or code+pkce
  • The scopes for the access token

As an example, the configuration for the code+pkce flow to the Identity server demo instance is:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    var issuerUri = new Uri("");
    var baseUri = new Uri(WebAssemblyUriHelper.Instance.GetBaseUri());

    services.AddOidc(new OidcSettings(issuerUri, baseUri)
        ClientId = "spa",
        ResponseType = "code",
        Scope = "openid profile email api"

Javascript inclusion

Add the following reference to the oidc javascript in the index.html file paying attention to match the library version:

<script src="_content/Sotsera.Blazor.Oidc/sotsera.blazor.oidc-1.0.0-alpha-1.js"></script>

Blazor Authorization

Surround the default router in the App.razor component with a CascadingAuthenticationState component:

    <Router AppAssembly="typeof(Program).Assembly">
            <p>Sorry, there's nothing at this address.</p>
            <p>You're not authorized to reach this page.</p>
            <p>You may need to log in as a different user.</p>
            <h1>Authentication in progress</h1>
            <p>Only visible while authentication is in progress.</p>

The example above specifies also the content that will be injected by the router in the @body part of a page that requires athorization through the @attribute [Authorize] when there is a pending authentication or the user is not authorized.

Authorization server callbacks

The interaction with the authorization server can be made through a popup window or performing a redirect.

The library already contains the default html pages used by the popup window callbacks and the callback page components for the redirect interaction type and their default URIs are automatically configured specifying the baseUri in the dependency injection.

For preview8 the router can't load page components from a razor class library so the following components must be added to the application in order to use the redirect interaction type:

@page "/oidc/callbacks/authentication-redirect"
@using Sotsera.Blazor.Oidc.CallbackPages

<AuthenticationRedirect />
@page "/oidc/callbacks/logout-redirect"
@using Sotsera.Blazor.Oidc.CallbackPages

<LogoutRedirect />


The IUserManager interface provides the access the the OidcUser class and its profile claims and exposes the methods BeginAuthenticationAsync and BeginLogoutAsync for initiating a flow to the server using the interaction type specified during the initial configuration. Both methods configuration parameters can be overridden during the call.

This is an example Login/Logout component:

@inject Sotsera.Blazor.Oidc.IUserManager UserManager
        <span class="mr-3">
            Hello, @context.User.Identity.Name!
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary mr-1" @onclick="LogoutPopup">
            Log out (popup)
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="LogoutRedirect">
            Log out (redirect)
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary mr-1" @onclick="LoginPopup">
            Log in (popup)
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="LoginRedirect">
            Log in (redirect)

    public async void LoginPopup() => await UserManager.BeginAuthenticationAsync();
    public async void LoginRedirect() => await UserManager.BeginAuthenticationAsync(p => p.WithRedirect());
    public async void LogoutPopup() => await UserManager.BeginLogoutAsync();
    public async void LogoutRedirect() => await UserManager.BeginLogoutAsync(p => p.WithRedirect());

Consuming an api

Inject in a component an instance of OidcHttpClient that has a Bearer authorization header already configured and use it for connecting to the APIs requiring the access token.


The list of the configuration options will be documented here soon.


This library is based on oidc-client-js by Brock Allen & Dominick Baier licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Sotsera.Blazor.Oidc is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.


OpenID Connect client for Blazor client-side projects







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  • C# 93.3%
  • TypeScript 3.8%
  • HTML 1.9%
  • JavaScript 1.0%