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GUICreator is an API Plugin to simplify generating/handling Rust GUI. At its core, it tracks all GUI containers sent to players, destroys GUI in the right order and allows developers to use callbacks with buttons/inputs. There are also several handy functions in the GuiContainer class to keep the lines of code required for a complex UI to a minimum.


Rectangle, WIP

Just a wrapper for the color class in UnityEngine, just providing more flexibility for defining Colors
Some CuiComponents require a color string of the format "red green blue alpha"
Relevant properties:
	float color.r - red value 0 to 1
	float color.g - green value 0 to 1
	float color.b - blue value 0 to 1
	float color.a - opacity (transparent) 0 to 1 (opaque)
	The default Constructor sets color to opaque white

	GuiColor(float R, float G, float B, float alpha)
	- should be intuitive. if rgb values are greater than one they are assumed to be a value between 0 and 255

	GuiColor(string hex) - interprets a hex Color Value of format "#RRGGBB" or "#RRGGBBAA". Can also interpret some color names like "black", "white", "red"...
	setAlpha(float alpha) - sets alpha value of an instance
	static GuiColor setAlpha(GuiColor color, float alpha) - static version of above method
	getColorString() - returns the formatted string required for some CuiComponents

GuiText, derived from CuiTextComponent
Again, more flexibility and intuitive defaults for defining CuiTextComponents
Relevant properties:
	string Text
	int FontSize
	TextAnchor Align - TextAnchor is an enum of common text alignments within their containers. (e.g MiddleCenter, UpperLeft, LowerRight)
	string Color - string of format "R G B A", as mentioned in GuiColor
	float Fadein -  seconds it takes for the element to fade to its max opacity on creation
	GuiText(string text, int fontSize = 14, GuiColor color = null, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, float FadeIn = 0)

Wrapper for CuiInputfieldComponent, RectTransformComponent because it's not included in Umod's CuiHelper class

GuiContainer, WIP

GuiTracker, derived from MonoBehaviour
Every player is given a single GuiTracker when they have active GUI elements (sent by this plugin). 
Relevant Properties:
	BasePlayer player
    List<GuiContainer> activeGuiContainers
	There is no constructor. This is a (kind of) Singleton. You can access a players GuiTracker by using static method "GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(BasePlayer player)"
Relevant Methods:
	GuiTracker getGuiTracker(BasePlayer player) - see Constructor above
	GuiContainer getContainer(Plugin plugin, string name) - useful for checking whether a player has a particular container
	destroyGui(Plugin plugin, string containerName, string name = null) - destroys either an entire container and its children or a specific Element
	destroyAllGui(Plugin plugin) - destroys all GUI sent by the specified plugin.

API Methods:



	gui.close - closes all gui sent by this plugin on a client.
	gui.input - used to call button/input callbacks. can be used manually for debugging
	gui.list - lists all active UI elements for debugging
-these require the player to have the oxide permission "gui.demo"
	/guidemo - demonstrates all elements
	/img [url] - displays an image after it's been downloaded


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