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Format and Values

ILine is a localization line. It can be embedded with a default string.

ILine line = LineRoot.Global.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");

Values are provided with .Value(object[]).

Console.WriteLine(line.Value("Corellia Melody"));

Providing .Format() and .Value() is equivalent to String.Format().

Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Value(DateTime.Now));
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}", DateTime.Now));

.Formulate($string) appends interpolated strings. It's equivalent to appending .Format() and .Value() parts.

DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Key("Time").Formulate($"It is now {time:d} at {time:t}"));

Enumeration localization strings are searched with key "Assembly:asm:Type:enumType:Key:enumCase".

Permissions permissions = Permissions.Add | Permissions.Modify | Permissions.Remove;
Console.WriteLine( LineRoot.Global.Key("Permission").Formulate($"User permissions {permissions}") );
public enum Permissions { Add = 1, Remove = 2, Modify = 4 }


The format culture can be enforced with .Culture(CultureInfo), without changing the thread-local culture variable.

Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Culture("sv").Value(DateTime.Now));
Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Culture("de").Value(DateTime.Now));


Default strings can be inlined for multiple cultures.

ILine line = LineRoot.Global
    .Format("Hello, {0}.")
    .Inline("Culture:fi", "Hei, {0}")
    .Inline("Culture:de", "Hallo, {0}");
Console.WriteLine(line.Value("Corellia Melody"));

And inlined with different plurality cases.

ILine line = LineRoot.Global.PluralRules("Unicode.CLDR35")
        .Format("{cardinal:0} cat(s)")
        .Inline("N:zero", "no cats")
        .Inline("N:one", "a cat")
        .Inline("N:other", "{0} cats");
for (int cats = 0; cats <= 2; cats++)

And with permutations of different cultures and plurality cases.

ILine line = LineRoot.Global.PluralRules("Unicode.CLDR35")
        .Format("{0} cat(s)")
        .Inline("Culture:en", "{cardinal:0} cat(s)")
        .Inline("Culture:en:N:zero", "no cats")
        .Inline("Culture:en:N:one", "a cat")
        .Inline("Culture:en:N:other", "{0} cats")
        .Inline("Culture:fi", "{cardinal:0} kissa(a)")
        .Inline("Culture:fi:N:zero", "ei kissoja")
        .Inline("Culture:fi:N:one", "yksi kissa")
        .Inline("Culture:fi:N:other", "{0} kissaa");

// Print with plurality and to culture "en"
for (int cats = 0; cats <= 2; cats++)


Localization assets can be read from files and placed into the global LineRoot.Global.

IAsset asset = LineReaderMap.Default.FileAsset("PluralityExample0a.xml");
ILine line = LineRoot.Global.Key("Cats").Format("{0} cat(s)");
// Print with plurality
for (int cats = 0; cats <= 2; cats++)
PluralityExample0a.xml (click here)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Localization xmlns:Culture=""

  <!-- Fallback string, for "" culture -->
  <Key:Cats>{0} cat(s)</Key:Cats>

  <!-- Translator added strings for "en" -->
  <Key:Cats Culture="en">
    {cardinal:0} cat(s)
    <N:zero>no cats</N:zero>
    <N:one>a cat</N:one>
    <N:other>{0} cats</N:other>
  <!-- Translator added strings for "fi" -->
  <Key:Cats Culture="fi">
    {cardinal:0} kissa(a)
    <N:zero>ei kissoja</N:zero>
    <N:one>yksi kissa</N:one>
    <N:other>{0} kissaa</N:other>


Or, assets can be loaded and placed into a new ILineRoot.

IAsset asset = LineReaderMap.Default.FileAsset("PluralityExample0a.xml");
ILineRoot root = new LineRoot(asset, new CulturePolicy());
ILine line = root.Key("Cats").Format("{0} cat(s)");

IAsset is an abstraction to localization lines and localized resources. Implementing classes can be provided within code.

List<ILine> lines = new List<ILine> {
    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyClass").Key("Hello").Format("Hello, {0}"),
    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyClass").Key("Hello").Culture("fi").Format("Hei, {0}"),
    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyClass").Key("Hello").Culture("de").Format("Hallo, {0}")
IAsset asset = new StringAsset().Add(lines).Load();
ILineRoot root = new LineRoot(asset, new CulturePolicy());
ILine line = root.Type("MyClass").Key("Hello");
Console.WriteLine(line.Value("Corellia Melody"));


Loggers can be appended to ILine for debugging purposes.

ILine root = LineRoot.Global.Logger(Console.Out, LineStatusSeverity.Ok);
ILine line = root.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
Console.WriteLine(line.Value("Corellia Melody"));


Different string formats, such as C#'s String.Format, are supported. IStringFormat is an abstraction to string formats.

ILine line1a = LineRoot.Global.Key("Cats").Format("{0} cat(s)");
IString string1 = CSharpFormat.Default.Parse("{0} cat(s)");
ILine line1b = LineRoot.Global.Key("Cats").String(string1);

ILine line2a = LineRoot.Global.Key("Ok").Text("{in braces}");
IString string2 = TextFormat.Default.Parse("{in braces}");
ILine line2b = LineRoot.Global.Key("Ok").String(string2);

Culture Policy

ICulturePolicy determines which culture to apply.

ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentThreadUICulture();
ILine root = new LineRoot(null, culturePolicy: culturePolicy);

Resolving string

ILine.ResolveString() returns more information about the string resolve process than ILine.ToString().

LineString resolved_string = line.Value("Corellia Melody").ResolveString();

String Localizer

StringLocalizerRoot.Global is same root as LineRoot.Global with the difference, that parts derived from it implement IStringLocalizer and IStringLocalizerFactory.

ILine line = StringLocalizerRoot.Global.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
IStringLocalizer localizer = line.AsStringLocalizer();
IStringLocalizerFactory localizerFactory = line.AsStringLocalizerFactory();

New StringLocalizerRoot can also be constructed.

ILineRoot root = new StringLocalizerRoot(null, new CulturePolicy());
ILine line = root.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
IStringLocalizer localizer = line.AsStringLocalizer();
IStringLocalizerFactory localizerFactory = line.AsStringLocalizerFactory();

IStringLocalizer reference can be adapted from regular LineRoot as well, but causes an additional heap object to be instantiated.

ILine line = LineRoot.Global.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
IStringLocalizer localizer = line.AsStringLocalizer();
IStringLocalizerFactory localizerFactory = line.AsStringLocalizerFactory();

Example Class

Keys can be placed in static references if the singleton LineRoot.Global is used.

public class MyClass
    /// <summary>
    /// Localization root for this class.
    /// </summary>
    static ILine localization = LineRoot.Global.Assembly("MyLibrary").Type<MyClass>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Localization key "Ok" with a default string, and couple of inlined strings for two cultures.
    /// </summary>
    static ILine ok = localization.Key("Success")
            .sv("Det funkar");

    /// <summary>
    /// Localization key "Error" with a default string, and couple of inlined ones for two cultures.
    /// </summary>
    static ILine error = localization.Key("Error")
            .Format("Error (Code=0x{0:X8})")
            .fi("Virhe (Koodi=0x{0:X8})")
            .sv("Sönder (Kod=0x{0:X8})");

    public void DoOk()

    public void DoError()
    public void DoExample()
        string msg = "";
        Console.WriteLine(localization.Key("Msg").Formulate($"You received a message: \"{msg}\""));
