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1. Description

pTopW, the Windows version of pTop, is developed under .net framework 4. To run this program you operating system must be Windows 7 or a later version because many system events that we used to build the energy model are only supported by these new platforms. Windows XP is not supported.

pTopW relies on system events to estimate the energy consumption of each device and each process. The energy models we build include several fundmental parameters, which includes the power of the devices in each state. The user could modify these parameters based on their own platform to get more accurate result.

These parameters are defined in the configuration file ptopw.conf

Through this file, the user could also setup the parameters, such as the sampling period, of the program.

2. Configuration file.

All the configuration information of pTopW is saved in the file ptopw.conf. The use should change the parameters that we used to build the energy model if you want to get more accurate result.

a) CPU energy model

The CPU energy model requires three parameters:

  • ALPHA 0.6
  • MaxCPUPower 24.5 #Watts, the maximum power of CPU
  • MinCPUPower 3.8 #Watts, the minimum power of CPU

The maximum CPU power is the average power we required when we ran several several benchmarks that stress the processor. Through setup alpha the user could fine tune the accuracy.

b) Memory energy model

The memory energy model requires four parameters:

  • MemReadPower 2.016 #Watts, the power of memory during read operations
  • MemWritePower 2.016 #Watts, the power of memory may be different during read and write operations
  • MemIdlePower 1.20 #Watts, the power of memory may be different during read and write operations
  • MemReadSpeed 1015 #MB/s
  • MemWriteSpeed 1332
  • MemCopySpeed 1440

The first three parameters are the power of memory when it is in read, write and idle state. The last three parameters shows the speed of the memory when the memory is process different operations. The user could get these three parameters by running a software called MaxxMEM.

c) Disk energy model

The disk energy model requires three parameters:

  • DiskReadPower 2.78 #Watts, the power of disk during read operations
  • DiskWritePower 2.19 #Watts, the power of disk during write operations
  • DiskIdlePower 1.43 #Watts, the power of the disk when it is idle

These three parameters are required when the disk is processing different operations.

d) The energy model of wireless network card

The energy model of wireless network card requires four parameters:

  • WirelessTransmitPower 2.268 #Watts, the power of wireless network card when transmit signal
  • WirelessReceivePower 2.289 #Watts, the power of wireless network card when receive signal
  • WirelessNICIdlePower 0.4249 #Watts, the idle power of wireless network card
  • WNICIndex 0 #the index of wireless network interface

The parameter WNICIndex is the index of wireless network card in the iptables. The user can also select the wireless network card after run pTopW.

3. Build the source code

If the user want to build the source code, they must copy two files, MyDll.dll and ptopw.conf to the output folder of the ptow subproject.

  • pTopW used the functions supplied "MyDll.dll" to read iptables.

4. User Interfaces

pTopW supplied two kinds of user interfaces, performance counter and APIs. We write the dynamic energy information into performance counters. The user could read the performance counters that under the category "wsu_ptopw", which defines four counters that related with the power of each component and the total power. In each of these five performance counters, there are a group of instances that shows the power of each process. The name of the instance follows the format:

{process id}_{process name}.

Except the performance counter, the user could also acquire the energy information through the functions that we defined in the subproject ptopwdll. The user need to build this subproject and copy the output file ptopwdll.dll into their working directory.

5. Log

If the user only want to use the energy information to do some analyzation, they can also setup the configuration to make pTopW print the energy and power information. The following is the three parameters:

  • DataRecordMode (default 1)

      1. Only save the final energy result.
      1. Also save intermediate result.
  • SaveResult (default 0)

    • 0 : do not save the result info files
    • 1 : save the collected data into files
  • FileName (default ResultLog.txt) #file name that save the result, only useful when SaveResult = 1

Thanks for your interest to our work, if you have any problem during the use of pTop you can mail to!


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