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Provide a way to redirect URLs when the original resource is no longer available.

  • if a URL matches an Umbraco page, it's not redirected
  • if a URL matches an *.aspx file on disk, it's not redirected
  • if a URL is too long for HostingEnvironment.MapPath to handle, it's not redirected
  • if a page is missing but a matching redirect is found, the redirect is executed
  • querystrings on URLs are preserved when redirecting, unless the new URL already has a querystring
  • if a page is missing and no matching redirect is found, it falls through to standard IIS/ASP.NET behaviour for 404 responses

Errors are reported to Exceptionless.

Use 404 pages to implement redirects

To implement redirects using this project add code to a custom error page for 404 responses to check for redirects before returning a 404 response. See the documentation for Escc.EastSussexGovUK for an example of how to configure a 404 page that checks for redirects.

ASP.NET Core applications

You will need to inject and use a redirect matcher and redirect handlers before updating the response headers. This requires the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics package to be installed.


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.Configure<RedirectSettings>(options => configuration.GetSection("Escc.Redirects").Bind(options));
    services.TryAddSingleton<INotFoundRequestPathResolver, NotFoundRequestPathResolver>();
    services.TryAddSingleton<IRedirectMatcher, SqlServerRedirectMatcher>();
    services.TryAddSingleton<IConvertToAbsoluteUrlHandler, ConvertToAbsoluteUrlHandler>();
    services.TryAddSingleton<IPreserveQueryStringHandler, PreserveQueryStringHandler>();

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)


public class HttpStatusController : Controller
    private readonly INotFoundRequestPathResolver _notFoundRequestPathResolver;
    private readonly IRedirectMatcher _redirectMatcher;
    private readonly IConvertToAbsoluteUrlHandler _convertToAbsoluteUrlHandler;
    private readonly IPreserveQueryStringHandler _preserveQueryStringHandler;

    public HttpStatusController(INotFoundRequestPathResolver notFoundRequestPathResolver, IRedirectMatcher redirectMatcher, IConvertToAbsoluteUrlHandler convertToAbsoluteUrlHandler, IPreserveQueryStringHandler preserveQueryStringHandler)
        _notFoundRequestPathResolver = notFoundRequestPathResolver;
        _redirectMatcher = redirectMatcher;
        _convertToAbsoluteUrlHandler = convertToAbsoluteUrlHandler;
        _preserveQueryStringHandler = preserveQueryStringHandler;

    [ResponseCache(Duration = 0, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Status404()
        var requestFeature = HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpRequestFeature>();
        var absoluteRequestedUrl = new Uri(new Uri(Request.GetDisplayUrl()), new Uri(requestFeature.RawTarget, UriKind.Relative));
        absoluteRequestedUrl = _notFoundRequestPathResolver?.NormaliseRequestedPath(absoluteRequestedUrl);

        var redirect = _redirectMatcher?.MatchRedirect(absoluteRequestedUrl);
        if (redirect != null)
            redirect = _convertToAbsoluteUrlHandler?.HandleRedirect(redirect);
            redirect = _preserveQueryStringHandler?.HandleRedirect(redirect);
            Response.Headers.Add("Location", redirect.DestinationUrl.ToString());
            return new StatusCodeResult(redirect.StatusCode);

		// No redirect matched - return a 404 view here
		return View();

ASP.NET applications running the .NET Framework

You will need to use handlers that update the HTTP response when a redirect is matched. For projects targeting .NET Framework, these are provided in the Escc.Redirects.Handlers project.


using Escc.Redirects;
using Escc.Redirects.Handlers;


public async Task<ActionResult> NotFound()
    var requestedPath = new NotFoundRequestPathResolver().NormaliseRequestedPath(Request.Url);

    var matchers = new IRedirectMatcher[] { new SqlServerRedirectMatcher(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RedirectsReader"].ConnectionString) };
    var handlers = new IRedirectHandler[] { new ConvertToAbsoluteUrlHandler(), new PreserveQueryStringHandler(), new DebugInfoHandler(), new GoToUrlHandler() };

    foreach (var matcher in matchers)
        var redirect = matcher.MatchRedirect(requestedUrl);
        if (redirect != null)
            foreach (var handler in handlers)
                redirect = handler.HandleRedirect(redirect);
            return null;

    return View();

Managing redirects in SQL Server

To use the default SqlServerRedirectMatcher you need to create a database using the script in SqlServer.sql and configure the connection string.

For .NET Core in (for development) secrets.json:

  "Escc.Redirects": {
    "ConnectionString": "xxx"

For .NET Framework in web.config:

	    <add name="RedirectsReader" connectionString="xxx" />

An example 301 redirect in SQL Server from /page1.aspx to /page2.aspx:

INSERT INTO Redirect (Pattern, Destination, Type, Comment) VALUES ('page1.aspx', '/page2.aspx', 2, 'Example')

Redirecting static files

To redirect requests for a file extension which is not ordinarily processed by ASP.NET you need to add a handler in web.config. For IIS6 or IIS7+ in Classic mode:

      <add path="*.htm" verb="*" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory" validate="true" />

For IIS7+ in Integrated mode:

    <compilation targetFramework="4.0">
        <add extension=".htm" type="System.Web.Compilation.PageBuildProvider" />
      <add name="PageHandlerFactory-Integrated-htm" path="*.htm" verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" preCondition="integratedMode" />


Provide a way to redirect URLs when the original resource is no longer available.







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