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Extracts Heroes of the Storm game data into XML and JSON format


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Heroes Data Parser

Build Status Release NuGet

Heroes Data Parser is a .NET Core command line tool that extracts Heroes of the Storm game data into XML and JSON files. Extracts hero data along with all abilities, talents, and their respective portraits and icons.

Also extracts the following:

  • Units (includes images)
  • Match Awards (includes images)
  • Hero Skins
  • Mounts
  • Banners
  • Sprays (includes images)
  • Announcers (includes images)
  • Voice Lines (includes images)
  • Portraits
  • Emoticons (includes images)
  • Emoticon Packs
  • Veterancy data

Visit the wiki for some more information and examples of XML and JSON output.


Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 SP1 (x64) and later
  • Linux (x64)
  • macOS 10.12 (x64) and later versions

Dotnet Global Tool (Recommended)

Download and install the .NET Core 2.2 SDK or newer.

Once installed, run the following command:

dotnet tool install --global HeroesDataParser

Installing via this method also allows easy updating to future versions using the following command:

dotnet tool update --global HeroesDataParser

Zip File Download - Framework-Dependent Deployment

Download and install the .NET Core 2.2 Runtime or SDK or newer.

Download and extract the latest HeroesDataParser.* file from the releases page.

Zip File Download - Framework-Dependent Executable

Download and install the .NET Core 2.2 Runtime or SDK or newer.

Download and extract the latest HeroesDataParser.*-fde-<OS> file from the releases page for a selected operating system.

Zip File Download - Self-Contained Deployment

No runtime or SDK is required.

Download and extract the latest HeroesDataParser.*-scd-<OS> file from the releases page for a selected operating system.

This zip file contains everything that is needed to run the dotnet core app without .NET Core being installed, so the zip file is quite large.


If installed as a Dotnet Global Tool, the app can be run with one of the following commands:

dotnet heroes-data -h
dotnet-heroes-data -h

If installed as a Framework-Dependent Deployment, run the following command from the extracted directory:

dotnet heroesdata.dll -h

If installed as a Framework-Dependent Executable or Self-Contained Deployment, run one of the following commands from the extracted directory:

./heroesdata -h
dotnet heroesdata.dll -h

Output of the -h option

Heroes Data Parser (VERSION)

Usage:  [arguments] [options] [command]

  storage-path  The 'Heroes of the Storm' directory or an already extracted 'mods' directory.

  -?|-h|--help                      Show help information
  -v|--version                      Show version information
  -o|--output-directory <FILEPATH>  Sets the output directory.
  -d|--description <VALUE>          Sets the description output type (0 - 6) - Default: 0.
  -e|--extract-data <VALUE>         Extracts data files - Default: herodata.
  -i|--extract-images <VALUE>       Extracts image files, only available using the Heroes of the Storm game directory.
  -l|--localization <LOCALE>        Sets the gamestring localization(s) - Default: enUS.
  -b|--build <NUMBER>               Sets the override build file(s).
  -t|--threads <NUMBER>             Limits the maximum amount of threads to use.
  --xml                             Creates xml output.
  --json                            Creates json output.
  --file-split                      Splits the XML and JSON file(s) into multiple files.
  --localized-text                  Extracts localized gamestrings from the XML and JSON file(s) into a text file.
  --minify                          Creates .min file(s) along with current output file(s).
  --warnings                        Displays all validation warnings.

  extract        Extracts all required files from the `Heroes of the Storm` directory.
  image          Performs image processing.
  list           Displays .txt, .xml, and .json files in the local directory.
  quick-compare  Compares two directory contents or files and displays a list of changed files.
  read           Reads a .txt, .xml, or .json file and displays its contents on screen.
  v4-convert     Converts a pre-4.0 heroesdata json or xml file to the version 4 format.

Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Example command to create xml and json files from the Heroes of the Storm directory. Since no -o|--output-directory option is set, it defaults to the local directory.

dotnet heroesdata.dll 'D:\Heroes of the Storm' -e hero

Note: When using command prompt on windows, use double quotes instead of single quote when specifying filepaths.

Validation Warnings

All the warnings do not need to be fixed, they are shown for awareness.
Tooltip strings that fail to parse will show up as (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [Failed to parse] in the xml or json files.
Warnings can be shown to the console using the option --warnings.
Ignored warnings are in verifyignore.txt.
Ignored warnings only work for a majority of english strings.


Storage Path

There are two types of paths that can be provided for this argument. One is the Heroes of the Storm directory and the other is an already extracted mods directory.

If this option is not provided, it will look for the Heroes of the Storm files in the local directory or an extracted mods directory.

The extract command is available to use to extract the mods directory and all required files.

The mods directory can also have a build suffix in its name. More info.


Output Directory (-o|--output-directory)

If this option is not provided, it will default to the install directory under the directory output.

Description (-d|--description)

Sets the description/tooltip output type (0 - 6).

  • Default is 0 and is the recommended choice as it can be parsed to suit multiple verbiage
  • 5 is the other recommended choice, as it is the ingame verbiage

Some of these may require parsing for a readable output. Visit the wiki page for parsing tips.

0 - RawDescription (Default)
The raw output of the description. Contains the color tags <c val=\"#TooltipNumbers\"></c>, scaling data ~~x~~, and newlines <n/>.


Fires a laser that deals <c val=\"#TooltipNumbers\">200~~0.04~~</c> damage.<n/>Does not affect minions.

1 - PlainText
Plain text without any color tags, scaling info, or newlines. Newlines are replaced with a double space.


Fires a laser that deals 200 damage.  Does not affect minions.

2 - PlainTextWithNewlines
Same as PlainText but contains newlines.


Fires a laser that deals 200 damage.<n/>Does not affect minions.

3 - PlainTextWithScaling
Same as PlainText but contains the scaling info (+x% per level).


Fires a laser that deals 200 (+4% per level) damage.  Does not affect minions.

4 - PlainTextWithScalingWithNewlines
Same as PlainTextWithScaling but contains the newlines.


Fires a laser that deals 200 (+4% per level) damage.<n/>Does not affect minions.

5 - ColoredText
Contains the color tags and newlines. When parsed, this is what appears ingame for tooltips.


Fires a laser that deals <c val=\"#TooltipNumbers\">200</c> damage.<n/>Does not affect minions.

6 - ColoredTextWithScaling
Same as ColoredText but contains the scaling info.


Fires a laser that deals <c val=\"#TooltipNumbers\">200 (+4% per level)</c> damage.<n/>Does not affect minions.

Extract Data (-e|--extract-data)

Extracts the data files. Multiple are allowed. Default is herodata.

Extracts to <OUTPUT-DIRECTORY>/<json and/or xml>.

all - extracts all data files
herodata - extracts hero data
units - extracts unit data
matchawards - extracts match awards
heroskins - extracts hero skins
banners - extracts banners
sprays - extracts sprays
announcers - extracts announcers
voicelines - extracts voicelines
portraits - extracts portraits
emoticons - extracts emojis
emoticonpacks - extracts the emoji packs
veterancy - extracts veterancy data

Example seleting multiple data extractions.

-e herodata -e sprays -e emoticons

Extract Images (-i|--extract-images)

Extracts the images that were referenced in the xml or json file(s) from the -e|--extract-data option. Multiple are allowed.

Extracts to <OUTPUT-DIRECTORY>/images/<image-type>

all - extracts all images files
heroportraits - extracts hero portrait images
abilities - extracts ability icons
talents - extracts talent icons
abilitytalents - extracts both ability and talent icons into the same directory (overrides abilities and talents choices)
units - extracts unit icons
matchawards - extracts match award icons
sprays - extracts spray images
announcers - extracts announcer images
voicelines - extracts voiceline images
emoticons - extracts emoji icons

all-split - sets all options except for abilityTalents
herodata - sets heroportraits, abilitytalents
herodata-split - sets heroportraits, abilities, talents


  • Static image files are extracted in .png format
  • Animated image files are extracted in .gif format
    • Sprays and emoticons are the only ones with animated images
  • Due to the quality limitations of gifs, the texture files used for the creation of the gifs are also extracted in .png format
    • Information about creating animations can be found in the wiki

Example selecting multiple image extractions.

-i abilities -i talents -i sprays

Localization (-l|--localization)

Sets the game string localization (descriptions/tooltips) parsing. Multiple are allowed, default is enUS.

all - selects all locales
enUS - English (Default)
deDE - German
esES - Spanish (EU)
esMX - Spanish (AL)
frFR - French
itIT - Italian
koKR - Korean
plPL - Polish
ptBR - Portuguese
ruRU - Russian
zhCN - Chinese
zhTW - Chinese (TW)

Example selecting multiple locales.

-l enus -l dede -l kokr

Localized Text (--localized-text)

Strings that are localized are removed from the XML and JSON file(s) and are instead put into a text file to allow easy swapping between localizations. The file(s) are sorted alphabetically and each line can be read in as a key-value pair (split on =).

The gamestring text file(s) are located at <OUTPUT-DIRECTORY>/gamestrings/.

Both heroes and units use the units/... prefix string.

The format of the strings in the text file are the following:

  • abiltalent/cooldown/[nameId|buttonId]=[value]
  • abiltalent/energy/[nameId|buttonId]=[value]
  • abiltalent/full/[nameId|buttonId]=[value]
  • abiltalent/life/[nameId|buttonId]=[value]
  • abiltalent/name/[nameId|buttonId]=[value]
  • abiltalent/short/[nameId|buttonId]=[value]
  • announcer/name/[Id]=[value]
  • announcer/description/[Id]=[value]
  • announcer/sortname/[Id]=[value]
  • award/name/[Id]=[value]
  • award/description/[Id]=[value]
  • banner/name/[Id]=[value]
  • banner/description/[Id]=[value]
  • banner/sortname/[Id]=[value]
  • emoticon/alias/[Id]=[value]
  • emoticon/description/[Id]=[value]
  • emoticon/name/[Id]=[value]
  • emoticon/searchtext/[Id]=[value]
  • emoticonpack/description/[Id]=[value]
  • emoticonpack/name/[Id]=[value]
  • emoticonpack/sortname/[Id]=[value]
  • heroskin/info/[Id]=[value]
  • heroskin/name/[Id]=[value]
  • heroskin/searchtext/[Id]=[value]
  • heroskin/sortname/[Id]=[value]
  • mount/info/[Id]=[value]
  • mount/name/[Id]=[value]
  • mount/searchtext/[Id]=[value]
  • mount/sortname/[Id]=[value]
  • portrait/name/[Id]=[value]
  • portrait/sortname/[Id]=[value]
  • spray/description/[Id]=[value]
  • spray/name/[Id]=[value]
  • spray/searchtext/[Id]=[value]
  • spray/sortname/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/damagetype/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/description/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/difficulty/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/energytype/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/expandedrole/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/lifetype/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/name/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/role/[Id]=[value] (comma delimited if more than 1 role)
  • unit/searchtext/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/shieldtype/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/title/[Id]=[value]
  • unit/type/[Id]=[value]
  • voiceline/description/[Id]=[value]
  • voiceline/name/[Id]=[value]
  • voiceline/sortname/[Id]=[value]



Usage:  extract [arguments] [options]

  storage-path  The 'Heroes of the Storm' directory

  -?|-h|--help                      Show help information
  -o|--output-directory <FILEPATH>  Sets the output directory.
  --xml-merge                       Extracts the xml files as one file, excludes the map files.
  --textures                        Includes extracting all textures (.dds).

Extracts all required files from the Heroes of the Storm directory which can be used for the storage-path argument.

If the -o|--output-directory is not set, the local directory will be used.

A mods directory will always be created as the base directory.

Example command that will extract all required files including the textures.

extract 'D:\Games\Heroes of the Storm' --textures


Usage:  image [arguments] [options]

  file-name  The filename, file path, or directory containing the images to process.

  -?|-h|--help                      Show help information
  --width <VALUE>                   Sets the new width.
  --height <VALUE>                  Sets the new height.
  --png-compress                    Sets an png image bit depth to 8 bits
  -o|--output-directory <FILEPATH>  Sets the output directory.

Performs image processing (.png, .jpg, or .gif) to a single file or multiple files in a directory.

By default, if the -o|--output-directory option is not set the new processed images will be saved in the local directory, overriding the existing image.

Example commands. First command compresses a single image. Second command resizes all images in the .\Images subdirectory and saves them in the .\Images\New subdirectory.

image storm_ui_icon_abathur_spawnlocust.png --png-compress
image '.\Images' -o '.\Images\New' --width 64 --length 64


Usage:  list [options]

  -?|-h|--help         Show help information
  -f|--files           Displays all files.
  -d|--directories     Displays all directories.
  -s| --set-directory  Sets a relative directory to display

Displays .txt, .xml, and .json in the local directory. Use the option -s|--set-directory to view subdirectories.

Example command that displays all files and directories.

list -f -d


Usage:  quick-compare [arguments] [options]

  first-file-path   First directory or file path
  second-file-path  Second directory or file path

  -?|-h|--help  Show help information

Determines if the .json or .xml file(s) are the same or have been modified. The files must contain an underscore character _.

Example command

quick-compare '.\12345_file.json' '.\12345_file2.json'


Usage:  read [arguments] [options]

  file-name  The filename or relative file path to read and display on the console. Must be a .txt, .xml, or .json file.

  -?|-h|--help  Show help information

Reads a .txt, .xml, or .json file and displays its contents on screen.

Example command that reads and displays the parserhelper.xml file.

read .\parserhelper.xml


Usage:  v4-convert [arguments] [options]

  file-path  The filepath of the file or directory to convert

  -?|-h|--help            Show help information
  -o|--output <FILEPATH>  Output directory to save the converted files to.

Converts a pre-version 4 hero-data xml or json into the version 4 format. This does not add any data. It simply modifies the shortname, CHeroId, and CUnitId.

Example command

v4-convert '.\hero-data.xml'

Advanced Features

Mods suffix directory

The mods directory may have a _<build number> suffix in its name. The build number determines the overrides file(s) to load. If the overrides file does not exist and the build number is greater than the highest overrides file then it will load the default overrides file otherwise it will load next lowest overrides file.


directory to load: mods_13500

hero overrides files:
hero-overrides_13000.xml <--- will be loaded

directory to load: mods_14100

hero overrides files:
hero-overrides.xml <--- will be loaded

Multi-mods directory

There can be multiple mods directories with the suffix _<build number> in the same directory. If the selected parent directory is the storage path, the highest build number suffix diretory will be parsed.

For example, with this directory:


Setting modFolders as the storage path will have the mods_22388 directory parsed.

CASC DataOverrides loading

When using a Heroes of the Storm directory, it will load the equivalent overrides file(s) based on the build version, just like in the mods suffix directory.

The override files are for manually modifying the data after parsing the game data.


To build and compile the code, it is recommended to use the latest version of Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio Code.

Another option is to use the dotnet CLI tools from the .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

The main project is HeroesData.csproj and the main entry point is Program.cs.

Both the CASCLib.csproj and Heroes.Models.csproj projects are submodules. Any code changes should be commited to those respective repositories.


MIT license


Extracts Heroes of the Storm game data into XML and JSON format







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  • C# 100.0%