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Avanti Platform - Sample Third Party Order Integration Service (Push)

A example service for integration orders via push model. It has an public endpoint (secured with basic authentication) for sending orders to which are send to the generic order service.

This service is an example of being a integration service, complying to the model of the external party system and then reconstruct it to the internal model which is used by the generic order service. Also has an example for a background processing job for sending orders to the order service.


  • Windows / Linux / MacOS
  • .NET 5 Runtime
  • PostgreSQL 12 or higher


dotnet restore

For local development, some settings have to be set before the service can function. These settings are set using environment variables. To start, copy the .env.example to .env and alter the file for your needs. Without this step, the service will probably not work!

Starting the service

The service needs a datastore to store it's data. For local development, use a local PostgreSQL instance. Recommended to use the Docker version:

docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Passw0rd -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:12

It could also need a Azure Storage Account to store blobs and event support (if the service implements it). There is an open-source emulator available which can be started with:

docker run -d -p 10000:10000 -p 10001:10001

The service can be started after PostgreSQL and Azurite are running and the '.env' is available. Start the service:

dotnet run -p ./src/Avanti.Service.OrderService/

Starting a localhost cluster

Start the first service as described above (will start on port 2552 as default, see avanti-service.yaml). Open a second terminal and set the following:

export Main__HttpPort=5001
export Main__ClusterPort=2553
export AkkaSettings__ClusterDiscoveryResolver=EnvironmentVariables
export EnvVarsAkkaClusterSettings__ClusterSeeds=localhost:2552

Then start the service as above.

Starting a cluster outside Kubernetes on multiple hosts

On each host, start the service using the following settings:

export AkkaSettings__ClusterDiscoveryResolver=EnvironmentVariables
export EnvVarsAkkaClusterSettings__UseHostIpAsPublic=true
export EnvVarsAkkaClusterSettings__ClusterSeeds=<OtherIP>:2552

Then start the service as above.


dotnet test ./test/OrderServiceTests/


This service has Swagger integration for querying available endpoints. The Swagger UI is available on /swagger of the HTTP port (5000) for the service.


Example Third Party Order Integration Service






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