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Mnubo's SmartObjects platform .NET client

Build status NuGet


This is a .NET implementation of the API documentation.


Use class ClientFactory to get a client instance for SmartObjects. Then, use the appropriate method to instantiate an owner, object, or event API instance for ingestion and Restitution for searching.

Use classes Owner, SmartObject, and Event to build the entities.

This SDK supports both synchronous and asynchronous (non-blocking) calls. As seen in examples below, for async calls, we pass the entity instance to be updated by the callback function.

Client token authentication is supported. User token authentication is not supported yet.


  • SDK requires .NET 4.5.1 or higher.
  • SDK has been built using nuget.

Installation & Configuration

Include the mnubo client in your .NET application using Nuget (Coming Soon).



# you need to install mono & nuget
# to install packages
nuget restore smartobjects-net-client.sln
# to run tests
nuget install NUnit.Runners -Version 3.5.0 -OutputDirectory testrunner
xbuild /p:Configuration=Release smartobjects-net-client.sln
mono ./testrunner/NUnit.ConsoleRunner.*/tools/nunit3-console.exe ./smartobjects-net-client-test/bin/Release/Mnubo.SmartObjects.Client.Test.dll

Download source code

Download the source code and include it in your .NET Application project.


To get a client instance use the ClientFactory  Class.

    ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig.Builder() {
        Environment = Environments.Sandbox,
        ConsumerKey = "theConsumerKey",
        ConsumerSecret = "theConsumerSecret"

    var client = ClientFactory.Create(config);

By default, all requests are compressed using gzip, this can be disabled by setting the CompressionEnabled of the configuration to false.

Working with owners

You can use the client.Owners synchronous methods:

    Owner owner1 = new Owner.Builder() {
        Username = "theUsername1",
        Password = "thePassword"

    Owner owner2 = new Owner.Builder() {
        Username = "theUsername2",
        Password = "thePassword"

    //Create an owner

    //Create or update(if already created) a batch of objects
    IEnumerable<Result> results = client.Owners.CreateUpdate(new List<Owner>(){ owner1, owner2 });
    for(Results result in results)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ResourceId={0} Result={1} Message={2}",

    //Update owner attributes
     Owner ownerAttributes = new Owner.Builder() {
        Attributes = new Dictionary<string,object>()
            "name", "value"
    client.Owners.Update(ownerAttributes, "username");

    //Delete an owner

    //Claim an object
    client.Owners.Claim("theUserName", "theDeviceId");

    //Claim an object while overriding some properties
    client.Owners.Claim("theUserName", "theDeviceId", new Dictionary<string, object>()
            "x_timestamp", "2017-04-26T07:38:36+00:00"

    //Batch claim objects with or without overriding some properties
    client.Owners.BatchClaim(new List<ClaimOrUnclaim> () {
        new ClaimOrUnclaim("theUserName", "theDeviceId", new Dictionary<string, object>() {
                "x_timestamp", "2017-04-26T07:38:36+00:00"
        new ClaimOrUnclaim("theUserName2", "theDeviceId2")

    //Unclaim an object
    client.Owners.Unclaim("theUserName", "theDeviceId");

    //Unclaim an object while overriding some properties
    client.Owners.Unclaim("theUserName", "theDeviceId", new Dictionary<string, object>()
            "x_timestamp", "2017-04-26T07:38:36+00:00"

    //Batch unclaim objects with or without overriding some properties
    client.Owners.BatchUnclaim(new List<ClaimOrUnclaim> () {
        new ClaimOrUnclaim("theUserName", "theDeviceId", new Dictionary<string, object>() {
                "x_timestamp", "2017-04-26T07:38:36+00:00"
        new ClaimOrUnclaim("theUserName2", "theDeviceId2")

    //Check if an owner is provisioned
    bool doesExists = client.Owners.OwnerExists("theUsername");

    //Check if a batch of owners are provisioned
    IDictionary<string, bool> existResults = client.Owners.OwnersExist(new List<string>() { "theUsernameA", "theUsernameB" });

Or you can use the client.Owners asynchronous methods:

    Owner owner1 = new Owner.Builder() {
        Username = "theUsername1",
        Password = "thePassword"

    Owner owner2 = new Owner.Builder() {
        Username = "theUsername2",
        Password = "thePassword"

    //Create an owner
    Task task = client.Owners.CreateAsync(owner);

    //Create or update(if already created) a batch of objects
    Task<IEnumerable<Result>> results = client.Owners.CreateUpdateAsync(new List<Owner>(){ owner1, owner2 });
    for(Results result in results.Result)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ResourceId={0} Result={1} Message={2}",

    //Update owner attributes
     Owner ownerAttributes = new Owner.Builder() {
        Attributes = new Dictionary<string,object>()
            "name", "value"
    Task task = client.Owners.UpdateAsync(ownerAttributes, "username");

    //Delete an owner
    Task task = client.Owners.DeleteAsync("theUsername");

    //Claim an object
    Task task = client.Owners.ClaimAsync("theUserName", "theDeviceId");

    //Claim an object while overriding some properties
    Task task = client.Owners.ClaimAsync("theUserName", "theDeviceId", new Dictionary<string, object>()
            "x_timestamp", "2017-04-26T07:38:36+00:00"

    //Batch claim objects with or without overriding some properties
    Task<Result> task = client.Owners.BatchClaimAsync(new List<ClaimOrUnclaim> () {
        new ClaimOrUnclaim("theUserName", "theDeviceId", new Dictionary<string, object>() {
                "x_timestamp", "2017-04-26T07:38:36+00:00"
        new ClaimOrUnclaim("theUserName2", "theDeviceId2")

    //Unclaim an object
    Task task = client.Owners.UnclaimAsync("theUserName", "theDeviceId");

    //Unclaim an object while overriding some properties
    Task task = client.Owners.UnclaimAsync("theUserName", "theDeviceId", new Dictionary<string, object>()
            "x_timestamp", "2017-04-26T07:38:36+00:00"

    //Batch unclaim objects with or without overriding some properties
    Task<Result> task = client.Owners.BatchUnclaimAsync(new List<ClaimOrUnclaim> () {
        new ClaimOrUnclaim("theUserName", "theDeviceId", new Dictionary<string, object>() {
                "x_timestamp", "2017-04-26T07:38:36+00:00"
        new ClaimOrUnclaim("theUserName2", "theDeviceId2")

    //Check if an owner is provisioned
    Task<bool> doesExists = client.Owners.OwnerExistsAsync("theUsername");

    //Check if a batch of owners are provisioned
    Task<IDictionary<string, bool>> existResults = client.Owners.OwnersExistAsync(new List<string>() { "theUsernameA", "theUsernameB" });

Working with objects

You can use the client.Objects synchronous methods:

    SmartObject smartObject1 = new SmartObject.Builder() {
        DeviceId = "theDeviceId1",
        ObjectType = "theObjectType"

    SmartObject smartObject2 = new SmartObject.Builder() {
        DeviceId = "theDeviceId2",
        ObjectType = "theObjectType"

    //Create a single object

    //Create or update(if already created) a batch of objects
    IEnumerable<Result> results = client.Objects.CreateUpdate(new List<SmartObject>(){ smartObject1, smartObject2 });
    for(Results result in results)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ResourceId={0} Result={1} Message={2}",

    //Update object attributes
     SmartObject objectAttributes = new SmartObject.Builder() {
        Attributes = new Dictionary<string,object>()
            "name", "value"
    client.Objects.Update(ownerAttributes, "deviceId");

    //Check if an object is provisioned
    bool doesExists = client.Objects.ObjectExists("theDeviceId");

    //Check if a batch of object is provisioned
    IDictionary<string, bool> existResults = client.Objects.ObjectsExist(new List<string>() { "theDeviceIdA", "theDeviceIdB" });

Or you can use the client.Objects asynchronous methods:

    SmartObject smartObject1 = new SmartObject.Builder() {
        DeviceId = "theDeviceId1",
        ObjectType = "theObjectType"

    SmartObject smartObject2 = new SmartObject.Builder() {
        DeviceId = "theDeviceId2",
        ObjectType = "theObjectType"

    //Create a single object
    Task task = client.Objects.CreateAsync(smartObject1);

    //Create or update(if already created) a batch of objects
    Task<IEnumerable<Result>> results = client.Objects.CreateUpdateAsync(new List<SmartObject>(){ smartObject1, smartObject2 });
    for(Results result in results.Result)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ResourceId={0} Result={1} Message={2}",

    //Update object attributes
     SmartObject objectAttributes = new SmartObject.Builder() {
        Attributes = new Dictionary<string,object>()
            "name", "value"
    Task task = client.Objects.UpdateAsync(ownerAttributes, "deviceId");

    //Check if an object is provisioned
    Task<bool> doesExists = client.Objects.ObjectExistsAsync("theDeviceId");

    //Check if a batch of object is provisioned
    Task<IDictionary<string, bool>> existResults = client.Objects.ObjectsExistAsync(new List<string>() { "theDeviceIdA", "theDeviceIdB" });

Working with events

You can use the client.Events synchronous methods:

    Event event1 = new Event.Builder() {
        EventType = "theEventType",
        DeviceId = "aDeviceId",
        Timeseries = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
            {"pressure", 1026.92}

    Event event2 = new Event.Builder() {
        EventType = "theEventType",
        DeviceId = "anOtherDeviceId",
        Timeseries = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
            {"pressure", 1013.36}

    //Scan results to get individual result of event
    IEnumerable<EventResult> results = client.Events.Send(new List<Event>() { event1, event2 });
    for(EventResult result in results)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("id={0} objectExists={1} result={2} message={3}",

    //Check if an event ID exists
    bool doesExists = client.Events.EventExists(Guid.Parse("83250b2e-28b0-4d9f-82cd-d7bad2230d4b"));

    //Check if a batch of event IDs exists
    IDictionary<string, bool> existResults = client.Events.EventsExist(new List<guid>() { Guid.Parse("0254f4df-30e3-47eb-bb67-48df1c91430a"), Guid.Parse("fcc3b165-45a6-42f9-80dd-dce27e753dea") });

Or you can use the client.Events asynchronous methods:

    Event event1 = new Event.Builder() {
        EventType = "theEventType",
        DeviceId = "aDeviceId",
        Timeseries = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
            {"pressure", 1026.92}

    Event event2 = new Event.Builder() {
        EventType = "theEventType",
        DeviceId = "anOtherDeviceId",
        Timeseries = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
            {"pressure", 1013.36}

    //Scan results to get individual result of event
    Task<IEnumerable<EventResult>> results = client.Events.Send(new List<Event>() { event1, event2 });
    for(EventResult result in results.Result)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("id={0} objectExists={1} result={2} message={3}",

    //Check if an event ID exists
    Task<bool> doesExists = client.Events.EventExists(Guid.Parse("83250b2e-28b0-4d9f-82cd-d7bad2230d4b"));

    //Check if a batch of event IDs exists
    Task<IDictionary<string, bool>> existResults = client.Events.EventsExist(new List<guid>() { Guid.Parse("0254f4df-30e3-47eb-bb67-48df1c91430a"), Guid.Parse("fcc3b165-45a6-42f9-80dd-dce27e753dea") });

Working with Restitution (Searches)

You can use the client.Restitution synchronous methods:

    //To get all Datasets associated to the Namespace:
    List<DataSet> datasets = client.Restitution.GetDataSets();

    //Perform a search with the search API:
    string query = "{\"from\":\"owner\",\"select\":[{\"value\":\"username\"},{\"value\":\"x_registration_date\"}],\"where\":{\"username\":{\"EQ\":\"USERNAME TO SEARCH\"}}}";
    ResultSet result = client.Restitution.Search(query);

Or you can use the client.Restitution asynchronous methods:

    //To get all Datasets associated to the Namespace:
    Task<List<DataSet>> datasets = client.Restitution.GetDataSetsAsync();

    //Perform a search with the search API:
    string query = "{\"from\":\"owner\",\"select\":[{\"value\":\"username\"},{\"value\":\"x_registration_date\"}],\"where\":{\"username\":{\"EQ\":\"USERNAME TO SEARCH\"}}}";
    Task<ResultSet> result = client.Restitution.SearchAsync(query);

Please take a look in the documentation of Mnubo to get more detail about how to use the Search API.

Working with the model

You can use the client.Model synchronous or asynchronous methods:

    Model model = client.Model.Export();

    Task<Model> modelAsync = client.Model.ExportAsync();

More information available here:



mnubo documentation

Microsoft .NET


mnubo SmartObjects .NET/C# client







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