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#Waffle Build status

A CQRS framework flipping system.

This command processor aims to implement the command pattern in an extensible way.


  • Command validation, based on DataAnnotations and IValidatableObject
  • Command handling, with children handlers possiblity
  • Fully configurable dependency scope management (default implementation with Unity)
  • Asynchronous execution
  • Handler filtering to wrap generic behaviour
  • Transactionnal execution possibilities
  • Events messaging possibilities
  • Event sourcing (default implementation with MongoDB)
  • Retry capability with policy configuration


    // The send email command
    public class SendEmailCommand : ICommand
        public string From { get; set; }

        public string To { get; set; }

        public string Subject { get; set; }

        public string Body { get; set; }

    // The sent email event
    public class EmailSent : IEvent
        public EmailSent(string from, string to, string subject)
            this.From = from;
            this.To = to;
            this.Subject = subject;

        public string From { get; set; }

        public string To { get; set; }

        public string Subject { get; set; }

    // Command without return value
    var command = new SendEmailCommand
      From = "",
      To = "",
      Subject = "Hello !",
      Body = "Hello World !"
    // processor should be a singleton for better performance
    using (CommandProcessor processor = new MessageProcessor())
      // The processor will find the handler and delegates to it the action
      await processor.ProcessAsync(command);

    public class EmailSender : MessageHandler, 
        public Task HandleAsync(SendEmailCommand command)
            // Email sending logic here.

            // Sent an event to indicate that the email was sent.
            EmailSent emailSent = new EmailSent(command.From, command.To, command.Subject);
            return this.CommandContext.Request.Processor.PublishAsync(orderCreated);


Command & Events messages processing system






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