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Aspose.HTML Converter

Aspose.HTML Converter is built with Aspose.HTML Cloud. Please, follow to Aspose.Cloud to get free API keys

Aspose.HTML Converter is a back-end API for editor extensions:

To run/debug app on local machine, please add Aspose.Cloud credential:

  • in Visual Studio 2017/2019 use "Manage User Secrets" and add the following section

    "AsposeCloud": {
      "ApiKey": "<put api key here>",
      "AppSid": "<put app sid here>",
      "BasePath": ""
  • in Visual Studio Code (or others editors) use terminal

    • dotnet user-secrets init
    • dotnet user-secrets set "AsposeCloud:ApiKey" "<put api key here>"
    • dotnet user-secrets set "AsposeCloud:AppSid" "<put app sid here>"
    • dotnet user-secrets set "AsposeCloud:BasePath" ""


In order to make changes in the repository, you need to:

  1. Create a branch with the proposed changes whose name matches the feature/* pattern.
  2. Create a pull request for this branch. It will be automatically assigned to a suitable reviewer.
  3. Once the request is approved, it can be merged.


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