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Acce API

What is Acce API?

Acce API is a simple library that provides a lot of classes to accelerate API building.

How do I get started?

First download the package in you project using this command:

dotnet add package acce-api

Then you can create your repositories using RepositoryBase<>, services using ServiceBase<> and controllers using BaseController.

Building respositories

1. Repository entity (record) definition

The entity must be inherited from Acce.Repositories.RecordBase and defines a Table attribute at class definition, a Key attribute at primary key property defintion. All columns must have a propery with the same name and type.

public class CustomerRecord : RecordBase
    public long CustomerId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }        

2. Repository interface definition

The interface must be inherited from Acce.Repositories.IRepository where T must be inherited from RecordBase.

public interface ICustomersRepository : IRepository<CustomerRecord>

That interface request to implement some methods that Acce.Repositories.RepositoryBase had already implemented:

  • SearchById
  • SearchByCriteria
  • SearchAll
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete

3. Repository definition

The repository must be inherited from Acce.Repositories.RepositoryBase where T must be inherited from RecordBase.

public class CustomersRepository : RepositoryBase<CustomerRecord>, ICustomersRepository

Because of Acce.Repositories.RepositoryBase inheritance, some methods are available to be used:

  • SearchById: get a specific item based in the id (primary key)
  • SearchByCriteria: get items using dynamic value as filter
  • SearchAll: get items
  • Insert: inserts a new item and returns the new id
  • Update: updates an item based in the id (primary key) and returns if the updation was completed
  • Delete: deletes an item based in the id (primary key) and returns if the deletion was completed

Building services

1. Domain entity definition

The entity must be inherited from Acce.Domain.EntityBase that already have a Id property.

public class Customer : EntityBase
    public string Name { get; set; }

2. Service interface definition

The interface must be inherited from Acce.Domain.IService where T must be inherited from EntityBase.

public interface ICustomersService : IService<Customer>

That interface request to implement some methods that Acce.Domain.ServiceBase had already implemented:

  • SearchById
  • SearchByCriteria
  • SearchAll
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete

3. Service definition

The repository must be inherited from Acce.Domain.ServiceBase where T must be inherited from EntityBase.

public class CustomersService : ServiceBase<Customer, CustomerRecord, ICustomersRepository>, ICustomersService
    public CustomersService(ICustomersRepository repository, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IMapper mapper) : base(repository, unitOfWork, mapper) 

Because of Acce.Repositories.ServiceBase inheritance, some methods are available to be used:

  • SearchById: get a specific item based in the id (primary key), mapping the result from repository entity (RecordBase) to domain entity (EntityBase)
  • SearchByCriteria: get items using dynamic value as filter, mapping the results from repository entity (RecordBase) to domain entity (EntityBase)
  • SearchAll: get items, mapping the results from repository entity (RecordBase) to domain entity (EntityBase)
  • Insert: inserts a new item, mapped from domain entity (EntityBase) to repository entity (RecordBase) after run Validation, and returns the new id
  • Update: updates an item, mapped from domain entity (EntityBase) to repository entity (RecordBase) based in the id (primary key) after run Validation. Throws ItemNotFoundException if the item was not found
  • Delete: deletes an item based in the id (primary key) and returns if the deletion was completed. Throws ItemNotFoundException if the item was not found

4. Mapping entities definition

Acce uses Automapper to defines mapping between EntityBase and RecordBase types.

internal static class CustomersMapper
    public static void Config(IMapperConfigurationExpression config)
        config.CreateMap<CustomerRecord, Customer>()
            .ForMember(domain => domain.Id, conf => conf.MapFrom(record => record.CustomerId));

        config.CreateMap<Customer, CustomerRecord>()
            .ForMember(record => record.CustomerId, conf => conf.MapFrom(domain => domain.Id));

Building API

1. API Setup definition

Startup.ConfigurationServices method must define the injection to repositories, services, Acce* types and Database connection. Also Automapper configuration.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddControllers(config => {

    services.AddScoped<IDbConnection>(_ => GetConnection());

    //put here injection to repositories and services

    var mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(config => {


private SqlConnection GetConnection() {
    var connection = new SqlConnection();
    //define here the connection string
    connection.ConnectionString = "";

    return connection;

2. Controller definition

The controller must be inherited from Acce.Controller.BaseController, that have a method to ExecuteProcess that catch some Exceptions.

public class CustomersController : BaseController
    private readonly ICustomersService service;
    private readonly IMapper mapper;

    public CustomersController(ICustomersService service, IMapper mapper)
        this.service = service;
        this.mapper = mapper;

    [HttpGet, Route("")]
    public ActionResult GetAll() 
        Func<dynamic> process = () => { return service.SearchAll(); };

        return ExecuteProcess(process);

    [HttpPost, Route("")]
    public ActionResult Add([FromBody] CustomerDTO customer)
        Func<long> process = () => { return service.Insert(mapper.Map<Customer>(customer)); };

        return ExecuteProcess(process);

    [HttpPut, Route("{id}")]
    public ActionResult Update(long id, [FromBody] CustomerDTO customer)
        Action process = () => { service.Update(mapper.Map<Customer>(customer, opt => opt.AfterMap((_, entity) => ((EntityBase)entity).Id = id))); };

        return ExecuteProcess(process);

    [HttpDelete, Route("{id}")]
    public ActionResult Delete(long id)
        Action process = () => { service.Delete(id); };

        return ExecuteProcess(process);

    [HttpGet, Route("{id}")]
    public ActionResult Get(long id) 
        Func<dynamic> process = () => { return service.SearchById(id); };

        return ExecuteProcess(process);


Bootstrapping to start a new API






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