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The Base URL of the Auth Server is /auth. The Base URL of the API Gateway is /api-gateway

See the files in the respective Services for additional information on routing


Generating the Migrations

To generate the migrations, two helper scripts are in each service. DeleteMigrations.ps1 and GenerateMigrations.ps1. These scripts are within the /Scripts folder of every Service

Two more helper Scripts are at the root solution /Scripts folder DeleteAllMigrations.ps1 and GenerateAllMigrations.ps1. These will go through every Microservice listed within them and call their individual Migration Scripts.

These are Powershell scripts. To use them on Windows, one may need to change the execution policy. On MacOS and Linux, use Powershell Core.


The following services require a secretappsettings.json configuration file in its root. Each of these directories have a file committed called secretappsettings.example.json which has an example configuration for that service.

Each service also contains their own containing more information

  • AuthServer
  • ProfileService
  • MetadataService

Pulling the GakkoFront Submodule

To pull the GakkoFront Submodule, run the following Git Command

cd GakkoFront
git submodule update --recursive --remote


Installing Docker

GakkoServices supports both Legacy and Modern Docker installations. On Windows, this means:

  • Windows 10 Home Edition: Docker Toolbox (Legacy)
  • Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise Installations: Docker For Windows

Installation guide for Docker can be found here:

Starting up Docker

From the root GakkoServices directory, run the following commands depending on your scenario

To rebuild all images and start everything:

docker-compose up --build

To rebuild a specific image based on its name in the docker-compose.yml file:

docker-compose build IMAGE_NAME

To startup the Docker Containers using the previous built containers

docker-compose up

For much more detail on the Docker setup, see the comments in the docker-compose.yml file.

Creating a Microservice

To create a Microservice, follow the located wthin GakkoServices.Microservices.ExampleTemplateService

Updating the GraphQL Schema

To create a Microservice, follow the located wthin GakkoServices.APIGateway