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Savonia measurements system V3 (SAMI)

Solution structure:


  • a class library containing all functionality with database communication


  • Asp.Net MVC 5 project for measurements management


  • a class library for all model classes used in SAMI


  • MeasurementService.svc WCF service for production


  • Service to import data automatically from measurement providers
    • More information about measurerService can be found from its project root at Readme.txt)

Production install instructions: Create two (2) applications in IIS - one for manager app (Savonia.Measurements.Manager) - and one for the service (Savonia.Measurements.Services) and place these apps in different app pools.

Configure the app pools to use a windows account that has read/write access to measurements database.

It is recommended to use Microsoft SQL server (minimum MSSQL 2008).

Configure Web.configs/App.configs atleast in Manager, Services, (Providers.MeasurerService projects and Providers.WCFRepository). Change the values of following keys:

In Manager, Services and Providers.MeasurerService:

KeyDefaultSalt = Salt which is used in hashing. (should be same in every project) KeyEncryptionKey = Key that is used in encryption. (should be same in every project) +

In Manager:

ServiceV3BaseUrl = Url of the Services project (Project Url + MeasurementsService.svc [Example:]) CsvFilePath = Filepath of temporary csv-files that client generates (app pool user must run on a account that has modify permission to this folder) JsonFilePath = Filepath of temporary JSON-files that client generates (app pool user must run on a account that has modify permission to this folder) AdminUsers = Determines the admin users on Manager that has permission to manage section of the app. Users must be existing windows users on the domain! [Example: value="Domain\adminUser1,Domain\adminUser2"] ExceptionMailsRecipients = Determines the mails where the exceptions will be send. [Example: value=","]

In Providers.MeasurerService

More information about Savonia.Measurements.Providers.MeasurerServices configurations you can find from projects root (Readme.txt)!

In Providers.WCFRepository

Change the client endpoint address to correspond your domain address to MeasurementsService.svc [Example:]

NOTE: OPCUAPlugin project requires 3th-party dlls to compile! [Check OPCUAPlugin Readme.txt] PilotMeasurementPlugin requires 3th-party dlls to compile! [Check PilotMeasurementPlugin Readme.txt]

Note 2: It is recommended to encrypt web.configs on deployment.

Change log:


  • GitHub publish


  • add more logging options, maybe use Enterprise Library
  • better path management for plugins (ie. if plugin tries to read a file with no path it should automatically read from the same folder where the plugin was loaded)
    • the plugin folder should be the default working directory for plugins
  • GetMeasurements: some king of paging for large data retrieval???
  • json date value parsing must be better! (this is propably done!)
  • Solutions should start using Forms authentication (or mixed forms/windows)
    • login helper, (ajaxscript redirection on success) could be erased
    • authentication would be more centered and easier to manage
    • could also be used in WCF??
  • (developer should be uptodate when ASP.NET implements good way of cancelling requests)
  • add logic to only select sensors(tag)/datum(tag) that are related to measurements(object)


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