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Project Arrhythmia Prefab Toolkit

A library for modifying and creating Project Arrhythmia prefabs.


This library is finished, but it most likely bugs.

If you encounter any bugs/mistakes or you have a feature request, please open an issue.

If you want to implement a feature, feel free to open a pull request.

Installing the library (VS 2019)

  1. Right click your project in the Solution explorer
  2. Click "Manage NuGet packages"
  3. Search "PAPrefabToolkit" and select the first result
  4. Click "Install"

Using the library

Creating a prefab

It is recommended to use the constructor that takes in a string name and a PrefabType type.

Prefab myPrefab = new Prefab("Hello Prefab Toolkit!", PrefabType.Misc1);

Creating an object

To create an object, call prefab.CreateObject(name);. This returns an object which can be modified.

Prefab myPrefab = new Prefab("Hello Prefab Toolkit!", PrefabType.Misc1);
PrefabObject myObject = myPrefab.CreateObject("Hello Prefab Object!");

Modifying the object

Setting the object's name

myObject.Name = "Hello world!";

Toggling position/scale/rotation parenting

myObject.PositionParenting = true;
myObject.ScaleParenting = false;
myObject.RotationParenting = true;

Similarly for parent offset

myObject.PositionParentOffset = true;
myObject.ScaleParentOffset = false;
myObject.RotationParentOffset = true;

Changing render depth

myObject.RenderDepth = 5;

Changing object type

myObject.ObjectType = PrefabObjectType.Helper;

Changing object shape

myObject.Shape = PrefabObjectShape.Circle;

Changing object sub-shape

myObject.ShapeOption = (int)PrefabCircleOption.HalfHollow;

Changing object text

myObject.Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; // Note: This will be ignored unless your object shape is Text.

Changing object auto kill type

myObject.AutoKillType = PrefabObjectAutoKillType.Fixed;

Changing object auto kill offset

myObject.AutoKillOffset = 5.0f;

Changing object origin

myObject.Origin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

Changing editor locked/collapsed state and/or bin/layer

myObject.EditorLocked = false;
myObject.EditorCollapse = true;
myObject.EditorBin = 1;
myObject.EditorLayer = 0;

Animating the object

There are four lists of different keyframe types inside the object. Each list is empty initially. You can add keyframes to those list to animate them. Note that there should be at least one keyframe per list when finished.

myObject.PositionKeyframes.Add(new PositionKeyframe());
myObject.ScaleKeyframes.Add(new ScaleKeyframe() { Value = Vector2.One });
myObject.RotationKeyframes.Add(new RotationKeyframe() { Value = 0.0f });
myObject.ColorKeyframes.Add(new ColorKeyframe() { Value = 0 });

Building the prefab

You can either get a JSON object representing the prefab or export it to a file. Note that if the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

JSONNode json = prefab.ToJson();

Build flags

Build flags are certain flags that modify the behavior of the prefab builder.

There are current three build flags - SortObjects, SortKeyframes and AbsoluteRotation.

SortObjects sorts your objects in the prefab by start time in ascending order.

SortKeyframes sorts your keyframes in the prefab by time in ascending order.

AbsoluteRotation converts your rotation keyframes from absolute rotation to relative rotation on build.

PrefabBuildFlags flags = PrefabBuildFlags.SortKeyframes | PrefabBuildFlags.AbsoluteRotation;
prefab.ExportToFile("my_new_prefab.lsp",  flags);
JSONNode json = prefab.ToJson(flags);

Example program

Procedural bomb generator

using System;
using System.Numerics;

namespace Example
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new prefab
            Prefab prefab = new Prefab("Procedural Bomb", PrefabType.Bombs);

            // Create a new parent object
            PrefabObject baseObj = prefab.CreateObject("Bomb Base");
            baseObj.ObjectType = PrefabObjectType.Empty;

            baseObj.PositionKeyframes.Add(new PositionKeyframe());
            baseObj.ScaleKeyframes.Add(new ScaleKeyframe() { Value = Vector2.One });
            baseObj.RotationKeyframes.Add(new RotationKeyframe() { Value = 0.0f });
            baseObj.ColorKeyframes.Add(new ColorKeyframe() { Value = 0 });

            // Create bullets
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                Vector2 v = new Vector2(MathF.Cos(i / 4.0f * MathF.PI), MathF.Sin(i / 4.0f * MathF.PI));

                PrefabObject bullet = prefab.CreateObject("Bullet");
                bullet.EditorBin = 1;
                bullet.Shape = PrefabObjectShape.Circle;


                bullet.PositionKeyframes.Add(new PositionKeyframe() { Time = 0.0f, Value = Vector2.Zero });
                bullet.PositionKeyframes.Add(new PositionKeyframe() { Time = 10.0f, Value = v * 60.0f });

                bullet.ScaleKeyframes.Add(new ScaleKeyframe() { Time = 0.0f, Value = Vector2.One });
                bullet.RotationKeyframes.Add(new RotationKeyframe() { Time = 0.0f, Value = 0.0f });
                bullet.ColorKeyframes.Add(new ColorKeyframe() { Time = 0.0f, Value = 0 });

            // Export to file


A library for modifying and creating Project Arrhythmia prefabs.







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