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See acceptance tests results from various applications in one dashboard

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This project is for viewing test results for any test framework that can access HTTP. It is particularly suited for tests using Selenium, WebDriver or Puppeteer.

First, you deploy this project to a server on the company intranet either on Windows or Linux using Apache.

Then in the Before hook you call the dashboard with a http GET to indicating the current test name and that it is pending.

In the After hook you call the dashboard again to indicate pass or fail.

Optionally you can upload test artefacts like screenshots, DOM or anything you want. Then when you view the test result you'll see the screenshots and links to the other files uploaded for the test scenario.

Requires Python 3.6 or higher, tested with Python 3.6.5 and 3.7.2.

Some screenshots with the included test data

Latest results view

Alt text

All test results for a single run

In this example, some tests have not yet completed. There is no need to wait until all the tests have finished before seeing some results. Alt text

Test result for one scenario

If you uploaded a screenshot or two here, and maybe the HTML DOM, then you will see that also. Alt text



The paths given below are relative to the {SITE_ROOT} location.

For the Django development server, {SITE_ROOT} is

If you have deployed this to Apache, then the {SITE_ROOT} might be like http://dash.mycompany/dash/

Log a test result


Parameter Example Value
test_name ApplyAsNewUser
app_name Apply
test_passed False
run_name Apply_Core_J9ZJK
run_server TeamCity
message Stack+Trace+...

Best practice is to generate a unique run_name every time the tests are kicked off. All test results for that run will be grouped by that run_name.

Upload a file for a test result






    test_name: 'ApplyAsNewUser',
    app_name: 'Apply',
    run_name: 'JZ2K9',
    name: 'FinalState.jpg',
    desc: 'Screen shot when error occurred',
    document: file,

Response fragment

    <h2>File logged ok</h2>
    <p>name: FinalState.jpg</p>
    <p>File desc: Screen shot when error occurred</p>
    <p>Artefact url: /results/get_file/?test_name=ApplyAsNewUser&app_name=Apply&run_name=JZ2K9&name=FinalState.jpg</p>

Download file



The files uploaded for a test result will be automatically visible on the individual test result details.

View all runs for an app


View results for a run


View latest results


View latest results for a run server


View a single test result id


Any files logged will be visible here.

Delete a single test result id



Any associated files will be removed from the file system also.

Keep the newest runs for an app, others will be deleted



Any associated files will be removed from the file system also.

Delete all the runs except for the most recent per app



Any associated files will be removed from the file system also.

Linux Apache Deployment

Needs at least Python 3.6. See for details on building Python from source.

First install required system packages as root:

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get --yes install python3-pip
sudo apt-get --yes install python3-venv
sudo apt --yes install gnome-terminal
sudo apt --yes install apache2
sudo apt --yes install apache2-dev

Now create a Python 3 virtual environment and activate it:

cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir venvs
sudo chmod 777 venvs
cd venvs
python3 -m venv dash
cd dash
source bin/activate

Now that the virtual environment is active, any python and pip commands will refer to Python 3, and not Python 2. Prove this:

python --version

Install the necessary packages for test-results-dashboard as a normal user, not as root:

pip install Django
pip install mod_wsgi
pip install requests

If you are plagued by SSL errors, then you need to build Python 3 manually to sort it out. Check here for how to do this: When you've got Python 3 working with shared libraries, cd /usr/local/venvs then rm -r dash go back to the python3 -m venv dash step and continue from there.

Create a folder for test-results-dashboard and clone the project:

cd /var/www
sudo mkdir dash
sudo chmod 777 dash
cd dash
sudo git clone

Set permissions so the Apache user can access the project:

cd /var/www/dash/test-results-dashboard
sudo chmod 777 dash
sudo chmod 777 dash/results

Initialise the database (or recreate it):

cd dev
sudo chmod 666 /var/www/dash/test-results-dashboard/dash/db.sqlite3
sudo rm -r /var/www/dash/test-results-dashboard/dash/artefacts
mkdir /var/www/dash/test-results-dashboard/dash/artefacts
sudo chmod 777 /var/www/dash/test-results-dashboard/dash/artefacts

Start the development server


Load some test data

cd /var/www/dash/test-results-dashboard/dash/artefacts
sudo find . -type f -exec chmod a+rw {} \;
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod a+rw {} \;

Check that the dashboard seems to be working at http://localhost:8811/results/

Now close the Django development server (new gnome-terminal tab or window created).

Then back in the original terminal shell that has the (dash) Python 3 environment activated:

cd /var/www/dash/test-results-dashboard
mod_wsgi-express module-config | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/wsgi.conf
sudo cp /var/www/dash/test-results-dashboard/dash/all-qarj-projects-linux.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
sudo rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Verify with url: http://localhost/dash/results


sudo cat /etc/apache2/envvars
sudo cat /var/log/apache2/error.log

Optional - deactivate the virtual environment from your shell:


Windows Apache Deployment

These instructions require 32-bit (not 64 bit!) Python minimum version 3.6.x.

mkdir c:\git
cd /D c:/git
git clone
pip install Django
pip install requests

Install Apache

From Apache Lounge download Win32 zip file - not 64 bit, then extract so C:\Apache24\bin folder is available.

From Admin terminal (port 80 will need to be free for this to work)

C:\Apache24\bin\httpd -k install
C:\Apache24\bin\httpd -k start

Install mod_wsgi-express

Follow instructions exactly, and do not mix 32 and 64 bit!

Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 build tools are required, you install them from the Visual Studio Build Tools 2019

  • - choose install "Tools for Visual Studio 2019"
  • Run the installer, click Visual C++ build tools (top left option) then the check box and MSVC v140 - VS 2015 C++ build tools (v14.00) on the right hand side
  • You might need to reboot

rc.exe must be in the system path

  • add C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x86 to the path

Press Windows Key, type VS2015 right click VS2015 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt then select Run as administrator

  • Note: On my Windows 7 machine I had to select Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 (2)

If Apache is not installed at a common location, then specify it


Finally it is possible to install mod_wsgi

pip install mod_wsgi

Configure Django to use Apache

copy C:\git\test-results-dashboard\dash\all-qarj-projects-windows.conf C:\Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf
start notepad++ C:\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf

Now uncomment the line Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf, then save.

Optional - for localhost testing, add this line to httpd.conf to prevent warnings

ServerName localhost

Keep the file open, there is another change to make.


mod_wsgi-express module-config

then copy the output to httpd.conf after the final #LoadModule statement

Now save & close the file.

Restart the Apache server

C:\Apache24\bin\httpd -k restart

Note 1 - the output from mod_wsgi-express module-config will look a bit like

LoadFile "c:/python36/python36.dll"
LoadModule wsgi_module "c:/python36/lib/site-packages/mod_wsgi/server/mod_wsgi.cp36-win32.pyd"
WSGIPythonHome "c:/python36"

Note 2 - if not running on port 80, then C:\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf will need to be changed to specify the port.

<VirtualHost *:8747>

Create a dashboard and load some test data

Initialise the database (or recreate it):

cd C:/git/test-results-dashboard/dev

Start the development server


Load some test data


Check that the dashboard seems to be working with the development server http://localhost:8811/results/

Verify Apache deployment with url: http://localhost/dash/results


start notepad++ /Apache24/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
start notepad++ /Apache24/logs/error.log
start notepad++ /Apache24/logs/access.log

Development Environment Setup - Windows

This info is only need for further project development.

Start the Django development server

cd dash
python runserver

Run the test-results-dashboard Django unit tests

cd dash
python test results

The server does not need to be running for the unit tests.

Django reference


See acceptance tests results from various applications in one dashboard






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