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Initium Portal

This is part of Project Initium, a collection of opiated starter templates aimed at bootstrapping .net core development.

A .net core authenticated web app with opinionated domain with CQRS, Entity Framework and Dapper.

Build status


Setting up a good authentication flow for .net core sites shouldn't be hard and with the build it providers it isn't. But those providers only really provide the basics and once you want to start modifying the flow to a more domain centric approach you will really start to struggle. That is where this project steps in. Not only does it provide a strongly domain oriented approach to authentication and user creation with multifactor authentication, but a basic frame for a portal too.

Getting Started

This project is designed to follow the F5 Manifesto, it will run for the most part out of the box but some prerequisites are still needed.


  • Node, for building the front end
  • .net core 3.1
  • Visual Studio 2019 with SSDT
  • SQL Server, although there is a compose file supplied that will create a SQL Server


  1. If you can I recommend using the included compose file to set up a SQL server as this will run a an instance with all the passwords set for quick running. For this open a shell at the root of the repository and run docker-compose up -d
  2. The front end is generated using webpack, so install the components with the regular npm install and build with npm run dev:build from the web project directory. There is also a watch mode that will monitor for changes in the files set out in the webpack config. This can be executed with the following npm run dev:watch.
  3. The database is controlled by a database project and can by deployed via Visual Studio with SSDT.

Technical Overview

It is an DotNet Core 3.1 web app constructed in razor pages.

The is a strong domain implemented via the CQRS pattern with the help for MediatR. The domain uses a aggregate root pattern and data mutation is carefully controlled. Data is provided to the system via EF Core

Reads for presentation are either done via Dapper and stored procedures or with OData via entity framework that has a read only context. Any stored procedures need to placed in the Portal schema of the database and the OData data needs to come from views in the ReadAggregation schema.

Front end is in the form of TypeScript and Sass with a Webpack task processing these files. This enables the wwwroot folder to never be placed in SCM.


So that sensitive configuration data is not included in source control, no configuration file is committed. To aid with this, a json file can be created called appsettings.[MACHINENAME].json and this will over ride the settings loaded.

It is important that any new configuration variables are added to the template with it's data made blank or generic, so that other developers have a valid configuration to reference.

First Run

Once the database is published, the initial user can be created by navigating to https://localhost:44356/welcome/user-creation and by following the prompts.

As this web app has always on MFA, the MFA code for email based MFA will currently be found in the logs.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details