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Added Features

Un-inverted Camera (horizontal) pan.

ITransformable.Name was renamed to MeshName

Prop Name was addded to SceneEntity as a hierarchy label.


TerrainEntity: SceneEntity

Terrain uses a .tif with an alpha layer embedded

If a terrain exists in the scene, grid based placement is replaced with terrain based placement of objects.

  • Alpha channel is height map
  • RGB channels are texture data
  • Terrain is locked to the custom Terrain Shader
  • Terrain Shader is not selectable by other meshes


Scene graph is represented in a TreeView.

  • Nodes can be drag/drop parented and will move / scale with parents.
  • An Object in the scene can be selected in the tree.
  • Selection root (first selected) in the scene is selected in the TreeView
  • Right click context menu (delete)
  • Deletion of a parent will delete children

Drawing Mode

Drawing Mode can be switched between wireframe and shaded with a dropdown button.

Pivot Mode

Gizmo pivot mode can be selected with a drop down button.

Grid toggle

Grid can be toggled on/off with a toggle button on the toolbar.

Snap toggle

Translate/Scale snapping can be toggled on/off with a toggle button on the toolbar.

Mesh/Terrain Asset import

Meshes (fbx/png) / Terrains (tif) can be imported/deleted with the import box in the bottom right of the editor.

  • Mesh / Terrains can be imported.
  • Mesh / Terrains can be deleted (removes all dependant scene objects)
  • Right click context menu (delete)

Mesh Info

Detailed mesh/meshpart info is currently available in the bottom right for a selected mesh (part of an unfinished feature)

Save / Load

Save load works for custom terrains assets

Models have their root bone scaled by 0.1f and rotations reset (origin rotation should be frozen by a 3D artist pre-import)

Property Grid

Readonly tags were added to non-editable options

SceneEntites implement INotifyPropertyChanged for some properties.


CVG Programming Module - 3D Monogame editor






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