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Base is an application created with ASP.NET MVC together with ASP.NET WEBAPI. Base is an application demonstrating some of the main features that i wish to implement in the Main Application that i am creating, known to me as CURRICULUM (hosted somewhere else). So, this application demonstates use of the following libraries and services: i. Paypal Integration for payments ii. Twilio Intergration for online SMS service iii. Sendgrid integation for emailing service iv. M-Pesa (Lipa na M-Pesa Online integration) for payments also v. ASP.NET Identity system of authentication and authorization with Bearer tokens vi. External Providers authentication (Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Yahoo)

Technical Features: vii. Use of require.js to manage knockout.js viewmodels and post.js to carry the messages between scrips on the client side viii. Device detection so as to provide mobile and desktop views diffrently to ensure consistency. ix. Use MySQL for data storage x. Plus More...


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