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Commands to run Atlas software from a library via SSH to a Linux node


The goals for version 1.0:

  • Send commands to a Linux node, get back the responses
  • Sufficient functionality to download a dataset from from the GRID
  • Be able to copy that dataset locally to a portable

There are, obviously, stretch goals. For everything, see the issues up on github.

What is in here?

I am open to suggestions of other functionality that should be included in this. The below list are things that are currently in the repo, plans (see the issues section) are not included here.

  • A Powershell command, Get-GRIDDataset. Given a dataset, it will download it to a local server (depending on configuration).
  • A library that can be used in another program (like an analysis) that will effect the same result as the Powershell command.

Why Do This?

The driving goal is actually data preservation. As input to an analysis I want to specify a GRID dataset. In order to do that, I need a good way to turn the GRID dataset into a list of files that can be fed to the ROOT program. In short, a list of UNC paths on windows. This library is meant to do that.

One thing I wasn't planning on at first was the Powershell command. That has turned out to be useful because I can, with one line (once passwords, etc., are configured) download a dataset. It is much easier than normal.

How Does It Work?

Because of encryption libraries (I think) no GRID tools work on Windows. This library is thus a horrible kludge in the sense that it uses ssh into a Linux box and runs the commands and looks at the output that comes back. The remote box must be setup in certain ways for this to work. And if the tools change their output format... well, there will have to be patches. :-)


Windows 10:

There is a onetime setup you must do in order to declare the myget feed where these commands are published to one-get:

Register-PSRepository -name "atlas-myget" -source -InstallationPolicy Trusted

That done, you should now be able to locate the module for installation:

find-module PSAtlasDatasetCommands

And if you are happy with the response, install it:

find-module PSAtlasDatasetCommands | Install-Module -scope CurrentUser

You can also run that from an admin console, and leave off the Scope. After it is installed, to get the most recent version, use:

Update-Module PSAtlasDatasetCommands


Make sure the version numbers in the nuspec and psd1 file's track. MAKE SURE TO BUILD IN Release MODE!!!

nuget pack .\PSAtlasDatasetCommands.nuspec
nuget push .\PSAtlasDatasetCommands.XXXX.nupkg -Source

Note that the first command will generate lots of warnings - that is because you are packing up a command, not a library! Obviously, the second line only makes sense if you are pushing to my myget feed. :-)

Building the library

Make sure to build in release mode.

Using powershell, from the AtlasWorkflows directory:

nuget pack -IncludeReferencedProjects -Prop Configuration=Release .\AtlasWorkflows.csproj
nuget push AtlasSSH.XXX.nupkg -Source


Commands to run Atlas software from a library via SSH to a linux node







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