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Polyglata - the Polyglot kata labs

What's this?

An attempt to create more engaging little labs with a twist, and an attempt to implement them in as many languages as we can think of. Why? To learn. As simple as that. Use TDD. Why? Because we're convinced it's the only way to create sustainable software.

This requires us to investigate how unit test frameworks work in non-conventional languages. Yay, more learning!

Languages & Build ecosystems


Uses scons and builds with g++. See 02_wizards C++ README for detailed instructions on how scons works.

Running tests - written with gtest:



Uses Maven 3 and builds with JDK7.

Running tests - written with JUnit 4:

mvn test

Take a look at the simple 01_calculatestring pom.xml to see how the tests are gathered.


Uses nosetest and builds with python 3.3.

Running tests - written with unittest:


Requires nose to be installed with pip: pip install nose. If you don't like this, use the python -m unittest discover command.


Uses Rake and builds with ruby 2.0.0.

Running tests - written with minitest:


The default rake command should be test because of the task :default => :test line in the rakefiles. See 01_calculatestring Ruby Rakefile.


Uses .NET 4.5 and builds with Mono 3.3.0 (MSVSC12 project files).

Running tests - written with NUnit 2.6.3:


This works because there's a build target speficied in the csproj file:

  <Target Name="AfterBuild">
   <Exec Command="nunit-console4 StringCalculator.csproj" />

Running tests separately can be done via nunit-console4 solution.csproj.

Don't forget to target .NET 4 using the 4 suffix, otherwise you end up with LINQ stacktraces etc. xbuild in the mono command prompt builds everything with Mono.

There's an autotest runner checked into the lib folder which works with mono and tracks all files starting from a root directory (you specify as a single argument).

  • Navigate to the root csharp directory you want to test
  • mono ./../../lib/csharpdotnet/AutoTest.NET/AutoTest.Console.exe ./

There's a catch, inside the AutoTest.config file, you have to specify two paths (now hardcoded, add to $PATH to resolve this)

  • <BuildExecutable>C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono-3.2.3\bin\xbuild.bat</BuildExecutable>
  • <NUnitTestRunner>C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono-3.2.3\bin\nunit-console4.bat</NUnitTestRunner>


Uses MSVSC12 & the latest IronPython nuget package, translating into Python 2.7.


Uses grunt and builds with nodejs 1.4.3.

Running tests - written with jasmine:

npm test

or simply grunt if there's a Gruntfile.js specified, otherwise everything you need is inside the package.json file generated from executing npm init. We use jasmine-node as the test command; because of "jasmine-node": "~1.14.2" in the package file. The default grunt command should also be executing the tests. Take a look at the 04_crawler Gruntfile and note grunt.registerTask('default', ['jasmine_node']);.

Requires packages jasmine-node locally installed (use npm init please).

Languages & Sublime Text integration

Let's talk a bit about integration between integration of languages, the build system and Sublime Text 2.


Package control:

  • Sublime-JSLint
  • SublimeREPL (Node in PATH)


CTRL+B triggers JSLint. "use strict;" works but the jasmine watcher will tigger "Exception loading [file]".


The Polyglot Kata labs






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